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Exercise 5. Choose the correct verb form (Past Perfect Simple or Continuous).

1. The flat was dirty. They hadn’t (cleaned/ been cleaning) it for weeks.

2. I was sad when I sold my car because I had (had/been having) it for a very long time.

3. I knew all those facts because I had (read/ been reading) about it in the report.

4. My stomach ached because I had (eaten/been eating) too much at the party.

5. He was very nervous at the beginning of the match because he had never (played/been playing) in the prime league before.

6. The roads were wet and dangerous because it had (rained/been raining) all night.

7. When I arrived at the party, Ann had already (left/been leaving).

8. We were good friends and we had (known/been knowing) each other for a long time.

9. They had (walked/been walking) for five hours before they reached the village.

10. I had (felt/been feeling) sleepy all day so I had to drink a lot of coffee.

11. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We had (travelled/been travelling) for more than a month.

12. She was sitting on the ground and was out of breath because she had (run/been running) the marathon.



. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму.

1. It’s still snowing. It … (snow) for hours. (Все еще идет снег. Он идет много часов.)

2. Steve … (date) four girls this weekend. (Стив ходил на свидание с 4 девушками в эти выходные.)

3. They … (win) two prizes so far. (Они пока выиграли 2 приза.)

4. I … (attend) a swimming-pool for 5 years. (Я посещаю бассейн в течение 5 лет.)

5. I … (peel) onions, that’s why my eyes are red. (Я чищу лук, поэтому мои глаза красные.)

6. Crank … (be) in hospital for 2 weeks already. (Мистер Крэнк лежит в больнице уже 2 недели.)

7. We … (know) each other since (Мы знаем друг друга с 2000 года.)

8. Our neighbor … (have) that car for 20 years. (У нашего соседа эта машина уже 20 лет.)

9. The baby … (cry) for a couple of hours. (Ребенок плачет пару часов.)

10. Don’t worry, the film … (not start) yet. (Не беспокойся, фильм еще не начался.)

11. Why are you short of breath, guys? – We … (jog) in the park since morning. (Почему вы так тяжело дышите, ребята? – Мы с утра бегаем в парке.)

12. The dish-washer is OK now. Dad … (repair) it. (Посудомоечная машина в порядке. Папа ее починил.)

13. Mum is very tired. She … (clean) the house all day. (Мама очень устала. Она весь день убирается дома.)

14. The room looks so cosy now. I … (hang) up the curtains. (Комната теперь такая уютная. Я повесила шторы.)

15. That dog … (bark) since last night. (Та собака лает со вчерашнего вечера.)

2. Используйте Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous в вопросительных предложениях.

1. Your shirt smells terrible! … (you/smoke)? (Твоя рубашка ужасно пахнет! Ты курил?)

2. How long … (you/wait) for them? (Как долго ты их ждешь?)

3. How many glasses of beer … (he/drink) today? (Сколько бокалов пива он сегодня выпил?)

4. … (you/ever/live) in a tent? (Ты когда-нибудь жил в палатке?)

5. Where … (you/be)? (Где ты был?)

6. How much money … (Kevin/spend) in the casino? (Сколько денег потратил Кевин в казино?)

7. … (those vegetables/boil) since 2 o’clock? (Те овощи варятся с двух часов?)

8. … (you/defrost) the fridge yet? (Ты еще не разморозила холодильник?)

9. How many messages … (she/send) today? (Сколько сообщений она послала сегодня?)

10. How long … (your sister/travel)? (Как долго твоя сестра путешествует?)

11. How many people … (Angela/invite) to her party? (Сколько людей пригласила Анджела на свою вечеринку?)

12. … (you/sit) here for a long time? (Ты долго тут сидишь?)

3. Найдите в диалоге ошибки во временах глагола.

- Hello, Charles. I didn’t see you since yesterday morning. Where have you been?

- Actually I work on my first novel.

- I see. How long have you written it?

- For three weeks already. I have made a lot of interesting characters. I’ve been so busy today. You know I didn’t have a single cup of coffee since morning.

- And how many chapters have you been writing so far?

- 3 chapters are ready! And I have thought already of a nice title. But I didn’t decide yet what happens next.

- Well. Good luck to you!



1. has been snowing

2. has dated

3. have won

4. have been attending

5. have been peeling

6. has been

7. have known

8. has had

9. has been crying

10. hasn’t started

11. have been jogging

12. has repaired

13. has been cleaning

14. have hung

15. has been barking


1. Have you smoked?

2. How long have you been waiting for them?

3. How many glasses of beer has he drunk today?

4. Have you ever lived in a tent?

5. Where have you been?

6. How much money has Kevin spent in the casino?

7. Have those vegetables been boiling since 2 o’clock?

8. Have you defrosted the fridge yet?

9. How many messages has she sent today?

10. How long has your sister been travelling?

11. How many people has Angela invited to her party?

12. Have you been sitting here for a long time?


- Hello, Charles. I haven’t seen you since yesterday morning. Where have you been?

- Actually I have been working on my first novel.

- I see. How long have you been writing it?

- For three weeks already. I have made a lot of interesting characters. I’ve been so busy today. You know I haven’t had a single cup of coffee since morning.

- And how many chapters have you written so far?

- 3 chapters are ready! And I have thought already of a nice title. But I haven’t decided yet what happens next.

- Well. Good luck to you!



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