Customs clearance of cargo
Text 1 Task 1. Read and translate the text. When transport means carrying cargo cross the border of the Russian Federation, the cargo as well as the vehicle is subject to Customs clearance and control. The documents are checked, the cargo is examined to ensure that the information stated in the documents is true to the fact and that no prohibited goods may come along. (1) Customs clearance consists of 5 steps and starts with checking and registration of a Cargo Declaration form and supporting documents (Bills of Lading, Invoice, Packing List, Insurance Policies, Certificates of Origin, etc.). The documents are submitted electronically and in writing by the owner of the goods or by a person acting on his behalf. (2) Then customs officials define and classify the goods in accordance with the Goods Nomenclature to apply the proper rate of tariff and check if the cargo is liable to any tariff preferences or tax privileges. (3) Next they study the foreign trade contract and check if the true value of the goods is stated there. Having used the proper method of customs valuation the officials assess the amount of duty to be paid. (4) After that the duties are levied and it can be done on different terms. Depending on the company’s previous record and reputation, payment of duties may be deferred but in some cases the Customs may require to guarantee the payment.
(5) After paper processing they pass over to practical examination. To speed up the rummage customs officers exercise risk management to target certain cargo consignments for inspection. Transit goods under seal are checked when they arrive in the country of destination. Processing the documents, at each stage a customs official stamps “VERIFIED” on the back side of a Cargo Declaration form and puts the date, the time, his signature and personal identification number. If shipment or entry is not authorized the Customs will return the documents and attach a Refusal Note indicating the reason for denial. In case the goods are of dangerous or sensitive nature, unpacking is done by experts familiar with the risks involved. When the cargo is found in bad or damaged condition or deficient in quantity, it may be put apart for further settlement of the situation with the owner or the carrier of the goods. Finally the Customs Office Chief stamps “ CLEARED ” on the documents stating that the cargo and transport means are released from customs control.
Working on the text Task 2. a) Cross out silent letters in the following words and practice their reading: government, debt, antique, prohibition, vehicle, consignment, design, answer, sign, said, freight, column, high, whole, scheme, environment, doubt, foreign, cheque, guard, queue Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following: грузовая декларация; транспортное средство; проверка и регистрация; Товарная номенклатура; метод определения таможенной стоимости; сумма пошлины; условия; личный идентификационный номер; сертификат происхождения товара; международный контракт; причина отказа; отправка или пропуск в страну
Task 4. a)Insert prepositions. b) Explain the meaning of the word combinations in italics. 1) … is subject _____ clearance and control 2) … clearance starts _____ checking and registration 3) … the documents are submitted _____ the owner 4) … it can be done _____ different terms 5) … depending _____ the company’s record 6) … they pass _____ to practical examination 7) … the cargo is stored _____ the warehouse 8) … experts familiar _____ the risks involved 9) … the reason _____ denial 10) … the cargo is released _____ customs control Task 5. Match to make word combinations and translate:
parking processing practical preferences customs area supporting privilege paper examination tax assessment risk Nomenclature tariff List Goods documents Packing clearance Task 6. Find words in the text that follow the verbs below:
a) to submit _____ b) to classify _____ c) to apply _____ d) to assess _____ e) to ensure _____ f) to release _____ g) to put _____ h) to levy _____ i) to process _____ j) to defer ______ Task 7. Put the actions of customs officials in the chronological order and make sentences using these verbs: to process, to identify, to clear, to assess, to classify, to examine, to study, to stamp, to check, to register, to levy, to release, to apply, to use Task 8. Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions:
