общая комната- living room
Grammar “Don’t be late for dinner” said mother to us- MOTHER TOLD US NOT TO BE LATE FOR DINNER Ann asks her brother:”Are you playing chess now?”- ANN ASKS HER BROTHER IF HE IS PLAYING CHESS Our neighbors are washing their car (now)- OUR NEIGHBORS ARE WASHING THEIR CAR NOW The lecture has not begun (yet) – THE LECTURE HAS NOT BEGUN YET Pete said to his friends:”When are leaving Moscow?” – PETER ASKED HIS FRIENDS WHEN THEY WERE LEAVINGMOSCOW The teacher says:”You don’t prepare your home work regularly” – THE TEACHER SAYS THAT WE DON’T PREPARE OUR HOME WORK REGULARLY” Mother says to me:”Are you listening to me?” – MOTHER ASKS ME IF I AM LISTENING TO HER They come to the institute at two o’clock in the afternoon – WHEN DO THEY COME TO THE INSTITUTE? The students have already gone home. WHERE HAVE THEY GONE? The event WAS much TALKED ABOUT in the town Then the difficulty WAS EXPLAINED to them The news WAS TOLD me today The dam WAS BROKEN by the flood Then the difficulty WAS EXPLAINED to them The furniture WAS TAKEN out of the room My sister WAS PLAYING the piano from 5 till 6 yesterday He WAS GIVEN a radio set as a present The work WAS FINISHED in silence I knew they WERE WAITING me at the metro station and decided to hurry The young trees WERE properly LOOKED AFTER I was afraid that WOULD RETERN home very late I WOULD BE silly to miss such a film Tom said that he WOULD GO to see the doctor the next day If I had time, I SHOULD often COME to see you If I were you I SHOULDN’T GO to the party before an exam Don’t come to my place tomorrow. I SHALL BE WRITING a composition the whole evening We SHALL TRANSLATE this article at the next lesson I have not written the English exercise. I SHALL HAVE TO it on Sunday Why WILL you HAVE TO stay at home tomorrow evening? When I come tomorrow, my family WILL BE HAVING supper We HAVE BELIEVED her all the time HAVING FINISHED their supper, the boys started for the door You HAVE TO learn the whole poem She HAVE TO married next month I HAVE STAYED at my aunt’s since my arrival We HAVE BELIEVED her all the time The poor pleasant thanked Robin Hood for HAVING HELPED him Usually my father HAS breakfast at half past seven Yesterday Tom heard that this aunt HAD BEEN ILL for five days What DID they buy at the shop yesterday? Where DID she SPEND last summer? DID they ENJOY themselves at the symphony yesterday evening? I DID NOT go to my relatives last year because I couldn’t afford it DO your parents always go to the country for a weekend? Does it HURT you to move your arms, legs or head? Listen! Who IS PLAYING the piano in the next room? We didn’t know ANYTHING about his problem, he didn’t tell us about it My grandmother IS the kindest person I’ve ever seen Both companies have a high international REPUTATION A FADING flower lay on the table She gave me a WRITE exercise
The teacher explained the rule in a DIFFERENT way and I understood it These companies employ leading PRODUCERS Most of these are let to producing managements on a COMMERCIAL basis DEER are wild animals She put a plate of FRIED fish in front of me The standard of producing is generally HIGH Chips are FRIED PIECES OF POTATOES The East End is famous for its FACTORIES The news was EXCITING Fruit –growing is extensively CARRIED ON When I CAME to the south last summer I HIRED a small but comfortable room I am sorry to say, I have read very FEW books by Walter Scott They have SOME really good friends The little plump woman STANDING at the window is my aunt Mary must not eat too MUCH salt because she has problems with her blood pressure Some companies have their own THEATRES There aren’t ANY fruit at this time of the year The door opened and a WELL-DRESSED woman came in These companies employ leading PRODUCERS For most of England’s wheat is GROWN here Can I see the Dean? I’m afraid not. He is busy TALKING with you is real pleasure The students have already gone home. WHERE HAVE THEY GONE? The lecture has not begun (yet) – THE LECTURE HAS NOT BEGUN YET THERE ARE many people on the platform waiting for the train We didn’t know ANYTHING about his problem, he didn’t tell us about it The books WRITTEN by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century England COMING to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun He keeps INSISTING on my going to the south We like PLAYING tennis The young trees WERE properly LOOKED AFTER Where is Tom? – He IS PLAYING football in the yard now The charm of life was GONE for Tom Sawyer THERE ARE many people on the platform waiting for the train Mary asked a lot of questions POINTING at the building I am sorry TO DISTIRB you He has bund a BROKEN umbrella This is church BUILT many years ago About two HUNDRED people gathered on the square There were many CHILDREN in the playground Last week she WROTE a funny story about her pet There are about 50 principal theatres in professional use Don’t disturb them. They ARE PREPARING for the exam When Kate OPENED the door, the children WERE DANCING round the fir tree How MANY eggs are there in the fridge, Paul? He said that he ATTENDED the English courses It was foolish TO SPEAK like that Father asked his son to clean the HOUSE’S roof from snow You can rely on father TO FORGET nothing In the xIII-xv c. the larger amount OF Jaik The time to choose one job OUT OF To put OUT the light Nowadays teacher training IN Great Britain Students working FOR their first degree Junior students go INTO schools for one day Look AT the blackboard It is pleasant to look AT the trees when Call AT port AT the cost of smb’s life AT the top People celebrate Christmas ON the 25 december The frost sparkles ON the branches He will arrive to our city ON Monday ON deck To go ON a journey To produce an impression ON smb. Last night I call ON Ann ON shore Uralsk is situated ON the right bank of the river… Being situated ON the border line of Asia and Europe Try ON this grey hat Be careful! Don’t splash mud ON passers-by Senior students spend 15 weeks ON teaching Help yourself TO some pastry
