The Information Search Phase
Write down some core sentences to show the idea of the text. Answer the questions.
1. What is work for a lazy man in the writer’s view? 2. How does he usually feel when he is back at work? 3. What makes him feel better when he is back at work? 4. Which muscles does he need to exercise now? 5. What are the advantages of working? 6. When can the author be his own master? 7. What does he believe in being a middle-aged person?
How do you understand the phrase set off in bold? Comment on your answer.
Write a paraphrase of the sentences underlined.
What does the author mean by saying that “… if I felt as exhausted after a day’s work in the office as I did after a day’s golf in Cornwall I should denounce my employers as tyrants ”.
So what? What does the writer want you to conclude?
S T E P 1
FUTURE LOGISTICIANS: EDUCATION The Reading Phase Skim through the text and give its core idea.
The citizens of Russia have always shown a great concern for education. The right to education is stated in the constitution of the Russian Federation. Higher education is provided by public and non-public (non-State) accredited higher education institutions. Since 1992, Russian higher education has had a multi-level structure. The term ‘multi-level’ indicates that degrees now maybe obtained on three levels instead of an only one level, as in the former Soviet Union. Nowadays, higher education institutions may confer the following degrees and diplomas: Level 1 leads to the four-year Bachelor degree. The function of the Bachelor degree is to provide a more academically rather than professionally oriented education. Each Bachelor programme contains a defined portion of fundamental education with courses taken from the humanities, the social sciences and economics, and natural sciences. Following a successful attestation, a State Diploma is issued attesting conferral of the Bachelor degree. The supplement to the Diploma includes disciplines taught, number of hours, the grades, the practical training, the results of final state examinations. Level 2 represents two options after the second level – master and specialist. The traditional qualification of Specialist Diploma has two functions: it opens access to professional practice (e.g. to engineers, teachers, etc.), and it is also the traditional prerequisite for admission to doctoral studies. The qualification of Diploma Specialist is conferred after studies lasting five to six years. State final attestation for a Specialist Diploma covers the defense of a project or a thesis and State final examinations. Graduates of higher education institutions with a bent for research work may pursue their education as postgraduates attending educational programmes of postgraduate professional education. The hierarchy of advanced degrees in Russia traditionally includes two-stage system of doctoral degrees: the Candidate of Science (Ph.D. degree) and the Doctor of Science (D. Sc. degree).
In order to be awarded the Ph.D. degree, a student must complete, present and defend a dissertation (thesis). Dissertation topics should generally correspond to the scientific areas of the basic projects undertaken by the awarding institutions and be approved by its Academic Council for each doctoral student. A Doctor of Science or a professor specializing in the subject area is appointed as a supervisor for each Ph. D. student as soon as he or she joins a postgraduate department.
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