II Материалы для прослушивания представлены на CD.
ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский язык)
специальность 2-53 01 31 «Техническое обслуживание технологического оборудования и средств робототехники в автоматизированном производстве (по направлениям)» направление специальности 2-53 01 31-01 «Техническое обслуживание технологического оборудования и средств робототехники в автоматизированном производстве (производственная деятельность)» специализация 2-53 01 31-01 01 «Эксплуатация и наладка электронных систем управления в автоматизированном производстве»
Разработчики: _____________С.В.Красовская _____________О.Н.Любезная _____________О.Л.Касперович
Обсуждено и одобрено на заседании цикловой комиссии филологических дисциплин «____» _________ 2012 г. № ______ __________________ Н.Е.Рощупкина
Минск, 2012 ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА Экзаменационные материалы к обязательному выпускному экзамену по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский язык)» составлены с учетом методических рекомендаций, опубликованныx в журнале «Замежныя мовы ў Рэспуліцы Беларусь» № 1, 2012. Экзамен включает три этапа: - собеседование с экзаменуемым по прочитанному тексту; - собеседование с экзаменуемым по прослушанному тексту; - беседа с экзаменуемым, стимулом к которой является предложенная ситуация общения. При подготовке было использовано пособие «Материалы для подготовки к обязательному выпускному экзамену по английскому языку / сост. О.О.Мельникова, И.А.Малафеева. – Минск: МГЛУ; Аверсэв, 2012».
I Тексты для чтения: 1 Books in never-ending motion. 2 E-books. 3 Wonderful world of dolls. 4 Can cheating be stopped?
5 Friendship in the modern world. 6 According to laws of hospitality. 7 Make the dream come true! 8 How to become a winner. 9 Are we shopaholics? 10 Our parents and our qualities. 11 Unknown Arthur Conan Doyle. 12 Hand made chocolates. 13 Mysterious disappearance. 14 Half full or half empty? 15 City people in the countryside. 16 Philosophy. 17 Culture shock. 18 The elderly. 19 Is smoking very bad? 20 Children and gardening. 21 The problem with happiness. 22 Mary Poppins: perfectly magical therapy! 23 Good manners. 24 Are GM plants safe? 25 How to prepare for an oral presentation. 26 Pablo Picasso. 27 Perfect method of teaching and learning a foreign language. 28 Do you enjoy eating breakfast? 29 Hundreds of Englishes. 30 Good news for chocolate lovers! 31 Dolphin doctors? 32 Do very clever children need help? 33 Are you shy? 34 Family history. 35 How to be happy. 36 Bullying again? 37 Muhammad Ali. 38 Fairy tales teach us a lot. 39 Have you read?.. 40 How much screen time is too much for children? 41 Medals for large families. 42 Mobile phone protest. 43 Have you seen?.. 44 Shakespeare's portrait? 45 Shopping in London. 46 University celebrates. 47 World Digital Library opens. 48 World's most powerful women. 49 A true friend? 50 All sorts of things. 51 Have you read?.. 52 Pre-teen beauty: good or bad? 53 What does space smell of? 54 Special request to education minister. 55 Surviving with wolves. 56 The most difficult language? 57 Wall Street. 58 Young businessman. 59 Mobile phones. 60 Ready-made meals. 61 How to become rich. 62 How I got to the top. 63 Adler Planetarium honours Yuri Gagarin. 64 Halloween. 65 Felt boots are feast for the eyes. 66 Village with history of a city. 67 Names guide our destiny. 68 Never forgotten. 69 Stone pearl. 70 Surprise party.
II Материалы для прослушивания представлены на CD.