Task 9. Answer the questions: 1. Why is cargo together with the vehicle subject to customs control? 2. What does the clearance start with? 3. What documents are checked? 4. How must the documents be submitted? 5. For what purpose do customs officials use the Goods Nomenclature? 6. What is taken into account when they assess the amount of duty payable? 7. Must the duties be paid at once? 8. When is paper processing over? 9. What happens if shipment or entry is not authorized? 10. Where is the cargo examined? 11. How is the examination carried out? 12. What if the goods arrive in bad or damaged condition? 13. When can the goods be released from customs control? Task 10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. По прибытии в страну любое транспортное средство вместе с грузом подлежит таможенному оформлению. 2. Предъявите, пожалуйста, сопроводительные документы на груз. 3. Транспортные средства и грузы проходят оформление в зоне таможенного контроля. 4. Груз обычно сопровождается следующими документами: Грузовая таможенная декларация, инвойс, сертификат происхождения и др. 5. Таможенники используют Товарную Номенклатуру, чтобы классифицировать товар и установить какой тариф применять. 6. Существуют различные способы определения таможенной стоимости, которые применяются при начислении пошлин. 7. Когда мы оформляли свой груз, таможенники не требовали гарантии проведения платежа. 8, После оформления документов на обратной стороне Грузовой таможенной декларации было пять штампов с надписью «ПРОВЕРЕНО». 9. Товар был досмотрен на таможенном складе, и никаких запрещенных товаров не обнаружили. 10. В случае поставки товаров, не соответствующих по качеству и количеству условиям внешнеторгового контракта, таможенники урегулируют ситуацию с поставщиком или перевозчиком данного товара. 11. Когда начальник таможни поставил на документы штамп «ВЫПУСК РАЗРЕШЕН», груз был выпущен из зоны таможенного контроля. Text 2 Task 11. a) Read and translate the text. THE ROLE OF A CUSTOMS BROKER A customs broker is a member of a company or an individual who acts on behalf of another party. To become a broker an individual must study and pass the examination on customs laws and regulations to obtain a license from the Customs authorities. Importing can be a complex and cumbersome process in terms of procedures and paper work. That is why it is recommended for the importer to meet with a customs broker before attempting to bring in a shipment of goods. This meeting is vitally important because a prudent trader, prior to importation of his merchandise, should have a clear understanding of what entry documentation is to be submitted, how the Customs is going to classify and appraise the goods, how the articles have to be marked to reflect the country of origin, etc. Working as a representative of an importer, a customs broker prepares and files the necessary documentation package, consults the customs to determine the proper rate of tariff, arranges for the payment of duties and helps the trader to secure the release of the shipment. Brokers are required to maintain strict confidence about business and transactions. b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember. c) Answer the questions: 1. How can an individual become a customs broker? 2. Why should an importer contact a customs broker before the clearance of imported merchandise? 3. What are the responsibilities of a customs broker? 4. What sort of people may enjoy that job? 5. Would you like to be a customs broker? Why?
Vocabulary and Grammar Task 12. Insert “ to ” where necessary and translate the sentences.
1. The cargo is examined ___ ensure that the information stated in the documents is true to the fact. 2. Having used the proper method of customs valuation the officials assess the amount of duty ___ be paid. 3. After that the duties are levied and it can ___ be done on different terms. 4. Depending on the company’s previous record and reputation, payment of duty may ___ be deferred. 5. In some cases the Customs may ___ require ___ guarantee the payment. 6. Normally, the cargo is unloaded and stored at the warehouse, the vehicle is ___ enter a parking area. 7. ___ speed up the customs clearance customs officials exercise risk assessment. 8. I think I shall be able ___ use this new technology. 9. Let me ___ help you ___ process the documents.
Task 13. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form. Wu Hailong, China’s Ambassador to the European Union, speaking about China’s reforms of the last two decades to improve global trade facilitation: “We (to develop) __________ a new management concept to accelerate the reform of clearance supervision, and improve trade facilitation. On the basis of effective risk management, we (to introduce) __________ the system of “red and green channels” that (reduce) __________ clearance time for travelers and facilitated international business movement. Using targeted management, we (to divide) __________ businesses into different categories. Steady efforts (to make) __________ to provide faster clearance services to businesses with good record. Just over 99% of goods (to be) __________ now released within 24 hours. This improved efficiency (to save) __________ import and export companies nearly 80 billion Chinese Yuan (approximately 12.6 billion US dollars) in costs.” (WCO NEWS) Task 14. Complete the sentences using the words and expressions from the box.
