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Practice your vocabulary and use of language skills



1. Complete the text using the present perfect simple, present perfect continuous or past simple form of the verb in brackets.

The ageing population

The number of men and women in the US aged 60 or over still in work a (rise)                    for more than a decade. Economists b (give)              a number of reasons for this trend. First, since 1985 the US economy c (expand)                    so there d (be)__ an increased demand for labour. At the same time, the cost of some services, such as health care, e (increase)              so workers need to earn more money in later life. In addition, changes in social security benefits and rules f (have)____. a considerable effect on labour patterns. First, in 1077 and 1983 changes to the Social Security Act g (raise)              the full-benefit age from G5 to G7 and h (introduce)_____ other changes that make delaying retirement more attractive. Then, in 1986 the Age Discrimination Act i (end)___              compulsory retirement for all workers, allowing them to work later in life. Changes to pension laws j (also encourage)              workers to stay in employment longer, as this gives them more chance of a larger pension when they retire.

2. Complete the text with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

Life expectancy

Our country a (go)              through a period of accelerating change Today, there b (be)                    around 3. 7 million people aged over 60 in this country but the large numbers of people who c (belong)              lo the baby-boom generation d (piuduce)              an explosion in the number of elderly people from around 2011. By 2030. there c (be)              some 8. 8 million and because the birth-rate in the period after the post war baby boom f (decline)              sharply, these elderly people g (represent)              a much larger share of the country's population than ever before in our history. In 1%6. when we h (introduce)                    our national pension scheme, there i (be)              about eight working-age people for every retired person, whereas today, there j (be)              about five, and in 2030. There k (be)               only three. There I (be)______another dramatic change which also m (affect)               this situation, as thanks to medical advances and higher living standards. Life expectancy n (increase)_____               and o (continue)              to increase in future years, loday people can expect to live three years longer than in 1966. By 2030. They p(live)                   an average of 4. 5 years longer.

3. Choose the correct option. A, B or C, to complete the sentences about the generation gap.

a It's time that older people   listening to what younger people say.

b Some older people treat teenagers as if they   all dangerous criminals.

c Some older people wish there    more police officers on lire street, and blame all bad behavior on the voting.

d Perhaps it’s time that young people    more responsibly towards other people.

e Generally speaking, young people    spend their time with other young people.

f Many older people   the world to be just the same as it vitas when they were young.

g Older people also wish that young people more politely.

h Some people think that 16-yeai-olcfs were given the vote.

i Many young people, however, have no faith in politics, and just wish tire world different.

j Some of thorn if everyone just left them alone and stopped asking them for their opinions.

a A would start B start C Kartell
b A were B would C prefer
c A were B had been C are
d A acted B would act C act
e A wish B would rather C hope
f A rather B would prefer C ns though
g A had behaved B didn't behave C would behave
h A as if B it’s time C they wouldn’t prefer
i A is B had been C were
J A would rather B as though C would prefer it


4. Complete the text using one word in each gap.

Neighbours and noise

Do you ever wish that your neighbours a would turn down their music? Perhaps you're trying to sleep and you wish that the people next-door b   not holding an all-night barbecue party in their garden. Or do you feel it is c   you moved to an uninhabited island? Don’t worry - you are just another victim of noise pollution. Of course, most people would prefer d   if cats e         no noise at all, neighbours f   as quiet as mice, and nobody g   about the streets in cars with open indows and high-powered sound systems. You may even wish you h   stop children from playing in the street, or planes from passing overhead. But in the end, if i ___you I j   just get used to it. Close the windows, buy some earplugs, laugh and turn up your own stereo. Just act k   if the noise i   simply not there! Who knows, perhaps it will go away!                      

5. Complete the text using one phrase from the list in each gap.

Women in power

More than a century after women storied campaigning for the right to vote, it still seems that there a____women in positions of power, in the world as a whole, there have been b   female heads of state, and in some countries women have c____political power. In industrialized countries where d   or women work, it still happens that men earn e   for doing the same job. Although there are f ----   successful female business leaders, there are clearly many g   men at the top. Many people believe that this situation reflects the fact that women haven't got h          to be successful in the work place, and in the home. There is much i   pressure on women, they say, to be good wives and mothers, and they are at a disadvantage in the job market. However, there is j   evidence to suggest that women can be more successful in the modem business environment than men. k   modem business operations now depend on co-operation and flexibility, and women are better at these skills than men. So it may well he that in the future, quite a i   . important business will be run by women, and it will be the men who earn lower wages or stay at home.


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