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Top Ten Most Popular Careers for 2011 in the UK

Data Communications Analysts: More and more organizations now stay in touch internally and externally with other sites via networked communications. Analysts are responsible for overseeing the installation and maintenance of such networks, which are now becoming critical to the economic and social infrastructure.

Marketing Officer: Once existing solely in the private sector, the marketing function is also now an intrinsic aspect of organizational life in the public and voluntary sector. The development of the Internet has served to add to the marketing role, meaning that marketing opportunities continue to grow.

Software Engineers: The IT job sector grows in size as technological advances continue to be made. Computerized systems are ever more present in every area of organizational activity. Software engineers, who design and develop new applications to meet specific needs, are in ever greater demand.

Medical Administrator: There is an increasing need for administrators and clerical staff in the healthcare sector, which continues to grow.

Community Nurse: The development of primary healthcare sees more nursing activities taking place in the local community than ever before. The openings for community nurses, who perform non-surgical tasks in the home or other local settings, are increasing year on year.

Advertising Agency Account Executive: The media sector is becoming ever more specialized and complex, with an increasing number of specialist publications, broadcast channels and online media. An increasing level of targeted marketing through advertising is seeing growth in the number of opportunities for advertising executives.

Customer Services Assistant: The growth of Customer Relationship Management has led to the establishment of many more customer service teams, who are dedicated to responding to customer queries and fulfilling services requested by the telephone or online.

Information Officer: Digital technology has enabled organizations to store more data more efficiently than in the past. Consequently, more personnel are needed who can offer specialist skills in operating database software and information networks, retrieving and disseminating information as necessary.

Administrator: Secretarial jobs may be decreasing as the personal computer changes the shape of office processes, yet administrative jobs are growing, largely due to the centralization of organizational systems.

Engineer: There is a growing demand for highly trained, skilled personnel who are able to meet the needs of the mechanical, electrical, electronic, automotive, biomedical and civil engineering sciences.

After you have read

Is the profession of an engineer popular in our country? Give your arguments

Unit 3


The Engineering Profession

Why do you want to be an engineer?



Before you read

Task 1: Pronounce the following words properly

● earth   ●○ arrow human operate insight   ●○○ ancient ancestor implement escalate faceted ○● proceed concern humane require machine ○●○ determine ○●○○ investigate

Task 2: State the part of speech

Physics, specification, empirical, investigate, observation, difference, typify, division, contribution, responsible, analyze, promotion, statistics, flexibility, customer, environment, specialty, experience

Task 3: Give the verbs

Evolution, discovery, erection, definition, application, implementation, promotion, contribution, investigation, observation, solution, specification, division, invention, operation

Task 4: Translate the international words

Occupation, technician, irrigation system, practical application, empirical information, observation, to construct, to operate, complex phenomena, labour, to escalate, contribution, to determine, ethical

Task 5: Make sure you know the following nouns

Skills, toolmaker, forerunner, craftsmen, ancestor, experience, performance, solution, implementation, insight, phenomenon - phenomena


Task 6: What do the words groups have in common? Can you translate them all?

a) broad, modern, civil, ancient, practical, empirical, scientific, ethical, vast, natural, sound, deep;

b) slave, steam, device;

c) existing, practicing;

d) multi-faceted.

Task 7: Give the equivalents

Эмпирическая информация, широкая область, научное исследование, умелые специалисты, огромный вклад, практическое применение, древний мир, инженер-практик, потребности потребителя, природные явления, паровой двигатель, многогранная профессия, глубокие знания, умение общаться, рабский труд, существующие решения, теоретическая наука, нравственные нормы, инженер-строитель, современный опыт, глубокое понимание, работа устройства.

