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The Future Simple Active ( будущее простое время активн . залог )


Listen to audiofile 1, read the extract below and do the tasks.


 Listen to audiofile 2, and do the tasks.


Write a similar dialogue. You are a doctor. Talk to the nurse about the injured patients.

You are a nurse. Talk to the doctor about patents waiting in an ER.


Translate the text into Russian.          

Princess Diana’s fatal car crash

The car was travelling at around 65mph - double the speed limit when it entered the tunnel in Paris. The car hit the corner of the 13th pillar in the tunnel.

A French doctor who was driving through the tunnel was one of the first people on the scene of the car crash; he called the emergency services and gave an initial medical assessment.

He described Diana as unconscious, but breathing. He reported just a few drops of blood on her forehead, he said there were no apparent injuries on her face.

The princess was extricated from the smashed car, treated for nearly 40 minutes at the scene of the car crash and then transported to hospital very slowly. Her heartbeat was erratic and her blood pressure was very low. The ambulance had to travel slowly due to the nature of Diana's injuries, and at one point had to stop while her condition was stabilised.

She was unconscious when she arrived at the hospital. Diana had a concussion and multiple injuries.  She was operated by Professor Alain Pavie, the president of the French college of cardiovascular surgeons. He discovered huge internal injuries, including a tear (rupture) in her superior pulmonary vein where it entered the heart. Doctors tried to stitch the vein, but it was too late. Diana went into cardiac arrest at around 2.10am. She was pronounced dead at 4am on 31 August 1997, aged 36.

Diana’s bodyguard, who was the only survivor, remembered very little about the crash due to serious head injuries.

According to the official report, Princess Diana’s death was the result of a tragic accident.


pillar стойка свода туннеля

the scene of the car crash место аварии

she was extricated from the smashed car она была извлечена из искореженного автомобиля

initial medical assessment предварительная оценка состояния пострадавшего

unconscious /ʌnˈkɒn.ʃəs/, but breathing /briːðiŋ /  в бессознательном состоянии, но дышащий

erratic / ɪˈrætɪk / неустойчивый

at one point в какой-то момент

to stitch сшивать,накладывать швы

she was pronounced dead была объявлена умершей

bodyguard телохранитель

remember помнить

survivor / s əˈ va ɪ v ə r / оставшийся в живых

according to в соответствии с

Retell the text in English.

Follow the plan:

1.The car was travelling double the speed limit. 2.It hit the pillar in the tunnel. 3.A French doctorgave an initial medical assessment. 4. The princess was extricated from the car. 5. She arrived at the hospital. 6. She was operated by a cardiovascular surgeon. 7. He discovered huge fatal internal injuries. 8. The patient was pronounced dead. 9. There was just one survivor.

Focus on Grammar

Модальные глагол ы (Modal verbs)


1.These patients should be taken to an available trauma room immediately.

2.Any necessary staff and equipment should be devoted to them

3.All other patients should report to the triage station to undergo an assessment by a nurse.

4.Patients should be seen according to the acuity of their injuries.

5.This wound should be stitched right now.

6.This patient must be operated as soon as possible.

7.First, patients should undergo an assessment.

8.He cannot  walk, his legs are injured.

9.Her vital signs may get stabilized after we put her on IV fluids.

10. They must be taken to surgery immediately.

11. The ambulance had to travel slowly due to the nature of injuries, and at one point had to stop while her condition was stabilised. (had to - the Past Simple of the verb must)

The Future Simple Active (будущее простое время активн. залог)

Shall/will +V1

1.The nurse will utilize the Emergency Severity Index to determine the severity of a patient’s injury and when he/she should be seen.

2.An open wound will rank higher in the index than a minor illness such as a low fever.

3.The nurse will assign an ESI level between 1 and 5, with 1 being (являющимся) the most serious to each patient.


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