To wave farewell TO smb. Listen TO new text The fish is just TO my liking The meat is done TO a turn To travel BY air To see smb. OFF To be famous FOR To be found IN To have glimps OF To change FOR a boat We are waiting FOR our friends We are going TO our friends He must go to St. Petersburg IN spring The Programme usually consists OF 3 core components I am not going to stand IN a queue I see you’re angry WITH me That dress goes WITH her gloves To be lined WITH He took care OF the flowers in the garden University teaching combines lectures given BY professors The students are pound OF their college We have run OUT OF meat A thick fog is spreading OVER London Compulsory education begins AT 5 years Below- ABOVE Today is the first OF June We take our exams IN January Thoery education is one OF main subject That dress goes WITH her gloves Fleur was IN love with Jon Shall I put butter ON your bread Let’s have a tramp DOWN the country Broth is made OF boiling chicken Let US do the work at home (us) Our nephew is very good At maths A thick fog is spreading OVER London Winter Knitted clothes is usually made of ---- wool What mark did you get IN literature His uncle is full OF energy bread is eating every day
I have read very FEW Books by Walter Scott There aren’t any ANY fruit at this time How MANY eggs are there in the fringe Mary must not eat too MUCH salt because … A great deal of- A LOT OF I am sorry to say,I have read very FEW books I sat for a while frozen with horror and then in ----- despair I’ve A caught and have a sore throat How much did you pay for THE dinner? I seem to be suffering from all THE illness France is situated to THE North of Italy The United Kingdom consists of How much did you for THE dinner? Their family has --- supper late
In a telephone conversation the most frequent word is....I In a telephone conversation the most frequent word is.... I In such utterances as "Miss Blue-eyes. Mr. Zero, Korobochka"... is used antonomasia In the sentence are used as parentheses modal words Ina telephone conversation the most frequent word is.... I is /talked about is a part of speech which points out objects and their qualities without naming them The pronoun is a word expressing a quality of a substance The adjective is finished is generally associated with the article The noun is the principal part of a two-member sentence The subject It is an important branch of applied linguistics. Lexicography kind the correct sentence in indirect speech: "don't be late for dinner", said mother to us mother told us not to be late for dinner. Lexicography is the theory and practice of compiling... dictionaries Many pronouns are characterized by syntactical use double may be transitive or intransitive The verb Most adjectives have degrees of comparison most fast Nouns fall under classes two of woods, fens and marshes various pi it the verb into the right tense form: when i... to the sou'i’l 1 east summer i... a smael but comfortable room. came/ hired pill in the correct article: their family has... supper late in the evening. - pill in the correct preposition: uralsk is situated....the right bank of the river jaik on pill in the suitable word: england is a highly developed country industrial Prefixes which modify the stem for time arc... pre -, post- Pronouns as well as nouns have cases two put t1 ib adverb in ti ie right place: our neighbours are washing their car. (now) our neighbours are washing their car now. put the adverb in the right place: the lecture has not begun. (yet) the lecture has not begun yet. put the verb into the right tense form: when i... to the south last summer 1... a small but comfortable room came/ hired realized at universities. in repetition involving the whole structure of the sentence is called... parallelism
shakespearean plays at stradford-upon-avon so many % of the english vocabulary are loan words... 70% so many words may be synonyms: many soi,ve the problem quickly will Some adverbs have degrees of comparison Sometimes modal words as sentence words are used Standard English is not... the regional dialect of London T he branch of Linguistics which deals with the origin and development of words is... Etymology that can be counted have two numbers Articles _____ that can be counted have two numbers Nouns The abbreviatiation "ad " is for... advertisement The article is a structural part of speech used with nouns The branch of Linguistics which deals with the origin and development of words is... Etymology The first American dictionary of the English language was published by... Samuel Johnson The numeral "one" is which indicates number or the order of person and things in a series. a part of speech The predicate is principal part of the sentence the second The term "dictionary" is used to denote a book listing... words The verb has categories grammatical The word "loan" means... a borrowed word The word originated from English is... club The words peculiar to some districts are called... local dialects There are articles in modem English two This variant of English influenced both by British and American English Canadian Till in the correct preposition: We are waiting our friends for To arrange To dress To pass To spread To stay unassimilated loan word is.... affiche use the right preposition: he will arrive to our city...monday morning. on use 11 ie