Big companies of the world
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На тему «TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE GLOBAL ECONOMY» Выполнила Студентка магистратуры Алисеевич Е.Ю. ___________________
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АННОТАЦИЯ.. 4 INTRODUCTION.. 7 1 big companies of the world.. 8 1.1 Corporations. 8 1.2 Business alliances. 10 1.4 Concerns. 12 1.5 Holdings. 13 2 CONCERNS AND HOLDINGS OF THE REBUBLIC OF BELARUS. 15 REFERENCES. 21
В мировой практике мы можем столкнуться с различными видами крупных компаний, такими как корпорации, бизнес-альянсы, чеболи, концерны, а также холдинги. Корпорация – это компания или группа лиц, действующих как единое целое и созданная на законных основаниях. Формирование корпоративных групп обычно включает консолидации через слияния и поглощения. Форд мотор Корпорейшн («Форд») – американская многонациональная корпорация со штаб-квартирой в Дирборне, штат Мичиган, в пригороде Детройта. Она была основана Генри Фордом и зарегистрирована 16 июня 1903 года. Компания занимается продажей легковых и коммерческих автомобилей под маркой «Ford», а также одних из самых роскошных автомобилей на сегодняшний день – «Линкольн». Бизнес-Альянс-это соглашение между предприятиями, как правило, мотивированое возможностью снижения затрат. Существует пять основных категорий или типов связей: 1. альянс продаж; 2. альянс конкретных решений; 3. альянс по географическому признаку; 4. инвестиционный альянс; 5. совместное предприятие. Авто-альянс, к примеру, – это бизнес-альянс автопроизводителей, которые работают в Соединенных Штатах. Авто Альянс стремится к разработке и внедрению конструктивных решений проблем государственной политики, а также стремится приносить пользу обществу в области охраны окружающей среды, энергетики и безопасности автотранспортных средств.
Чеболь – южнокорейская форма бизнес-конгломератов. Данный термин часто используется как синоним слова «конгломерат». Этот термин был впервые использован в 1984 году. Существует несколько десятков крупных корейских корпоративных групп, которые подпадают под это определение. Чеболи также сыграли важную роль в южнокорейской политике. Samsung, пожалуй. Является самой известной южнокорейской чеболью со штаб-квартирой в городе Сеул. Она включает в себя множество дочерних предприятий, большинство из которых объединены брендом Samsung. Концерн – это вид крупных компаний, популярный в Европе, особенно в Германии, и представляет собой результат слияния нескольких юридически независимых компаний в один хозяйствующий субъект под единым управлением. Концерн состоит из управляющего предприятия и один или более контролируемых предприятий. «Хенкель» – немецкий концерн и со штаб-квартирой в Дюссельдорфе, Германия. Это мультинациональная компания работает как в потребительском и промышленном секторе. Основанная в 1876 году, компания состоит из трех действующих на глобальном уровне бизнес-подразделений (бытовая химия, косметика, клеи и технологии). В 2016 финансовом году компания «Хенкель» сообщила реализовал продукции на 18,1 млрд евро, а прибыль составила 2,9 млрд евро. Холдинговая компания-это компания, которая владеет дакциями других компаний. «Нестле» – это швейцарский транснациональный холдинг со штаб-квартирой в Веве, Швейцария. По уровню доходов и другим показателям – это крупнейшая продовольственная компания в мире по состоянию на 2016 г. В Республике Беларусь также есть концерны и холдинги. Белорусский государственный Концерн по нефти и химии (Концерн «Белнефтехим») - один из крупнейших промышленных комплексов Республики Беларусь.