1. If your business involves __________ or __________ of goods, you will come into contact with __________ __________. 2. All goods must be __________ and presented for __________. 3. Declaring a __________ involves giving the Customs authorities information which they need in order to determine the correct __________ __________. 4. This information, which includes _________, __________, __________ etc. forms the basis for __________ of customs duties and taxes. 5. Some goods, for example foodstuff, clothes or flowers may be subject to __________, such goods as narcotics are __________ entry by law. 6. __________ of the regulations can result in severe __________. 7. The goods will not be __________ and __________ until cargo declaration, invoice, licenses, certificates of __________ and __________ have been presented.
Task 15. Translate the words from Russian into English: CBP officers изъяли an enormous партию of поддельные sunglasses. The merchandise violated закон о торговой марке. The importer задекларировал the container’s shipment as sunglasses with a стоимость of about $30,000; however, when officers досмотрели the shipment they обнаружили sunglasses with designer brands affixed to the shades. Import specialists collected образцы of the sunglasses and подтвердили that the shipment included confusingly similar but поддельные sunglasses. If the товар had been authentic products проданный by the владелец торговой марки, the estimated розничная цена would be $2.3 million.
CBP officers are actively контролируют соблюдение trade laws and защищают legitimate business and потребители from правонарушений в области авторского права. “When we находим such products, we seize the shipment and налагаем штраф. Task 16. Read and translate the text. NETHERLANDS CUSTOMS ACQUIRES THE FASTEST RAIL SCANNER IN THE WORLD Since February 2012, a scanner has been checking cargo transported by rail into the port of Rotterdam as trains travel at speeds up to 60 kilometres per hour. The train scan is the latest innovation in non-intrusive detection implemented by Netherlands Customs and is currently the most modern train scanning system in the world. Not only it is the fastest in comparison with conventional installations that only allow for train speeds up to 30 kilometres, it is also the best in term of image quality. Being a fully automated scanning operation, no inspectors needed to be positioned on site. After the train passes through the scanner, an x-ray image analysis is performed at an Inspection Office in the heart of the Port, several kilometers away from the scanner’s location. In order to facilitate the analysis, the cargo manifest and container number are automatically linked to the relevant x-ray image. Customs expect that approximately 200,000 outgoing containers will pass through the train scan this year. With the collection of so many scanned images it should be possible to devise a solution that would automatically recognize anything unusual about a container’s content. (WCO NEWS)
b) Make up 10 questions of all types to the text; c) Give the gist of the text.
Task 17. a) Study the information in the table.
b) Choose the right verb. 1. There is a 15% discount on all textile __________ until the end of the month. 2. The country’s most valuable __________ include oil and diamonds. 3. Shopkeepers complained about poor quality _________ and high prices. 4. There are several __________ in my baggage which don’t belong to me. 5. A __________ of urgent medical equipment is expected to arrive soon. 6. This aircraft is for passengers only, it doesn’t take any __________. 7. It says on the form that insurance covers all personal __________. 8. When they searched the baggage, they found only personal __________ in it. 9. The company must do more to promote their __________ overseas. 10. This railway line is used mainly by __________ trains. c) Make five sentences using the words from the table. Task 18. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Я рассчитывал, что вы уже представили все необходимые сопроводительные документы. 2. Таможенник хотел, чтобы капитан показал ему судно. 3. Члены экипажа наблюдали, как таможенники досматривали их личные вещи. 4. Они надеялись, что незадекларированная валюта, обнаруженная во время досмотра, не будет изъята. 5. Водитель наблюдал, как товар разгружали в зоне таможенного досмотра. 6. Пассажир не слышал, как таможенники обсуждали результаты досмотра.
