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Упражнения для самостоятельной подготовки к семинару.

Seminars on English Stylistics

Основная литература

1. Знаменская, Т.А. Стилистика английского языка. Основы курса = Stylistics of the English language. Fundamentals of the Course: учебное пособие. Изд-е. 5-е – М.: Издательство ЛКИ, 2008. – 224 с. ISBN 978-5-382-00629-1 (30 экз).

2. Шаховский, В.И. Стилистика английского языка = V.I. Shakhovsky. English Stylistics: учебное пособие. – М.: Издательство ЛКИ, 2008. – 232 с. ISBN 978-5-382-00713-7 (15 экз).

Дополнительная литература

1.​ Скребнев, Ю.М. Основы Стилистики английского языка: Учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз.- 2-е изд., испр.- М.: ООО «Издательство АСТ»: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2000. -224 с.

2.​ Ивашкин, М.П. Практикум по стилистике английского языка [учебное пособие]/ М.П. Ивашкин, В.В. Сдобников, А.В. Селяев.-М.: АСТ: Восток-Запад, 2005.- 101 с.

3.​ Мороховский, А.Н. Стилистика английского языка: Учебник для студентов ин-тов и фак.иностр.языков / А.Н.Мороховский, О.П.Воробьева, Н.И. Лихошерст, З.В.Тимошенко.— Киев: Высш.шк., 1991.— 272 с.

4.​ Разинкина, Н.М. Функциональная стилистика: Учебное пособие/ Н.М. Разинкина.- – М.: Высшая школа, 2004. – 271 с.

5.​ Мальцев В.А. Стилистика английского языка: учебное пособие для инст. и фак-тов ин.яз. – 1984.

6.​ Иванова Т.П., Брандес О.П. Стилистическая интерпретация текста: учеб. пособие по англ. языку для студ. ин-тов и фак. ин. яз. – 1991 (8 экз)

7.​ Сошальская Е.Г., Прохорова В.И. Стилистический анализ: учебное пособие. – М.: Высная шк., 1976 (17 экз)

8.​ Иванова, О.А. Самостоятельная работа студентов при изучении дисциплины «Стилистика английского языка»: методические рекомендации / сост. О. А. Иванова. – Орск: Издательство ОГТИ, 2009. – 34с.

9. Арнольд, И.В. Стилистика английского языка (стилистика декодирования): учебное пособие / И.В. Арнольд.— 3-е изд., 1990. (49экз).

10. Гальперин, И.Р. Стилистика английского языка. Учебник./И.Р. Гальперин.- Изд. 2-е, испр. и доп.- М., «Высш. школа», 1977.-332 с. (43 экз).

11. Кухаренко, В.А. Практикум по стилистике английского языка: Учеб. пособие для студентов филол. фак. ун-тов, ин-тов и фак. ин. яз.- М: Высш. шк., 1986.- 144 с. (20 экз).

12. Кухаренко, В.А. Семинары по стилистике английского языка. М., 1971. - (29 экз).

Периодические издания

1. Журнал «Филологические науки»

2. Журнал «Вопросы когнитивной лингвистики»


1. http:// claw.ru/a-humant/99960.htm -- сайт по вопросам стилистики

2. htt p://www.scribd.com/doc/27248139/Kukharenko-a-Book-of-Practice-in-Stylistics-108 - - сайт по вопросам стилистики английского языка

3. http ://tool-kit.ru/lekciy-en/55-base-features-of-stylistics-5-3.html

4. http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/writing/style - сайт по вопросам стилистики


6.http ://www.pulib.sk/elpub2/FF/Ferencik/04.pdf//www.pulib.sk/elpub2/FF/Ferencik/04.pdf

7.http://www.2dix.com/pdf-2010/stylistics-eng lish-literature-pdf.php

8. http://forum.perevodby.ru/s howthread.php?p=17663

9.http://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&source= web&cd=74&ved=0CDIQFjADOEY&url=http://www.uspi.ru/study/infak/docs/SDEV.rtf&rct=j&q=st

