The medical program for low-income mothers. Who is eligible for Medicade?
Medicaid program targets low-income families, including low-income elderly and disabled who do not qualify for Medicare. The Medicaid program serves two types of groups: low -income women and children and low-income disabled and elderly. Medicaid, like unemployment insurance (UI), is a program that is federally mandated but administered by the states.5 It is financed on a shared basis between the states and the federal government out of general revenues rather than a payroll tax. Currently, all individuals age 18 or younger are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP up to 100% of the poverty line ($22,050 for a family of four), and children under age 6 and pregnant women are covered up to 133% of the poverty line ($29,327). In most states, eligibility extends further for both children and pregnant women: a typical state covers both groups up to 200% of the poverty line ($44,100). Eligibility extends much further in some states: children in New Jersey, for example, are eligible up to 350% of the poverty line ($77,185).6 Tax Policy to Promote Labor Supply: The Earned Income Tax Credit. (EITC) A federal income tax policy that subsidizes the wages of low income earners. Like most income tax policies, the EITC has both income and substitution effects on labor supply decisions. Overall, the United States’ experience with the EITC seems fairly successful. It is a powerful redistributive device that now delivers more cash to lowincome families than any other welfare program in the United States. And it has done so without reducing overall labor supply, the problem with standard cash welfare; rather, this redistribution has been associated with increased labor supply among single mothers (increased labor force participation with no offsetting reduction in hours worked), no effect on fathers, and a modest reduction in labor supply among married mothers 1-b 2-a 3-c 4-d 5-d 6-c 7-c 8-e 9-e 10-a
3.1 If the tax is on the sale of rutabagas, the buyer bears the statutory incidence, since the “sticker price” of rutabagas does not include the tax. Economic incidence is determined by relative elasticities. In this case, the quantity supplied is more responsive to a change in price, so the less elastic consumers will bear most of the economic incidence. To calculate the relative burdens, solve the equilibrium condition with and without the tax. Without the tax: 2,000 – 100P = – 100 + 200P. Price = $7.00. With the tax, the price the supplier receives is reduced by $2.00. The equilibrium condition is 2,000 – 100P = 200(P– 2) – 100 2,000 – 100P = 200P– 500 2,500 = 300P, Price = $8.33. The consumers’ tax burden = (posttax price – pretax price) + tax payments by consumers, here $8.33 – $7.00 + 0 ≈ $1.33. The producers’ tax burden = (pretax price – posttax price) + tax payments by producers, here $7.00 – $8.33 + $2.00 ≈ $.67. In this case the consumer bears a larger share of the tax burden than the producer.
b) Suppose that you are a member of Congress and you believe in the utilitarian social welfare function. How would you determine whether to vote for or against the policy?
c)The selection and implementation of a proper wage policy require the government to make tradeoffs between efficiency and equity, because too much emphasis on equity in the wage distribution will undermine the economic growth for not releasing productivity thoroughly.