7. Я бы хотел, чтобы человек, ответственный за прибывающее транспортное средство, ответил на ряд вопросов. 8. Я не видел, как инспектор опечатал контейнер. 9. Вы позволите нам сойти на берег? 10. Таможенники заставили перевозчика заплатить штраф за нарушение правил.
Task 19. a) Make a written translation of the text. Commercial Invoice is the single document which describes the entire transaction from start to finish. It is also a primary shipping document used by Russian customs officials for merchandise control and valuation. It should clearly and accurately designate the exporter and the importer, including the importer’s license number. Besides, it should state the terms of payment, the total price of the merchandise, as well as other detailsessential for completion of the shipping transaction. For shipments to Russia, the commercial invoice should also contain information on the Russian bank that will process the transaction payment. Whenever possible, the commercial invoice should be translated into Russian. Each shipment should include a Certificate of Origin which is used to determine what duties will be levied on the imported goods. The Certificate of Origin should be worked out by the exporter and needs to be notarized by the exporter’s local Chamber of Commerce. Task 20. Make a written translation of the text into English. Какие преимущества получит бизнес в таможенном союзе. Если в настоящее время выпуск товаров в свободное обращение осуществляется только после полной уплаты косвенных налогов и при пересечении границы проводится таможенное оформление и таможенный контроль товаров, то в таможенном союзе участник внешнеэкономической деятельности имеет возможность сразу реализовать товар. Он также получает отсрочку по уплате косвенных налогов с момента ввоза до 20-го числа следующего месяца. Кроме того, при ввозе казахстанскими и белорусскими налогоплательщиками товаров из России не будут взиматься различные таможенные сборы. Таким образом, для добросовестных налогоплательщиков, соблюдающих нормы законодательства, таможенный союз создаёт режим наибольшего благоприятствования. (журнал «Таможня») Speaking Task 21. Complete the sentences using the Infinitive: 1. To work for the Customs is to... 2. When you work for the Customs it is important to... 3. Customs officers try to... 4. The main thing the passengers should do is to... 5. To be a student of the Russian Customs Academy is to... Task 22. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.
Communication activities. Task 23. a) Read the text. AT THE CUSTOMS HOUSE A Frenchwoman who had never travelled abroad, decided to go to Great Britain for a holiday. She booked a seat for a plane as she wanted to get there as soon as possible. At the booking office she found out that it would take her only two hours to get to London. She was very happy to hear that. She hurried home and began packing her things immediately as she was afraid to leave something important behind. So when she had packed everything, she found to her great surprise, that she had two big suitcases. She understood that it would be necessary for her to take a taxi. She ordered a taxi in advance to come to the airport on time. On the day of her flight she checked her things again and was about to go downstairs where a taxi was waiting for her, when she suddenly remembered about her nice little dog. She could not leave the dog at home as there was no one who would look after it. So she decided to take the dog to Great Britain. The dog was very quiet and she hoped that everything would be all right during the flight. The flight was very pleasant and she enjoyed it very much. The Frenchwoman thought that nobody noticed her dog. But just before the plane landed one of the passengers who was sitting near the woman told her that the English did not let foreigners bring dogs to their country. The woman didn’t know what to do. When the plane landed she put the dog under her coat and went to the Customs House. The dog was so little that she hoped the Customs officer wouldn’t notice it. At the Customs House she filled in all the necessary forms and came up to the Customs officer, who looked at her big suitcases and asked if she had anything to declare. ‘Oh, no,’ she answered, “all the things are for my own use.” “But do you know that you can’t bring dogs to this country?’ asked the officer. “But I have no dog,” answered the lady. “Then I understand that the tail which is hanging down below your coat is your own,” said the Customs officer.
b) Answer the questions: 1. What country did the Frenchwoman choose for her holiday? 2. Why did she decide to go to Great Britain by plane? 3. Why did she take her dog with her? 4. What unpleasant news did she hear from the passenger who was sitting near her? 5. How did the Customs officer know that the woman had brought the dog to Great Britain?
c) Role-play the dialogues between - the Frenchwoman and the Customs officer; - the Frenchwoman and her friend; - the Customs officer and his colleague. Task 24. Work in groups of four. Imagine that you all work for the same customs house. You are looking for executive toys to give your colleagues this Christmas and you want to give them something unusual. Each person chooses one product and reads the information about it. Take it in turns to describe your product to the group and complete the chart.
