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Особую ценность для истории русской культуры представляет ансамбль архитектурных памятников Троице-Сергиевой лавры. Он формировался на протяжении шести столетий. В течение всего этого времени велось непрерывное строительство. Деревянные здания заменялись каменными, ветхое и устаревшее уступало место новому, более совершенному и грандиозному. История Лавры тесно связана с историей нашей страны.

В эпоху средневековья Троице-Сергиева Лавра была главным монастырем России. В новое время, когда была открыта Духовная Семинария, она становиться духовным и образовательным центром России,

Архитектурный ансамбль объединяет памятники культового и гражданского зодчества,(religious and civil architecture) в ярких и типичнейших образцах здесь представлены все периоды развития русской архитектуры с XV по XVIII век. Троице-Сергиева лавра внесена в список культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Imagine you are going to visit Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius with your tourists. Give them the most important historical information about it.

Unit 4

Vocabulary File

Listen, look, repeat.

1. Ensemble- [ɑːnˈsɑːmbl] архитектурный ансамбль

2. A Semi-circular apse - полукруглый выступ здания

3. A Cupola - [ˈkjuːpələ] купол, свод

4. To enhance- [ɪnˈhɑːns] усиливать

5. Skyward – ввысь, в небо

6. Picturesque - живописный

7. Chased pattern – чеканный узор

8. Ciborium – балдахин, сень

9. to install - установить

10. Clumsy – грубый, громоздкий

11. to dismantle - [dɪsˈmæntl] разбирать

12. To glue - приклеить

13. Zakomars – закомары(форма кокошника)

14. Successor - [səkˈsesə] преемник


Read and translate sentences with the new words.

1. The wooden Trinity Church became a compositional center of the developing Monastery ensemble.

2. It has three semi-circular apses at the East and four pillars supporting the drum and cupola inside.

3. In the south-eastern corner of the Cathedral there is a silver tomb with a chased pattern and a text from “The Life of St. Sergius”.

4. The picturesque arrangement of the shapes is a characteristic feature of the Trinity Cathedral.

5. At the 18th century, a silver ciborium was installed on four pillars.

6. In 1925, the clumsy northern parvis was dismantled.

7. In 1954, the external walls and the dome were cleared of canvas which was glued in the 18th century.

8. By 1966 the restoration determined and returned the most expressive view of the monument preserving the dome and the zakomars of the 16th century.

9. The walls with narrow windows are unusually inclined to the center enhancing the impression of monumentality and balance of the Cathedral.

10. St. Sergius’s successor Nikon was buried at the southern wall of the Trinity Cathedral.


3. Fill in the gaps with the right words from the box in the necessary form.

Toglue, be cleared(2), silversmiths, be dismantled, craftsmen, be installed, white-stone, ensemble, semi-circular, be achieved, be displayed, relics, chased pattern, successor, clumsy

1. St. Sergius’s …… Nikon was buried at the southern wall of the Trinity Cathedral.

2. In 1422 – 1423, “in praise of Sergius” the monumental …… Trinity Cathedral was built.

3. It became a compositional center of the developing Monastery…….

4. The Cathedral …… of the rough subsequent structures.

5. It was made at the end of the 16th century by a group of …… including Russian and foreign …….

6. In 1925, …… northern parvis ……..

7. At the 18th century, a silver ciborium …… on four pillars.

8. In 1954, the external walls and the dome …… of canvas which …… in the 18th century.

9. It has three …… apses at the East.

10. The impression …… due to systematic optical corrections.

11. It is the shrine with the …… of Sergius of Radonezh.

12. The famous “Trinity”, which …… in the Tretyakov Gallery now, was painted by Andrei Rublev for this iconostasis.

13. In the south-eastern corner of the Cathedral there is a silver tomb with a ……. and a text from “The Life of St. Sergius”.


Read and translate the text.


The Trinity Cathedral (1422- 1423)

In 1422, the solemn act of canonization of Sergius took place. In 1422 – 1423, “in praise of Sergius” the monumental white-stone Trinity Cathedral was built at the place of the wooden Trinity Church. It became a compositional center of the developing Monastery ensemble. The Cathedral is a rare monument of Early Moscow architecture. The monument is made of white stone. It is square in plan. It has three semi-circular apses at the East and four pillars supporting the drum and cupola inside. The walls with narrow windows are unusually inclined to the center enhancing the impression of monumentality and balance of the Cathedral and, at the same time, its rising skyward. The picturesque arrangement of the shapes is a characteristic feature of the Trinity Cathedral. The Cathedral is not large, but inside it looks higher. The impression is achieved due to systematic optical corrections.

The Cathedral preserves one of the first developed iconostases of the 15th century including 42 icons created by Andrei Rublev and painters of his team. The famous “Trinity”, which is displayed in the Tretyakov Gallery now, was painted by Andrei Rublev for this iconostasis. Its place to the right of the Royal Doors is occupied by a replica painted by N.A. Baranov. In the south-eastern corner of the Cathedral there is a silver tomb with a chased pattern and a text from “The Life of St. Sergius”. It is the shrine with the relics of Sergius of Radonezh. It was made at the end of the 16th century by a group of 14 silversmiths including Russian and foreign craftsmen. At the 18th century, a silver ciborium was installed on four pillars over the ciborium. It was made by David Priff to the design of Caravaque.
The restoration of the Trinity Cathedral began after the foundation of the Museum on the territory of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. It went on in the course of several decades. The Cathedral was cleared of the rough subsequent structures: in 1925, the clumsy northern parvis was dismantled, in 1954, the external walls and the dome were cleared of canvas which was glued in the 18th century. By 1966 the restoration determined and returned the most expressive view of the monument preserving the dome and the zakomars of the 16th century. The clearance and restoration of the icons in the iconostasis began in 1918 and practically finished in the 1970s.

St. Nikon Chapel (1548)

St. Sergius’s successor Nikon was buried at the southern wall of the Trinity Cathedral. In 1548, the so-called Nikon Chapel was constructed over his tomb. It is a church with one cupola and one apse, without supporting pillar inside. The church is made of bricks. The walls are covered with white stone up to the top of the apse. They are decorated with vertical semi-columns tight up with three rows of beads. Constructing the Chapel close by the Trinity Cathedral, the craftsmen seemed to stress the spiritual contact between the Monastery founder and his disciple and successor.



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