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A typical adult human skeleton consists of the following 206 bones.

• Cranial bones: костей черепа:

1. frontal bone - лобная кость
2. parietal bone (2) - теменной кости (2)
3. temporal bone (2) - височная кость (2)
4. occipital bone - затылочная кость
sphenoid bone - клиновидная кость
ethmoid bone - решетчатая кость


• Facial bones: лицевые кости:

5. zygomatic bone (2) - скуловой кости (2)
6. superior and inferior maxilla [maek’sile] - верхней и нижней челюсти [ maek'sile ]
9. nasal bone (2) - Носовая кость (2)
7. mandible bone [‘maendebl] lower jaw bone - челюсть кости [' maendebl ] нижней челюсти
palatine bone (2) [‘paeletain] - небные кости (2) [' paeletain ]
lacrimal bone (2) [‘laekrimel] - слезная кость (2) [' laekrimel ]
vomer bone - сошник кости
inferior nasal conchae bone (2) - нижних носовых раковин кости (2)



In the middle ears (6): В среднего уха (6):

• ‘malleus (2) [‘maelies] - молоточек (2) [' maelies ]
• ‘incus (2) - Наковальня (2)
• stapes (2) - стремени (2)


In the throat (1): В горле (1):

• hyoid bone [‘haioid] - подъязычная кость [' haioid ]


In the shoulder girdle (4): В плечевого пояса (4):

• 25. clavicle or collarbone (2) - 25. ключицы или ключицы (2)
• 29. scapula or shoulder blade (2) - 29. лопатку (2)

In the thorax (25): В грудной клетке (25):
• 10. sternum - 10. грудины
• 28. ribs (2 x 12) - 28. Ребра (2 х 12)


In the vertebral column (26): В позвоночника (26):
• 8. cervical vertebrae (7) - 8. шейных позвонков (7)
• 14. lumbar vertebrae (5) - 14. поясничных позвонков (5)
• thoracic vertebrae (12) - грудные позвонки (12)
• 16. sacrum - 16. Крестец
• coccyx - копчик


In the arms (6): В руках (6):

• 11. humerus (2) • 11. плечевой кости (2)
• 12. ulna (2) • 12. Локтевой (2)
• 13. radius (2) • головки 13. (2)
• 27. head of radius о 27головки локтевой кости

In the hands (54): В руках (54):

• Wrist (carpal) bones (2x8): (запястья
• scaphoid bone (2) О ладьевидной кости (2)
• lunate bone (2) О полулунной кости (2)

• triquetrum bone (2) - трехгранная кость кости (2)
• pisiform bone (2) - горошины кости (2)
• Trapezium (bone) (2) - Трапеция (кости) (2)
• trapezoid bone (2) - Кость-трапеция (2)
• capitate bone (2) - головчатые кости (2)
• hamate bone (2) - крючковатый кости (2)
• Palm or metacarpal bones: - пальмоядровое или пястных костей:
• metacarpal bones (5 × 2) - пястной кости (5 × 2)
• Finger bones or phalanges: - Finger кости или фаланги:
• proximal phalanges (5 × 2) - проксимальных фаланг (5 × 2)
• intermediate phalanges (4 × 2) - промежуточных фаланги (4 × 2)
• distal phalanges (5 × 2) - дистальных фаланг (5 × 2)


In the pelvis (2): В таза (2):

• 15. pelvis (2) - 15. таза (2)


In the legs (8): В ног (8):

• 18. femur (2) - 18. бедра (2)
• 17. hip joint (2) - 17. тазобедренного сустава (2)
• 22. greater trochanter of femur - 22. большого вертела бедренной кости
• 23. condyles of femur - 23. мыщелков бедренной кости
• 19. patella (2) - 19. коленной чашечки (2)
• 20. tibia (2) - 20. голени (2)
• 21. fibula (2) - 21. малоберцовой кости (2)


In the feet (52): В ногах (52):

• Ankle (tarsal) bones: - лодыжки (лапок) кости:
calcaneus (heel bone) (2) - пяточной кости (пяточная кость) (2)
talus (2) - осыпи (2)
navicular bone (2) - ладьевидной кости (2)
medial cuneiform bone (2) - медиальная клиновидной кости (2)
intermediate cuneiform bone (2) - промежуточный кости клинописи (2)
lateral cuneiform bone (2) - боковая клиновидной кости (2)
cuboidal bone (2) - кубический кости (2)

• Instep bones: • подъем кости:
metatarsal bone (5 × 2) - плюсневой кости (5 × 2)