Discuss what to buy for your colleagues. Give your reasons. VOCABULARY
UNIT 13 THE TIR CONVENTION Text 1 Task 1. Read and translate the text.
International carriage of cargo by road vehicles involves crossing the borders of one or more countries and passing through customs clearance and control. To simplify the formalities and to minimize delays at the borders the TIR Convention was signed in 1975 and came into force in 1978. TIR is the abbreviation for Customs Convention on the International Transportation of Goods. The TIR system allows to replace expensive physical inspection in the countries of transit for checking seals and the external conditions of the vehicle. It contains four main requirements: (1) With regard to security it requires that goods must be carried in such road vehicles or compartments of containers that no goods can be removed from or introduced into the sealed part of the vehicle without breaking customs seal. (2) The second principle is the guarantee system. The system ensures that customs duties and taxes during transit operations are paid at any moment by a National Guaranteeing Association, if the transport operator cannot be held responsible. (3) The third principle is the TIR Carnet. The goods must be accompanied by an internationally accepted document – Carnet, issued at the check point within the country of departure and serving as a control document at the borders in the countries of departure, transit and destination. (4) The last principle is the international recognition of customs control measures: when goods are transported under this transit regime, the Customs office of departure checks the goods, seals the vehicle, reports it in the TIR Carnet and the cargo is transported without further inspection in the countries of departure, transit and destination. When the cargo arrives at the Customs office of destination, they become responsible for the goods to be transferred to another Customs procedure. Nowadays the Convention has been signed by more than 50 Contracting Parties. It covers the European Union, North Africa, Near and Middle East, the USA, Canada, Chile and Uruguay. A number of countries in Western and Central Africa and Latin America are also considering the establishment of the TIR system. Since 1978 the Convention has proved that it is one of the most successful transit systems because it contains provisions for a multi-modal transit regime in line with modern techniques and requirements and offers transport operators and Customs authorities a simple, cost-effective and safe regime for the international transportation of goods across frontiers.
Working on the text Task 2. a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables. ph y sical физический tr a nsit транзит cond i tion кондиция cont ai ner контейнер g ua rantee гарантия pr i nciple принцип s y stem система
b) Read the English words again.
Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following: международные перевозки; автотранспортное средство; задержки на границе; внешнее состояние; основные требования; сохранность; таможенная пломба; система гарантий; международный документ; страна отправления, транзита, назначения; меры таможенного контроля; разгрузка; таможенный режим; стороны, подписавшие конвенцию; перевозчики Task 4. Find words in the text that follow the verbs below: a) to simplify b) to minimize c) to sign d) to replace e) to contain f) to break g) to guarantee h) to issue i) to check j) to establish Task 5. a) Insert prepositions. b) Explain the meaning of the word combinations in italics. 1) to carry cargo _____ road vehicles 2) to come _____ force 3) to replace inspection _____ checking seals 4 ) to remove something _____ or introduce _____ the sealed part of vehicle 5) the duties are paid _____ a National Guaranteeing Association 6) it serves _____ a control document 7) to transport goods _____ transit customs regime 8) the goods must be accompanied _____ a Carnet 9) the cargo is transported _____ reloading 10) to be responsible _____ the clearance of goods Task 6. Answer the questions: 1) What does TIR stand for? 2) Why was the Convention signed? 3) What is the main advantage of the system? 4) Are there any special requirements in respect of security? 5) What if transport operator cannot pay the duties during the transit operation? 6) What document must accompany the cargo while it is transported under the TIR procedure? 7) Are the goods checked by the Customs in the countries of transit? 8) Are there many contracting parties to the TIR Convention? 9) Why is the TIR Convention so successful?