right pronoun: mary must not eat too... salt because: she! has problems with her blood pressure much use the correct auxiliary verb:... your parents always go to п1н country for a weekend? do use the correct form of participle: the little plump woman. at the window is my aunt standing use the correct form of the verb: listen! who...the piano in the next room? is playing use the correct tense form: he said that he... the English courses attended use the correct tense form: tom said that he...to see the doctor the next day. would go use the necessary tense form: i knew they... me at the metro station and i decided to hurry. were waiting use the necessary tense form: si ii- says ii1л i si ii already...the book has/ found use the necessary tense form: the tourists were told that fill- guide... in five minutes would come use the necessary tense form: we didn't know where our friends... had gone use the necessary tense form: yesterday tom heard that his aunt... for five days had been ill use the pronouns in the proper form: let... do the work at home, (we) us use the right preposition: he will arrive to our city...Monday morning on use the right pronoun: 1 am sorry to say, i have read very... books by Walter Scott few use the right pronoun: how...eggs are there in the fridg1 Paul? many use the right pronoun: Mary must not eat 'too... salt because she has problems with her blood pressure much use the right it preposition: he will arrive to our city...Monday morning. on was finished was/talked about week. Into were finished
Fill in the correct preposition: That dress goes with her gloves общая комната- living room Various lexical units of Lexicology are- morphemes, words, word combinations Choose the proper word. mind synonyms: to take notes at a lecture on Literature- to make notes at a lecture on Literature British, American, Australian and Canadian English are regional variants of standard In
чистить ногти- to clean one's nails in one word: low marshy land with lots of waterways- the Fens This organization promotes knowledge of British culture and literature -The British Council Correct postposition- to be lined- up Fill in prepositions or adverbs: Let"s have a tramp down the country lines. So many weeks are paid as holidays per year in England - 4 Now Benny is eager to have - a parrot In Great Britain there are 2 variants of English Complete the follow sent.: I waited for it to be time to give - another c. In this part of great Britain the system of education as a little indifferent - In Wales This town is the leading industrial centre of Northern Ireland- Belfast Definition of word: weather - a condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow at certain time The National Chartist Association was founded in - Manchester This part of London is called *square mile*- the City To fall behind the Group in Grammar - A) to stay with the group B) to help to the group in Grammar C) to run up with the group in Grammar D) to go before the group in Grammar E) to catch up with the group in Grammar
Each morning when the routine of opening his shop was completed, it was the proprietor to perch on a high stool, behind the counter, unfold his 'morning paper, and digest the day's news. Caged by L& Reeve 1 mean what I said!" snapped' the man. "Something in а саgе"; Caged by L. E. Reeve The taller and stronger of them was called Rosalind, and the name of the other was Celia. As you like it. After W.Shakespeare Many years ago there lived in France two girls who were the very best of friends, As you like it. After W.Shakespeare One of the truest friends of the former duke had been a brave knight called Sir Rowland As you like it. After W.Shakespeare Alec called the boy to his cabin. A foul play. R.Ruark It was a sheer beauty of her face that took your breath away. Fair of face. С Hare Jack - the main character Felise The mistery of the blue jar. Claude and Carl were very poor.They lived on the money which they got from time to time for their sketches. Is he living or is he dead. In the evening Valentine arrived in his native town, went directly to the cafe of his old friend Mike. J.Valentine’s ref. O.Henry Two weeks after that another safe was opened. J.Valentine’s reformation. O. Henry 1 didn't want to sell the 30th section and it ' s It a it sing now in our living-room. Lautisse paints again. H.A.Smith It was some 20 minutes later when the princess stood up and said... The dinner party. N.Monsarrat He thought the matter over from every point of view and the next day he went to look for a suitable shop. The verger. W.S.Maugham I suppose every family lies a black sheep. In this family it had been Tom .The ant and the grasshopper. W.S. Maugham. The agents sent Roger orders to view and he took Ruth to see some houses. The escape. W.S. Maugham "Young" Jerry was a fourteen-years old boy with red hair, blue eyes and freckled skin. The banks of Sacramento. J.London That morning "young' Jerry was alone in the cabin. His father had gone to San Francisco and was not to be back till next day. The banks of Sacramento. J.London Joe and Delia got acquainted at a friend's house. A service of love. O.Henry. Pledger gave part of his pay for a ticketto Chicago. Pledger's way home. David Balfour, a sixteen- year-old boy is on board, a brig bound for America ....The shipwreck. The phone rang and Mrs.Bufkins heard her sister n Manhattan tell her that there was a blackout. The TV blackout The book said that he suddenly stopped painting at 53 and lived in a villa in Rivera. He hadn't painted anything in a dozen year and was heard to say he would never touch the brush again. – Lautisse Lautisse paints again He was a rich man. He was a charming and accomplished host whose villa was an accepted rendezvous of the great. – Octavian The dinner party. N.Monsarrat 1 was taken to Colonel pope, who was then an alert energetic man of 39 Hunting for a job. 'I was up at seven-thirty the next morning and 1 remembered that I had a job to do. Our vegetable garden had a fence around it which needed a coast of paint. I look out a bucket half full of white paint and a brush and an old kitchen chair"- Lautisse paints again "Letter in the mail" by E. Caldwell. She was pretty though not very yang. Mr.Magister got a lot of money for his picture and he took a lot of money for his lessons. A service of love. O.Henry The chain was handed to Mr Kelada Mr.Know All. W.S. Maugham
