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5. Food poisonings by agrochemicals.

5. Food poisonings by agrochemicals.

5. 1 Food poisonings by pesticides.

Pesticides - chemical means of protection plants from wreckers, illnesses and weeds. Without application it is loss 50 % of a crop. Sometimes it is possible accumulation it in products above maximal permissible concentration and development poisonings.

The reasons accumulation of pesticides in products:

а) Application non-authorized preparations (very proof or toxic),

b) Excess the established norms of the charge or frequency rate of processing,

c) Non-observance term of expectation - time between last processing plants and harvesting.

The clinic poisonings depends on group pesticides – chlorine-organic (decrease activity of cytochromoxidaze – enzyme of tissue breath), phosphorus-organic (decrease activity of cholinesterase – accumulation of acetylcholine in organism), carbamates, etc.

Food poisonings by fertilizers.

Fertilizers - substances for increase productivity of plants. Nitrogen fertilizers are most of all applied. Thus in plants can collect nitrates - in organism are restored in nitrites and connect with gaemoglobin in erytrocites – metgaemoglobinaemia – gaemoglobin can not transport oxygen and it is hypoxia. It is especially dangerous to children first 3 months: in stomach it is not present HСl - stop restoration nitrites from nitrates, chidren in this age have fetal gaemoglobin – very sensitive to nitrites, Low activity of enzyme metgaemoglobinreductase in children – makes gaemoglobin free from nitrites

At high levels nitrates in products can created

nitrozo-connections (NC) - cancerogenic effects.


6. Food poisonings by food additives.

       The alimentary additives - not nutritional chemical materials, syntheticaly imported to foodstuff with the purpose enriching of organoleptic properties, conservation products and enriching technological processes preparation nutrition.

More than 5000 chemical substances are now use as food additives - dyes, aromatics, emulgators, preservatives, fluffers etc. Poisonings occur at application non-authorized additives or excess it permissible amount.

Example: using food additives to sausages as paintings - nitrates (at high levels action at the person - see higher).

    For learning alimentary additives and addition it in the list allowed alimentary additives there is the Joint committee experts of FАО/WHO under the alimentary additives.



Е 100 - Е 200 - stains

Е 200 - Е 300 - preservatives

Е 300 - Е 400 - antioxidants, regulators acidity                     

Е 400 - Е 600 - emulgents, stabilizers consistence,

                    materials handicapping conglomeration

Е 600 - Е 900 - amplifiers taste, flavors

Е 900 - Е 1000 - materials enriching quality of a grain and bread

Such alimentary additives are recommended EU for the blanket market, but each country asserts the list of allowed materials.     

On Ukraine the List allowed alimentary additives predicated by the Decision Cabinet of Ministres and the addition into it new alimentary additives is admitted only under the resolution Ministry of Helth of Ukraine.


The food poisonings caused by toxins microscopic mould mushrooms on bakeries (on grain, on flour) at storage in wet conditions. It are characteristic for a countryside - bad conditions of storage a flour, during wars etc. - use any grain. Now it may be in connection with a making of bread in private manufacturers from a unchecked flour.

Ergotism. It is at infection grain by ergot. In food can products toxins – ergotoxine, ergotamine, ergometrine. Cause a spasm of smooth, then - other muscles.

In clinic distinguish 3 forms:

а) Convulsive - paresthesias, dizziness, spasmes, sometimes - gasthroenteritis. Duration 3-6 weeks,

b) Gangrenous (" fire St. Antonio " ) - forming necrotic centers at skin with tearing away the become lifeless sites, strong pains in these sites. In heavy cases - death in 1-2 day - at connection secondary infection (sepsis)

c) Mixed - combination 1 and 2 forms.

      Ergotism it is especially dangerous for pregnant - a spasm smooth muscles of uterus - abortions, premature birth.


Fusarios. A poisoning with " drunk bread". The mould mushroom sort Fusarium graminearum. In clinic - gasthroenteritis and defeat CNS as alcohol intoxication. Endemic

disease on the Far East.

Alimentary-toxic aleukia. Up to 1944 year named - " septic quinsy". Sort Fusarium - develops in the grain, which has wintered under snow. Deep violations of blood-forming, leuko- and trombocytopenia. The main attribute - aleukia (in 1-2 weeks) - sharp decrease leukocytes and erytrocites, increase lymphocites. Heavy necrotic quinsy and a sepsis. Mortality - 50-80 %.

Аflotoxicosis. Sorts Aspergillis. On a peanut and аraxis flour, on a grain, corn, nuts, rice at storage in damp conditions at the increased temperature. Recently was found in Spain red wine. Cause heavy defeat of liver and have cancerogenic effect at a liver – initial cancer of a liver (earlier - basically in Africa and Asia). Now – are often in Crimea and on South Ukraine.



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