d)Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), an income tax policy aimed specifically at low-income wage earners. The EITC subsidizes the wages of low-income earners to accomplish two goals: redistribution of resources to lower-income groups and increases in the amount of labor supplied by these groups. VARIANT 10 1. Social insurance in Russia and USA Unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, and disability insurance are three of the largest social insurance programs in the United States, and they share many common features. Unemployment insurance A federally mandated, state-run program in which payroll taxes are used to pay benefits to workers laid off by companies Disability insurance: A federal program in which a portion of the Social Security payroll tax is used to pay benefits to workers who have suffered a medical impairment that leaves them permanently unable to work. Workers’ compensation: State-mandated insurance, which firms generally buy from private insurers, that pays for medical costs and lost wages associated with an on-the-job injury. Health Care The USA: There are 3 types of health insurance in the US: private insurance (66% of US population; employment-based, direct purchase) Employers offer insurance to qualified employees in the firm, typically; employers also typically charge employees some share of the employers’ premium payments for insurance. 1st reason- employers provide most private insurance is the nature of insurance risk pools- is the group of individuals who enroll in an insurance plan. The goal of all insurers is to create large insurance pools with a predictable distribution of medical risk. 2d- the tax subsidy to employer -provided health insurance. Public insurance (Medicaid-a federal and state program that provides health care for the poor; Medicare-a federal program that provides health insurance to all people over age 65 and disabled persons under age 65; is financed by a payroll tax of 1.45% each on employees and employers, TRICARE/CHAMPVA-health insurance for those currently or formerly in the military and their dependents), uninsured individuals- 1- even risk-averse individuals may be unwilling to purchase insurance if it is not available at an actuarially fair price. 2-adverse selection in the health insurance market. The third one uncompensated care The costs of delivering health care for which providers are not reimbursed. Russia: • The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides all citizens the right to free healthcare under Mandatory Medical Insurance. • In Russia we have national health insurance a system whereby the government provides insurance to all its citizens, as in Canada, without the involvement of a private insurance industry
• Ministry of Health Care is the head of national (public) health care system in Russia • There’s also private branch of health care. Since 1996 government health facilities have been allowed to offer private services, and since 2011 some private providers have been providing services to the state-insured. The private sector in Moscow has expanded rapidly • There are a few branches of national (governmental) system of health care: Primary Health Care, Specialized care, Obstetric and gynecological care, Medical care for children, High-tech medical care, Recreational Treatment.
2. Income distribution and Welfare program. Absolute deprivation and poverty rates. Redistribution may be concerned with either relative income inequality or absolute deprivation, where the latter is measured by the poverty line. Income inequality is high in the United States both relative to other nations and to historical standards. Absolute deprivation is the amount of income the poor have relative to some measure of «minimally acceptable» income or, in the other words, how much the poor have relative to some measure of a reasonable «minimally acceptable» income level. It is the second way to think about income distribution. In the United States the standard for measuring absolute deprivation is the poverty line. Poverty line is the federal government`s standard for measuring absolute deprivation. Concerning poverty line measurement, there can be named the following problems: bundle has changed, differences in cost of living across areas are ignored, income definition is incomplete. 3. Moral hazard effects of a means- tested transfer system.
1-a 2-c3-b 4-e 5-a 6-a 7-e 8-b 9-b 10-c
3.1 The (identical) citizens of Boomtown have $2 million to spend either… a. Boomtown can afford up to $2 million of the private good or up to 200 units ($2 mil- lion/$10,000) of park maintenance, with a constant trade-off of 1 unit of the private good for every $10,000 of the public good. The budget constraint, depicted in the graph in b, is the line segment connecting ($2 million, 0) and (0, 200 units). b. Boomtown’s indifference curve must be tangent to the budget constraint at the point ($1 million, 100 units), as shown in the following figure.
c. This policy does not change the quantity of private goods Boomtown can afford. But for every 2 units of park maintenance Boomtowners now purchase they acquire a total of 3 units. So if they spend all their money on park maintenance, they can get a total of 300 units of park maintenance. The budget constraint thus rotates around the point ($2 million, 0) and intersects the vertical axis at (0, 300 units), as shown in the figure on the next page. The subsidy has both an income and a substitution effect. The income effect occurs because Boomtown can now afford to buy more of each good than the original choice of ($1 million, 100 units). Assuming both are normal goods, this will lead Boomtown to choose more private goods as well as more park maintenance. The substitution effect oc- curs because the subsidy makes park maintenance cheaper in terms of private goods. This will make Boomtown purchase more park maintenance and fewer private goods. We therefore know that Boomtown will purchase more park maintenance, but it is unclear whether the town will purchase more or fewer private goods. In the following illustration, they choose to purchase more private goods, but the graph could be drawn the other way as well.
3.2 When your governor took office, 100,000 children in your state… This governor has erroneously equated new eligibility with new access, which is not quite correct for two reasons. First, it is not certain that the 50,000 newly covered children did not have access prior to the change; they may have had privately provided insurance. Empirical studies have shown that Medicaid crowds out some private insurance when eligibility is expanded because Medicaid offers more generous benefits than most private health insurance plans. Second, eligibility does not assure access. If reimbursement rates for providers under Medicare are low, they may refuse to care for the newly eligible children. VARIANT 11
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