After dinner that evening, began to read the scenario. There were 35 pages and as soon as had. The surprise. From to time he disappeared for several month and then he appeared again and began to write The young Filipino moved quickly among the people running from the drunkard. Guy Hodge and Rolph Bamhllt's plan was to play a joke mi Ray Baffin. Letters in the mail With the money he could afford to marry Leila, rent a studio and stop being a student to complete his education he went to Italy but after 5 month all the money was spent and he had to return.- A good start "Don't good woman me" said Mrs. Hall "and before I get any breakfast you've got to tell me one or two things I don't understand your room was empty but now did you get it again?'" The invisible man Only person the author knew in Boston wasMiss Bennet. Hunting for a job Mr. Forestier was convinced to her dying day that her husband had been a very gallant gentleman. A lion s skin. Joe and delta got acquainted at a friend's house where some art and music students had gathered to discuss art, music, and newest play. A service of love. O.Henry Delia was about to say something. but suddenly tears appeared in her eyes and she began to cry. A service of love Discipline on board was hard to keep and Zabinski made it worse. A foul play That began to interest the detectives. Jimmy Valentine 's Reformation. Clifford wasa writer. Then in triumph. F. L. Parke On the second floor Clifford reached his study, turned on the light over the table and dropped into the chair before it. Then in triumph. He was alone in camp when the native boy brought him Barton's book. The main character of the text is Anderson. Wager with destiny. 0ne day, very soon, we're going to have an outbreak of an epidemic. It's the main serves to blame.- The explosion. The Nightingale and "TheRose " by O. Wilde. She said that she would dance with me, if I brought her a red rose. Oh, you needn't worry", the banker smiled. The verger. At eleven o'clock that night he started out, in company with Hawkins, denny's dog. The explosion I'm an accountant " Bufkinds said. The TV blackout Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee began their married life in a little room. A service of love. Wager with destiny the main hero is Anderson You see dear, I work as a mechanic in that same laundry on Twenty-Fourth Street. A service of love Once we were in need of three dollars. A dog and 3 dollars Well, after that everywhere I went, there was Merry Ann with Sladen Morris her, like a big dog. 1 had always played tennis with Sladen whenever the weather wasn't wet: now 1 had to look for a partner, and I had to watch him playing with Merry Ann. The Boy next door. He remembered the streets of Paris and Berlin. He remembered Vienna. Home. L. Hughes At that moment Merry Ann _of our window, just a Sladen came_________ towards of our house probably_ me to play a game of tennis, an usual_ looked out, across, to invite Mr. Shelby decided to sell Tom, who helped him.... To look after the farm Most of our party were old friends of the Franklins, who took Deborah for granted as a local phenomenon, but among them was a newcomer- a young man with a beard named Aubrey Melcombe, who had lately taken charge of the local museum. - Fair of Face C. Hare They would pay the author five dollars for it. And he would receive the check when the story was published «A service of love» -«Martin Eden» by J.London The main hero in the text «Wager with Destiny» is Anderson Couldn`t help thinking of his table when the other day I saw George Ramsay lunching in a restaurant «The Escape» by W.S. Maugham---«The Ant and the Grasshopper» by W.S. Maugham Finish the following sentence: «He was lucky»,the planter was saying to strange… man Finish the following sentence. Purcell owned a pet shop and… he sold cats and dogs and monkeys «Don`t good woman me» said Mrs. Hall «and before I get any breakfast», you`ve got to tell me one or two things I don`t understand. Your room was empty but now did you get in again? …«The Invisible man» He had been verger ……. And liked his job.for 16 years The agent sent Roger orders to view and … He took Ruth to see some houses He ran in the direction of the sound. The main character of the text is …Jack Complete the following sentence: Mr. Shelby had a large plantation and many slaves. in the South America Complete the following sentence (Mind the text “:Mr Know - All” by W.S.Maugham): The chain was handed to… Mr Kelada … (Mind the text “Footprints in the Jungle” W.S.Maugham): It was in … that I met the Cartwrights. Malaya Complete the following sentence: At that moment Ainsley realized that she knew… everything Complete the following sentence: When Martin Eden returned to San Francisco, he began to write Finish the following sentence: First Bufkins thought it was his set in the… living-room Finish the following sentence: Roger didn’t show his feelings … to Ruth Barlow had changed Finish the following