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VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим английским словм и выражениям.


Для того чтобы правильно выполнить контрольное задание № 2, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка:

1. Видовременные формы глагола: а) активный залог - формы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future); формы Continuous (Present, Past, Future); формы Perfect (Present, Past, Future); б) пассивный залог - формы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future).

Особенности перевода пассивных конструкций на русский язык.

2. Модальные глаголы: а) модальные глаголы, выражающие возможность: can (could), may и эквивалент глагола can - to be able; б) модальные глаголыб выражаюіие долженствование: must, его эквиваленты to have to и to be to; should.

3. Простые неличные формы глагола: Participle I (Present Participle), Participle II (Past Participle) в функциях определения и обстоятельства. Gerund - герундий, простые формы.

4. Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения (союзные); придаточные обстоятельственные предложения времени и условия.Интернациональные слова.

5. Темы коммуникативного практикума-Педагогическая профессия, Профессиональное общение.


Используйте следующие образцы выполнения упражнений.

Образец выполнения 1 (к упр. I)


a) Inigo Jones had studied in Italy for some years, and in 1615 became Surveyor - General of the works.   Иниго Джоунз учился в Италии в течении нескольких лет, а в 1615 стал главным руководителем строительных работ с неограниченными полномочиями.


had studied - Past Perfect Active от глагола to study


б) A special boat was supposed to be ready for emergencies, but it had been damaged by a storm Предполагалось что специальный катер будет готов в любую минуту начать спасательную работу, но он был поврежден штормом

was supposed - Past Indefinite Passive от глагола to suppose

had been damaged - Past Perfect Passive от глагола to damage

Образец выполнения 2 (к упр. II)

1) Soon after the discovery of X-rays the French physicist Henri Becquerel investigated some minerals containing uranium. Вскоре после открытия рентгеновских лучей, французский физик Генри Бек исследовал некоторые минералы, содержащие уран.
Containing – Participle I, определение.  
2) When cooled steam turns back to water. При охлаждении пар снова превращается в воду.
(When) cooled – Participle II, обстоятельство.  
3) Those who are interested in English architecture can study all the architectural styles of the past 500 or 600 years in Cambridge. Те, кто интересуются английской архитектурой могут изучить все архитектурные стили прошлых 500 или 600 лет Кембридже.
(are) interested – Participle II, составная часть видовременной формы Present Indefinite Passive от глагола to interest.  



I. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. В разделе (б) обратите внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций.


а) Mr. Brown gave a lecture yesterday.

Мистер Браун вчера провел лекцию. (gave - Past Indefinite от глагола to give)

The parents have promised the child a nice present

Родители пообещали ребенку хороший подарок. (have promised – Present Perfect от глагола to promise)

б) Morning papers are sold every day.

Утренние газеты продаются каждый день. (are sold – Present Indefinite Passive от глагола to sell)

We were woken up by the noise in the street this morning.

Нас разбудил шум улиц этим утром. (were woken up – Past Indefinite Passive от глагола to wake up)


II. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и установите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Having read the book I returned it to the library.

Прочитав книгу я вернул ее в библиотеку. (having read – Perfect Participle I, обстоятельство)

2. This book discussed at the lessons yesterday deals with the problem of war.

Эта книга, которую обсуждали вчера, затрагивает проблему войны. (discussed – Participle II (Passive), выполняет функцию определения к существительному)

3. Smiling happily he held out his hand.

Счастливо улыбаясь он протянул свою руку. (Smiling – Participle I, обстоятельство выраженное глаголом)

4. While running, the sportsman tried to breathe regularly.

Спортсмен старался дышать регулярно во время бега. ((While) running – Participle I, обстоятельство)


III. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент, переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. You should not have bought the book.

Тебе не следовало покупать эту книгу.

2. She can’t come tomorrow because they will be working the whole day.

Она не сможет прийти завтра, потому что они будут работать весь день напролет.

3. Your hair is getting rather thin, sir, may I advise to change your parting?

Ваши волосы скорее редеют, сэр, могу ли я посоветовать вам сменить пробор?

4. We were to wait for them at the door.

Мы должны были ждать их у двери.

IV. Прочтите и устно переведите с 1-го по 3-й абзацы текста. Перепишите и письменно переведите 2-й и 3-й абзацы.

The Town That Kids Built

Read this American Text about an unusual sort of school programme.