III Вопросы для беседы по предложенной ситуации общения: 1 Let’s talk about friendship. What role do friends play in your life? 2 Can you rely on your best friend? Why (not)? 3 What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone? 4 What can you advise a teenager who has no friends? 5 They say: “A person has just one true friend”. What do you think about this? 6 Let’s talk about friendship. What’s your best friend like? 7 Is it easier to make friends when you are an adult or a child? Why? 8 What can you advise a teenager who wants to make friends in a new school? 9 They say: “If you haven’t learnt the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learnt anything”. What do you think about this? 10 Let’s talk about friendship. How important is friendship for you? 11 What questions can help you to understand if people are close friends or not? 12 What can you advise a teenager who doesn’t want to go to school because of bullying? 13 Nowadays teenagers have got up to 300 friends in Contact. What do you think about it? 14 Let’s talk about friendship. People say that friendship isn’t a big thing, it’s a million little things. What do you think about it? 15 Do you have a good friend among adults?
16 What questions can help you to understand if a person can become your friend or not? 17 What can you advise a teenager who is moving to a new place? 18 Nowadays people prefer to have more money than many friends. What do you think about it? 19 Let’s talk about family. What role does it play in each person’s life? 20 Do you have your own family traditions? 21 What will you ask your British friend about his/ her family? 22 What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family? 23 Why are there many one-parent families? How does the state help such families? 24 Let’s talk about your family. What is family for you? 25 Are there any things that you do with your parents together? 26 What will you ask your British friend about his/ her family relationships? 27 Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family? 28 Let’s talk about your family. Why is family important for you? 29 Are there any family traditions that you follow? 30 What will you ask your British friend about his/ her relatives? 31 What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents? 32 They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem? 33 Let’s talk about family. What role does it play in your life? 34 Are you on good terms with your parents and grandparents? 35 What can you advise people who want to get on well with their parents? 36 They say that young people pay a lot of attention to their style and want to be fashionable. What do you think about it? 37 Now let’s talk about environment. People say that our planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion? 38 What do you think people should do to protect the environment? 39 What would you like to ask your British friend about measures that are taken to protect the environment in Britain? 40 A friend of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice. 41 Green School of the Year contest is held in the country and you want your school to enter it. Give ideas for some ‘green events’. 42 Now let’s talk about weather and climate. What is happening to weather and climate nowadays? 43 Let’s talk about travelling. What role does it play in your life? 44 How do you like to travel? 45 What questions should you ask a travel agent to learn more about a tour? 46 What can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to spend his/ her holiday? 47 What difficulties can you have when visiting a foreign country? Is it possible to avoid them? 48 Let’s talk about travelling. Do you like travelling? Why? 49 What means of transport do you prefer and why? 50 What questions would you ask a tour guide on a tour of London? 51 You’ve visited some foreign countries. Which of them did you like most and would recommend your friend to visit? 52 Today people are tired of exotic countries and prefer to spend holidays in the countryside in Belarus. What can attract people to it? 53 Let’s talk about sport and healthy way of life. What do you do to keep fit? 54 Do you agree that bad habits, like smoking, can be dangerous? Why (not)? 55 What questions will you ask a professional sportsman? 56 What is the best way to promote a healthy way of life among young people? Why is it important to stay healthy? 57 Let’s talk about sport and healthy way of life. What influences a person’s health? 58 What activities can you advise a person who wants to have a healthy way of life? 59 Do you agree that smoking is an unhealthy habit? Why (not)? 60 What can you advise a person who doesn’t know what kind of sport to take up? 61 Does smoking lead to serious health problems? What are they? 62 If you had an opportunity to open a health centre what would it be like? What would you offer to the visitor?