sentence: The story spread over the ship. It was a fine joke that Mr.Know-All had been caught out. But Mrs.Ramsay went to her cabin … with a headache. Finish the following sentence: There’s nothing better than a blackout for a man who really wants to know… his family If anybody was smoking on watch or asleep on watch, it always was Zabinski. Discipline on board was hard to keep and Zabinski made it worse. These sentences are from the text …“A Foul Play” by R.Ruark They were very nice people and played a very pleasant game of bridge. The main character of the text is … Cartwrights While they were thus engaged Ben Price, the detective, walked into the bank and stood at the counter watching the scene. This sentence is from the text… “Jimmy Valentine’s reformation” O.Henry . is a part of speech which points out objects and their qualities without naming The pronoun ... завершается формирование механизма восприятия и порождения высказываний: На среднем этапе ...- то, почему действует человек Мотив ...THE BOOK has/ found ____ that can be counted have two numbers Nouns ____- специфическая форма взаимодействия человека с другими людьми как членами общества Общение ____is a word expressing a quality of a substance The adjective ___is the principal part of a two-member sentence The subject _it is an important branch of applied linguistics Lexicography A two member___ may be complete or incomplete sentence A two-member sentence has two members- a subject and a predicate Accordingly numerals are divided into cardinals and ordinals American English is... the variety of English spoken in the USA An adverb may modify.... words of the category of state, adjectives verbs Chioose the: right tense form: don’t come to my place tomorrow. 1... A composition the whole evening. shall be writing Choose (he correct definition of the word: bakery a place where bread is sold Choose (he correct translation of the word: engineering машиностроение Choose (he proper English equivalent to: сравнять счет to end in a shutout Choose (lie correct translation of the word: off-shore oil industry добыча нефти в открытом море choose 11 hi rich it tense form: w) jen! come home tomorrow, my family... supper will be having choose 11ii' necessary indefinite pronoun: they have...reaeey good friends some choose 1'he correct tense form: we...tl iis article at' the next lesson shall translate choose and fill in the participle 1:...to the theatre, she saw at the performance had already begun coming Choose English equivalent in tin mini German Ее сгоит прочесть It is worth reading строка a line каспийское море The Caspian Sea Tихий океан The Pacific Ocean : Азия Asia Антарктика The Antarctic Бельгия Belgium Восток The East Германия Germany Голландия Netherlands голландский язык Dutch греческий язык Greek Дания Denmark Европа Europe запад The West Индия India Италия Italy невежественный ignorant немецкий язык German : оркестр orchestra польский язык Polish Польша Poland : понятый plain публика audience Blank : Север The North скучный boring Темза The Thames : умный bright утренник matinee Швеция Sweden Юг The South Япония Japan Антарктика The Antarctic голландский язык Dutch Индия India : eй требуется полчаса It takes her half an hour I le выпьете ли Вы с нами ч : дела шли все хуже и хуже Things went from bad to worse ей требуется полчаса It takes her half an hour Просите его сюда Show him in разбогатеть to come into money : что-то случилось с. Something has gone wrong with... эго исключается It is out of the question : эго не уважительная причина That's a poor excuse A stylistic device based on the repetition of a syntactical pattern, but it has a cross order of words and phrases is called... chiasmus where is tom? - he... football in the yard now is playing . she agreed... at home to stay 1 am glad... you to meet till- dam... by the flood was broken there aren't... fruit at ihis i'lme of the year any their car was movinu... than ours faster Choose the best translation of each English sentence (Mind the text "A Day's Wait:"):as though it ached to move Как будто движения причиняли ему боль Choose the best translation of each English sentence (Mind the text "A Day’s Wait"): I’d rather stay awake Я лучше не буду спать Choose the close in meaning: To be away To be absent Choose the close in meaning: to check the home work То go through Choose the close in meaning: to write down To put down choose the correc t form of participle 2: si ie pi п a pi, \ i e of... f1sf1 in front of \if. fried Choose the correct definition of the word: artist someone who draws Choose the correct definition of the word: bakery a place where bread is sold Choose the correct definition of the word: camp a place where people live in tents Choose the correct definition of the word: college a school for professional education Choose the correct definition of the word: college a school for professional education 8) a large area of land without trees Choose the correct definition of the word: dairy» a place where we buy cheese Choose the correct definition of the word: fog a very thick mist which makes it difficult to see Choose the correct definition of the word: gallery the top floor of seats in a theatre Choose the correct definition of the word: holiday a time of rest from work Choose the correct definition of the word: mark a sign showing a quality Choose the correct definition of the word: mind a person's way of thinking Choose the correct definition of the word: nomad a member of a tribe which travels about Choose the correct definition of the word: play a piece of performance Choose the correct definition of the word: stepped a large area of land without trees Choose the correct definition