10.http://dictionary.sensagent.com/stylistics+(li nguistics)/en-en/

11.http://www.phil.muni.cz/stylistika/studie/contr oversial.htm

12.http://ww w.mantex.co.uk/2009/09/15/english-language-a-glossary-of-terms/

Тема практического занятия Содержание Кол-во часов  
№1 Classification of expressive means. Descriptive tropes 1.Characterize lexical means of expressiveness. Dwell on metaphoric group. Metaphor. Simile. Differentiate between genuine and trite metaphors and similes. 2. Define the extended image. Enumerate the functions of images. Prove your point by giving examples. 3. Speak on personification and apostrophe.  
№2 Classification of expressive means. Descriptive tropes 1. Characterize metonymic group. a) Define metonymic group, speak on its types. b) Speak on the opposition: metonymy:: metaphor. c) Characterize synecdoche. 8. Dwell on mixed group: a) Characterize the epithet. Speak on different types of epithet. Speak on the difference between logical attribute and epithet, on the effect of irradiation. b) Allegory, antonomasia.  
№3 Tropes expressing relations. 1. Analyze tropes based on relations of equality: synonyms, periphrasis, euphemism 2. Speak on tropes based on relations of contrast: irony, antithesis, oxymoron 3. Characterize tropes based on relations of difference: hyperbole, litotes, climax, zeugma and pun  
№4 Syntactical expressive means. 1. Characterize the syntactical stylistic devices based on the unusual arrangement of elements and the interplay of adjoining sentences (phrases): inversion, parallelism, chiasmus. 2. Dwell on the syntactical expressive means based on the peculiarities of connection and connectives: detachment; parcellation; gap–sentence link. 3. Speak on the syntactical structures with some change in their semantic function: rhetorical questions; quasi-negative, quasi-imperative and quasi-interrogative structures  
№5 Syntactical expressive means based on the principle of the least effort and redundancy. 1. Characterize the syntactical stylistic devices based on the principle of the “least effort”: ellipsis; one-member sentences; aposiopesis; asyndeton; apokoinou. 2. Speak on the syntactical stylistic devices based on redundancy: repetition, the functions of repetitions, repetition and pleonasm; syntactic tautology; polysyndeton; parenthesis.  
№6 Stylistic phonetics. 1. Give a general review of phonetical expressive means. 2. Speak on euphony. 3. Present the classification of sound repetitions. 4. Characterize alliteration, its forms and functions. 5. Speak on onomatopoeia, its types and functions; comment on sound symbolism theory. 6. Dwell on assonance and paronomasia. 7. Characterize rhythm: the characteristic features of any rhythm, on the units of poetic and prosaic rhythm; on the factors enhancing the rhythm of prose.  
№7 Graphic Expressive Means and Stylistic Devices Graphical expressive means:a)​ 1. Graphons b)​ 2. Punctuation c)​ 3. Prints and spelling (capitalization, italics, bold type, multiplication, hyphenation.  
№8 Classification of functional styles. Formal styles 1. Supply the definition and give the general classification of functional styles. Explain the notions register, genre, and other language variations. 2. Speak on formal styles (general characterization). 3. Enumerate the distinctive features of scientific style, point out its functions. Explain the differences between the texts of exact and humanitarian sciences. 4. Point out the functions and the distinctive features of business (official) style, account for their choice to convey the functions. Speak on language differences in different substyles of business style. 5. Speak on the peculiarities of a business letter and give examples of different types of business letters. Imitate the style in writing a business letter. 6. Speak on the typical features of poetical style.  
№9 Publicistic and Newspaper styles. 1. Speak on publicistic style – its functions and distinctive features. 2. Define the peculiarities of oratory. 3. Speak on Newspaper style, its substyles and language features.  
№10 Revision of the material. 1. Revision of the material. 2. Test.  


Упражнения для самостоятельной подготовки к семинару.

Упражнение 1. Найдите метафору и определите ее вид.

1. ​ Money burns a hole in the pocket. (T.Cap.)

2. Swan had taught him much. The great kind Swede had taken him under his wing. (E.Fer.)

3. The car stopped. The motor died. The headlights died. Silence. (R.Chan.)

4. The slash of sun on the wall above him slowly knifes down, cuts across his chest, becomes a coin on the floor and vanishes. (J.Upd.)

5. All the time the big Pacific Ocean suffered a sharp pain down below, and tossed about to prove it. May it be from sympathy I was in the same fix. (E.D.Big.)

