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Places of Interest in New York

Although New York is not the capital of the United States, it is the biggest and most important city and seaport of the country. New York is situated on the Atlantic coast, in the northeastern part of the country, in the state of New York at the mouth of the deep Hudson River, one of the biggest in the USA. It is the financial capital of the world, the centre of the American cultural life and the national leader in fashion and entertainments. The «Big Apple» is the most popular nickname of the city. New York, with the population of more then 16 million people, is the second largest city and the biggest seaport in the world.

Dutch settlers founded this city in 1613. That time, it was called New Amsterdam, In 1664, New Amsterdam was captured by British troops and renamed in New York. Nowadays New York consists of 5 large boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond.

Brooklyn alone has so many people that if it were a separate city, it would be the fourth largest city in the United States.

There are many places of interest in New York.
The most famous of them is The Statue of Liberty, presented to the USA by France in 1886. Its torch towers about 200 feet above the harbour and can be seen at night for many miles. It is the largest statue in the world.

The Empire State Building used to be the highest building, but now it is only the third. It is a 102- storeyed building.

Broadway is the longest street in the world. It is about 12 miles long. It is the centre of entertainments.

By the present moment, the Metropolitan Museum is the richest museum in the world in objects of Art, due to what had been bought from Europe after the World War Two. Besides, we can see the works of American painters there too.

The Central Park is the largest park in the world.

There are the best houses, hotels and fashionable shops on the Fifth Avenue. There is the Rockefeller centre of 15 skyscrapers, housing several large corporations. It is also known as «RadioCity».

The United Nations Headquarters was built in New York City in 1952. The building and the grounds around contain sculptures and other works of art, donated by member nations.

New York attracts people from all over the world. You can see people of different nations and religions here: White, Black, Asian, Moslem, Christian and Jewish people. It is the city of contrasts and it is really so.

Places to See in the US: Beverly Hills

Most visitors to Los Angeles, California, come to see Beverly Hills. This is where are situated the homes of the movie stars. But Beverly Hills is not Los Angeles. It is a small city next to Los Angeles.

All kinds of celebrities live in Beverly Hills. These celebrities may be movie stars, television stars, sports stars, or other people in the news.

Tourists can buy special maps for the homes of the stars. These homes are very beautiful. They usually have swimming pools and tennis courts. But sometimes you can't see very much. The homes have high walls or trees around them.

Beverly Hills is also famous for the Rodeo Drive Street. This is one of the most expensive shopping streets in the United States. Rodeo Drive started to be an elegant street in the 1960s.

Many famous stores were opened here. People liked all the new styles and fashions they could buy. Today you can find the most expensive and unusual clothing, jewelry, and furniture in the Rodeo Drive Street. Rodeo Drive is a very special street.

When you want to park your car in public parking, an attendant will come and park your car for you.

Beverly Hills is really a small city. Only about 35,000 people live there. But every day more than 200,000 people come to Beverly Hills to work or to shop!

Washington, D.C. (4)

There are two Washingtons in the USA. First Washington is a state in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, the state named after George Washington, the first President of the United States. The state capital is Olympia, and the largest city is Seattle. The second Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It is located in the District of Columbia. The district is named in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America.

Washington was founded inl 791 for the purpose of serving as the capital of the United States of America. Many people consider Washington to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are many parks, wide streets and impressive buildings. In the centre of the city, there is Capitol Park, where visitors' eyes focus on the Capitol, the home of American Congress.

Many visitors come to Washington to see the White House. It is the oldest public structure in the capital, built in 1799. The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It is situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. There are more than hundred rooms in the White House. The largest room in this building is the East Room, the scene of;many state receptions and dances.

Other famous rooms are: the Green Room, the Blue Room, the Red Room, which are used for afternoon tea and for receptions held before state dinners. The Blue Room, the most formal among all «colours» room is an oval-shaped room connecting the Green and the Red Rooms. On the second floor, one can find the Lincoln Room, which once served as an office for President Lincoln but today it serves as an honour guest's room. In this room, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, which gave freedom to black slaves in the States.

Other landmarks of Washington are memorials, dedicated to three American Presidents. They are the Washington Memorial, built in honour of the first American President, the Lincoln Memorial, which is devoted to the memory of the sixteenth President of the USA, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Jefferson Memorial which was built in honour of the third President of the USA, who was the author of the Declaration of Independence.

The Library of Congress, which holds five million books, the National Gallery of Art, the Capitol are also the famous sightseeing of Washington.

The Capitol is located in the very centre of Washington, not far from the Library of Congress. It is situated on the Capitol Hill, the highest point of the city. The Capitol is the highest building in Washington. There is a law in Washington not to build buildings higher than the Capitol. George Washington laid the corner stone of the Capitol on September 18,1793. The Capitol is the home of the United States government.



Краткая история США

История США начинается только в 15 столетии. В15 столетии не было никаких США вообще. Нынешняя территория США была разделена между несколькими государствами. В 15-16 столетиях часть территории принадлежала Великобритании (северная и западная земли); южная часть (Калифорния, Флорида, Нью-Мексико, Техас) принадлежала Испании, затем Мексике; центральная часть, территория, которую называли Лузитанией, — Франции; Аляска принадлежала России; некоторые территории оставались под управлением индейцев.

В 18-м столетии здесь было только 13 британских колоний Америки. В 1776 году они отделились от Великобритании и позже были признаны как новая нация Соединенных Штатов Америки, согласно Парижскому Договору от 1783 года. За 19-е — 20-е столетия было присоединено 37 новых штатов к первым 13, так как нация расширила свои границы по всему североамериканскому континенту, приобретая ряд новых владений.

В истории нации было три драматических события: гражданская война (1861-1865 гг.)» большая депрессия тридцатых и вьетнамская война. После своих побед в Первой и Второй мировых войнах и по окончании холодной войны в 1991 году США остается самым сильным государством в мире. В экономике наблюдается постоянный рост, низкий уровень безработицы и инфляции, очень большие достижения в технологии.

В настоящее время США — третья страна в мире по площади территории (после России и Канады) и населению (после Китая и Индии). Это примерно половина территории России или немногим больше территории Китая или Бразилии.

Пятьдесят штатов

Пятьдесят государств соединись, чтобы составить одну нацию. У Соединенных Штатов не всегда было пятьдесят штатов. Сначала было тринадцать. С ростом Соединенных Штатов, больше штатов присоединились к союзу. Последними двумя штатами, которые присоединись, были Аляска и Гавайи. Они оба присоединились в 1959 г.

Территория Соединенных Штатов охватывает каждый тип земли. Есть леса, пустыни, горы и равнины. Территория Соединенных Штатов также охватывает каждый тип климата. Размер каждого государства также отличается. Аляска — самый крупный штат. Род-Айленд — наименьший. Аляска в 500 раз больше чем Род-Айленд.

Приблизительно 250 миллионов человек живут в Соединенных Штатах. Люди Соединенных Штатов происходят со всего мира.

Люди часто называют новые города в честь тех, откуда они прибыли. Например, в Соединенных Штатах вы найдете Париж, Рим, Дели, и Франкфурт. Штат с наибольшим населением — Калифорния. Штат с наименьшим населением — Аляска.

У каждого штата есть свое собственное название. Более половины штатов имеют название индейского происхождения. Каждый штат также имеет флаг с цветами, имеющими специальное значение для штата. Флаг — эмблема или символ штата. Есть также цветы, деревья, и птицы штата.


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