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Fill in the blanks with the verbs can, may, must, should, ought, need, have to, to be to.

1. Surely he should have stayed with her on her birthday!

2. She should never have married him!

3. You must not bother with these things here for you are almost friends.

4. That young American chap must have overheard smth too.

5. It may be a tiny path, or it may extend for miles.

6. I have to say that you should have shown more consideration.

7. He has go to business, why should other people stay in bed merely because it was dark and foggy?

8. Tell him I’d wait for him twenty years, if I have to.

Translate the sentences into English using modal verbs.

1. Наверное, он испугал вас.- He must have frightened you.

2. Не может быть, чтобы он придумал это сам.- He couldn't have imagined it himself.

3. Когда должен начаться концерт? - В 7 часов.- When is the concert to start?- At 7.

4. Я обещаю, что все будет сделано. Не нужно беспокоиться.- I promise that everything will be done. You needn't worry.

5. Дети пытались открыть дверь, но она никак не открывалась.- Children tried to open the door, but it shouldn't open.

6. Вся жизнь мальчика может быть искалечена, если вы не увезете его отсюда.- The boy's life will surely be broken if you won't take him away.

7. Неужели он действительно отказался вам помочь?- He couldn't have offended to help you!

8. Замок никак не закрывается! Ты мог бы починить его в конце концов.- The lock will never close! You should have repaired it after all!

9. Боюсь, вам придется согласиться с ними.- I'm afraid you have to agree with them!

10. Я обязательно сделаю вас счастливой.- I will certainly make you happy.

Translate the following into English using the appropriate verb forms in object clauses after the verb “to wish”.

1. Как бы я хотел, чтобы твоя дочь была похожа на тебя.- I wish your daughter took after you.

2. Он очень желал, чтобы этот вечер уже кончился.- He wished that evening ended.

3. О боже, как я жалею, что я сделал это.- I wish I hadn't done it.

4. Я бы хотел, чтобы ты снова начал писать стихи.- I wish you to start writing poems again.

5. Я пожалела, что рассказала им о себе.- I wish I hadn't told them about myself.


Translate into English using the appropriate verb forms in clauses of comparison and predicative clauses introduced by “as if” or “as though”.

1. Он сидел за столом, словно он писал, но он не писал и не читал.- He sat at the table as if he was writing, but he was neither writing nor reading.

2. Он смотрел на меня так, словно он не понимал.- He was looking at me as if he didn't understand me.

3. Она чувствовала себя очень усталой, как будто она целый день работала.- She felt very tired as if she had worked all day long.

4. Морис сидел не шевелясь, словно он не расслышал Джека.- Morris was sitting without any motion as if he hadn't heard Jack.

5. У меня такое чувство, как будто я знаю тебя годы.- I have a feeling as if I have known you for years.

Translate into English, using the appropriate verb forms in object clauses.

1. Затем он предложил, чтобы мы прекратили дискуссию и поговорить о чем- либо другом.- Then he suggested that we should stop the discussion and talk about anything else.

2. Отец хотел идти пешком, но мама настояла, чтобы мы поехали на машине.- Father wanted to walk but mum insisted that we should drive in a car.

3. Как только мы сели, он потребовал, чтобы свечи убрали.- As soon as we sat he demanded that we should take off the candles.

4. Чарльз порекомендовал, чтобы мы поели и потом пошли в театр.- Charles recommended that we should eat and then go to the theatre.

5. Он попросил, чтобы мы провели с ним весь вечер.- He suggested that we should spend the evening with him.

Supply the necessary forms for the verbs given in brackets in the following conditional sentences.

1. I'll be grateful if you keep the news to yourself.

2. Philip says they'll miss me if I leave before their wedding.

3. If the situation don't change by Saturday I'll be in trouble.

4. If I was a painter, I would choose an entirely different subject every time.

5. Well, I certainly would put a stop to it if I knew in time.

6. I’m glad I wasn’t at home. He wouldn't get much help if he asked me.

7. If I had been there that day, of course, I would have done smth.

8. I believe yesterday you would make her stay if it was not so late.

9. If I realized it was to be like this, I wouldn't come.

10. If he didn't tell us that himself, I would never believe that




Compound and complex sentences.

I. Insert the right article.

1. Paul did not come till the afternoon.

2. It was a golden November day, an Indian summer day.

3. But next day after luncheon, which they had by themselves, Mr. Bradley brought the subject up again.

4. I arranged to give the luncheon for them.

5. I was back in the town late in the afternoon.

6. Ben was taken to the hospital with appendicitis.

7. Poor Mr. Bunbury is a dreadful invalid.

8. You are Mr. Murdstone who married the widow of my late nephew?

9. Drive me down to the East End.

10. The sightseeing came to an end at last, and so did our boys’ visit to the Hague.

11. If you want to see Lake Victoria and the Mount Kilimanjaro, go to Kenya.

12. The Low Countries include the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg.

13. England of the 21st century will be very different from England of our days.

14. In the morning she used to read the “Vogue” and he usually read the “Mirror”.

15. Maxim left the Ritz Hotel after their dinner at the Annabel’s and walked home crossing Piccadilly and heading through Half Moon Street into Mayfair.


II. State how the clauses of the following compound sentences are coordinated.

1. I put my hand in his, and we walked away.(synd. cop.)

2. Ted must have told him about our plan, or he may have guessed himself.(synd. disj.)

3. I’m lunching with somebody, but you can come along.(synd. adv.)

4. The dew fell and the flowers closed.(synd. caus.-cons.)

5. Stars were sparkling out there over the river; the sky frostly clear and black.(asyn.cop.)

6. Instead of shopping, the rain increased, some decided to set out for home right away.(synd. adv.)

7. I set meat and water beside him, but he paid no heed.(synd. adv.)

8. During a week he and Presley had been much together for the two were devoted friends.(synd. caus.-cons.)

9. He was neither going to apologize, nor was going to offer any explanation.(synd. cop.)

10. His face was rather ruddy, the cheeks rather thin.(asynd. cop.)


III. Connect two sentences into a compound sentence by using the coordinators “and”, “but”, “or”, “nor”, “neither”, “either”, “neither … nor”, “either … or”, “so”.

1. The patient’s temperature rose, so the patient breathed with difficulty.

2. Don’t give up your effort or you will be sorry for giving up your effort.

3. His manners were pleasing, but I did not like him.

4. Neither my mother-in-law nor my wife love light music.

5. Either he met with an accident or he forgot the date.

6. I’ve got something else to think of, but I’m leaving.

7. Either the phone or the doorbell is ringing.

8. You must be polite or nobody will love you.

9. He went across to the telephone, but the telephone stopped ringing.

10. Leo stopped the car and the little man scrambled out of the car.



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