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All scientific problems have their own philosophical level. This level is the level of fundamental problems.

All scientific problems have their own philosophical level. This level is the level of fundamental problems.

Physics today truly knows neither the nature of the physical field, nor the nature of space and hyperspace. And to a philosopher this is already clear as daylight. And our philosophy contains dozens of new and true principles for this bunch of problems - rewrite.


Psychology today does not know that only active rules underlie the psyche, nor what the receptor rule is, nor what the structure of the concept is, nor what the five systems of the psyche are, nor what emotions are and how they manifest themselves. in the moral skills of a person.


Cybernetics today does not have a true information theory. In our country, it is formulated in full. Cybernetics does not know that sensations and feelings (emotions, reactions of skills and instincts, as well as understanding) necessarily belong to the category of reactions of active knowledge. And today this knowledge is easily translated into program languages.



Dear Reader! This is a scientific text, which differs from all other texts in that it is a new form of knowledge representation, which is called " DIALECTICS". There are a lot of cross-references in the text! Therefore, all sentences in the English text of the book must match the author's text of the book in Russian by page numbers. Use forced spaces in the translated text for your own comments. Many people like to do this.


This is a purely philosophical science, since its creation requires the entire subject area of ​ ​ philosophy, and not a narrow subject area of ​ ​ a particular science of logic. How can dialectics arise without the ontological principles of the law of communication, the laws of matter, space, time and universal material changes? Of course not.

Everyone understands dialectics as he wants. Heraclitus has this one thing, Socrates has another. Plato has the third (by the way, the most correct one). Aristotle did not consider it a logical science at all. Hegel presented dialectics as the science of interconnection and development, but in an idealistic sense. Marxist philosophy created dialectical materialism, in the strategy of which it made a mistake. It became the well-known idea of ​ ​ F. Engels: " subjective thinking and the objective world are subject to the same laws". (F. Engels Dialectics of Nature. M., Politizdat, 1975. p. 27)

Or another similar idea: "... the laws of thinking and the laws of being coincide in their content: the dialectic of concepts is the dialectic movement of the real world". (K. Marx and F. Engels Soch. Vol. 21, p. 302)

No. The laws of the material world and the laws of the information world are not the same. The world of information obeys one law, and the world of matter is completely different. But there is nothing complicated in dialectics.


Dialectics is the philosophical science of the correct construction of true, systemic and complete knowledge

Dialectical art is the art of seeing the truths of objects in such connections, in which the objects of these truths are necessary or accidentally connected in Being (this term denotes the entire surrounding reality). This art is available to a person who has a complete system of true philosophical concepts. Indeed, for the formation of true concepts, true definitions (true principles) are required. Many true principles are required here. Moreover, their unified system is required here. Everything is connected in Being. In it, no object has an absolutely independent existence from others. Elementary particles form atoms. Atoms are molecules. Molecules and atoms are all the variety of things. Things generate information, and a person perceives and uses it. He develops knowledge about the surrounding objects. Moreover, this knowledge is true only when it fully corresponds to its facts.




The term " Being" in our philosophy is synonymous with the terms " real Universe" and " real World". In view of the greatness of the objects they designate, the terms " Being", " Universe", " World" are written here with a capital letter.



The correct vision of any problem in the entirety of the necessary connections of its subject in Being - this is the dialectical approach. This is dialectical intuition and dialectical art. But for this, one must first have such a true philosophy, which would be the basis of concepts capable of providing this correct intuition. Today only our philosophy can do it. An interdisciplinary seminar is a special case of the dialectical approach. This is the case when representatives of two or more special sciences combine their knowledge in solving such a problem, the subject area of ​ ​ which goes beyond the subject area of ​ ​ one particular science. Philosophy is a universal means of any interdisciplinary seminar, because there is nothing that is not included in its subject area.



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