Islamist jihad in Eurasia and the world on the verge of a global catastrophe.
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The modern world is on the threshold of a new world war. Attempts to capture the Syrian army with jihadist controlled by Wall Street, which now go to the Middle East, this is just another step in the spread of the Islamist war on the whole of Eurasia. The war with the guerrilla sex, sex bandit groups, is the latest know-how Washington's military strategy. Before Islamist gangs are powerless regular army, and their distribution is not holding back nuclear arsenals. United States, did not even have a formal responsibility for spreading Islam to the world community as well as the last 20 years, actively demonizes Alkaid and terrorism, contrasting it with democracy. Although Alkaid, was created and has always functioned as a division of the CIA. U.S. government destroyed the political regimes in the Arab world population down to the level of their medieval hordes. And now, this horde is ready to move to Europe, Russia and India. The purpose of the "Eurasian jihad " for the U.S., is the suppression of the largest economies of Eurasia, which will surely strengthen the dollar zone, a refuge from the collapse of a huge mass of anything unsecured cash equal to the world GDP. The guerrilla war that will spread to the whole of Eurasia, just paralyzes the major U.S. competitors, making it the world leader. Now the further spread of the jihad in Russia and other major countries of Eurasia, is only Syria. If Syria falls, nothing will prevent further fuel the jihad in Eurasia. But the Eurasian jihad quickly go into the world and the end result will be a world catastrophe and the collapse of the U.S.. The world is on the brink of a new world war, in which will be useless tanks and bombers, as the fights will go on the streets. It will be a war of guerrilla and bandit groups that will suddenly appear " out of the ground as " shoot civilians, loot everything you can, and just completely dissolve in the mass of refugees, then to meet at another location. This war has long been preparing on the sidelines of Wall Street, as a means to save from bankruptcy dollar zone, and will make the American Bankers complete masters of the world. Islamist jihad in Eurasia, can make the top of the U.S. financial triumphant, but this triumph could just as easily turn into a complete collapse, both for the dollar zone, and for the U.S. itself. Islamist jihad will not stop at Eurasia. Guerrilla warfare, inevitably move to the United States, and the United States, with its shaky financial system and dependence on foreign resources will be in a much weaker position than stable countries of Eurasia. Apparently the pundits of Wall Street, plan to sit quietly across the ocean, while Eurasia will set fire to blaze inside the hordes of Islamists, but they did not occur to him that the guerrilla war could spread through the Internet. The direct penetration of the Mujahideen in the U.S. territory, is not necessary. In American cities, the mass of the ghetto, with the unemployed and criminalized populations, which will be a breeding ground for jihad as the Arab ghettos in Europe, or emigrants, ethnic community in Russia. After the capture of the cities will begin Islamists in Eurasia, the American criminal organizations will adopt the Islamist ideology and adopt the tactics of fighting jihadists joining together in numerous close-knit gang, who will be able to capture the rich neighborhoods and whole cities. They will suddenly appear, dealing crushing blows and knock them from the captured positions would be long and with a lot of blood.
