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Zero, First Conditional – Rules

Summary 3-34


Name First Conditional
Rule: We use First conditional to talk about possible situations in the future and their consequences. If you step on my foot, it will hurt. (It’s a real possibility)
Structure: If-sentence 1. You can use any present tense in the if sentence (Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect) If you are looking for troubles, you'll find them. When you have finished the letter, I'll post it. Когда закончишь письмо, я его отправлю (подчеркиваем результат)    


Result sentence 1. You can use and any future form (Will, Going To, Future Perfect, Future Continuous) in the other part. If I buy a sandwich I am going to eat it at once. 2. You can use modals and imperatives in the result sentence If she studies hard, she might get an A on her test. If you don't like the shoes, you can return them. If you have finished your test, go home
  NB: Zero and first conditionals are called 'real conditionals' because they talk about situations which are always true, or events which are possible or probable in the future.
Special Features 1. Note the difference between 0 and 1st conditional in the sentences below. If you sit in the sun, you get sunburn. (Zero conditional for a general situation/ fact. 'You' means anyone, or people in general.) If you sit in the sun, you 'II get sunburn. (First conditional for a specific situation. I'm talking to you (personally) about what will happen today.)   2. Unless has the meaning of 'if not' or 'except in this situation'. I'll go straight to the restaurant unless you call me first (I will go straight to the restaurant, if you don't call me first.)


What is the difference in meaning and grammar between “If my clothes don’t fit because I have put on weight, I just buy new clothes” and “If my clothes don’t fit after I live in England next year, I will buy new clothes”? Обратите внимание на разницу в переводе между 0 и 1 Conditionals: Если это 0 тип – если одежда больше не подходит, я покупаю новую (вообще) Если 1 тип – если не налезет, то куплю новую – в отдельном конкретно взятом случае    



Conditional Trainer

Type 0 1. Если/Когда я быстро бегу, я задыхаюсь. If/When I run fast, I get out of breath.
2. Если/Когда я пью кофе вечером, я не могу заснуть. If I drink coffee at night, I can’t fall asleep.
3. Если/Когда ты скучаешь по дому, звони маме. If you’re homesick, call mom. (Type 0)
Type 1 4. Если ты будешь скучать по дому, звони маме. If you’rehomesick, call mom. (Type 1)
5. Если мы ждем посетителей, квартиру надо хорошо убрать. If we're expecting visitors, the flat will need a good clean.
6. Если ты закончил репетицию, я вызову такси. If you've finished with the rehearsal, I will call a taxi.
7. Если нам повезет, мы продадим дом к Рождеству. If we're lucky, we'll have sold our house by Christmas.
8. Если не пойдет дождь, мы будем играть в теннис. If it doesn’t rain, we'II be playing tennis.
9. Если пойдет дождь, мы сможем зайти в дом. If it rains, we can go inside.
10. Если Генри будет регулярно заниматься бегом, возможно, он сбросит вес. If Henry jogs regularly, he might lose weight.
11. Если Мэтт идет на собеседование, ему следует надеть галстук. If Matt is going to a job interview, he should wear a tie.
Type 2 12. Если бы Рейчел вставала раньше, она бы не опаздывала всегда. If Rachel got up earlier, she wouldn'talways be late.
13. Если бы у меня был твой телефон, я бы могла позвонить тебе. If I had your phone number, I could call you.
14. Если бы Джерри усерднее занималась, она бы, возможно, еще лучше училась. If Jerry worked harder, she might do even better at her studies.
15. На твоем месте я бы попросил у Гарри совета. If I were you, I'd ask Harry for some advice.
16. Как жаль, что я не богат и не знаменит. I wish I were rich and famous.
17. Как жаль, что у меня нет дома за городом. I wish I had a house in the country.
18. Хотелось бы, чтобы ты уже ответил на мое письмо! I wish you would answer my e-mail.
19. Том хотел бы, чтобы соседи наконец-то перестали так шуметь! Tom wishes his neighbours wouldn't make so much noise.
Type 3 20. Если бы Дэйвид включил будильник, он бы не проспал. If David had set his alarm clock, he wouldn't have overslept.
21. Если бы ты не сделал ту ошибку, то сдал бы экзамен. If you hadn't made that mistake, you would have passedyour test.
22. Как жаль, что ты потерял ту фотографию. Она была очень хорошей. I wish you hadn't lost that photo. It was a really good one.


Homework for the

Zero, First Conditional – Rules

Conditional trainer 1-11

Circle the correct form.

1 If I'm not feeling / I won't be feeling better tomorrow, I'm going to go to the doctor's.

2 Kerry won't be going / doesn't go to work next week if her children are still ill.

3 Don't call Chloe now. If it's eight o'clock, she 'll bath / will be bathing the baby.

4 You can be fined if you aren't wearing / won't be wearing a seat belt in your car.

5 If we're lucky, we 'll have sold / we've sold our house by Christmas.

6 If plants aren't watered, they die / will have died.



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