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Unit 9. Population Structure and Strategies. (8 баллов)



ЧАСТЬ 1. (50 баллов)

Unit 2. Менталитет и нормы речевого поведения (0-10 баллов)

1. Назовите источники, подтверждающие существование национального характера (0-4 балла): 1) язык изучаемой страны; 2)национальная классическая литература; 3) фольклор или устное народное творчество; 4)международные анекдоты.

2. К каким культурам относится Великобритания? (0-1 балл)

а) низкоконтекстным;

3. Вербальной культуре какой страны свойственна большая категоричность суждений? (0-1 балл)

б) России.

4. Верещагин Е.М. и В.Г. Костомаров были первыми учеными, которые научно обосновали объективность существования фоновых знаний (назовите имена ученых; 0-2 балла)

5. Дайте дефиницию терминам (0-2 балла)

6. а) лакуна - Лакуны, определяются Ю.А. Сорокиным как белые пятна на семантической карте языка. Наличие лакуны в одном языке может объясняться не отсутствием соответствующего денотата, а тем, что культуре как бы не важно такое различие;

б ) концепт - (имена абстрактных понятий, поэтому культурная информация здесь прикрепляется к сигнификату, т.е. понятийному ядру),

Unit 11. Religions and Confessions of UK (0-10 баллов)

1. What do you know about this holiday: in whose honor is it held, when and where celebrated? (0-1 балл) This is St.Patrick’s Day, held to commemorate conversion of Ireland; celebrated in all English-speaking countries, but more in America on March, 17; on this Day the Irish paint the sign of shamrock everywhere and wear green.

2. Anglican Church did away with:

1. papal supremacy in religious matters – the spiritual overlord is the King of GB;

2. the institution of monks and nuns, monasteries and nunneries;

3. celibacy of the clergy.

Cross out false statements (0-3 балла).

3. Finish the sentence: Salvation Army sees its mission in helping the poor and the needy.. (0-1 балл)

4. Choose the right answer (0-1 балл). The fastest growing congregation in GB is that of: c) Krishnaite.

5. The major event for every Christian in UK is Easter (name the holiday) 0-1 балл.

6. Translate into English: троица, святой мученик, духовенство trinity, martyr, clergy. (0-3 балла).


Unit 6. State System of UK and political Parties (0-17 баллов)

1. Match the party and the colour: a) Liberal Democrats gold; b) Conservatives blue; c) the New Labor red, (0-1 балл):,

2. Translate into English: расходные статьи бюджета expenditure, законодательная власть legislative power, избирательный округ constituency (0-3 балла);

3. Choose the correct answer (0-1 балл): The number of hereditary peers in GB was:

a) made less.

4. The British system of government differs from the USA model; in which way? Parliament is the highest legislative authority in GB and its legislative power is unlimited. It means there is no institution in GB similar to the Supreme court of USA that can abolish a law if it considers it contradictory to the constitution. Probaby perhaps there is no written constitution. (0-2 балла);

5. Choose the correct answer (0-1 балл): What is ‘cash for Peerages’?

a) a bribe;

6. Explain what is ‘euroscepticism’ Opposition to the Euro, reluctance to make ties to EU too pronounced (0-1 балл);

7. Which party is it about? Liberal Democrates.(0-1 балл);

Politically they have a centrist stand: favor mixed economy, demand tighter control over private income and increase of income tax; are for the development of social securities, education and health care. In legislature they vie for proportional representation, for reforming the upper Chamber (doing away with hereditary lords); making the lords an elected body. In terms of foreign policy they stand for Euro union and the Nato. Famous politicians of the past: William Gladstone, David Lloyd George, Henry Asquitt. The current leader is Charles Kennedy.


8. Why is the British monarch called ‘the defender of Faith’? S/he is Head of Anglican Church (0-1 балл);

9. What is a ‘pressure group’? Give an example.A loose political unity lacking manifesto and not taking part in elections; vie for the interests of a professional group or a cause e/g/ saving some cultural heritage (0-2 баллa);

10. Finish the sentence: Tony Blair’s reputation suffered much due to getting involved the country into the Iraqi conflict. (0-1 балл);

11. Enumerate main issues of current British politics: fighting terrorism, social care, euro, proportional representation in the Parliament (0-2 баллa);

12. Which House is it about: Lords or Commons? – House of Commons (0-1 балл);

A vote is taken by means of division, and must be executed strictly in person (not by pressing the button). MPs voting ‘Aye’ go out of the chamber to the lobby on the right of the Speaker while those voting ‘No’ pass on his left 9voting with their feet). Members’ votes are recorded by 4 clerks and 4 tellers. MPs are not expected to be in constant attendance on routine days and debates. Their work is organized by special officers known as ‘Whips’.


Unit 3. Onomastics (9 баллов)

1. The collective name for the English is ‘John Bull’, for the Irish – ‘Paddy’ And for the Welsh – ‘Taffy’ Insert the names (0-3 балла);

2. Explain what is ‘a middle name’: an additional identification marker (0-1 балл);

3. Match (0-3 балла):

Billy Goat
Betsy Hen
Percy Rabbit

4. Give an illustration of eponyms (0-2 балла):

a) inventor- invention - Fahrenheit;

b) name of place – name of product - Cheviot.

General: images, symbols (4 балла)

1. Which part of the country does this symbol refer to? - Wales(0-1 балл);

2. Name the capital of Wales - Cardiff (0-1 балл);

3. Match the flag and the part of UK: Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, England (0-2 балла):

a) England
b) Wales


ЧАСТЬ 2. (50 баллов)

Unit 3 Dialects (10 баллов)

1. Match the name of the urban dialect with the city of its location(0-3 балла):

Scouse Liverpool
Brummie Birmingham
Geordie Newcastle

2. Explain what is ‘rhoticism’- r still pronounced before consonants or silence. (0-1 балл)

3. Translate into RP: Dae ye ken Ken kens Ken? Do you know that Ken knows Ken (0-1 балл);

4. Wenglish is type of English spoken in Wales; Hiberno English is spoken in Northern Ireland(0-2 балла);

5. All accents in GB fall into 2 big groups according to: (0-1 балл);

a) North-South divide.

6. The English language as spoken in UK is governed by: (0-1 балл);

a) convention.

7. Where are accents more endangered? (0-1 балл);

a) in economically developing regions.

8. Which regional variant is taking position of RP? Estuary English (0-1 балл);


Unit 9. Population Structure and Strategies. (8 баллов)

1. Explain what is ‘glass ceiling’: women rarely reach top managerial positions and they are paid less for the same job. (0-1 балл);

2. Translate into English: плотность населения- density of population, пособие -benefit, средняя продолжительность жизни- life expectancy (0-3 балла);

3. Finish the sentence: the main principle in catering for senior citizens in GB is to allow them to lead as normal a life as possible in their own homes or in a homely environment within the local communities. (0-1 балл);

4. Explain the difference between contributory and non-contributory benefits (0-1 балл): Contributory benefits are paid by National Insurance. This is made up of contributions of employed people and their employers, the self-employed and the Government. Non-contributory benefits are financed by taxation;

5. Ethnic minorities, to ensure their quick assimilation, should:

a) overcome barriers of language and culture;

b)get gainfully employed – (0-2 балла);



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