In the backward regions of the United States and the floor of abandoned cities left behind, " Lam industry in Asia," possibly the formation of permanent internal enclaves under the control of the Islamized gangs. These " Principality ", will serve as the main base for Islamic armies and fight with them will require great sacrifices comparable to full-scale wars. Like a long and bloody war with the Russian " Islamist caliphate " in Chechnya. Within the U.S., just start raiding war, guerrilla fighting various groups seeking to attack the corporations that tie the hands of U.S. economic and military machine and to undermine its influence in the international arena. Basically it will be guerrillas, who fought in the liberation of the occupied Arab Islamism and American group of patriots who resist the colonial policy of the United States and the world unleashed Wall Street Massacre. Attack battle groups are mostly bloodless, calculated on the impacts on infrastructure and economic targets. But they will cause serious damage to the economy, especially the large corporations and the financial system, undermining from within and shaking the whole dollar economic system. Nullifying all the benefits that will give the U.S. the largest suppression of competing economies with jihadists. Some partisan battle groups, not the most numerous, but the most radical, may apply to the U.S. weapons of mass destruction. Such groups may arise from ethnic and religious communities in the Arab world, which will be under the threat of total destruction after the mass distribution of Islamism in the Arab world, such as Christians, or Copts. Because of his doomed situation, such groups will seek to strike his opponent to the maximum possible damage by any means, without regard to ethical standards and human victims. The most accessible and destructive weapons, it is not nuclear bombs, as is commonly believed, and chemical and biological weapons. In order to make the chemical bomb, quite a few reagents available on the open market and common knowledge of chemistry. Chemical weapons do not even need to carry as it can be done anywhere. Chemical attack will lead to heavy casualties. But the more damage they will cause the moral state of society. Due to mass hysteria and panic, which will be followed up. Biological weapons are also quite accessible, not only for groups of guerrillas, but even for single fanatics. To get the materials rapidly spreading contagious infections are not that difficult. Hold on to the territory of the United States disputes Ebola or fatal flu varieties, is not a big difficulty. Transfer across the border contagion is much easier than weapons or drugs. American cities are overcrowded, highly susceptible to epidemics of contagious infections with a high fatality rate. After biological sabotage, the epidemic will spread like lightning and physicians against her will, completely powerless. There will be only one way to stop the further spread of the epidemic, quarantine. But the quarantine ban residents inside the infected cities, condemning them to death. After biological sabotage of the city filled with corpses and soaked infection will turn into a ghost town. People will not live in the affected graves, so only one biological sabotage would be enough to completely destroy a major city, economic, scientific or administrative center.
Biological consequences of the war would be disastrous for the United States. Several biological sabotage would be enough to cause panic and flight of capital from the country and specialists. Dozens or hundreds of biological attacks will cause the fall of the investment attractiveness of the United States and the collapse of the dollar zone, after which, the U.S. economy will never recover in the same volume. Thousands of biological attacks would lead to the complete destruction of the United States government. Survivors will leave the city and gather in the countryside, able to feed them. The territory of the United States will be split into many independent enclaves with the agrarian economy and archaic organization of society who fall into the zone of influence of the different states. United States of America will disappear from the map of the world, leaving behind a lot of agrarian republic, similar to the countries of Latin America. Changing war strategy with an open armed aggression on " Underground Army Islamists", allows you to capture and destroy the country's competitive economy, virtually unchecked, bypassing the armies and nuclear arsenals. But with the widespread use of a new global war strategy, will come and new global deterrent. Army and nuclear weapons in the hands of states and politicians who behave predictably kept and they are easy to control by the international community. Unlike the states, the guerrillas with weapons of mass destruction or control how it will be quite impossible to restrain. If the Islamist war will go into a large-scale stage, it becomes global. And it will be the same global catastrophe for the entire civilized world as a nuclear war. Total slaughter and capture all there is to hordes of jihadists, the total destruction of the industry and the suppression of the economy, the uncontrolled proliferation of chemical and biological weapons capable of destroying entire state. If Wall Street will unleash jihadist war in Eurasia, it immediately goes into the stage of the world of guerrilla warfare. More precisely, not even war, and just carnage and total destruction, with no boundaries and no rules. This will be a worldwide civilizational catastrophe plague that will destroy the foundations of the modern world and return humanity to medieval times. As you monitor the effects of global jihadism is not the only way to avoid them is to prevent the start of the global guerrilla warfare. If such a scenario is World War II, it seems too unrealistic and apocalyptic, look at what is happening in Somalia, Afghanistan and Libya. What happened in Chechnya Islamists seized before its liberation by Russian troops. Failed states, whose inhabitants are under the authority of gangs and warlords, the complete absence of any order or legal protection, encourages people to gather in clans and communities, turning society on the stage of early Middle Ages. The only argument capable, it's a knife or a gun. And the constant gang war with each other. This is not a scene from cheap movies like " Mad Max ", a reality that is already becoming commonplace. Destroying the state in the Arab world and spreading radical Islam, American strategists call to life the ancient power that was almost forgotten in the twentieth century. The name of this force, "The global caliphate ", a giant horde of fanatics whose purpose is to literally cut and turned into a slave of all " infidels" and the sword to spread Islam throughout the world. The quest for global jihad is the basis of the Muslim culture and ideology, it appeared in the early medieval period and eventually overgrown cultural layers and assimilated in a life that was becoming more and more civilized. But the destruction and the Islamization of Arab States, the U.S. strategists, reviving Islamism in its original primitive and aggressive form. The Arabs are listed in the state and the hordes of infected to continue the idea of Islamic conquest will not long remain in their deserts and to breed sheep. They will move to more developed countries, where they feel more comfortable to live, there is something to grab and have someone to rob. Islamists can seep into the European countries in the form of cheap labor, immigrants and refugees. They feel their power when they come in European cities and may require that in these cities built mosques and allowed to wear the hijab. Riots in the Arab ghetto in Europe is only a rehearsal, a trial of strength before capturing European cities.