"My children really understand solar power and geothermal energy," says a second-grade teacher in Saugus, California "Some of them are building solar collectors and turbines for their energy course. "These young scientists are part of City Building Educational Program, a unique curriculum from kindergarten through twelfth grade that uses the process of city planning to teach basic reading, writing, and math skills, and more.

The children don't just plan any city. They map and analyze the housing, energy, and transportation requirements of their own community and project its needs in 100 years. With the help of an architect consultant who visits the classroom once a week, they invent new ways to meet these needs and build Styrofoam models of their creations. "Designing buildings of the future gives children a lot of freedom," says Doreen Nelson, the teacher who developed this program. "They are able to use their own space-age fantasies and inventions without fear of criticism, because there are no wrong answers in a future context. In fact, as the class enters the final model-building phase of the program, an elected "major" and "planning commission" makes all the design decisions for the model city, and the teacher steps back and becomes an adviser."


Дети не просто планируют какой-либо город. Они чертят карту и анализируют жилище, энергию и ранспортные потребности их собственного сообщества и проецируют эти поребности через 100 лет. С помощью архитектора консультанта, который посещает класс один раз в неделю, они изобретают новые подходы для того, чтобы удовлетворить их потребности и построить пенопластовые модели их творений. «Проектирование зданий будущего дает детям огромную свободу.» - говорит Дорин Нельсон, преподаватель которая разработала эту программу. «Они способны использовать их собственные космические фантазии и изобретения без сраха критики, потому что в контексте будущего нет никаких неправильных ответов. На самом деле, когда класс достигает финальной фазы моделирования по этой программе, избранный “мэр” и “комиссия по планированию” принимают все решения по дизайну для модели города, а учитель отходит на задний план и становится советчиком.


CBEP is a series of activities, games, and simulations that teach the basic steps necessary for problem-solving: observing, analyzing, creating possible solutions, and evaluating them based on the children's own criteria. Here are some highlights of the program.


СВЕР это серия мероприятий, игр и имитаций которые обучают основным шагам необходимым для решения проблем: наблюдение, анализирование, создание возможных решений, и их оценка основываясь на собственных критериях детей. Вот некоторые основные моменты программы.


The children draw free-form maps of their town and analyze what's "good" and "bad" about it ("The freeway is good because it helps you get places fast, and bad because it produces noise and pollution") to decide what they want in their future city.

To understand the way the towns are organized so that people can deal with the natural environment, the children create an imaginary landscape out of Styrofoam with mountains, rivers, meadows, and forests; they then pretend they're in primitive times. Shelters are constructed. One child, using a hair-dryer, pretends to be the wind; another simulates rain with a water pistol. Those shelters that are too close to the river are washed away in a flood. Afterward, the children discuss their mistakes. In a second version, they may organize into tribes for survival and division of labor. With each simulation they get better at surviving.

In another preliminary exercise for redesigning their town, the children analyze their classroom environment by using a scale model of the room with miniature desks and chairs. Each child presents her or his plan to a small group. Then the most successful plan is chosen and set up in the classroom. This helps the children think of their class as a community, and gives them some control over what is happening in the classroom. It also teaches them the way people can be organized to create and implement a plan that improves the environment. The children also work with the classroom as if it were a city - with aisles as highways, desks as hours, bookcases as the library/cultural center.

A group develops a plan for subdividing the site of their future city into land parcels, using hills, streams, and other features as natural boundaries. Areas are marked off for housing, industry, and open space, and the parcels are distributed to all the students. Then the children try out different forms of government - monarchy, dictatorship, democracy - in order to choose one for the. Planning phase of the city, they elect a ruler who appoints a planning commission to make the final design decisions for each building in the future city.

Пояснения к тексту:

Second grade: The second year of elementary school in the United

States: Children in the second grade are about seven years old.

Curriculum: programme of studies.

Styrofoam: a light plastic material that can easily be cut

into different shapes.

V. Прочтите текст и вопросы к нему. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы. Answer the following questions:

a) What do children learn about in order to build solar collectors and turbines?

In order to build solar collectors and turbines children learn about environment, different forms of government. They analize the housing and learn the way people work in groups.


b) The children have a lot of freedom to design their community in the way they want, do not they?

No, they don’t. The children have a lot of freedom to design buildings of the future.


c) What does СВЕР include?

