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6. Complete the text with a compound adjective from the list in each gap.

6. Complete the text with a compound adjective from the list in each gap.

freshly prepared    much-reduced home-cooked

so-called        time-saving     far-reaching

traffic-clogged hard-working      home-produced

ready-made    large-scale     locally grown

6. Underline the best word or phrase


What exactly is globalization? a To some extent / Moreover the term means whatever people want it to mean. In economics, the term usually refers to the way the world has become one market, with free exchange or goods and capital, b At least, / However. it is also used to describe cross-cultural contacts c Furthermore / As well as being port of the same economic system, countries in different parts of the world share entertainment, food and d in some respects / owing to. similar attitudes to life, e Above all / Thus, globalization often refers to the way TV and the internet have created a unified wot Id in which information can be exchanged very rapidly. In fact, a 'global economy' is only possible f as a result of/ however modern information technology g Despite / Furthermore, politics has also become 'globalized', creating on operation between countries, h However/ Although, there are many critics of globalization who point out that while business has become global, there are still winners and losers: i consequently / nevertheless, the richer nations grow richer, and the poorer nations grow poorer.

I hey also argue that j above all / as a result of the global power of large corporations and international financial institutions, many countries no longer control their own economics.

7. Choose the best option. A, B, or C, for each gap.

The air and change in the 20th Century

The car can be seen not as a a   machine, but as an agent of social change, hi the USA. b   during the twentieth century, cars c transformed society. First of all more cm's meant more mobility, d   as roads became belter, people could travel further for jobs. Rather than living In the city centre or near factories, people could live In suburbs e         and drive between home and work, f   there were new laws obliging new shops and businesses to provide parking spaces, which foil her encouraged a 'cur-only' society. The g   pace of change was staggering: In 20 years. US roads Increased In length from around 600. 000 km to 1. 6 million km. h   mass production of ears transformed business, making oil and rubber into major industries, increasing demand for steel, and creating new service industries, i   filling stations, molds and insurance, j   , the car represented the American ideal of 'personal freedom’ - before environmental damage and an epidemic of obesity began to force Americans to think again.

a A utter B sheer C mere
b A fur example B such as C that Is
c A literally B namely C merely
d A Apart front B And so forth C In other words
e A in conclusion B instead C alternatively
f A Simply B Secondly C Literally
g A sheer B mere C utter
h A In ii way B Thirdly C Instead
i A examples include B etc C such as
j A In a way B For example C Except for

8. Complete the paragraph with prepositions from the box. There is one preposition you do not need to use.

about  between in  of  on    with

Unfortunately, there seems to be a relationship 1… tourism and environmental

problems. Despite the fact that the increase 2 …the number of people traveling brings economic benefits, there is concern 3… the negative effects that tourism has 4 … the environment. The problem 5 … luxury hotels is that they put huge pressure on scarce water supplies in dry areas.


9. Put one of the following words in each space in the sentences below.

for     in     of    to  from     off     under     by    

1. Many people died_____starvation.

2. There are earthquakes in Japan_____time_____ time.

3. Food supplies are dropped_____people whose homes are cut_____.

4. Rescue teams searched_____injured people.

5. There was a drought_____ten months_____ Central Africa.

6. Many people were trapped_____the rubble of the building which had collapsed.  

7. Medical teams were sent_____the government.


10. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below.

elderly    medical treatment    physically disabled    pension   schooling   

mentally handicapped    eligible out of work    social services     benefits

social workers  welfare    state    retire    subsidized     low incomes


A country which helps its old, sick, disabled and unemployed is called a (a)_____. (b)_____ people receive a state (c)_____ when they (d)_____at the age of 60 or 65. People with (e)_____ who cannot afford to buy or rent decent accommodation are given houses or fiats with (f)_____rents, which means that the government or local council supports the rent to keep it low. Sick people get free (g)_____from their doctor or at the hospital. Mothers of small children get special state financial (h)_____, and of course older children receive free (i)_____. (j)_____ people, who cannot move normally, and (k)_____ people, whose minds are not fully developed, also receive special assistance and, if necessary, special equipment to help them live normal lives. People who are (I)_____are normally (m)_____ to receive unemployment benefit, which is paid by the state. The (n)_____(government departments responsible for people’s wellbeing) will help people who, financially, physically or psychologically, have difficulty in coping with life and (o)_____will visit such people in their homes.



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