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D. Study these words and then, complete the sentences below with the words from the box.

СРС 3 Задание1

A. Study these words and phrases

1. higher education высшее образование
2.   secondary education среднее образование
3.   speciality/major специальность
4. academy академия
5. teaching block учебный корпус
6. library библиотека
7. computer hall компьютерный зал
8. dean’s office деканат
9. lending department абонемент (в библиотеке)
10.   reading hall читальный зал
11. final examinations государственные экзамены
12. winter/summer examinations зимняя/летняя сессия
13. curriculum программа, учебный план
14. exchange programme программа по обмену студентами
15. academic year академический год
16. term/semester cеместр
17. full-time department очное отделение
18.   correspondence department заочное отделение
19. teaching & learning methods методы обучения и учебы
20. subject предмет
21. compulsory/elective обязательный/по выбору
22. grant/scholarship грант/стипендия
23.   tuition fee плата за обучение
24. scientist учѐный
25. professor/lecturer профессор/лектор
26. tutor младший преподаватель
27. instructor преподаватель (ниже профессора)
28. head of department – заведующий кафедрой  
29.   tutorial консультация; практическое занятие с руководителем
30. seminar семинар
31.   lecture лекция
32. diploma диплом
33. course paper курсовой проект
34.   research исследование
35. Bachelor, Bachelor’s degree бакалавр, степень бакалавра
36. Master, Master’s degree магистр, степень магистра
37. first-year student (freshman) первокурсник
38. second-year student (sophomore) второкурсник
39. third-year student (junior) третьекурсник
40. forth-year student (senior) студент четвѐртого курса
41. undergraduate студент последнего курса
42.   graduate выпускник
43. to enter the university поступить в университет
44. to graduate from the university закончить университет
45. to take exams сдавать экзамены
46. to pass exams сдать экзамены
47. to fail in exams провалиться на экзаменах
48. to take part in… принимать участие в…
49. to be good at… быть успешным в…
50. to study abroad учиться заграницей
51. to receive a grant получить грант
52. to miss classes пропускать занятия
53. to deliver lectures читать лекции
54. to meet the requirements удовлетворять требованиям
55. to improve the knowledge улучшить знания
56. to fill in the application form заполнить бланк заявки (на участие в программе)

B. My Major / Speciality

Look through the list of some majors (specialities) of the Innovative University of Eurasia. Categorize them and complete the chart below.


Pedagogy and methodology of primary education

Pedagogy and Psychology

Physical Culture and Sports



Computer Science




Kazakh language and literature

Russian Language and Literature

Foreign language: two foreign languages

Professional training


Translation Studies








Accounting and Auditing


State and local government



Information System

Computers and software


Transport, transport equipment and technology

Electric power

Thermal power

Chemical technology of inorganic substances

Chemical technology of organic matter

Technological machines and equipment

Technology of food products


Life safety of and environmental protection

Standardization, Certification and Metrology

Production technology of livestock products

Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation

Veterinary sanitation




C. Read and translate the text about our university

Our University

Our university was founded in 1991 and was called the Institute of Economics and Engineering. There was only one faculty and about 200 students there. At present there are two academies in our university. They are: the Academy of Business, Education and Law and the Engineering Academy. The students can study at three departments: full-time, correspondence and distance-learning department.

The main task of our university is to train well-educated specialists to realize the dual system of education. Theory is accompanied by practical training from the very beginning of studies. Many qualified teachers deliver lectures and hold seminars on different subjects. Instruction is provided by various tests to stimulate good research habits among the students and see progress.

Full university course lasts four or five years. In the fifth course the students are to submit a graduation paper or to pass finals. The graduation paper contains the results of students research work. Students take part in different competitions and conferences.

An academic year is divided into two terms, which usually run from September 1 to July Examinations are held at the end of each term. Twice a year the students take tests and pass exams. The attendance of classes is compulsory for all. The students are to work hard, not to fail in exams.

The curriculum of the first and the second year students includes high mathematics, applied mathematics, computer technique, physics, history of Kazakhstan, chemistry, accounting concepts, economics, principles of management, etc. The students know that the knowledge of at least one foreign language is necessary for all specialists to make a career, to get a better job and higher pay.

After graduating from the university the students get diplomas and their first academic degree – Bachelor’s degree. They can get any job they like or continue their studies at Master or postgraduate courses of the university and abroad. Now our university is one of the biggest universities in Kazakhstan.



D. Study these words and then, complete the sentences below with the words from the box.

creative forgetful critical generous hard-working disorganized patient reliable impatient efficient

1. Amy should not be a librarian because she is very disorganized. She can never find the information she needs.


2. Edward would make a great nurse because he’s so patient. He never gets anxious when things go wrong.


3. I always arrive on time and do good work. My boss never has to worry because I’m reliable.


4. Jack writes great children’s stories. He’s very creative and always thinks of new ideas.


5. A good lawyer has to remember facts. Jerry is a terrible lawyer because he’s very forgetful.


6. Laura is very hard-working. She works ten hours a day, six days a week.


7. David is a terrible taxi-driver because he’s very impatient. He can’t stand waiting for other people.


8. My boss is very generous. She gave me a big holiday bonus.


9. June’s secretary is very efficient. She types twice as fast as most secretaries and she never wastes time.


10. I can’t stand my boss. He complains about everything I do. He’s so critical.

E. Answer these questions


1. When did you enter the university? 2016

2. What is your major/ speciality? Finance

3. What faculty (academy) do you study at? Economic

4. What special courses do you take at your major/ speciality? Accounting and Auditing

5. How many classes do you have every day? I have 6 classes every day

6. What courses (subjects) are you good/bad at? What courses (subjects) do you like? I am good at management, bad at marketing and I like English.

7. How long does it take to complete studies at your speciality/major? Few days

8. Are you planning to enter Master courses after you get your Bachelor’s degree? No, I am not

9. Are you good at foreign languages? quite good

10. What are your personal characteristics? What are you like? Identify your three personal and three professional skills. Personal skills: Mindfulness, responsibility, stress resistance

Professional skills: Ability to plan my activity in time, self-sufficiency,



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