Task 7. Complete the sentences using Complex Object. 1. The TIR Convention allows the Customs authorities … 2. Transporters of goods want border formalities … 3. The customs officials of different countries consider the TIR Convention … 4. In the countries of departure, transit and destination they consider Carnet … 5. They expect the cargo …
Task 8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English: 1) Главная цель транзитных таможенных систем – обеспечить международные перевозки грузов и надежность таможенного контроля. 2) Грузы перевозятся в таких транспортных средствах или контейнерах, которые полностью исключают возможность доступа к перевозимому грузу без видимого нарушения пломб и печатей. 3) Груз должен сопровождать международный карнет TIR, выданный в стране отправления и действительный в качестве контрольного документа в странах транзита и назначения. 4) Таможенные органы могут обращаться в Национальное гарантийное объединение в случае каких-либо нарушений, связанных с уплатой пошлин. 5) Меры таможенного контроля, предпринятые в стране отправления, признаются в странах транзита и назначения. 6) К транспортным документам должны прилагаться фотографии транспортного средства с изображением регистрационного номера и пломбы. 7) Информация в карнете TIR представлена на английском и французском языках. 8) Система TIR позволяет увеличить скорость доставки и значительно сократить транспортные расходы, и, таким образом, способствует развитию международной торговли. Text 2 Task 9. a) Read and translate the text. EASTERN GANGS TAKING MORE CONTROL OF EUROPE DRUG TRADE Drug trafficking through Eastern Europe is rising sharply as new criminal gangs seize more control of the trade, said Interpol. Highly-organized teams of traffickers have emerged recently and have largely replaced small-time couriers. The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) - a United Nations body, said the trend has led to a flood of heroin and cocaine on to Western markets, far outstripping demand. The price has fallen and youngsters in Western Europe could buy a gram for less than the price of 200 cigarettes. Russia has become the key marketplace for heroin smuggled out of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, and gangs have set up supply routes to Prague, Budapest and Bratislava. “A lot of it is coming through on TIR trucks and they don’t care how many borders they have to cross”, Interpol official said. The Italian Mafia is influencing crime rings in Albania, Europe’s poorest country, where people struggling to survive can earn more in one operation than they could ever hope to make in a year. Austrian police netted 96 kg of heroin and 80 kg of cocaine in 10 months last year. Nearly 8,000 people were charged with trafficking, possession of drugs and other drug-related offences. The figures are impressive but, realistically, police were just scratching the surface. “If we find 10 per cent of the smuggled drugs, then that is excellent”, he added.
b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember. c) Answer the questions: 1. What countries are mentioned in the text? 2. What kinds of people are mentioned in the text? 3. Is the situation changing for the better or for the worse? 4. In what connection does the TIR system appears in the text? 5. Why did Interpol official say that the police were scratching the surface?
d) Complete the sentences. 1) Criminal gangs are known to … 2) Russia is found to … 3) TIR trucks are believed to … 4) Law enforcement agencies are expected to …
Vocabulary and Grammar Task 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form. U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers (to stop) a drug smuggling attempt when they (to seize) more than 100 pounds of marijuana concealed in a vehicle attempting to enter the country. CBP officers (to screen) travelers at about 5:30 p.m. when they (to become) suspicious of a Pontiac Grand AM which (to drive) by a 22-year-old man from Mexico. Using high-tech scanning tools, CBP officers (to search) the man’s vehicle and (to discover) that both bumpers and doors (to load) with packages of drugs. CBP officers (to detain) the vehicle and the marijuana. The man (to turn over) to the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement for further investigation and prosecution. Task 11. Find the word that doesn’t fit the group and explain why. 1) tariff, cash, duty, tax 2) to certify, to levy, to impose, to charge 3) ton, meter, act, item 4) legal, principle, main, major 5) goods, commodities, products, ingredients 6) ingredients, components, parts, contents 7) ammunition, smuggling, fraud, corruption Task 12. a)Match left and right and translate the text. Pay attention to the highlighted link-words.