• Toe bones: - кости пальцев ног:
proximal phalanges (5 × 2) - проксимальных фаланг (5 × 2)
intermediate phalanges (4 × 2) - промежуточные фаланги (4 × 2)
distal phalanges (5 × 2) - дистальных фаланг (5 × 2)


The infant skeleton has the following bones in addition to those above: скелет младенца имеет следующие кости в дополнение к приведенным выше:

1. sacral vertebrae (4 or 5), which fuse in adults to form the sacrum - крестцовых позвонков (4 или 5), который сливаются у взрослых для формирования крестец
2. coccygeal vertebrae (3 to 5), which fuse in adults to form the coccyx - хвостовых позвонков (от 3 до 5), который сливаются у взрослых, чтобы сформировать копчик
3. ilium, ischium and pubis, which fuse in adults to form the pelvic girdle [‘ge:dl] - подвздошной, седалищной и лобковой, которые сливаются у взрослых, чтобы сформировать тазового пояса ['Ge: DL]



There (to be) ____ two lower extremities, or lower limbs. Each lower extremity

(to include) ________________ the thigh, the knee, and the calf [ka:f – икроножная область]. In the strict sense of human anatomy, the leg (to be) the part of the lower limb that lies between the knee and the foot. The long bones of the lower limb (to be) _______ the femur (thigh bone), the patella (kneecap), the tibia (shin bone), and the fibula (calf bone). The main parts of the foot are the ankle, the heel, the instep, the sole, the ball and five toes [touz]. The ankle (to be) _____ a part of the lower limb. It (to locate) ________ between the foot and the leg. The ankle (to compose) _______________ of two separate joints: the talocrural joint (or "true" ankle joint) and the subtalar joint (talus – таранная кость). The heel (to be) _____ the prominence at the posterior end of the foot. The sole (to be) _____ the bottom of the foot. Much like the palm of the hand, the sole (to have) _________ thicker skin than most other parts of the body. The sole _____ less (to pigment)_____. The ball (уплотненная часть подошвы у переднего края плюсны) of the foot (to be) _____ where the toes (to join) ________________ to the rest of the foot. It (to be) _______ quite muscular. Toes (to be) ____ the digits of the foot of a human. In humans, the toe (to include) __________ the phalanx bones of the foot's skeleton. The toes, especially the big toe, or the great toe (to play) ________ an essential role in walking. On the toes there (to be) ______ nails, as we (to have) ______ on our fingers. They (to call) _______________ toenails. The pelvis (to be) _____ the bony structure. It (to locate) _____ at the base of the spine. The pelvis (to be) _____ symmetrical. Each side of the pelvis(to make up) __________________ of three separate bones — the upper half (the broad "wings") (to be) _____ the ilium (подвздошная); the middle part (to be) _____ the pubis (лобковая), and the bottom (to be)_____ the ischium (седалищная). These three bones (to fuse) ________ together with age The pelvis (to join) __________ to the sacrum bone by ligaments. The pelvis (to protect) ____________ the digestive and reproductive organs in the lower part of the body. Many large nerves and blood vessels (to pass) ________ through the pelvis to supply the legs. The pelvis (to be)__________ also an important load-bearing part of the skeletal system.

There (to be) ____ two upper extremities, or upper limbs. Each upper extremity (to consist) ________________ of a hand, a forearm, and an arm. The segment between the elbow and wrist (to call) _______________ the forearm. Each upper extremity (to include) _________________a humurus, a radius and an ulna. The elbow joint (to be) _____the joint between the distal end of the humerus and the proximal ends of the radius and ulna. Each upper limb (to have) _______ a hand. This part of the limb (to use) ___________in grasping and holding. Each hand (to be) ______ a mirror image of the other. The human hand (to consist)__________ of a broad palm (metacarpus) with five digits. The digits (to attach) ________________ to the forearm by a joint called the wrist (carpus). There (to be) ____ five fingers on the hand. They (to be) ______ the thumb, the index finger, pointer finger, or forefinger, the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger or 'pinky'. The human hand (to have) ______ at least 27 bones: the carpus or wrist (to have) ______ 8 carpal bones; the metacarpus or palm (to contain) ______________ 5 metacarpal bones; the remaining 14 (to be)______ digital bones. Digital bones (to call) _______________ phalanx bones. Each human hand (to contain) _________ 14 phalanx bones. There (to be) ______ 2 pjalanx bones in the thumb, and 3 phalanx bones in each of the four fingers. The phalanx bones (to call) _____________ distal phalanx, carrying the nail, middle phalanx and proximal phalanx. The thumb (to have) _______ no middle phalanx. There (to be) ______ two shoulder joints in the human skeleton. Each shoulder joint (to compose) _________________ three bones: the clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (shoulder blade), and the humerus (upper arm bone).




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