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Why a Financial Investigation?

Financial investigations are by their nature very document intensive. Specifically, they involve records, like bank account information and real estate files, which point to the movement of money. Any record that pertains to, or shows the paper trail of events involving money is important. The major goal in a financial investigation is to identify and document the movement of money during the course of a crime. The link between where the money comes from, who gets it, when it is received and where it is stored or deposited, can provide proof of criminal activity.

Criminal investigations contribution to the war on narcotics is vital but sometimes difficult to recognize, because the work of IRS special agents usually doesn’t make the headlines. The long hours of tracking down and documenting financial leads isn’t glamorous, but it does allow an investigation to go right to the door of the leader of the narcotics organization. A complete financial analysis and reconstruction of a drug organization’s financial activity as it relates to unreported income on tax returns and money laundering can often be critical to making the conviction.


3. Answer the following questions:

a) What do the financial investigations involve?

b) Why is criminal investigation’s contribution?

c) Can a complete financial analyses of a drug organization’s financial activity be critical to making the conviction?


These sentences are not true. Correct them.

a) The major goal in a financial investigation isn’t to identify and document the movement of money.

b) The long hours of tracking down and documenting financial leads is glamorous.

c) Criminal investigation’s contribution to the war on narcotics isn’t vital.


5. Complete the following sentences:

a) The major goal in a financial…

b) The link between where the money comes from…

c) Criminal investigation’s contribution…


6. Give English equivalents for:

расследование финансовых правонарушений


банковские счета

направление денежных средств

храниться где-либо

обеспечивать поддержку

преступная деятельность

борьба с наркотиками


оборот денежных средств

привести к вынесению обвинительного приговора


Text 3

1. Translate these words and word-combinations:


forensic scientists



to be requested

home invasions

sexual assaults



money laundering

computer crimes


2. Read and translate the text:

Crime Investigation Career Overview

Crime Investigation professional investigate and handle all facets of a crime scene. They are among the first individuals to arrive on a crime scene and are responsible for the collection and processing of any physical evidence found at the scene. This evidence is later analyzed and evaluated by trained forensic scientists. Careful consideration of small details and observations are key parts of a crime investigator’s job, and they are responsible for writing up detailed and highly accurate reports of all their observations and events which take place at a crime scene. Once completed, these reports are then handed over to the law enforcement agency in charge of the case. Sometimes, crime scene investigators are requested

to testify in a court of law about their discoveries and observations, and they are usually classified as expert witnesses.

Crime Investigators are trained to investigate a wide variety of crimes, and some of them choose to specialize in a particular type of crime. Some of the different type of crimes these professionals are responsible for responding to and investigating include:


Home invasions


Sexual assaults



Money Laundering

Computer Crimes


3. Answer the following questions:

a) Do crime investigation professionals investigate and handle all facets of a crime scene?

b) What are key parts of a crime investigator’s job?

c) What different type of crimes do you know?


These sentences are not true. Correct them.

a) The evidence is analyzed and evaluated by operatives.

b) Crime investigators are trained to give first aid to a victim.

c) Crime scene investigators are usually classified as victims.


5. Complete the following sentences:

a) Careful consideration of small details…

b) The reports are then handed over…

c) Some of the different type of crimes…


6. Give English equivalents for:

прибывать на место происшествия


внимательное изучение

точный рапорт осмотра

правоохранительные органы

широкий спектр преступлений

определённый вид преступления

кража со взломом

похищение детей

преступления в сфере компьютеров

сексуальное домогательство

денежные махинации


Text 4

1. Translate these words and word-combinations:




transfer evidence


analytical ability

poligraph test

carry firearms

assigned firearms

police enforcement responsibilities


extensive array


2. Read and translate the text:

Crime investigation careers are generally characterized by long periods of high stress and long hours. While most crime investigators work a 40-hour work week, Monday-Friday, employees have to be willing to work standby duty, and weekend hours are not uncommon during a large case. Investigators have to be available by phone or by pager at all times. For a crime investigator who works in the field, a typical day could be spent assessing and processing the crime scene, packaging and transferring evidence, viewing and photographing autopsies, and participating in conferences and briefings with police agencies. Large amounts of paperwork must be completed with great accuracy as well.

Due to the nature of the job, crime scene investigators must possess excellent analytical abilities, good physical condition and a high attention to detail. Investigators are required to carry firearms and may use their assigned firearms and other weapons in carrying out police enforcement responsibilities. Applicants to careers within crime investigation are often screened via an extensive array of physical and psychological tests, background checks, personality tests and polygraph tests to ensure that they have the necessary personal qualities and have are in good physical and psychological health.


3. Answer the following questions:

a) Are crime investigation career generally characterize by long periods of high stress and long hours?

b) What is a typical day for a crime investigator who works in the field?

c) What professional abilities should crime scene investigators possess?



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