«Белнефтехим» был создан в апреле 1997 г. и объединяет предприятия и организации по добыче нефти, переработке и транспортировке нефти продукции, химии и нефтехимии, ряд научных, проектно-конструкторских, строительных, ремонтных и пусконаладочных организаций, а также широкую товаропроводящую сеть на зарубежных рынках. Концерн производит более 500 видов нефтехимической и химической продукции. Предприятия концерна «Белнефтехим» выполняет полный цикл работ, связанных с разведкой нефти и добычи нефти, ее транспортировки, переработки нефти и реализации продукции. Белорусские нефтеперерабатывающие заводы имеют высокий уровень технологии переработки нефти и качества нефтепродуктов в соответствии с мировыми стандартами. «Белгоспищепром» - белорусский государственный концерн пищевой промышленности, включающий 57 производителей продуктов питания. Отечественная пищевая промышленность состоит из 20 подотраслей обрабатывающей сотни пищевых продуктов. В составе белорусского производственно-торгового концерна лесной, деревообрабатывающей и целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности «Беллесбумпром» объединены крупнейшие государственные и иные юридические лица, производящие широкий ассортимент изделий из древесины. В концерн «Беллесбумпром» входит 47 предприятий различных форм собственности, которые вместе являются самым крупным потребителем заготавливаемой в стране. Белорусский Холдинг «Марко» является лидером по производству обуви в Республике Беларусь. Компания имеет высокий технологический процесс производства, используя современное оборудование и новые технологии, широкий ассортимент в коллекции обуви. INTRODUCTION
The world economy is a complex system, uniting more than 200 countries and territories, over the past quarter-century has seen major changes. The world economy has changed not only socially but also technologically. The dynamics of the business environment fostered by the drastic political changes in the erstwhile communist and socialist countries and the economic liberalisation across the world has enormously expanded the opportunities for the multinational corporations, also known by such names as international corporation, transnational corporation, global corporation (or firm, company or enterprise) etc. Qualitative transformation of world productive forces occurs under the influence of scientific and technological progress. Huge shifts have occurred in the development of the productive forces. Under the influence of STP there have been profound changes in the sectoral structure of the economy in industrialized countries largely prevailed intensive type of development.
The most important element in the development of world economy and international economic relations are transnational corporations. In recent decades, they paid a lot of attention. Today there is no significant process in the global economy which would occur without the participation of TNCs. They are the main force shaping the current and future shape of the world, accept direct and indirect participation in world political process and political processes in different countries. Transnational Corporations are incorporated or unincorporated enterprises comprising parent enterprises and their foreign affiliates. A parent enterprise is deemed as an enterprise that controls assets of other entities in countries other than its home country, usually by owning a certain equity capital state.An equity capital stake of 10 per cent or more of the ordinary shares or voting power for an incorporated enterprise, or its equivalent for an unincorporated enterprise, is normally considered as a threshold for the control of assets (In some countries such as Germany and United Kingdom, the threshold is a stake of 20 per cent or more.) In the world practice we can face with different types TNCs: · Corporations · Business alliance · Chaebol · Concern · Holding company. big companies of the world Corporations
A corporation is a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as such in law. Early incorporated entities were established by charter. Most jurisdictions now allow the creation of new corporations through registration. Corporations come in many different types but are usually divided by the law of the jurisdiction where they are chartered into two kinds: by whether or not they can issue stock, or by whether or not they are for profit. A corporate group or group of companies is a collection of parent and subsidiary corporations that function as a single economic entity through a common source of control. The forming of corporate groups usually involves consolidation via mergers and acquisitions, although the group concept focuses on the instances in which the merged and acquired corporate entities remain in existence rather than the instances in which they are dissolved by the parent. The group may be owned by a holding company which may have no actual operations. The Ford Motor Corporation (commonly referred to simply as "Ford") is an American multinational automaker headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. It was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated on June 16, 1903. The company sells automobiles and commercial vehicles under the Ford brand and most luxury cars under the Lincoln brand. Ford also owns Brazilian SUV manufacturer, Troller, and Australian performance car manufacturer FPV. In the past, it has also produced tractors and automotive components. Ford owns an 8% stake in Aston Martin of the United Kingdom, and a 49% stake in Jiangling of China. It also has a number of joint-ventures, one in China (Changan Ford), one in Taiwan (Ford Lio Ho), one in Thailand (AutoAlliance Thailand), one in Turkey (Ford Otosan), and one in Russia (Ford Sollers). Ford introduced methods for large-scale manufacturing of cars and large-scale management of an industrial workforce using elaborately engineered manufacturing sequences typified by moving assembly lines; by 1914, these methods were known around the world as Fordism. Ford's former UK subsidiaries Jaguar and Land Rover, acquired in 1989 and 2000 respectively, were sold to Tata Motors in March 2008. Ford owned the Swedish automaker Volvo from 1999 to 2010. In 2011, Ford discontinued the Mercury brand, under which it had marketed entry-level luxury cars in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Middle East since 1938.