6. Montemar Vista was a few dozen houses of various sizes and shapes hanging by their teeth and eyebrows to a spur of a mountain. (R.Chan.)

Упражнение 2. Определите оригинальную и стертую метонимию.

1. “It`s a gathering”, said Bill, looking around. “One French detective by window, one English ditto by fireplace … The Stars and Stripes don`t seem to be represented?” (A.Chr.)

2. … it (the picture) was bought by a distinguished collector whose death brought at once more under the hammer. (S.M.)

3. Wherefore feed, and clothe, and save. From the cradle to the grave … (P.B.Sh.)

4. “Well, it`s nice to hear your voice again, old flesh and blood. How`s everything down Market Snodsbury stay?”(P.G.Wodeh.)

Упражнение 3. Определите основные черты характера персонажей по их «говорящим именам».

Joseph Surface, Mr. Snake, Mr. Backbite (R.Sher.), Sir Pitt Crawley (Thack.), Miss Reading (G.Byr.), Senator Noble (M.Tw.), Sir Graball (R.Tres.), Miss Holiday Golightly (T.Cap.), Mr. and Mrs. Young (O.H.).

Упражнение 4. Определите тип эпитета.

1. She was hopefully, sadly, vaguely, madly hoping for something better. (Th.Dr.)

2. She gave Mrs. Silsburn a you-know-how-men-are look. (J.Sal.)

3. Only once did mcMurdo see him, a shy, little, gray-headed rat of a man. (A.C.Doyle)

4. He drank his orange juice in long cold gulps (I.Sh.)

5. Going out into the dark lawn, he smelled chrysanthemums or marigolds – some stubborn autumnal fragrance – on the night air, strong as gas. (J.Ch.)

Упражнение 5. Выявите структуру оксюморона в следующих предложениях.

1. He caught a ride home to the crowded loneliness of the barracks. (I.Shaw)

2. The little girl who had done this was eleven – beautifully ugly as little girls are apt to be who are destined after a few years to be inexpressibly lovely. (Sc.Fit.)

3. Well, I really must be going. It`s been awfully nice seeing you. (S.M.)

4. … A neon sign which reads “Welcome to Reno, the biggest little town in the world”. (A.Mil.)

5. She was a damned nice woman, too. (E.Hem.)

Упражнение 6. Найдите традиционные и оригинальные сравнения, прокомментируйте их структуру.

1. His mind went round and round like a squirrel in a cage, going over the past. (A.Chr.)

2. A half hour later Tom came out, slamming the door so that the heavy gold framed paintings … shivered like autumnal leaves in a blast. (R.P.War.)

3. The air was warm and felt like a kiss as we stepped off the plane. (D.W.)

4. She was obstinate as a mule, always had been from a child. (J.Gals.)

5. His voice stopped- exactly like when you hit a neighbour`s gramophone with a well-aimed brick, the same instant silence, and the rustle of the paper stopped, and everything was still. (G.Wells)

6. Life, at that moment, had seemed to stretch before her like a dusty, weary road without hope. (P.G.Wod.)

7. Well, there wasn`t anything in the motor which needed fixing. It was running like a clock. (E.S.Gard.)

Упражнение 7. Определите стилистический прием.

1. There were about twenty people at the party, most of whom I hadn`t met before. The girls were dressed to kill. (J.Br.)

2. He would make some money and then he would come back and marry his dream from Blackwood. (Th.Dr.)

3. At noon Mrs. Turpin would get out of bed and humour, put on kimono, airs, and the water to boil for coffee. (O.H.)

4. Try Kennedy`s “Corpse on the Mat” – that`s nice and light and cheerful, like its title. (D.Sayers)

5. “Bow to the Board”, said Bumble. Oliver brushed away two or three tears that were lingering in his eyes; and seeing no board but the table, fortunately bowed to that. (Ch.Dick.)

6. The face wasn`t a bad one; it had what they called charm. (Gals.)

7. Well, gentlemen, do you know what this devil of a girl did? (Reed)

8. Sometimes his ears moved when the stream awoke and whispered. (Lon.)

9. Springing towards the elevator he felt amazed at his own cowardly courage. (G.Mar.)


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