Task 8: Translate the adverbs

Previously, critically, creatively, independently

Task 9: Match the equivalents

A 1) открыть явление 2) возводить здание 3) включать / содержать умения 4) использовать опыт 5) обеспечить подготовку 6) очистить металлы   1) to include 2) to discover 3) to refine 4) to employ 5) to erect 6) to provide   1) training 2) skills 3) experience 4) phenomenon 5) metals 6) building


1) найти способ 2) улучшить решение 3) начать / продолжить исследование 4) требовать знания 5) определить явление 6) придумать / изобрести двигатель 1) to require 2) to find 3) to devise 4) to define 5) to proceed 6) to improve 1) research 2) a way 3) phenomenon 4) solution 5) engine 6) knowledge


1) искать устройство 2) изучать науку 3) внедрять опыт 4) объяснять разницу 5) создать решение 6) делить сферы применения 1) to divide 2) to explain 3) to create 4) to investigate 5) to seek 6) to implement 1) experience 2) difference 3) solution 4) device 5) applications 6) science

Task 10: Comment on the grammar

Most ancient, more efficient, more complex, more specialized, narrower, more prevalent

Task 11: State the difference

since – science

experiment - experience

to involve – to evolve

human – human being – humane – humanities

machine – machinery

engineer powers – to save power

to operate by means of slave labour – to operate means to work or function

he gets up earlyearly branches of engineering

he came later than usual – he received a letter – I like tea and coffee, the latter I like more

a scientist builds in order to learn – you’d better solve problems in the order they appear

While you read

Read the text (average reading) and divide it into logical parts


Engineering is one of the most ancient occupations in history. Without the skills included in the broad field of engineering, our present-day civilization never could have evolved. The first toolmakers who chipped arrows and spears from rock were the forerunners of modern mechanical engineers. The craftsmen who discovered metals in the earth and found ways to refine them were the ancestors of mining and metallurgical engineers. And the skilled technicians who devised irrigation systems and erected the marvelous buildings of the ancient world were the civil engineers of their time.

Engineering is often defined as making practical application of theoretical sciences such as physics and mathematics. Many of the early branches of engineering were based not on science but on empirical information that depended on the observation and experience.

The great engineering works of ancient times were constructed and operated largely by means of slave labour. During the Middle Ages people began to seek devices and methods of work that were more efficient and humane. Wind, water, and animals were used to provide energy for some of these new devices. This led to the Industrial Revolution that began in the eighteenth century. First steam engines and then other kinds of machines took over more and more of the work that had previously been done by human beings or by animals. Since the nineteenth century both scientific research and practical application of its results have escalated.

Engineering is concerned with the implementation of a solution to a practical problem. A scientist may ask "why?" and proceed to research the answer to the question. By contrast, engineers want to know howto solve a problem and how to implement that solution. In other words, scientists investigate phenomena, whereas engineers create solutions to problems or improve upon existing solutions. A scientist builds in order to learn. An engineer learns in order to build. The difference between science and engineering was explained well by Theodore Von Karman, an aerospace engineer. As he stated: "Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was."

Engineer typifies the century we live in. He is making a vast contribution to design, engineering and promotion. An engineer can be responsible for designing or inventing new products or testing them, analyzing product performance, making drawings and specifications. All these powers determine his specialty. So, there are project engineers, design engineers, machine engineers, civil engineers, electrical engineers, power engineers and many others.

The profession of an engineer is multi-faceted. It requires:

- good communication skills,

- higher ethical standards,

- ability to think critically, creatively and independently,

- work in a team,

- sound knowledge of engineering fundamentals such as math, physics, statistics, information technologies and other sciences,

- flexibility,

- deep insight of design and manufacturing processes,

- basic understanding of the context in which engineering is practiced (economy, history, environment, customer and social needs).

After you have read

Answer the questions

1) Why is engineering an ancient and important profession?

2) What sciences does engineering apply in practice?

3) What information did early engineering use? Why?

4) Why did people begin to seek new devices and methods of work in the Middle Ages?

5) What caused the Industrial Revolution?

6) What is the difference between an engineer and a scientist?

7) What are the main powers of an engineer?

8) What do these powers determine?

9) Why is the profession of an engineer considered to be a multi-faceted one?


Topics to discuss

1. Do your interests and abilities satisfy the requirements of the job you would like to do in the future?

2. If not an engineer, would you make a good doctor (teacher, journalist, researcher, etc)? Why or why not? Explain your reasons for and against.

3. Knowledge of foreign languages and cultures is growing in importance nowadays, isn’t it? Try and explain why.

4. Name some occupations or professions for which a good knowledge of a foreign language is desirable. Give your reasons.

5. What role does knowledge of a foreign language play in your profession? Do you think you will be able to use foreign languages in your career?


Before you read


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