of the word: subject a branch of knowledge Choose the correct definition of the word: the greengrocer’s a place where we buy carrots Choose the correct definition of the word: theatre a place where plays are performed Choose the correct definition of the word: thunder the loud explosive noise that follows a flash of lightning Choose the correct definition of the word: travelling to go from one place to another Choose the correct definition of the word: Weal her forecast a description of weather conditions Choose the correct definition of the word: weather a condition of wind, rain, sunshine, snow at a certain time Choose the correct definition of the word: Weather forecast a description of weather conditions Choose the correct definition of the word:artist someone who draws Choose the correct definition of the word:bakefy a place where bread is sold Choose the correct definition of the word:nomad a member of a tribe which travels about Choose the correct definition of the word:play a piece of performance Choose the correct definition of the word:the greengrocer's a place where we buy carrots Choose the correct definition of the word; theatre a place where plays are per formed Choose the correct definition of the wordrbakery a place where mobile-phones are sold Choose the correct English equivalent: подметать пол to sweep the floor Choose the correct English equivalents: принимать душ to take a shower Choose the correct expressions in one word: Difficulty in digesting food indigestion choose the correct form of ii if vfirb: don’t disturb thkm. 1hf.y... for thk fxam. are preparing choose the correct form of 'it11 i possessive case: fathhr asked his son to clean the... roof from snow house's choose the correct form of participle 2: she put a plate of... fish in front of me fried choose the correct form of participle 2: the books... by dickens give ljs a realistic picture of the 19th century england written choose the correct form of participle: the little plump woman …the window is my aunt standing choose the correct form of t1 ie participle: the door opened and a... woman came in well-dressed choose the correct form of the adverb: their car was moving...than ours. choose the correct form of the adverb: ttieir car was mov ing... than ours. faster choose the correct form of the gerund: he keeps...on my going to the south insisting choose the correct form of the participle: the door opened and a... woman came in. well-dressed choose the correct form of the possessive case: father asked his son to clean the... roof from snow house's choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence: he... to the south a week ago. went choose the correct form of the verb..: when kate..the door, the children..round the fir tree. opened,were dancing choose the correct form of the verb: 1... go to my relatives last year because 1 couldn't' afford ii. did not choose the correct form of the verb: don't disturb them. they... for the exam are preparing choose the correct form of the verb: he is sure that he... choose the correct form of the verb: he is sure that he... solve the problem quickly. will choose the correct form of the verb: i... go to my relatives last year because i couldn’t afford it. did not choose the correct form of the verb: what... buy at the shop yesterday? did choose the correct form of the verb: where is tom? - he... football in the yard now' is playing choose the correct form of тик gerund: he keeps...on my going to the south insisting choose the correct gramma tical form: he never agreed to their...on that dangerous voyage going choose the correct grammatical form: the poor peasant thanked robin hood for...him having helped Choose the correct Modal Verb: Can I see the Dean'?... He is busy I'm afraid not Choose the correct paraphrase: A challenge to your character something you have to cope with Choose the correct paraphrase: The most vital job. The most important, necessary and urgent job Choose the correct paraphrase: to go in for teaching to be in teaching choose the correct paraphrase: Л challenge to your character something you have to cope with Choose the correct postposition: to be lined with Choose the correct preposition... to be found. in Choose the correct preposition … deck on Choose the correct preposition to: call port at Choose the correct preposition: shore on Choose the correct preposition:...memory of in Choose the correct preposition:...the top at Choose the correct preposition:... the cost of smb's life at Choose the correct preposition:...memory of in Choose the correct preposition:...the top at choose the correct preposition: 1 iis uncle is full... energy of Choose the correct preposition: Broth is made...boiling chicken of Choose the correct preposition: Compulsory education begins 5 years. at Choose the correct preposition: Examinations are held the end of each term. at Choose the correct preposition: Help yourself some pastry to choose the correct preposition: his uncle is full... energy of Choose the correct preposition: Junior students go schools for one day each Week into Choose the correct preposition: Nowadays teacher training Great Britain is Choose the correct preposition: Nowadays teacher training Great Britain is realized at universities in Choose the correct preposition: Senior students spend fifteen weeks, practice. on Choose the correct preposition: Shall 1 put butter your bread? about Choose the correct preposition: Shall 1 put butter your bread? on Choose the correct preposition: The fish is just my liking to Choose the correct preposition: The meat is done a turn to Choose the correct preposition: The Programme usually consists three core components. of Choose