b) Use the link-words to make five sentences of your own. Task 13. a) Read and translate the text. The Universal Postal Union (UPU), a specialized agency of the United Nations, is responsible for facilitating communication between peoples, based on the principles of free circulation and the right of all citizens and businesses to communicate via postal services. Therefore it was perfectly natural for the UPU to turn to the WCO as soon as it was set up in 1947. Relations between the WCO and the UPU have developed over more than half a century, on a foundation built on mutual trust and shared interests. The UPU’s mission is to ensure quality postal “supply chain” worldwide, including both private and business customers. The Customs process is one of the most important links in the postal chain to facilitate the speedy and secure clearance of postal items of which more than 5 billion cross international borders every year. Security is another area where we should work together to prevent the distribution of counterfeit, illegal and dangerous goods through the use of postal network. For a number of years the postal sector has had to deal with many changes, all of which present challenges for the UPU. There is the tendency for electronic media to replace hard copy, as well as changes in communication habits. Facilitation, security and technology are key elements for effective cooperation between the postal and Customs sectors. (WCO NEWS) b) Make up 7 questions of all types.
Task 14. a) Study the information in the table.
b) Choose the right verb. 1. For your own __________, please, do not smoke inside the plane. 2. The trial was held under tight __________. 3. The ___________ forces opened fire, killing two terrorists. 4. Lower speed limits are part of a new road __________ campaign. 5. There are strict __________ checks on everyone entering this zone. 6. CITES aims at providing __________ for threatened animals and plants. 7. The thief was caught on a __________ camera. 8. The new contract will give you more __________ at your job. 9. The travelers got to their destination under the __________ of a few soldiers. Task 15. Decipher the following abbreviations: GATT, WTO, WCO. Match abbreviations and their meanings.
What other abbreviations do you know that are common in customs procedures? Task 16. a) Insert prepositions, if necessary. _____ the 1700s high duties _____ imported goods led _____ organized smuggling. This became a major problem as such luxuries as spirits, tobacco and tea were _____ great demand. Smugglers did their best to protect the goods _____ which they made large profits. Customs officers were often outnumbered, poorly armed and unable to prevent _____ illicit operations. _____ September 1717 the Collector at Weymouth wrote that the smugglers “ride _____ companies _____ armed men, twenty to forty _____ number and are very dangerous _____ the officers especially _____ the night time”. _____ many areas smugglers worked _____ gangs often centered _____ one family or a village. Sometimes whole families were involved _____ smuggling, including women and children. _____ the day many ____ the men worked _____ farm laborers or fishermen but smuggling provided extra income. They could earn as much _____ one night smuggling as they could _____ a week fishing or farming. Fishermen were also good _____ sailing and knew _____ all the shallows _____ the coastline.
