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Personal life-saving appliances

Standard personal life-saving appliances on board the vessel include life-jackets, immersion/survival suits, thermal protective aids and life-buoys. Life-jackets can be either rigid (made of foamed plastic or cork) or inflatable. When a person wears a life-jacket it helps him (her) to keep afloat while in water. Usually a life-jacket is kept ready for use in a cabin, It takes a trained person about 1 minute to don a life-jacket.

The colour of a standard life-jacket is usually orange or luminous red. Life-jackets are fitted with straps for fixing them to the human body. They also have retro-reflective strips for easier detection of a person in water and are equipped with whistles to give sound signals and with lights working from chemical batteries. Unfortunately, life-jackets do not save people from exposure to cold water.


2. Speak about ship’s construction.


3. Explain the following abbreviations. Commands to the Engine Room.


B.M.E.P., b. m. e. p. E.H.P., e.h.p., eh. i.e. лат. id est; p.s.f. e. g. сal. F.O. lb., lbs SHP, shp T.D.C. ELECTRIC SHOCK TO FIRE EXIT DON'T SMOKE IN THE WORKSHOP ACID FIRE EXIT KEEP CLEAR DON'T TOUCH THE MACHINERY   Малый вперёд. Кормовое подруливающее средний вправо. У нас один гребной винт. Минимальная температура … (название оборудования) на … выше/ниже нормы. Вахту принял.  


4. Answer the questions of your examinators. Talk on


Руководитель цикла __________ И. Н. Шабалин

«_____» __________ 2015 г.


Арктический морской институт имени В. И. Воронина - филиал

ФГБОУ ВО «ГУМРФ имени адмирала С. О. Макарова»

СОГЛАСОВАНО Зам. директора по учебно-методической работе   ___________ Ю. Н. Малышев «_____» __________ 2015 г.   Экзаменационный билет № 6 IV этап Государственной (итоговой) аттестацииИспользование английского языка в письменной и устной форме специальность 180405.51 Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок УТВЕРЖДАЮ Директор Арктического морского института имени В. И. Воронина   ___________ А. Д. Селихов «_____» __________ 2015 г.  

1. Read the text, translate and answer the questions.



1. When it is possible, replace highly combustible materials with less flammable ones.

2. To prevent a fire the following steps should be taken:

a) Inflammable rubbish should be controlled on its way for disposal.

b) Earth testing and inspection of wiring normally out of sight should be performed regularly.

c) Faulty equipment should be taken out of service.

3. Ashtrays or other suitable containers should be provided and used at places where smoking is authorized.

4. Warning notices should be displayed in any part of the ship where smoking is forbidden and these should be obeyed in all circumstances. It is dangerous to smoke in bed.

5. Oily rags should be stowed in airtight metal containers.

6. Clothing should not be placed over space heaters as this may resist the flow of air.


2. Speak about main environmental problems and marine pollution.


3. Explain the following abbreviations. Commands to the Engine Room.


BTU, B. t. u., Btu F., Fahr. I.H.P., i.h.p., ihp psi, p.s.i. I.D. Cal. f.p.m. L.P., l.p. sq. ft. yrd/yd PQISON FIRE ESCAPE DON'T RUN IN THE WORKSHOP EXPLOSION FIRE EXTINGUISHER DON'T PLAY AROUND   Малый назад. Носовое подруливающее стоп. У нас два гребных винта. Минимальная температура … (название оборудования) на … выше/ниже нормы. (В … UTC/с … по … UTC) имела место поломка главного двигателя.


4. Answer the questions of your examinators. Talk on



Руководитель цикла __________ И. Н. Шабалин

«_____» __________ 2015 г.

Арктический морской институт имени В. И. Воронина - филиал

ФГБОУ ВО «ГУМРФ имени адмирала С. О. Макарова»

СОГЛАСОВАНО Зам. директора по учебно-методической работе   ___________ Ю. Н. Малышев «_____» __________ 2015 г.   Экзаменационный билет № 7 IV этап Государственной (итоговой) аттестацииИспользование английского языка в письменной и устной форме специальность 180405.51 Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок УТВЕРЖДАЮ Директор Арктического морского института имени В. И. Воронина   ___________ А. Д. Селихов «_____» __________ 2015 г.  

1. Read the text, translate and answer the questions.



It is important that all those entering an enclosed space wear suitable clothing and that they make use of protective equipment which may be provided on board for their safety. Access ladders and surfaces within the space may be slippery and suitable footwear should be worn. Safety helmets protect against falling objects. Loose clothing, which is likely to catch on obstructions, should be avoided. Additional precautions are necessary where there is a risk of contact with noxious chemicals. Safety harness, belts and lifelines should be worn and used where there is any danger of falling from a height.


Where it is known that the atmosphere in an enclosed space is unsafe, it should only be entered when it is essential or in an emergency. All the safety checks should be carried out before entry and breathing apparatus must be worn.


2. Speak about types of diesel engine. Its main parameters.


3. Explain the following abbreviations. Commands to the Engine Room.


C., C F.H.P., f.h.p., fhp i.m.e.p. Red. M C.C., c.c g. max. s.s.u AC, a.c. ACID FIRE EXIT KEEP CLEAR DON'T TOUCH THE MACHINERY WATCH OUT! FIRE ALARM DON'T BE UNTIDY   Самый малый вперёд. Кормовое подруливающее стоп. У нас одно носовое подруливающее устройство. Текущие обороты главного двигателя - … в минуту. (В … UTC/с … по … UTC) имела место неисправность ….


4. Answer the questions of your examinators. Talk on


Руководитель цикла __________ И. Н. Шабалин

«_____» __________ 2015 г.


Арктический морской институт имени В. И. Воронина - филиал


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