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Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense

Chapter 6

Phonetic exercises

1. a) Transcribe the next words from the chapter:

Tragedy; carnivorous; giant; courageous; apeman; disappeared; civilization; familiar; unconscious; blood; opposite; threw.

B) Read them aloud

Work on vocabulary

2. Find in the chapter the English for:

Плотоядный; отважный; горящий факел; был покрыт; бояться; по моему; пытаться; взбираться на дерево; на некотором расстоянии; нарисовать карту; недостающее звено; слишком возбуждён; край озера; пора было возвращаться; треск; унюхать; быть в ловушке.

3. Use one of the words or word-combinations from the box in an appropriate form to fill each gap:

  burning to try to be very tired at least to be unconscious   in one's opinion carnivorous to be covered with   on the ground in the distance giant to disappear   a trap to smell to be familiar courageous  


1. We _______very ________ from our adventures.

2. Some __________dragon has killed an iguanodon.'

3. Some ________creature was coming towards our camp.

4. Then he did something incredibly__________.

5. He picked up a _________torch from the fire.

6. It _______ all _______with blood.

7. The next day, we found pieces of iguanodon_________.

8. _________,' said Professor Challenger, 'that horrible creature was an Allosaurus.'

9. 'Perhaps you're right,' answered Challenger, 'but first we must ________make a map of Maple White Land.'

10. It made angry noises at me, but then it _________quickly.

11. __________I saw a lake. Then I drew a map of Maple White Land.

12. 'No,' said Summerlee, 'we must leave this land. Now we have the map, we can _________to return to civilization.'

13. I heard the sound of a large animal walking very near me. I saw it. It ________very __________to me.

14. I _________for a few minutes. When I woke up, I ________something horrible.

15. I was ina _________for dinosaurs, ________made by humans!

4. Study these expressions with to be and make up the sentences of your own using them:


to be tired

to be covered with smth.

to be afraid of smth.

to be surprised at smth.

to be right

to be shocked

to be excited

to be familiar to smb.

to be terrified

to be alone


5. Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right:


1. horrible a) torch

2. carnivorous b) link

3. giant c) village

4. burning d) cries

5. future e) creature

6. larger f) lake

7. high g) face

8. incredible h) mountains

9. angry i) neck

10. missing j) moon

11. central k) expedition

12. bright l) plans

13. long m) dragon

14. deep n) noises

15. nearest o) hole

6. Translate the following into English:

a) 1. It takes me usually 20 minutes to get to the University. 2. It took him 6 hours to get to Moscow. 3. It took her the entire life to become what she became. 4. It takes my mom half an hour to fix breakfast. 5. It's so dirty here. It will take you a day to clean the room. 6. It took us the whole evening to decide where to go at the weekends.7. It takes them usually 10 minutes to wake up, wash, dress and be ready for breakfast.

b) It's time to leave home. 2. It's high time to give up smoking. It's time to reveal the secret. It's time to finish the work. It's high time to take up sports.



7. Replace the italicized words or word-combinations with a synonym from the box in an appropriate form:

1. We were weary from our adventures.

2. Then Summerlee held up his hand.

3. Some enormous creature was coming towards our camp.

4. Then he did something incredibly brave.

5. He took up a burning torch from the fire.

6. It was all coated with blood. A moment later, the horrible creature ran away.

7. The next day, we found pieces of iguanodon on the ground. The two professors inspected them carefully.

8. 'I think,' said Professor Challenger, 'that horrible creature was an Allosaurus.'

9. 'Perhaps you're right,' answered Challenger, 'but first we must make if only a map of Maple White Land.'

10. It made angry noises at me, but then it vanished quickly. I was shocked, but I decided to continue to climb.

11. When I arrived at the top, I looked around. Not a great way off I saw a lake.

12. 'Perhaps,' said Challenger, 'It was a kind of primitive man between ape and man: the lacking bond! We must discover more about it.'