The Islamization of the Arab world and the spread of Muslims in Europe lasts a long time and does not cause serious concern, as well as not of concern and the seizure of the Islamists with the support and funding of the United States, the Arab countries with normal statehood. Most of Europe and the United States even really believe that it is a struggle for democracy and liberation from the regime of Gaddafi, Mubarak and Assad. But the war that is now in Syria, the U.S. is not a struggle with the Assad regime. In fact, Assad Americans completely indifferent media company launched against him in the media, nothing more than a show. This war is not political, and economic reasons, the Americans need Syria to continue the Islamic Jihad in Iran and Russia. Once able to capture Iran and weaken Russia, jihadist war will continue against Europe, India and China. And for Wall Street, this war is necessary not to some nebulous term, and now, in a few months. They urgently need to set fire to Eurasia, or start to weaken and disintegrate dollar zone, which has reached the limits of its growth. And now, a further increase in the mass of cash dollars does not make sense, it will only cause inflation. Inflating the hysteria around Syria is directly related to the termination of the dollar emission of so-called " policy of financial easing" and the expectations of a new wave of financial crisis. In order to further preserve their wealth bought with pieces of paper, bankers need to urgently provide U.S. real resources, primarily energy raw materials, oil and gas, by means of which it is easy to control the world economy. And to begin weakening of major economies of Eurasia, are able to compete with the dollar and the U.S. financial sphere. With these goals in general, and the campaign has been prepared by the Islamization of the Arab world and the preparation of the jihad in Eurasia. Control the world's energy resources, ensuring stability at the expense of his dollar zone, the suppression of competing economies and capture global domination. But the campaign Eurasian Jihad planned back in the seventies, eighties, when there was no Internet and modern information technology. Now, if the spread of jihadism will take the character of large -scale war, it immediately spread to the whole world and penetrate, including in the U.S., then go into a total and completely uncontrolled form. Eurasian countries affected by the global jihad, but they will be able to survive it and recover afterwards. But the U.S. has a lot of vulnerabilities, its economy is externally oriented, entirely dependent on foreign resources and industrial production. Financial system based on the unsecured currency and debt, could collapse any major upheavals.
Politics Wall Street, which involves the outbreak of jihadism in Eurasia and the creation of a new colonial empire, will inevitably lead to a complete collapse of the U.S. and the world to a global civilizational catastrophe. This scenario of the struggle for dominance was on the verge of the only by the control of information and the immaturity of people who believe in all that is said on the screens. But he may be thwarted by the activity of caring people and the free flow of information about what awaits humanity in the case of spread of the global jihadism. Public opinion in the U.S. has shown its strength, that tied the hands of financial groups during the preparation of the invasion of Syria after the last provocation with chemical weapons. The hitch with the invasion under the pretext of a response to a chemical attack on August 21 will not stop the hawks in Washington. Wall Street certainly prepare the next provocation, this time not against civilians in Syria, and against Israel, Turkey, and the U.S. military bases located near the borders of Syria. Under this pretext, the military will be able to enlist the support of public opinion in the U.S. and Europe, and will strike on Syria immediately to avoid the risk of getting bogged down in controversy and disagreement. As is already the case with the previous provocation. But also, and more involved in the war to Turkey, Syria, after which the situation will become catastrophic. These provocations likely to occur in the near future, within several weeks. You have to understand that this is just another show, designed to justify the seizure of Syria at any cost. Do not believe the military, even if you will show footage of dead American soldiers from the base of the supposedly attacked the Syrian regular army. His desire for objective, independent assessment of events in Syria and the protests against the aggression of Washington, you can thwart the plans of the colonialists. Do not let the draw you into a military adventure that will lead you to disaster. Your future is in your hands. Nicholas Agapov.
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