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3. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and word-combinations.

3. Find in the text and read out English equivalents of these words and word-combinations.

Твердое вещество, состоять из минералов, пласт породы, метаморфические породы, магматические породы, осадочные породы, под воздействием высокой температуры и давления, изменяться физически и химически, происходить в глубине земли, охлаждение и отвердевание магмы, интрузивные магматические породы, экструзивные магматические породы, отложение веществ на поверхности земли, в глубине водоемов, откладываться и накапливаться, выпадать в осадок из растворов, испарение воды, быть растворенным в воде, частицы, обломочные осадочные породы, органогенные осадочные породы, хемогенные осадочные породы, состоять из обломков пород, состоять из кварца, полевого шпата и глинистых минералов, состоять из окаменевших останков растений и животных.

4. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a rock?

2. What do rocks consist of?

3. How many categories are rocks classified into?

4. What does the term ‘metamorphism’ mean?

5. How are metamorphic rocks formed?

6. How are igneous rocks formed?

7. What types are igneous rocks divided into?

8. What type of igneous rocks solidifies within the earth?

9. How are extrusive rocks formed?

10. How are sedimentary rocks formed?

11. What are characteristic features of sedimentary rocks?


5. Fill in the gaps with the correct type of rocks: sedimentary rocks, sedimentation, sediments, clastic sedimentary rocks, chemically precipitated sedimentary rocks, organic sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, igneous rocks, intrusive rocks, extrusive rocks.

1. ______ are formed from lava when it is exposed to the atmosphere or water outside of the earth. This causes the lava to cool very rapidly. The rapid cooling does not allow the rock to form large crystals. These rocks have a fine-grained texture because the mineral crystals within the rocks are very small.

2. ______ are types of rocks that are formed by the deposition of material at the Earth’s surface and within bodies of water.

3. ______ is the collective name for processes that cause minerals and organic particles to settle and accumulate or minerals to precipitate from a solution.

4. ______ are rocks such as rock salt and some limestones that form when dissolved materials precipitate from solution.

5. ______ are rocks such as coal and some limestones that form from the accumulation of plant or animal debris.

6. ______ are rocks that form from the transformation of original rocks when they are subjected to heat and pressure, causing physical and chemical change.

7. ______ are igneous rocks that solidifies within the earth. Since these rocks are within the earth, they cool very slowly – taking anywhere from thousands to millions of years to cool enough to completely solidify. The slow cooling enables the crystals to form and gives them a coarse grain. Granite is one example of this type of igneous rocks.

8. ______ are particles that form a sedimentary rock by accumulating.

9. __________ are rocks that form when magma (molten rock) cools and solidifies.

10. ______ are rocks that are formed from mechanical weathering debris.

6. Read and translate the words of the same root.

To compose – composition – composed of; to originate – origin; to occur – occurrence – occurring; to depose – deposition; to accumulate – accumulation; major – majority; grain – coarse-grained – fine-grained; to crystalize – crystallization – crystalline; to divide into – division; solid – to solidify – solidification; porous – porosity; permeable – permeability, to precipitate – precipitation, to stratify – stratification – stratified.

7. Choose the correct word from the words of the same root given in brackets.

1. Igneous rock is formed through the cooling and (solidify, solidified, solidification) of magma or lava.

2. Igneous rock may (form, formed, formation) with or without (crystallize, crystalline, crystallization) below the surface either as intrusive rocks or on the surface as extrusive rocks.

3. Igneous rocks are (geology, geologist, geological, geologically) important because their minerals give information about the (compose, composed, composition) of the mantle.

4. (Sediments, sedimentary, sedimentation) rocks are formed by the accumulation of (sediments, sedimentary, sedimentation).

5. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the (deposit, deposed, deposition) of material at the Earth’s surface.

6. (Sediments, sedimentary, sedimentation) is the process that cause minerals and organic particles to settle and (accumulate, accumulated, accumulation) or minerals to precipitate from a solution.

7. Before being deposited, (sediments, sedimentary, sedimentation) were formed by weathering and then transported to the place of (deposit, deposed, deposition) by water, wind, ice or earth mass movement.  

8. Listen to the text ‘Sedimentary Rocks’ and answer the questions.

1. Why is it important to study sedimentary rocks?

2. What are sedimentary rocks?

3. Where are they formed?

4. What sediments compose sedimentary rocks?

5. What is percentage of sedimentary rocks in the total crust volume?

6. How many types can sedimentary rocks be classified into? What are these types?


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