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The muscles of the forearm

The anterior group

The superficial layer

Pronator teres (m. pronator teres /круглый пронатор)

· Origin. From the common flexor origin on the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

· Insertion. The lateral surface of the shaft of the radius.

· Action. Pronation of the forearm.

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.

Flexor carpi radialis (m. flexor carpi radialis /лучевой сгибатель запястья)

· Origin. From the common flexor origin.

· Insertion. The base of metacarpals 2 and 3.

· Actions. Flexion and abduction of wrist.

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.

Palmaris longus (m. palmaris longus /длинная ладонная мышца)

· Origin. From the common flexor origin.

· Insertion. The flexor retinaculum and the palmar aponeurosis.

· Action. Flexor of the wrist (muscle оften absent).

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.

Flexor carpi ulnaris (m. flexor carpi ulnaris /локтевой сгибатель запястья)

· Origin. From the common flexor origin and the posterior border of the ulna.

· Insertion. To the pisiform and thence by the pisometacarpal ligament to the 5th metacarpal.

· Actions. Flexion and adduction of the wrist.

· Nerve supply. Ulnar nerve.

The deep layers

Flexor digitorum superficial (m. flexor digitorum superficiallis /поверхностный сгибатель пальцев)

· Origin. From the common flexor origin and the shaft of the radius.

· Insertion. To the sides of the middle phalanges of the four fingers. The tendons are perforated by the tendons of flexor digitorum profundus.

· Actions. Flexion of the proximal two phalanges and of the wrist.

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.

Flexor pollicis longus (m. flexor pollicis longus /длинный сгибатель большого пальца кисти)

· Origin. From the front of the shaft of the radius.

· Insertion. To the distal phalanx of the thumb.

· Actions. Flexion of all the joints of the thumb.

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.

Flexor digitorum profundus (m. flexor digitorum profundus /глубокий сгибатель пальцев)

· Origin. From the front of the shaft of the ulna and its posterior border.

· Insertion. To the distal phalanges of the four fingers, the tendons pass­ing through those of flexor digitorum superficialis.

· Actions. Flexion of the fingers and the wrist.

· Nerve supply. Half by the median nerve and half by the ulnar nerve.

Pronator quadratus (m. pronator quadratus /квадратный пронатор)

· Origin. From the lower end of the front of the radius.

· Insertion. To the lower end of the ulna.

· Action. Pronator of the forearm.

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.

The posterior group

The superficial layer

Brachioradialis (m. brachioradialis /плечелучевая мышца)

· Origin. The lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus.

· Insertion. The lower end of the radius.

· Action. Flexion of the elbow.

· Nerve supply. Radial nerve.

Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis (mm. extensor carpi radialis longus et brevis /длинный и короткий лучевые разгибатели запястья)

· Origin. From the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus.

· Insertion. To the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metacarpals.

· Actions. Extension and abduction of the wrist.

· Nerve supply. Radial nerve.

Extensor digitorum (m. extensor digitorum /разгибатель пальцев)

· Origin. From the common extensor origin on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

· Insertion. To the bases of the middle and distal phalanges of the four fingers via the extensor expansion.

· Actions. Extension of the fingers and of the wrist (but see also the lumbricals and inlerossei).

· Nerve supply. Radial (posterior interosseous) nerve.

Extensor digiti minimi (m. extensor digiti minimi /разгибатель мизинца)

· Origin. From the common extensor origin.

· Insertion. To the extensor expansion of the little finger.

· Action. Extension of the little finger.

· Nerve supply. Radial (posterior interosseous) nerve.

Extensor carpi ulnaris (m. extensor carpi ulnaris /локтевой разгибатель запястья)

· Origin. From the common extensor origin and from the posterior bor­der of the ulna.

· Insertion. To the base of the 5th metacarpal.

· Actions. Extension and adduction of the wrist.

· Nerve supply. Radial (posterior interosseous) nerve.

The deep layer

Supinator (m. supinator /супинатор)

· Origin. From the lateral side of the humerus and the ulna.

· Insertion. It wraps around the radius from behind to be inserted into the upper part of its shaft.

· Action. Supination.

· Nerve supply. Radial (posterior interosseous) nerve.

Abductor pollicis longus (m. abductor pollicis longus /длинная мышца, отводящая большой палец кисти)

· Origin. From the posterior surfaces of the radius and ulna.