CBEP includes games, series of activities, and simulations that teach the basic steps necessary for problem-solving: observing, analyzing, creating possible solutions, and evaluating them based on the children's own criteria.

d) What do the children try out in order to choose one for the planning phase of the city?

In order to choose one for the planning phase of the city, the children try out different forms of government - monarchy, dictatorship, democracy.


e) What kind of plan do the children participating in the programme make for meeting the needs of their own town or city?

They invent new ways to meet these needs and build Styrofoam models of their creations.


f) What do the children do to see what is good and bad about each aspect of the community?

To see what is good and bad about each aspect of the community children draw free-form maps of their town and analyze advantages and disadvantages. They analize classroom environment and discuss their mistakes in groups. Each child presents her or his plan to a small group and then the most successful plan is chosen and set up in the classroom.


g) CBEP uses the process of city planning to teach both ordinary school subjects and the general skill of problem-solving, does not it?

Yes, it does. It teaches basic reading, writing, math skills, and etc.


VI. Согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями.Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. An architect comes to the classroom to help the children to invent ways of solving problems. (agree)

2. The architect comes once a week. (agree)

3. The children have a lot of freedom (agree)

4. The children pretend they are in primitive times only once. (disagree)

5. The children study their own city in its present state before planning a future city. (agree)

6. The City Building Program is only used with older children. (disagree)

7. The teacher helps them to construct models of future buildings. (disagree)

8. The children also work with the classroom as if it were a City Building Educational Program. (agree)

9. The less successful plan is chosen and set up in the classroom. (disagree)

VII. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим английским словм и выражениям.

Give English equivalents of the following Russian words and word combinations:

problem-solving, (решение проблем) aspect of the community, (аспекты жизни общества) meeting the needs of their own town or city, (удовлетворение потребностей их собственного малого или большого городов)

preliminary exercise, (предварительное испытание) no improve the environment, (без улучшения окружающей среды) the most successful plan, (наиболее успешный план) simulation, (симуляция или имитация)

a series of activities, (серия мероприятий) final model-building phase of the program (финальная стадия моделирования по программе), City Building Educational Program, (Образовательная программа городского строительства) basic steps, (основные шаги) to invent ways of solving problems, (изобрести пути решения проблем) surviving (выживание), curriculum (учебная программа)

VIII. Соотнесите части предложений в правой и левой частях таблицы. Match the parts of the sentences:

1. The children draw free-form maps a) for survival and division of labor.
2. They may organize into tribes b) their classroom is a city.
3. A group develops a plan for subdividing the site of their future city into c) without fear of criticism, because there are no wrong answers in a future context.'
4. The children also work with the classroom d) to a small group
5. They elect a ruler e) of their town and analyze what's a 'good' and 'bad' about it.
6. The fact, as the class enters the final model building phase of the program, f) who appoints a planning commission to make the final design decisions...  
7. 'They are able to use their own space-age fantasies and inventions g) land parcels, using hills, streams, and other features as natural boundaries.
8. In one exercise the children pretend h) an elected 'major' and 'planning commission' make all the design decisions.'
9. Each child presents her or his plan i) as if it were a city with aisles as highways, desks as houses, bookcases as the library/cultural centre.


IX. Дополните предложения. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations from the text:

1. The City Building Program is also used with children from kindergarten through twelfth grade.

2. It also teaches them the way people can be organized to create and implement a plan

that improves the environment.

2. Areas are marked off for housing, industry, and open space, and the parcels are distributed to all the students.

3. The teacher who developed this program is Doreen Nelson

4. The children analyze their classroom environment by using a scale model of the room with miniature desks and chairs.

5. They map and analyze the housing, energy, and transportation requirements of their own community and project its needs in 100 years.

6. The children afterward discuss their mistakes.

7. This helps the children think of their class as a community.

8. CBEP is a series of activities, games, and simulations that teach the basic steps necessary for problem-solving: observing, analyzing, creating possible solutions, and evaluating them based on the children's own criteria.

9. Curriculum is a programme of studies.

10. They may organize into tribes for survival and division of labor.

11. With each simulation they get better at surviving.

12. The teacher helps them with …..

13. "Designing buildings of the future gives children a lot of freedom.

14. CBEP uses the process of city planning to teach basic reading, writing, and math skills, and more.


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