During the financial crisis at the beginning of the 21st century, it was close to bankruptcy, but it has since returned to profitability. Ford is the second-largest U.S.-based automaker (preceded by General Motors) and the fifth-largest in the world (behind Toyota, VW, Hyundai-Kia and General Motors) based on 2015 vehicle production. At the end of 2015, Ford was the fifth largest automaker in Europe. Ford is the eighth-ranked overall American-based company in the 2010 Fortune 500 list, based on global revenues in 2009 of $118.3 billion. In 2008, Ford produced 5.532 million automobiles and employed about 213,000 employees at around 90 plants and facilities worldwide. The company went public in 1956 but the Ford family, through special Class B shares, still retain 40 percent voting rights [6]. Bayerische Motoren Werke Corporation usually known under its abbreviation BMW is a German luxury vehicle, motorcycle, and engine manufacturing company founded in 1916. It is one of the best-selling luxury automakers in the world. The company is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index. Headquartered in Munich, Bavaria, BMW owns Mini cars and is the parent company of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. BMW produces motorcars under the BMW Motorsport division and motorcycles under BMW Motorrad, and plug-in electric cars under the BMW i sub-brand and the "iPerformance" model designation within the regular BMW lineup. On 9 October 2014, BMW's new South American automobile plant in Araquari, Santa Catarina produced its first car. BMW intend to increase its production capacity to over 30,000 vehicles a year. The new site is intended to create around 1,300 new jobs, of which 500 have already been filled. In October 2008, BMW Group Canada was named one of Greater Toronto's Top Employers by Mediacorp Canada Inc., which was announced by the Toronto Star newspaper. Signing a deal in 2003 for the production of sedans in China, May 2004 saw the opening of a factory in the North-eastern city of Shenyang where Brilliance Auto produces BMW-branded automobile in a joint venture with the German company. Bavarian Auto Group is a multinational group of companies established in March 2003 when it was appointed as the sole importer of BMW and Mini in Egypt, with monopoly rights for import, assembly, distribution, sales and after-sales support of BMW products in Egypt. Since that date, BAG invested a total amount of US$100 million distributed on seven companies and 11 premises in addition to three stores. MW India was established in 2006 as a sales subsidiary in Gurgaon (National Capital Region). A state-of-the-art assembly plant for BMW 3 and 5 Series started operation in early 2007 in Chennai. Construction of the plant started in January 2006 with an initial investment of more than one billion Indian Rupees. The plant started operation in the first quarter of 2007 and produces the different variants of BMW 3 Series, BMW GT, BMW 5 Series, BMW 7 Series, BMW X1, BMW X3, BMW X5, Mini Cooper S, Mini Cooper D and Mini Countryman. Further more, it has expanded its model range to include the BMW Z4, BMW X6, BMW M Cars, and BMW i8. There are a total of 31 variants of BMW cars on offer in the Indian market today. The BMW Manufacturing Company opened in 1994, in South Carolina, and has been manufacturing all Z4 and X5 models, and more recently the X6 and X3, including those for export to Europe, on the same assembly line in Greer between Greenville and Spartanburg.[116] In an average work day the company builds 600 vehicles: 500 X5s and 100 Z4s. The engines for these vehicles are built in Munich, Germany. BMWs with a VIN starting with "4US and 5US" are manufactured in Greer [7]. BMW announced that it would spend $750 million to expand operations at the Greer plant. This expansion will allow production of 240,000 vehicles a year and will make the plant the largest car factory in the United States by number of employees. BMW's largest single market is the United States, where 339 dealerships sold 346,023 cars in 2015. As of 2015, the Greer facility produces all BMW X3, X4, X5, X5 M, X6 and X6 M models.