· Insertion. To the base of the 1st metacarpal.

· Actions. Abduction and extension of the thumb.

· Nerve supply. Radial (posterior interosseous) nerve.

Extensor pollicis brevis (m. extensor pollicis brevis /короткий разгибатель большого пальца кисти)

· Origin. From the back of the radius.

· Insertion. To the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

· Action. Extension of the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

· Nerve supply. Radial (posterior interosseous) nerve.

Extensor pollicis longus (m. extensor pollicis longus /длинный разгибатель большого пальца кисти)

· Origin. From the back of the ulna.

· Insertion. Into the base of the distal phalanx of the thumb.

· Actions. Extension of all the joints of the thumb.

· Nerve supply. Radial (posterior interosseous) nerve.

Extensor indicis (m. extensor indicis /разгибатель указательного пальца)

· Origin. From the back of the ulna.

· Insertion. To the side of the extensor digitorum tendon to the index finger.

· Action. Helps to extend the index finger.

· Nerve supply. Radial (posterior interosseous) nerve.

The muscles of the hand

The thenar muscles

Abductor pollicis brevis (m. abductor pollicis brevis /короткая мышца, отводящая большой палец кисти)

· Origin. From the flexor retinaculum and adjacent carpal bones.

· Insertion. To the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

· Action. Abduction of the thumb.

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.

Flexor pollicis brevis (m. flexor pollicis brevis /короткий сгибатель большого пальца кисти)

· Origin. From the flexor retinaculum and adjacent carpal hones.

· Insertion. To the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. Its tendon contains a sesamoid bone.

· Action. Flexion of the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.

Adductor pollicis (m. adductor pollicis /мышца, приводящая большой палец кисти)

· Origin. Oblique head from the bases of metacarpals; transverse head from the shaft of the 3rd metacarpal.

· Insertion. To the base of the medial side of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. The tendon contains a sesamoid bone.

· Action. Adduction of the thumb.

· Nerve supply. Deep branch of the ulnar nerve.

Opponens pollicis (m. opponens pollicis /мышца, противопоставляющая большой палец кисти)

· Origin. From the flexor retinaculum and adjacent carpal bones.

· Insertion. To the shaft of the 1st metacarpal.

· Action. Produces opposition of the thumb.

· Nerve supply. Median nerve.


The hypothenar muscles


Palmaris brevis (m. palmaris brevis /короткая ладонная мышца)

· Origin. From the flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis.

· Insertion. To the skin of the ulnar border of the palm.

· Action. Tenses the palmar aponeurosis.

· Nerve supply. Ulnar nerve.

Abductor digiti minimi (m. abductor digiti minimi /мышца, отводящая мизинец)

· Origin. From the pisiform bone.

· Insertion. To the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.

· Action. Abduction of the little finger.

· Nerve supply. Ulnar nerve.

Flexor digiti minimi brevis (m. flexor digiti minimi brevis /короткий сгибатель мизинца)

· Origin. From the flexor retinaculum and adjacent carpal bone.

· Insertion. To the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.

· Action. Flexes the proximal phalanx of the little finger.

· Nerve supply. Ulnar nerve.

Opponens digiti minimi (m. opponens digiti minimi /мышца, противопоставляющая мизинец)

· Origin. From the flexor retinaculum and adjacent carpal bones.

· Insertion. To the shaft of the fifth metacarpal.

· Action. Opposition of the little finger.

· Nerve supply. Ulnar nerve.


The middle muscles of the hand

The lumbrical muscles (mm. lumbricales /червеобразные мышцы)

· Origins. The four muscles arise from the sides of the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus.

· Insertions. To the lateral sides of the dorsal extensor expansions of the extensor digitorum tendon.

· Actions. Flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joints and extension of the interphalangeal joints.

· Nerve supply. Medial two muscles by the ulnar nerve and lateral two by the median nerve.

The interossei (mm. interossei /межкостные мышцы)

· Origins. Dorsal from adjacent sides of four metacarpals and palmar from one side of each metacarpal.

· Insertions. Both dorsal and palmar are inserted into the sides of the proximal phalanges and the dorsal extensor expansions in such a way that the dorsal interossei abduct the fingers and the palmar adduct them.

· Actions. Adduction and abduction as above. Both sets of muscles pro­duce flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joints and extension of the interphalangeal joints, as in the ‘precision grip’.

· Nerve supply. All by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve.


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