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Environmental Organizations.

There are different types of environmental organizations. Four of them I want to mention. They are:

* Government Organizations

* Intergovernmental Organizations

* Private Organizations (Environmental NGO10)

* International Organizations

The government organizations are the government departments or agencies devoted to monitoring and protecting the environment. Intergovernmental organizations, such as the European Environment Agency, are devoted to establishing a monitoring network for monitoring the European environment. The Environmental NGO include only social and cultural groups, whose primary goal is not commercial. These organizations are involved in lobbying, advocacy, or conservation efforts. The international organizations, like Greenpeace, Green Cross International and Friends of Earth, use direct actions to stop the destruction of the natural environment. At this part I would like to describe the Greenpeace organization and its action.

Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organization which uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and to force solutions for a green and peaceful future. Greenpeace's goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity. Greenpeace has national and regional offices in 41 countries worldwide.

The origins of Greenpeace lie in the formation of the Don't Make A Wave Committee. Taking its name from a slogan used during protests against United States nuclear testing in late 1969,

By the late 1970s, spurred by the global reach of what Robert Hunter called "mind bombs”, more than 20 groups across North America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia had adopted the name "Greenpeace".

The organization currently actively addresses many environmental issues, with primary focus on efforts to stop global warming and to preserve the biodiversity of the world's oceans and ancient forests. In addition to the more conventional environmental organization methods, such as lobbying politicians and attendance at international conferences, Greenpeace has a stated methodology of engaging in nonviolent direct action.

Some of Greenpeace's most notable successes include the ending of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, a permanent moratorium on international commercial whaling, and the declaration by treaty of Antarctica as a global park, forbidding possession by individual nations or commercial interests. To back up this latter point, World Park Base was established in Antarctica.

Friends of the Earth is one of the leading environmental pressure organisations in the UK, and a major force behind today's growing green movement. Their message is a simple one: it is only in protecting the earth that we can protect ourselves — against pollution, the destruction of our urban and rural environment, mass unemployment and the horrors of global famine and war. Friends of the Earth is a national campaigning organisation (Friends of the Earth Ltd) established in Britain in 1971, with a network of 250 local groups. Each group is financially independent and decides its own policies and priorities. In practice, groups support national campaigns, organised by Friends of the Earth Ltd, and also initiate campaigns on local issues.

Friends of the Earth Ltd has a Board of Directors, the majority of whom are elected by the local groups, which is responsible for the overall running of the organisation. The staff run the campaigns and handle the finances and administration. In addition, there are a number of consultants with specialist knowledge and a team of enthusiastic volunteers who provide* invaluable support. Hundreds of people are employed by local groups on environmental community projects funded by the Manpower Services Commission and the Inner City Partnership programme. There are Friends of the Earth groups in thirty-five countries in four continents, all linked under the umbrella of Friends of the Earth International. A small secretariat is based in the Netherlands. Friends of the Earth is politically impartial and works with all political parties and other organisations wherever there are areas of agreement.

Every year the atmosphere is polluted by about 1000 tons of industrial dust and other harmful substances. Big cities suffer from smog. Cars with their engine have become the main source of pollution in industrial countries. Vast forests are being cut down for the need of industries in Europe and USA. The loss of the forests upsets the oxygen balance of the new wastelands. As the result some species of animals, birds, fish and plants have disappeared and keep disappearing. To slow down the rate of pollution many environmental organizations engage in nonviolent actions. But it is surely not enough to stop the processes that have already began in nature, and that had been caused by the way we all live. To protect our environment we all should care and do everything possible to save the nature for our kids.


Traffic pollution in GB

Traffic pollution is threatening the health of people living in cities. On a planetary scale, it is contributing to global warming. The urgency is to develop alternatives to transporting goods by road and nonpolluting methods of propulsion for vehicles.

The effects of air pollution on health are starting to be known – respiratory problems for vulnerable people and a contributory factor in the development of cancers… A great number of people die several weeks prematurely as the result of pollution by particles originating from motor vehicle – one of the many pollutants emitted. Studies also suggest that people living in polluted areas are more at risk of heart disease. This is why a number of cities in Europe have installed networks to measure pollutants and alert the population. Certainly, ever harsher standards are limiting the noise emitted by vehicles; but the biggest nuisance is caused by railways and roads close to homes.

On the global scale, the environment impact of traffic is just as worrying. The combustion of hydrocarbons gives off carbon gas, the principal greenhouse gas responsible for the current climate changes.

To reduce pollution and the consumption of fuel oils, it is not necessary a question of transporting less but of transporting more efficiently. For transport is central to our lives and society.

How to tackle this problem?

There are several ways in which traffic pollution problems can be tackled. For instance, improved vehicle technology and using transport alternatives to the car will reduce emissions of pollutants into the air from traffic.

The way you drive will have a significant impact on fuel consumption and therefore on pollutant emissions. There are various useful tips for cutting pollution when driving:

drive gently – rapid acceleration and heavy braking increase fuel consumption.

Steady your speed – emissions are lowest when driving at about 50 mph, while they rise dramatically above 70mph

Switch off the stationary – if stuck in traffic or stopping for more than a minute, switch off the engine. Do not run the engine unnecessarily – drive off soon after starting

Look after your car – check tyre pressure and fuel consumption – regular servicing helps keep your car efficient

Air conditioning and other on board electrical devices increase fuel consumption – only use then when really necessary

When buying a new car, consider smaller & more fuel efficient models with catalytic converter, which will reduce emissions and save your money on fuel, tax and insurance.

By changing your travel habits, it is possible to have a major impact on how much you contribute to air pollution. This could range from car sharing to choosing alternatives such as walking or cycling:

Avoid using your car for short journeys – short trips use more fuel, especially if the engine is cold – make combine trips or walk, cycle or use public transport instead.

Plan your journeys carefully, choosing the shortest routes, which will save you both time and money while reducing your impact on traffic emissions.

Car sharing will reduce pollution and running costs can also be shared.

Cycling and walking are clean, cheap and healthy alternatives to driving


Energy crisis

It is no surprise that we are in energy crisis, oil supply problems rapidly escalationg demand of energy, depletion of domestic oil & gas reserves is decreasing.

Demand for energy has encreased in recent years at an average rate at 4,3 %. Recent statistics report that the USA consumes over 20 % of global energy output.

The president of the USA proposed a 20% increase in federal funding aimed to develop alternatives to petroleum. Alternative examples included solar energy, wind power, hydro power.

All energy technologies produce waste. Burning fossil fuels, even relatively clean fuel like natural gas, are released as air polution & toxic waste.

The great advantage of nuclear power is its ability to wrest enormous energy from a small volume of fuel. It is ecologicaly safe & doesn’t pollute the enviroment.

Aprile 26 of 1986 marks the anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear accident, at Chernobyl in nothern Ukraine. It was the most serious accident to have occured at a nuclear power plant.

The Chernobyl reactors didn’t conform to international safty standarts & there was no protective structure around the reactorsto limit the effect of the accident. The reactor core erupted in a gigantic explosion, injecting huge amounts of heat & radiactive fuel into the atmosphere. The death toll was about thousand, some 3.5 mlm other people(over a third of them children) are thought to have suffered illness as a result of contamination from the deadly cloud or radioactivity.

Pick up most regional & local newspapers or magazines & you’ll read about the expanding energy problems. Look closer & you’ll also see features on alternative energy options as well. May be it is the only way out of enviromental pollution.


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