Business alliances
A business alliance is an agreement between businesses, usually motivated by cost reduction and improved service for the customer. Alliances are often bounded by a single agreement with equitable risk and opportunity share for all parties involved and are typically managed by an integrated project team. An example of this is code sharing in airline alliances.
There are five basic categories or types of alliances: 1. Sales: A sales alliance occurs when two companies agree to go to market together to sell complementary products and services. 2. Solution-specific: A solution-specific alliance occurs when two companies agree to jointly develop and sell a specific marketplace solution. 3. Geographic-specific: A geographic-specific alliance is developed when two companies agree to jointly market or co-brand their products and services in a specific geographic region. 4. Investment: An investment alliance occurs when two companies agree to join their funds for mutual investment. 5. Joint venture: A joint venture is an alliance that occurs when two or more companies agree to undertake economic activity together. In many cases, alliances between companies can involve two or more categories or types of alliances. Another type of an alliance is a horizontal alliance. For example, a horizontal alliance can occur between logistics service providers, i.e., the cooperation between two or more logistics companies that are potentially competing. In a horizontal alliance, these partners can benefit twofold. On one hand, they can "access tangible resources which are directly exploitable." In this example extending common transportation networks, their warehouse infrastructure and the ability to provide more complex service packages can be achieved by combining resources. On the other hand, partners can "access intangible resources, which are not directly exploitable." This typically includes know-how and information and, in turn, innovation. The Auto Alliance is a trade group of automobile manufacturers that operate in the United States. It is the leading advocacy group for the auto industry, representing 77% of all car and light truck sales in the United States. The Auto Alliance is committed to developing and implementing constructive solutions to public policy challenges that promote sustainable mobility and benefit society in the areas of environment, energy and motor vehicle safety. Mitch Bainwol is the CEO of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.[6] The trade group formed on January 13, 1999 to replace the American Automobile Manufacturers Association, which had represented only American manufacturers. As of January 2017, members of the Auto Alliance are:[7] · BMW Group · Fiat Chrysler Automobiles · Ford Motor Company · General Motors Company · Jaguar Land Rover · Mazda · Mercedes-Benz USA · Mitsubishi Motors · Porsche · Toyota · Volkswagen Group of America · Volvo Car USA
1.3 Chaebols
A chaebol is a South Korean form of business conglomerate. They are typically global multinationals and own numerous international enterprises, controlled by a chairman with power over all the operations. The term is often used in a context similar to that of the English word "conglomerate". The term was first used in 1984. There are several dozen large Korean family-controlled corporate groups which fall under this definition. The chaebol have also played a significant role in South Korean politics. In 1988, a member of a chaebol family, Chung Mong-joon, president of Hyundai Heavy Industries, successfully ran for the National Assembly of South Korea. Other business leaders also were chosen to be members of the National Assembly through proportional representation. Since 2000, Hyundai has played a role in the thawing of North Korean and South Korean relations. Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the largest South Korean chaebol (business conglomerate). Samsung has a powerful influence on South Korea's economic development, politics, media and culture and has been a major driving force behind the "Miracle on the Han River". Its affiliate companies produce around a fifth of South Korea's total exports. Samsung's revenue was equal to 17% of South Korea's $1,082 billion GDP.