63 They say it’s important for a person to speak English nowadays because it is popular all over the world. What is your opinion? 64 What sights in England would you advise me to visit? 65 Give me a piece of advice on what sights to see in London? 66 Would you like to visit Britain? Why (not)? 67 Let’s talk about Britain. What do you know about the country? 68 What sights in our country belong to world heritage? 69 Which parts of Belarus would you like to visit? Why? 70 Let’s talk about our country. What do you know about the activities of our country on the international arena? 71 Do you know any places that belong to our cultural heritage? 72 What Belarusian sights would you advise a foreigner to visit? 73 What parts of Belarus have you visited? 74 Do you find your city/ town/village a comfortable place for living? 75 Do you like the place where you are living now? 76 Tell about the house/ flat you would like to live in? 77 Tell about your dream house. 78 How do you see an ideal house/ flat? 79 They say that the room in which you live reflects your character and personality. What do you think about this idea? 80 Today some young people think that having a good education is not very important. Do you agree with them? 81 Today some young people want to study abroad because they believe that the level of education is higher there. Would you do the same? 82 Let’s speak about science. What scientific achievements do you find very important? 83 Would you like to be a scientist? Why (not)? 84 What would you like to know about a new gadget – iPad? 85 Parents think that the internet influences negatively the development of teenagers’ thinking skills. Children, on the contrary, believe that it’s impossible to imagine our modern world without the internet. What is your point of view? 86 Now let’s speak about science. What science are you interested in? What makes it special for you? 87 Give me a piece of advice on how to convince parents of the necessity of a mobile phone for every teenager. 88 Why do you think cloning was banned in some countries? 89 Now let’s speak about science. What is the role of science in our fast-moving world? 90 Do you use many gadgets and devices at home? Why (not)? 91 People are becoming more depend on high-tech devices. Is it good or bad? 92 Let’s talk about art. What art do you enjoy most? Why? 93 Can our country be proud of our creative people? Why? 94 Give me some advice on what exhibition to visit (play/ film to see)? 95 A lot of people don’t understand modern art. Do you? 96 Are Belarusian artists, composers, musicians well-known in the world? 97 Do you want to see more graffiti around town? Why (not)? 98 Let’s talk about art. Our country is world famous thanks to its artists, composers, etc. How can you prove this? 99 Are you good at painting, dancing or singing? 100 A lot of young people in Europe work in hospitals and kindergartens as volunteers. What do you think attracts them to this kind of work? 101 A lot of young people think that there is nothing better than having money. Do you agree with them? 102 If you had a chance to start a campaign, what kind of campaign will it be? What would you campaign for? 103 What can you tell me about your favourite holiday? 104 Would you like to take part in a British holiday celebration? Why? 105 Do you consider all means of communication very effective? Why? 106 Some people believe that success at work depends on how good your communication skills are. What is your point of view?
107 Nowadays many people don’t write letters as often as in the past. Do you think it’s true? 108 Do you think all means of communication will exist in the future? Why (not)? 109 Are all means of mass media popular among your friends? Why? 110 Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to surf the net, but I’d like to do it. Which sites would you recommend visiting? 111 Can the Internet replace all the other means of mass media? What is your point of view? 112 Is there any means of communication you can’t live without? Why (not)? 113 Many people say that newspapers and radio are not as popular as TV and very soon they will lose their importance. What is your point of view? 114 Let’s talk about your hobbies. What do you like doing in your free time? 115 Do you like to go to the theatre or cinema? Why (not)? 116 Many parents think that children should spend less time playing computer games, that they should play outside or do some sport instead. What do you think about this? 117 Is cinema still important? Why (not)? 118 Can you recommend me to watch one of the films you have seen recently? 119 Many parents complain that children don’t read books. Why do you think children are not interested in reading? 120 Let’s talk about your free time activities. What are your hobbies? 121 Do you find it useful to read books? Why (not)? 122 Many parents don’t like the music their children listen to. They often argue about it. What can you advise them to do to get along with each other? 123 Do you think it is possible to enjoy yourself without spending much money? 124 Many parents often complain that teenagers don’t want to spend their free time with them. What do you think about this? 125 What hobbies do teenagers have? 126 Do you agree that if you have problems, money can help you to solve them? Why (not)? 127 Are your parents happy about the way you spend your money? Why (not)? 128 Some teenagers think that parents should pay them for doing their household chores. Do you share their opinion? 129 Let’s talk about your future career. What would you like to become? 130 What kind of job would you like to have in future? 131 Do you want to have a part-time job, when you are a student? Why (not)? 132 What is your idea of an ideal job? 133 Is there any profession you wouldn’t like to go into? Why (not)? 134 Let’s talk about your career. What would you like to do in future? 135 Is there any kind of job you would never choose? Why?
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