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Exercise 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous.

1 We ______ (rent) this house for twenty years.

2 He ______ (cook) the dinner for thirty minutes.

3 They ______ (be) Thailand since last Friday.

4 She _______ (clean) the house since very early this morning.

5 They ______ (have) their car since last November.

6 She _______ (work) as a DJ for two years.

7 He _______ (go) to the dive centre for five months.

8 I ______ (know) my English teacher since 2005.


Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1 I’ve been drinking coffee ____ I was fourteen.

2 I’ve been to the cinema only once ____ last summer.

3 I’ve had the same group of friends ____ many years.

4 I’ve read nothing interesting ____ four or five months.

5 I’ve eaten nothing ____ eight o’clock this morning.

6. I’ve wanted to make a change in my life ____ a long time.



  Present Past
Simple I translate texts every day. Do you translate texts every day? I don’ttranslate texts every day. always, often, sometimes, every day каждый день, всегда, часто I translated the text yesterday. Did you translate the text yesterday? I didn’t translate the text yesterday.   yesterday, last year, in 1990 вчера, в прошлом году, в 1990
Continuous I am translating the text now. now, at the moment   сейчас, в данный момент I was translating the text all evening yesterday. all evening yesterday, from 3 to 6 o’clock yesterday весь вечер вчера, с 3 до 6 часов вчера, в 6 часов вчера When they came, I was sleeping.
Perfect I have already translated the text.   already, just, yet уже, только что, не сделал ещё I had translated the text by 9 o’clock yesterday. by 7 o’clock yesterday, by Friday last week к 7 часам вчера, к пятнице на прошлой неделе When they came, I had done my homework.
Perfect Continuous I have been translating the text since 3 o’clock.    


1. By the time we arrived at the station, the train ______ (leave).

a) left b) had left c) has left

2. When we came into the hall they _____ (discuss) this problem.

a) discussed b) were discussing c) have discussed

3. Hi! I am here. I ____ (stand) near the shop.

a) am standing b) stand c) have stood

4. We ____ (eat) in a restaurant last night.

a) had eaten b) was eating c) ate

5. My sister phoned yesterday and she told me that she ______ a house.

a) had bought b) bought c) buy

6. He ____ (have) his car since 2008.

a) has been having b) has c) has had

7. When I entered at Baker Street, Holmes _______ (sit) by the fire deep in thought.

a) sat b) is sitting c) was sitting

8. They ____ (get) divorced last year.

a) get b) gets c) got



Leisure activities

1. entertainment 2. go dancing 3. go for a walk 4. go out for a meal 5. go swimming 6. go to a concert 7. go to a disco 8. go to a party 9. go to a cinema 10. have a party 11. have little free time 12. listen to music 13. listen to the radio 14. meet friends 15. play board games 16. play cards 17. play chess 18. play computer games 19. play the guitar 20. play the piano 21. read books and magazines 22. read comics 23. spend time outdoors 24. watch a film 25. watch a video 26. watch TV 27. break up 28. bring up 29. dress up as 30. end a relationship with somebody 31. enjoy oneself 32. fall out with someone 33. get divorced 34. get on well with somebody 35. give birth 36. go out with somebody 37. have a good time 38. have a row 39. have an argument 40. have fun 41. look after somebody 42. look forward to something 43. make up with somebody 44. run away from home 45. split up with   1. развлечения 2. заниматься танцами 3. идти на прогулку 4. кушать вне дома 5. заниматься плаванием 6. идти на концерт 7. идти на дискотеку 8. идти на вечеринку 9. иди в кино 10. устроить вечеринку 11. иметь мало свободного времени 12. слушать музыку 13. слушать радио 14. встречаться с друзьями 15. играть в настольные игры 16. играть в карты 17. играть в шахматы 18. играть в компьютерные игры 19. играть на гитаре 20. играть на пианино 21. читать книги и журналы 22. читать комиксы 23. проводить время вне дома 24. смотреть фильм 25. смотреть видео 26. смотреть телевизор 27. порывать отношения, нарушать 28. воспитывать 29. изыскано одеваться 30. прекращать отношения с кем-либо 31. развлекаться 32. ссориться с кем-либо 33. разводиться 34. быть в хороших отношениях с кем-либо 35. родить 36. встречаться с кем-либо 37. провести хорошо время 38. ссориться 39. спорить 40. развлекаться 41. заботиться о 42. с нетерпением ждать чего-то приятного 43. мириться 44. убегать из дома 45. расставаться с кем-либо  


Create a topic: ‘About myself’

The main points:

1. Personal details.

2. Appearance.

3. Character.

4. Leisure time.

5. Family.

6. Friends.

The material that helps you in creating the topic:



Leisure activities

1 painting 2 chess 3 collecting things 4 hiking 5 rock climbing 6 dancing 7 drawing 8 taking photographs   9 model building 10 sailing 11 playing music 12 ice-skating 13 camping 14 scuba diving 15 base ball 16 bird-watching
Full name  
Hair colour  
Favourite bands  
Favourite clothes  
Favourite films  
Favourite foods  

Домашняя работа:

1. Прочитать грамматический материал и выполнить упражнения.

2. Выучить слова.

3. Составить монологическое высказывание о себе.


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