A concern is a type of business group common in Europe, particularly in Germany. It results from the merger of several legally independent companies into a single economic entity under unified management. A concern consists of a controlling enterprise and one or more controlled enterprises. The relationship between the controlling and controlled enterprises is based on the actual commercial and management relationships, unlike parent and subsidiary companies which are related by share ownership and voting rights. There are several types of concerns: · Contractual Concern. In this form of concern, the controlling enterprise and controlled enterprise enter into a control agreement – wherein the controlling enterprise can obtain management powers over the controlled enterprise, sometimes amounting to complete control – and/or a profit transfer agreement. These powers may be used in a way that is detrimental to the subsidiary, provided that they are in the interests of the concern and do not damage the legal separateness of the subsidiary. In return, the controlling enterprise is liable to compensate the controlled enterprise for all deficits of the controlled enterprise during the term of the agreement. · Factual Concern. In this form of concern, the controlling enterprise exerts a controlling influence on the controlled enterprise, but there is no formal control or profit transfer agreement. If one company owns a majority in another company, then the first company is deemed to exert a controlling influence. The parent company is then liable for any damage which results from the interference of the parent company in the subsidiary, which is judged on a case-by-case basis. This kind of concern is more difficult to establish and so is more common. · Flat Concern. In this version, there is no parent company, instead a number of legally separate companies are subject to common direction. Henkel AG & Company, KGaA, is a German chemical and consumer goods concern headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. It is a multinational company active both in the consumer and industrial sector. Founded in 1876, the DAX 30 company is organized into three globally operating business units (laundry & home care, beauty care, adhesive technologies) and is known for brands such as Loctite, Persil, and Fa amongst others [2]. In the fiscal year 2016, Henkel reported sales of 18.1 billion euros and an operating profit of 2.9 billion euros. More than 80 percent of its about 50,000 employees work outside of Germany.
A holding company is a company that owns other companies outstanding stock. The term usually refers to a company that does not produce goods or services itself; rather, its purpose is to own shares of other companies to form a corporate group. Holding companies allow the reduction of risk for the owners and can allow the ownership and control of a number of different companies. In the United States, 80% or more of stock, in voting and value, must be owned before tax consolidation benefits such as tax-free dividends can be claimed. That is, if Company A owns 80% or more of the stock of Company B, Company A will not pay taxes on dividends paid by Company B to its stockholders, as the payment of dividends from B to A is essentially Company A transferring cash from one company to the other. Any other shareholders of Company B will pay the usual taxes on dividends, as they are legitimate and ordinary dividends to these shareholders. Sometimes a company intended to be a pure holding company identifies itself as such by adding "Holding" or "Holdings" to its name. The Nestlé S.A. holding is a Swiss transnational food and drink company headquartered in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland. It has been the largest food company in the world, measured by revenues and other metrics, for 2014, 2015, and 2016. It ranked No. 72 on the Fortune Global 500 in 2014 and No. 33 on the 2016 edition of the Forbes Global 2000 list of largest public companies. Nestlé's products include baby food, medical food, bottled water, breakfast cereals, coffee and tea, confectionery, dairy products, ice cream, frozen food, pet foods, and snacks. Twenty-nine of Nestlé's brands have annual sales of over CHF1 billion (about US$1.1 billion), including Nespresso, Nescafé, Kit Kat, Smarties, Nesquik, Stouffer's, Vittel, and Maggi. Nestlé has 447 factories, operates in 194 countries, and employs around 339,000 people. It is one of the main shareholders of L'Oreal, the world's largest cosmetics company. Nestlé was formed in 1905 by the merger of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company, established in 1866 by brothers George and Charles Page, and Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé, founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé (born Heinrich Nestle). The company grew significantly during the First World War and again following the Second World War, expanding its offerings beyond its early condensed milk and infant formula products. The company has made a number of corporate acquisitions, including Crosse & Blackwell in 1950, Findus in 1963, Libby's in 1971, Rowntree Mackintosh in 1988, and Gerber in 2007. Nestlé has a primary listing on the SIX Swiss Exchange and is a constituent of the Swiss Market Index. It has a secondary listing on Euronext. In 2011, Nestlé was listed No. 1 in the Fortune Global 500 as the world's most profitable corporation. With a market capitalisation of US$239.6 billion, Nestlé ranked No. 11 in the FT Global 500 2014.
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