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National System of Education

Our University

department – факультет

daytime training – дневное обучение

correspondence courses – заочное отделение

preparatory section – подготовительное отделение

postgraduate education – постдипломное обучение

applicant – абитуриент

entrance examinations – вступительные экзамены

centralized testing – централизованное тестирование

academic year – учебный год

test – зд. зачет


I am a student of Gomel State University named after F.Skorina. It was opened in 1969 (nineteen sixty-nine). It trains teachers, lawyers, economists, psychologists, engineers and managers. Our University has the Department of Mathematics, Biology, History, Foreign Languages, Geography, Physics, Economics, Physical Training and others.

Gomel State University offers daytime training, correspondence courses, preparatory section and postgraduate education. The students of correspondence courses combine work and study.

Applicant s must have completed secondary education. Most entrance examinations are in the form of centralized testing (CT) in June. The compulsory subjects for all applicants are Belarusian or Russian. Special subjects are a foreign language, history of Belarus, new world history, humankind and society, geography, physics, informatics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, art, music, technical drawing, etc. For studying the university has computers, laboratories, a rich library with reading halls.

The course of study lasts four, five or six years. The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students take exams on theory and test s on practical work.

The social scene is an important part of life at the University. There are drama, music societies, dance ensemble and sports club at the University. The popular sports are track-and-field athletics, skiing, volleyball and basketball.


Students’ Life

demand (for) – спрос (на)

government – правительство

to pay great attention (to) – уделять большое внимание

higher education – высшее образование

to mean – означать

to work hard – зд. усердно работать

general subject – общеобразовательный предмет

term – семестр

graduating – окончание высшего учебного заведения

to master – усваивать

habit – привычка

to study – изучать, исследовать (внимательно, тщательно)

to take part (in) – принимать участие (в)

to go in for (sports) – заниматься (спортом)

experience – опыт


The demand for competent specialists grows in our time, so all government s pay great attention to the development of higher education.

The Latin word “student” mean s “one devoted to learning”. Really, the chief task of a student is to learn. Students are very busy people, they work hard to become good specialists.

Universities, academies, specialized and polytechnical institutes provide higher education. Teaching combines lectures on theory with practical classes. The first and second years are devoted to general subject s. Specialization begins in the third or fourth year. At the end of each term students take examinations on theory and tests on practical work. After graduating all students receive diplomas.

At the classes students do not only master the program material. They also develop research habit s. Their teachers help them in their work.

Our students do not only study, they also take part in auctions and fairs, amateur concerts, sporting, foreign languages and drama societies; debates and forums. Students go on excursions, visit museums and art galleries, go in for sports. Some students work in summer to earn money and get experience.


II семестр


National System of Education

National system includes: 1) Preschool education; 2) General secondary education / Special secondary education / Vocational education; 3) Higher education; 4) Postgraduate education. The system also comprises libraries, museums, scientific and other organizations.

At present there are 4,300 preschool establishments in Belarus. They are day nurseries, kindergartens, pre-primary schools, children's institutions of family type, sanatorium type, with profound aesthetic and physical development, for children with specific features of physical and psychic development, etc.

The system of general secondary education involves: primary school (first 4 years), basic school (from 5th to 9th forms) and secondary school (10th and 11th forms). Most children start going to school at 6. At primary school they 1) learn to write, read, count; 2) get fundamental knowledge of nature, society and man; 3) learn principles of personal hygiene and healthy life style. Basic and secondary school provides such subjects as languages, literature, history, man and society; mathematics, informatics, geography, biology, physics, chemistry; music, fine arts, world artistic culture; physical training and labour education. There is a 10-grade knowledge evaluation system. The languages of instruction are Russian and Belarusian.

There are about 2,800 general secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums in Belarus. Free general secondary, special secondary and vocational education is guaranteed by the state. After final examinations school leavers get certificates of basic or secondary education.

Vocational education establishments are involved in qualified labour training. They are more than 240 vocational schools, colleges, and vocational lyceums with more than 300 specialities.

Higher education in Belarus

Belarus’ system of higher education comprises 57 state and private universities, academies, institutes, and higher colleges. These institutions offer day, night and extra-mural programs. Universities and academies offer graduate and post-graduate programs and are engaged in fundamental research.

Belarusian higher educational institutions traditionally confer the degree of Certified Specialist. It usually requires five years of training, success in final state examinations, and defense of a degree work (diploma). There are also other degrees – Master's, after seven years of instruction, Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences.

Higher educational institutions are headed by Rectors. The institution is divided into faculties, headed by Deans. Faculty members are organized into sub-faculties or chairs.

Applicants are to have completed secondary education. Most entrance examinations are held in the form of centralized testing (CT). The compulsory subjects are Belarusian or Russian and special subjects are foreign languages, history of Belarus, new world history, humankind and society, geography, physics, mathematics, informatics, chemistry, biology, art, music, technical drawing, etc. The applicants who score highest are admitted to free studies and get a small monthly scholarship. Students who passed the exams but failed the competition pay tuition fees. The course of study lasts four or five years. The academic year begins on the 1st of September and has 2 semesters (terms). After the course of study students take a state profile exam and/or defend a thesis. Students who graduate with honours are awarded a so-called "red certificate".



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