b) Make 5 sentences to compare methods of smuggling nowadays and in the past. Task 17. a) Decipher the texts. A. Smuggling of drugs B. Smuggling of wild-life Drug traffickers use any and every means of transport to smuggle drugs from source areas to their market destinations. Hundreds of tiny turtles in a wash-bag, parrot eggs hidden in underwear, birds squeezed into narrow plastic tubes or poison dart frogs in drink bottles – along with drugs and weapons, endangered species make for some of the most lucrative smuggling worldwide. These can range from a small envelope containing a few grams of heroin in the mail system to a rusty tramp steamer whose holds are packed full of marijuana; from porters bearing loads of raw opium on their back in South East Asia to an elaborately prepared concealments in an air cargo shipment on a Boeing 747. Interpol estimates the volume of illegal trade in plants and animals at around $20 billion a year. German Customs has responded to this phenomenon with specially-trained endangered species detection dog. The drug smugglers, particularly organized criminal groups, will use their knowledge of enforcement controls and processing practices by the Customs to identify weaknesses in Customs operations The dogs are able to detect even very faint-smelling objects and so are ideal for quickly controlling luggage, packages or entire shipping containers. Smugglers will attempt to be as “normal” as possible to be able to lose themselves or their contraband in the flow of passengers, vehicles or cargo shipments that Customs services must process daily. (WCO NEWS) b) Speak about methods of smuggling. Task 18. Make a written translation of the text. The marking of goods is very important because an unmarked consignment may be mislaid at some stage and become practically untraceable. At the same time, marking should not reveal any excess information about the contents of the goods in order to avoid the risk of theft. There are three principal types of marking on export packages: a) the consignee’s marks, including the name of place of destination which serve as address on an envelope; b) any official mark required by authorities of the country of export or import (the name of the country of origin of the goods, weight, dimensions); c) special directions or warnings, i.e. instructions regarding manner of handling, loading, lifting and various warnings both for the owner’s and the carrier’s benefit.
b) Match left and right.
c) Think about the types of goods for which these markings could be used. Task 19. Make a written translation of the text into English. a) Транспортным прокурором направлено в суд уголовное дело в отношении бывшего инспектора отдела специальных таможенных процедур одного из таможенных постов. Установлено, что преступления совершались по следующей схеме: в Россию ввозили автомобили иностранного производства по удостоверениям временного ввоза транспортного средства с последующим их, так называемым, «закрытием» в связи с вывозом, однако на самом деле автомобили оставались на территории РФ. После оформления фиктивного вывоза инспектором проводилось оформление карточки номерного агрегата на ввозимые детали кузова или двигателя автомобилей. На основании выданной инспектором карточки автомобили ставились на учёт в подразделениях МРЭО ГИБДД с выдачей нового ПТС с отметкой «замена двигателя и кузова». Таким образом, производилась легализация контрабандно ввезённых автомобилей иностранного производства с уклонением от уплаты таможенных пошлин. Сумма не поступивших в бюджет государства платежей составила более 3 миллионов рублей. Speaking Task 20. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit. Communication activities. Task21. a) Read the story. HATE FOR WATCHES When I saw his clothes I was sure that he was going to ask me to give him some money. He came up to my table, sat down and took an old watch out of his pocket. “It’s yours for $2. Nothing wrong with it,” he said. ”I don’t want it,” I answered. But as I felt sorry for the old man I gave him ten shillings and invited him to sit down at my table. I ordered some food and drink for him. I saw that the man wanted to tell me something. “I don’t like watches. They started all this,” he began. I had an hour before the train was due to leave, so I stayed and listened to his story. “Chris Selby was his name,” the man began. “Chris was rich, but he wanted to get richer. He was a nice man with a warm smile and a pleasant voice. Most people liked him because they didn’t know his real character. Only a few people knew that Chris would stop at nothing to make more money. So, twice a year he went to Paris to buy watches and to smuggle them back to England for sale. Most of the Customs officials knew him and liked him. One November day Chris Selby left London for Paris in his car. He was angry, as the watches he had bought during the last trip were not as good as he had expected. In Paris he went to see the man who had sold him the watches. He told the man that he was not satisfied with his last purchase. As the man didn’t want to lose his reputation and the profit which he made, he promised Chris that this time the watches would satisfy the customer’s demands. They were packed into boxes and put under the back seats of the car. The following morning Chris was driving to Dover. As always it didn’t take him long to go through the French Customs. At Dover his suitcases were opened by the Customs official. Chris gave him a big smile, answered his questions and everything was all right. He was about to get into the car and drive away when suddenly he heard whistles. Chris knew what it was. They lasted for a few minutes and then everything stopped and there was silence. Chris and the Customs man were standing by the car from which suddenly came the sound of five thousand watches. The salesman had wound them up to show Chris that the quality of his watches was high.” The man interrupted his story to finish lunch.
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