the correct preposition: They learn the use different educational aids of Choose the correct preposition: Thoery of Education is one the main subjects. of Choose the correct preposition: to be familiar smth with Choose the correct preposition: to change a boat for Choose the correct preposition: to go....a journey on Choose the correct preposition: to have a glimpse of Choose the correct preposition: to produce an impression smb on Choose the correct preposition: to put the light out Choose the correct preposition: to see smb off Choose the correct preposition: to travel air by Choose the correct preposition: to wave farewell smb to Choose the correct preposition: to wave farewell smb. on Choose the correct preposition: University teaching combines lectures given professors. by Choose the correct preposition:.shore on Choose the correct preposition: deck on Choose the correct preposition:14elp yourself some pastry to Choose the correct preposition:Broth is made...boiling chicken. of Choose the correct preposition:Students working their first degree are called undergraduates. for correct question to the underlined.: They come to the Institute at two o'clock in the afternoon. When do they come to the Institute? Choose the correct question to the underlined words: The students have already gone home. Where have they gone? Choose the correct Russian equivalent: There's nothing the matter with the iron Утюг в порядке Choose the correct spelling of the word: a room used for cooking kitchen Choose the correct spelling of the word: pronunciation pronunciation Choose the correct t translation of the word: compulsory обязательный choose the correct tense form of the verb: i was afraid that i... home very late would return choose the correct tense form: we...this article at the next lesson shall translate Choose the correct translation of the word: agriculture земледелие Choose the correct translation of the word: an electronic equipment электронное оборудование Choose the correct translation of the word: coal field угольный бассейн Choose the correct translation of the word: cornpulsary обязательный Choose the correct translation of the word: docks верфи Choose the correct translation of the word: educational aids учебные пособия Choose the correct translation of the word: electronic equipment электронное оборудование Choose the correct translation of the word: engineering машиностроение Choose the correct translation of the word: graduate выпускник Choose the correct translation of the word: mild climate мягким климат Choose the correct translation of the word: off-shore oil industry добыча нефти в открытом море Choose the correct translation of the word: petrochemicals химические продукты из нефти Choose the correct translation of the word: picturesque scenery живописный пейзаж Choose the correct translation of the word: teaching practice практика в школе Choose the correct translation of the word: To hold exams проводить экзамены Choose the correct translation of the word: to observe a lesson учебные пособия Choose the correct translation of the word: tools оборудование Choose the correct translation о Г the word: electronic equipment электронное оборудование Choose the correct translation: багаж luggage Choose the correct translation: бурное rough Choose the correct translation: вагон-ресторан dining-car Choose the correct translation: грузовое судно cargo-ship Choose thecorrect translation: касса booking-office Choose the correct translation: очко score Choose the correct translation: пароход steamer Choose the correct translation:nany6a deck Choose the correct variant The Tower of London was used as a prison Choose the correct variant: meals a day are served traditionally in Britain four Choose the correct variant: Chips are fried pieces of potatoes Choose the correct variant: Pudding is a very popular dish English Choose the correct variant: T he English tea is taken at 5 o'clock Choose the correct variant: The heart of London is City Choose the correct variant: The higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan include universities Choose the correct variant: The meeting place for Parliament is Westminster Palace Choose the correct variant: The official home of Prime Minister. Downing Street 10 choose the correct variant: The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar Choose the correct variant: The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar Choose the correct variant: There are Houses of Parliament 2 Choose the correct variant:….meals a day are served traditionally in Britain. four Choose the correct word: a journey frequently brief one made by land or water trip Choose the correct word: a journey in which a short stay is made at a number of places tour Choose the correct word: a rather long journey,esp. by water or air voyage Choose the correct word: a sea voyage from port to port cruise Choose the correct word: the act of going from one place to another taking a rather long time journey Choose the correct word: the act of traveling esp. a long one in distant or foreign places travel Choose the correct word: The person telling the story narrator Choose the correct word: traveling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides hitch-hiking choose the correct’ form of the verb: he is sure that he... solve the problem quickly. will Choose the English equivalent (o the sentence: гoвopиTb? Shall I speak? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: Писать? Shall I write? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: начинать? Shall I begin? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence: Отвечать? Shall 1 answer? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence:4Hxarb? Shall 1 read? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence:Начинать? Shall I begin? Choose the English equivalent to the sentence:Читать? Shall I read? Choose the English equivalent: г оворить? Shall I speak? choose the necessary indefinite pronoun: there aren't... fruit at this time of the year any choose the necessary indefinite pronoun: they have...really good friends some choose the necessary indefinite pronoun: we didn't know'... abut his problem, he didn't tell us about it anything choose the plural form of the noun:...are wild animals deer Choose the proper article: 1 sat for a while frozen with horror and then in... despair I again turned over the pages - Choose the proper article: 1 seem to be suffering from all — illness imaginable the Choose the proper article: I've caught — cold and have a sore throat a Choose the proper article: Then he hit me over — chest when I wasn't expecting the Choose the proper English equivalent to: OH просит передать ему хлеба He asks to pass him some bread Choose the proper English equivalent to: быть в ответе за что-то to be responsible for smth Choose the proper English equivalent to: В довершении ко всему to crown it all Choose the proper English equivalent to: закончить вничью to end in a draw Choose the proper English equivalent to: лечение treatment Choose the proper English equivalent to: обязательный no программе предмет a compulsory subject Choose the proper English equivalent to: открыть счет to open the score Choose the proper English equivalent to: отчаяние despair Choose the proper English equivalent to: Пусть каждый останется при своем мнении. Let's agree to differ Choose the proper English equivalent to: Располагайтесь как дома Make yourself at home Choose the proper English equivalent to: роковая болезнь fatal malady Choose the proper English equivalent to: с нетерпением ожидать to look forward to Choose the proper English equivalent to: следовать указаниям врача to follow the doctor's directions Choose the proper English equivalent to: щупать пульс to feel the pulse Choose the proper English equivalent to: Я (бывало) играл в школе в футбол. I used to play football at school Choose the proper prepositions or adverbs: The time to choose one job — out of Choose the proper Russian equivalent lo: to have no choice не иметь выбора Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: A little knowledge is a dangerous thing Недостаток знания- опасная вещь Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: comfort утешение Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: rewarding work благодарная работа Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to abandon hope оставить надежду Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to be laid up with a disease слечь от какой-то болезни Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to get in tempers рассердиться Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to glance взглянуть Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to go in for teaching заниматься преподаванием (увлечься) Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to have no choice не иметь выбора Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to lime one's pulse сосчитать пульс Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to preserve one's life сохранить жизнь Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to run across smth случайно натолкнуться Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to shout smb. down перекричать кого-то Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to stay awake бодрствовать Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to think privately думать невысказываясь Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: to time one's pulse сосчитать пульс Choose the proper Russian equivalent to: vital жизненный Choose the proper variant: What public holiday do English people celebrate on the th of December? Christmas Day Choose..and word-combination. Mind synonyms: to take an examination in English to pass an examination in English Choose the proper …to that in bracets: 1 can't say I feel any sharp (боль) in some definite place. I just ache all over pain Choose the proper word corresponding to that in bracets: I can't say I feel any sharp (боль) pain Choose the proper word or word -combination: Now Benny is eager to hav a rabbit Choose the proper word поговорить To have a talk Choose the proper word. Mind synonyms: 1 decided to break with him after he had — to help me when 1 was in great need help refused Choose the proper word. Mind synonyms: 1 decided to break with him after he had - to help me when 1 was in great need help refused Choose the proper word. Mind synonyms: Does it — you to move your arms, legs or head? hurt Choose the proper word: — people wear neither shoes nor stockings: barefoot Choose the proper word: A paper that comes every day daily Choose the proper word: A person who goes in for wrestling wrestler Choose the proper word: The teacher explained the rule in a — way and I understood it. different Choose the proper word: Очень хотеть To be eager Choose the proper word: поговорить To have a talk choose the rig1 it structure with there:... many people on i hi platform waiting for the train there are choose the right 11 \s| form: don’t come to my place tomorrow. 1... a composition the whole evening shall be writing choose the right form of participle 2: this is church... many yeas ago. built choose the right infini tive. you can rely on father... nothing to forget choose the right infinitive, he was looking for someone... him to help choose the right infinitive. i am glad... you. | ||||||||||||||