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Awareness Verbs. Temporal/Ordinal. EXERCISE. Spatial Presuppositions. Cause and Effect. X Causes Y. Implied Cause and Effect

Awareness Verbs

Skill building and Installation:


o Craft three basic sentences using only this category.


o Craft three basic sentences in the form of a hypnotic suggestion such as you might use with a client to elicit the results you desire.


o Craft three sentences using this category that are directly context dependent for your application in the real world.


o Craft three context dependent sentences that combine all the presuppositions you have learned up to this point.

Awareness Verbs for this Exercise:  

· Notice

· Realize

· Aware

· Understand

· Recognize

· Comprehend


· These words utilize some aspect of time or number in order to create presuppositions of choice.


· Time, durations and numbers presuppose things and actions.


Examples – Before, During, After, First, Second, Third, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, etc.

More Advanced – Temporal shifting

· Now – Then – Now


Skill Building and Integration:

· Craft three basic sentences using only this category.


· Craft three basic sentences in the form of a hypnotic suggestion such as you might use with a client to elicit the results you desire.


· Craft three sentences using this category that are directly context dependent for your application in the real world.


· Craft three context dependent sentences that combine all the presuppositions you have learned up to this point.



Temporal/Ordinal Words for this Exercise:

· Before

· During

· After

· First

· Second

· Third

· Primary

· Secondary



Trance Integration of New Skills:

· Break up into groups of 5.

· One person sits in center.

· Other four surround the 5th

· Person sitting gives his/her handwritten suggestions to one of the other group members.

· Subject goes into trance or closes their eyes and pretends to go into trance and just drifts.

· For the next three to five minutes the group delivers, in random order, rapid fire suggestions for the integration and utilization of these skills, now and in the future, linking them to good feelings and pleasure.

Spatial Presuppositions


· These words create vivid and compelling relationships between things within the mind of the listener.


· Evoke powerful mental imagery.


Examples – overall, undergo, expand, among, beyond, to, from

Spatial Presuppositions:

Skill Building and Integration:

· Craft three basic sentences using only this category.


· Craft three basic sentences in the form of a hypnotic suggestion such as you might use with a client to elicit the results you desire.


· Craft three sentences using this category that are directly context dependent for your application in the real world.


· Craft three context dependent sentences that combine all the presuppositions you have learned up to this point.


Spatial Presuppositions for this Exercise:

· overall

· undergo

· expand

· among

· beyond

· to

· from

Cause and Effect


· This is a super power pattern that can be magnified even more when stacked with the other presuppositions in the Magnificent 7.


· Mirrors the structure of belief.


· All beliefs are stated in cause and effect terms.


· Anything stated this way tends to be accepted as true, or at the very least appears to make very logical sense to the person hearing them. Thus you can quickly create any new reality you want in a seemingly logical way.


· Easily, naturally and automatically allows you to install suggestions in the mind of the subject.

Examples – and, as, cause, because, since

Structure of Cause and Effect:


X Causes Y


· Any X Can Be Said to Cause Any Y


· X is usually a Pace


· Y is Usually a Lead



Implied Cause and Effect

· Implies two things are somehow connected.


· X happens and Y naturally follows.




“As you sit there easily absorbing this material, you will naturally experience good feelings. ”


Complex Equivalence:

· This Category is very similar to the cause and effect category


· Whereas the cause and effect category shows a causal relationship (x causes y), complex equivalence patterns create an equivalent relationship between two things                              i. e. X means Y.


X = Y

· Any X can mean any Y


· X is usually a Pace


· Y is usually a Lead

Cause and Effect

Skill Building and Integration:

· Craft three basic sentences using only this category.


· Craft three basic sentences in the form of a hypnotic suggestion such as you might use with a client to elicit the results you desire.


· Craft three sentences using this category that are directly context dependent for your application in the real world.


· Craft three context dependent sentences that combine all the presuppositions you have learned up to this point.

Cause and Effect Words for this Exercise:

· And


· As


· Because


· Causes

· Allow

· Since

Direct Commands


  • These are powerful pattern interrupts.


  • Allow you to instantly halt or change the direction of a conversation or train of thought.


  • Create strong fractionation effects for your listener(s) when combined with the other magnificent seven.


Examples- Stop, Start, Now


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