13. That night I was too agitated to sleep after my adventure.

14. I arrived at the shore of the lake at one o'clock.

15. I swarmed up on a large rock and looked around.

16. Then I heard the sound of a large animal walking very near me. I saw it. I knew it already.

17. I made up my mind to run, but the creature began to run too.

18. He came closer. I was terrified. I cried loudly.

19. I fainted for a few minutes. When I woke up, I felt the odor of something horrible.

20. Around me there were large pieces of old meat. I was in a snare for dinosaurs, a snare made by humans!


to smell to be covered with to hold up to pick up   to be tired to be unconscious in one's opinion giant   at least to disappear in the distance courageous a trap   to decide a missing link to scream to be excited   an edge to examine to be familiar to smell to climb up


8. Translate into Russian paying attention to the word fall:

1. He falls in and out of love too often. 2. They fell in love with each other at first sight. 3. He took part in the competition but fell on his face as expected. 4. His joke fell flat. 5. She fell over herself to impress them. 6. His birthday falls on Monday. 6. We all fell about when he took off his boss. 7. He has fallen out with the girl he was going to marry. 8. They turned and fell in with the crowd.

9. Translate the following word combinations into Russian; use them in sentences of your own:

Miss, missing – a statuette was missing, to miss the train, the missing link, the gun misses the fire, to miss a friend, to miss the target, to miss one’s footing, to miss the first act, to miss the point, to miss an opportunity, to miss one’s words, he just missed being killed.

Choose the right word.

(after all – at all)

1. Don’t be so hard on her. She is a child …. 2. Is there anything … I can do for you? 3. Mabel did get married …. 4. He is not … what you believe him to be.

(missing – absent)

1. The man had an ugly scar on his forehead and two fingers … from the right hand. 2. The boy had been … from the school for three or four days before inquires were made and it was found that the boy was … from home. 3. After the last clash fifty soldiers were reported wounded and killed and fourteen …. 4. James was … in leave when the war began. 5. Holmes was quick to find the … link.

(familiar – acquainted)

1. When he entered the hall before the beginning of the ceremony he saw many … faces everywhere. 2. He was … with some of the people, the others just seemed vaguely … to him. 3. She took up the receiver and heard the … voice of an old friend of hers.

11. Fill in prepositions:


The next day we stayed... the camp. We were very tired... our adventures. That night we heard horrible cries... the forest.

'We've just heard,' replied Challenger, 'the sounds... a prehistoric tragedy. Some carnivorous dragon has killed an iguanodon.'

'I think it's going to jump... our camp!' I said, preparing my rifle.

'Don't shoot!' said Lord John quietly.

'If it jumps... our camp it'll kill us all,' said Summerlee.

'I have an idea,' cried Lord John.

He picked... a burning torch... the fire. Then he went quickly...... the area of our camp.... that moment we could see it... the light. It was all covered... blood. A moment later, the horrible creature ran....

'I knew it!' said Lord John laughing. 'That monster is afraid... fire.'

The next day, we found pieces... iguanodon... the ground.

'... my opinion,' said Professor Challenger, 'that horrible creature was an Allosaurus.'

I am surprised... you, Professor Summerlee.'

'Professor Challenger,' responded Professor Summerlee, 'If we are killed, nobody... London will ever know about our discoveries.'

'Perhaps you're right,' answered Challenger, 'but first we must... least make a map... Maple White Land.'

'I can go... to the top... this tree,' I said. 'There I can see all... the plateau and make a map.'

The face... a horrible red apeman was looking... me. It made angry noises... me, but then it disappeared quickly.

When I arrived... the top, I looked....... the distance I saw a lake.

When I came... again, I described the apeman to my friends.

'Perhaps,' said Challenger, 'It was a kind... primitive man... ape and man: the missing link! We must discover more... it.'

That night I was too excited to sleep... my adventure. I could go during the night and be......morning.

