Business etiquette. Treating your secretary
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If you ask your secretary to do something which is beyond the scope of her regular office work, realise that you ask a favour. However, this puts your relationship on a more personal basis... Drawing room manners are out of place in an office, and you are not expected to jump to your feet and hold a chair for your secretary every time she comes into your office. But take care not to treat her as if she were nobody; show a little interest in her health and mood.
Give your own explanations to the following notions:
the scope of work; to put relationship on a personal basis; drawing room mariners; to treat smb as if they were nobody.
Your secretary responsibilities Courteous handling of your visitors When someone has a definite appointment with you, he should not But if you are really busy, your secretary should go out to your visitor in person, explain your absence, convey your apologies and then give a definite idea of how much delay is inevitable. If the visitor chooses to wait, your secretary should then make sure that he is comfortable. It is by no means necessary for her to “entertain” the visitor. She should go on with her work as soon as she has seen that he is comfortable.
Translate the following into English: Этикет — это свод неписаных правил поведения в обществе, относящихся не только к бизнесу, но и нашей повседневной жизни. В частности, умение принять гостей — это настоящее искусство, но и выступить в качестве вежливого посетителя тоже непросто. Невежливо заставлять хозяина ждать вас слишком долго, но и приходить в точно оговоренное время тоже не стоит — лучше задержаться минут на десять-пятнадцать. Если вы задерживаетесь или не можете прийти по той или иной причине, обязательно позвоните и извинитесь лично. Если же вы, например, застряли в лифте или потеряли голос, следует попросить кого-нибудь передать ваши извинения хозяевам. Confidential treatment of your business and private affairs A trained secretary will keep your papers in folders, hidden from the eyes of outsiders. In general, she'll keep secrets. If you share your office with your secretary, you should arrange a signal which means you'd like her to get out while you talk to a visitor in private.
Answer the questions: How do you understand "confidential treatment of affairs"?
What stands for "private affairs" in this context? People of what professions should be able to keep secrets? What affairs could only be discussed in private?
A business-like air means - calling you «Mr» in front of outsiders - wearing clothes suitable for the office - not smoking at her desk, if at all, when there are outsiders present - confining her personal phone calls to the minimum - asking you if you will need her any longer before she switches off her computer - waiting to be recognised, when she has stepped in to speak to you, before interrupting whatever you are doing.
Answer the questions: Could you add anything else to the list above? Is there any item on the list that you disagree with?
Agree or disagree with the following statements:
1) In most companies a secretary is hired strictly to manage your boss's personal affairs. 2) It is a must for a secretary to do something that is beyond the scope of her regular office work. 3) If you ask her a favour you should realise that this puts your relationship on a more personal basis. 4) Drawing room manners should be kept in an off ice in any case. 5) When someone has a definite appointment with you and delay is inevitable your secretary should convey your apologies, make your visitor comfortable and go on with her work. 6) Your secretary should understand you and have "the sixth sense" not waiting for any embarrassing questions.
Complete the following the sentences:
1. Your secretary will keep all……….................................................... 2. If you have a definite appointment with someone your visitor should be shown to your office……….................................................. 3. When you are busy and your visitor is kept waiting your secretary should …............................................................................................. 4. When there are outsiders present your secretary …........................ 5. This is what you should expect of your secretary ….........................
Choose the best answer, and give arguments for your choice:
Every time your secretary comes into your office take care ' a) to jump to your feet b) to hold a chair for her c) not to treat her as if she were nobody d) to say only pleasant words
When you go out, you should a) let her know where you are going b) say when you expect to return c) give your contact telephone and all information mentioned above d) say nothing as it is your business
You should not ask your secretary a) a favour b) about her health and mood c) about the relationships between your office workers d) to carry in the chairs for your meeting
Which activities are associated with a trained and inexperienced secretary:
to screen calls, to place calls, to return calls, to make spelling mistakes, to fail to get the boss through, to route calls, to give and take messages, to make appointments, to keep a calendar, to misprint, to schedule meetings, to open mail and arrange all letters, to take care of outgoing and incoming information, to type letters and edit texts on screen, to print out hard copies.
Read the following text and summarise the information. HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BOSS
Most people believe that managing is a top-to-bottom process — that management flows downward from the boss to the worker. Management, however, can be a two-way street. Managing your boss is as important as your boss' management of you. Skilfully managing your boss will help you establish a positive working relationship. If you don't manage your boss effectively, you may not be sufficiently productive on the job, and you may lose your job. Gather information about your boss' leadership style, priorities and goals, and evaluation criteria. This information will help you meet your boss' needs quickly. Co-workers are usually the best source of this information. They can also tell you what attitude the boss expects you to have and what she or he requires of you. You can often determine your boss' style and priorities by observing her or his behaviour. Of course, the best way to find out what your boss' priorities are is to ask. Effective communication will help you manage your boss by strengthening your relationship and eliminating potential conflicts. Be a team player. Avoid public criticism of your boss and of decisions she or he has made. Never try to upstage your boss, even if you believe she or he is less competent than you. Bosses can be classified into one of four types according to managerial style: 1) the Type A boss, who is impatient and a workaholic boss; 2) the "country-club" boss, who wants everyone to be happy but often procrastinates; 3) the laissez-faire or non-interfering boss, who assumes that the corporate structure will ensure that things get done; and 4) the rarely found ideal boss, who combines the best traits of the first three types.
The approach you take toward managing your boss depends on the classification that fits your boss. If she or he is a Type A, you should negotiate priorities and focus on quality. Country-club bosses need to be nudged into providing feedback, but they offer opportunity for self-starters. With a laissez-faire boss, you can run things the way you think best, but you should try to learn from your mistakes. If you have the ideal boss, count your blessings and learn as much as you can from her or him. No matter what type of boss you have, build your relationship slowly to get comfortable working with her or him. Take the time to determine the best way to deal with your boss. Keep in mind that managing does not mean being an apple polisher; it means working with your boss to obtain the best results for you, your boss, and the company. Be aware that everything you learn about managing the relationship between you and your boss will help you manage relationship with your peers and subordinates.
Give your own explanations to the following notions:
Two-way street; team-player; to upstage somebody; managerial style; procrastinate; laissez-faire; to provide feedback; to nudge; apple-polisher; self-starter; count your blessings
Is there any new information for you in the text?
DISCUSSION . 1) What relations should be set between a boss and their secretary? 2) What makes a good secretary? 3) What makes a good boss? 4) In what case and to what extent should a secretary interfere into the process of managing a company?
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