I arrived... the edge... the lake... one o'clock. I climbed...... a large rock and looked.... I could see some cliffs... the other side... the plateau. There were a series... caves... these cliffs. Now I could see lights...them! So, there were humans...the plateau!

I could see many creatures... the lake. One had a long neck and swam... the water. Then I heard the sound... a large animal walking very near me. It was very familiar... me. But why? Then I remembered, it was the creature... Maple White's drawing - a stegosaurus.

When I looked... my watch again, it was two o'clock. I walked and thought...my great discoveries. Then,... a few minutes, I heard something... me. And then I heard a crash - I was falling...... a deep hole, and then everything became dark.

I was unconscious... a few minutes. When I woke..., I smelled something horrible.... me there were large pieces... old meat. I was... a trap for dinosaurs, a trap made... humans!

I slowly climbed...... the hole, and continued my walk to the camp. Suddenly, I heard the sound... a rifle. When I arrived I saw blood... the ground. I was alone... that world.

I went to the edge... the cliff. Zambo was still there... his camp waiting... us. There was an Indian... him.

Zambo climbed... to the top... the tower of rock. When he was... me I threw a letter to him... the Indian to take to the nearest village. Maybe he could bring ropes to help us climb....


Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense

12. Make up the interrogative and negative sentences:

1. My sister is playing the piano now. 2. The teacher is explaining the rule. 3. We are learning the new words. 4. Ann is standing at the window. 5. We are going to the park. 6. John is taking a piece of chalk and writing a sentence on the blackboard. 7. I am doing homework. 8. Jane is speaking on the telephone. 9. She is cooking supper.


13. Open the brackets using the Present Continuous Tense:

1. She (to read) magazines. 2. He (to work) hard at his French. 3. Mr. White (not to give) a lecture. 4. He (to write) a letter to his brother. 5. I (to prepare) for the test. 6. They (to work) at this factory. 7. She (to sit) in an armchair and (to watch) TV. 8. I (to have) supper with my friends. 9. Her brother (not to go) to school. 10. He (to stand) at the table. 11. They (to swim) in the river. 12. What you (to do)?


14. Put the questions to the italicized words:

1. The sun is shining. 2. The waiters are drinking cups of tea. 3. The dog is sleeping. 4. The children are playing on the sands. 5. I am staying at the hotel. 6. She is looking at the boys and the girls. 7. The birds are flying over the sea. 8. The man is reading the newspaper now.


15. Underline the phrasal verbs in these sentences:


1. She is looking forward to her summer holiday.

2. The song he is singing brings back memories of our cruise about the Caribbean islands.

3. Who is looking after your pets while you’re on holiday?

4. Their marriage is breaking up; I think she has fallen in love with someone else.

5. The night is lovely and the fire is burning away cheerfully.

6. What are you getting at? – I’m just getting at going out and have a fun.

7. He’s getting about after that accident at the sea.

8. The floods are going down that it’s stopped raining.

9. He is going for seventy; it’s time to have a rest.

10. The sun is beating down on our heads mercilessly.

16. Translate into English using Present Continuous or Present Indefinite Tense:

1. Я читаю газеты каждый день. 2. Я сейчас читаю журнал. 3. На каком иностранном языке говорит твоя сестра. 4. О чём они говорят? 5. Она хорошо играет на пианино. 6. Кто там играет на пианино? 7. Они не ходят в эту библиотеке. 8. Куда ты идёшь? – Я иду в библиотеку. 9. Мой брат играет в теннис. 10. Они, наверное, играют в теннис. 11. Она не любит кофе с молоком. 12. Он сейчас пьёт кофе. 13. Мы приближаемся к реке. 14. Дождь всё ещё идёт. 15. Он говорит слишком быстро, и я плохо понимаю его. 16. Что вы хотите послушать? 17. Почему они здесь ходят? 18. Семестр начинается первого сентября.



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