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HOW TO LIVE TO BE A HUNDRED AND MORE. (an interview with an old man)

Lesson 52

The aim of the lesson is to teach you to give your opinions concerning the idea of prolonging life. You’ll also review some grammar as well as vocabulary.


1. Pronunciation drill.

       Retirement             druggist                 situation                 interview

       Grunting                chemist’s shop       temperature           gerontology

       Rustling                 the main thing       stomach                 scientific

Tension                  shoulder                 broad-shouldered  biochemistry

2. Match adjectives and nouns that logically go together:

a) person, temperature, throat, chill, cold, headache, heart, pulse, disease, illness, cheek, health, eyesight, equipment, blood-pressure.

b) catching, quick, chronic, sick, sore, normal, weak, bad, slight, high, medical, swollen, perfect, poor.


Articles with names of diseases

1) Names of diseases are generally found without any article, as in most cases they are used just to name the kind of disease.

e.g. The doctor said he had pneumonia and told him to keep warm.

The boy Roger arrived home with measles.

He had almost died of cholera.

2) The definite article may be used with names of diseases in a clear case of back reference or if there is a limiting attribute.

e.g. The family were sitting around watching TV, recovering from the flu.

After the diphtheria Jane felt very weak and depressed.

3) Certain nouns which are not special medical terms are, however, used to name diseases. They may be countable or uncountable.

e.g. He had a (bad, splitting) headache.               I have a boil on my hand.

He had a toothache.                            She had a bruise on her leg.

He had heart trouble.                           The poor lad had a duodenal (gastric) ulcer.

3. Supply the required articles for nouns in the following senten­ces, paying special attention to those denoting diseases:

1. My daughter's children went down with …… chicken-pox. 2. She suffered from …. bronchitis. 3. Sheila who had recovered from …… mea­sles was also there. 4. She had been absent less than ……... week when... operation for ….. appendicitis was performed on her. 5. "Were you sick?" "I had ……. fever." 6. I am suffering from ….. malaria and I am sure you don't know what it feels like when ……. fever comes on. 7. ….boy sat upright against... two pink pillows;... mumps had not noticeably in­creased ….. fatness of his face. 8. "You've lost so much weight and your colour has changed." "I had..... jaundice," Dan said shortly. 9. Mr March always expressed... gloomy concern if any one of his children had … sore throat. 10. He was laid up with...... flu and did not let us know about it. 11. My father had.... asthma and... climate of London always left him a little forlorn in... morning. 12. Finally I came down with ….. pneumonia. My mother took me home to nurse me. While I was getting over... pneumonia I decided what I was going to do. 13. "Your hair is short and curly." "I had.... scarlet fever and it had to be cut." 14. That day I happened to have ……. grippe and didn't know it. 15. In January I had …….. diphtheria, with ………. complications.

4. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word for each space.

Max was awake all night with an awful toothache. In the morning he made (1)…………with his dentist and went to his office. When he came the dentist asked Max to have a (2)……………and began to (3)…………

the teeth. A tooth on the left side had a filling that was (4)………….. The dentist asked Max to open the mouth wide to (5)……………an X-ray. In some time he developed the film and looked at the picture. The dentist said that the tooth could not be (6)……………and he had to (7)…………

the tooth. The dentist (8)……………an injection of Novocain and told Max to wait for some time. In an hour Max returned home quite happy.


1. an appointment; a date; a meeting.

2. place; sit; seat.

3. check; look; see.

4. idle; loose; unsteady.

5. do; make; take.

6. cured; healed; treated.

7. move out; pull out; take out.

8. did; made; gave.

5. Complete these sentences with from, on, to, of, out, after.

1. The child is complaining………..repeated stomach trouble again.

2. The dentist had to fit a crown…………my tooth to save it.

3. Peter’s wife suffers…………..gastric ulcer; her husband and children spend days and nights looking ………….her.

4. Our neighbor was taken ………….hospital at the beginning of the month, and soon may be discharged………….

5. In some African countries people die………….terrible diseases and hunger.

6. The wave of anthrax attacks through the mail in autumn 2001 made all the people feel that the epidemic could break………….unexpectedly.

6. Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1. I hit my hand on the desk and it really …………

2. They say she died of a heart ……………

3. She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got stomach…………

4. I’ve got this terrible……………in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.

5. He died of………..cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in his life.

6. I went to the doctor, and she gave me a……………..for some tablets.

7. Pollution makes her…………….worse and it’s difficult for her to breath.

8. There are different forms of hepatitis; one is a more serious………….than the other.

9. I hurt……………when I fell off that chair.

10. My back………….from sitting at that computer all day.

7. “How to live to be a hundred and more” (an interview with an old man): what methods of prolonging one’s life are presented by the author of the article? What do you think of them: can we take them for granted or is it just a joke? What do you think of the idea “a person is as young as he considers himself to be”?

HOW TO LIVE TO BE A HUNDRED AND MORE. (an interview with an old man)

It’s simple. For instance, Martini. You fill the glass with ice, then pour in some gin and a touch of dry vermouth, add an olive and you’ve got yourself a Martini.

Today you don’t have to worry about getting old; you have to worry about rusting. You have to do exercises and walk a lot. Walking is even easier than making a Martini. Every morning try to walk a mile and a half. There is good advice to walk whenever you can. It’s free; you feel better and look trim. If you want to live to be a hundred or older, you can’t just sit around waiting for it to happen. You have to get up and go after it. There’s no point in kidding yourself. When you get older you slow down, you wear out a little. You have to save everything what you could do when you was 18 till you’ll be 88 or older.

Here are some secrets for long life:

1) THINK POSITIVE: the single most important key to longevity is avoiding worry, stress, and tension. Worry, stress, tension are not very unpleasant but can shorten your life. If something is beyond your control, there is no point worrying about it. And if you can do something about it, then there’s still nothing to worry about.

2) STAY ACTIVE: for some people retirement is fine, and for a great many others it presents lots of problems. The biggest danger of retirement is what it can do to your attitude to life. When you have all that time on your hands, you think old and act old. It’s a mistake. Some people the minute they get 65 start rehearsing to be old. They practice grunting when they get up, and by the time they get to be 70 they’ve made it – they’re a hit – they’re now old! When you’re around 88 you’ve got to keep occupied. You’ve got to do something that’ll make you get out of bed – like an interest, a hobby, a business, a pretty girl – there we are, back I bed again.

3) CHALLENGE YOURSELF: you should keep working as long as you can. And if you can’t, try to find something that’ll interest you. Don’t wait for it to happen; make it happen. Remember, you can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old. Look to the future and don’t live in the past, you can’t help looking in a rear-view mirror – unless you enjoy having a stiff neck. If you really think your life is over and you have no place to go, take very short steps, it’ll take you longer to get there. It’s best to fall in love with what you’re doing today. There is an old saying “life begins at 40”. That is silly – life begins every morning when you wake up. Open your mind to it; don’t just sit there – do things. The possibilities are endless. If all else fails, try doing something nice for somebody who doesn’t expect it. You’ll be surprised how good you feel.

THE POINT IS – with a good positive attitude and a little bit of luck, there’s no reason you can’t live to be a 100. Once you’ve done that you’ve really got it made, because very few people die over 100.

8. Translate into English:

1. Она сказала, что это её личное мнение.

2. Доктор обещал, что он вылечит меня от кашля.

3. к этому времени уже все знали, что произошёл несчастный случай.

4. Если Мэри хочет поговорить с ним, то это её личное дело, и мы не будем вмешиваться.

5. Пишите только на одной стороне бумаги.

6. Он сказал, что с ним произошло что-то странное, но он не вдавался в подробности.

7. Беда была в том, что ты обидел мою сестру.

8. Главное – не пытайся лечить ребёнка от кори сама. Вызови врача и точно последуй его предписаниям.

9. Они сказали, что у них достаточно оснований надеяться, что они вылечат его.

10. Он упал на улице и вывихнул лодыжку. Скорая приехала очень быстро и ему была оказана медицинская помощь.


9. Translate the predicate giving the correct form of the Passive Voice:

a) He (надели наручники) _____________________ and (повели) ______________ to the police station.

b) It was Mr.Black, but not his colleague who (обманули) ____________________.

c) The small size of the moon (компенсируется) ___________________ by its proximity to the earth.

d) It (давно подозревают) ______________________ that the land masses move appreciably each day.

e) Everybody is sure that he (изберут) _____________________ president.

f) Don’t look at her: she is always nervous when she (наблюдают) ________________________.

g) How could you observe impartially while the young child (обманывали) __________________ by the swindlers?


10. Make up one sentence out of the two using Participle II:

a) The car came first. Ted drove it.

b) The car was found in the wood. It had been stolen.

c) They are discussing a problem. It is very important.

d) A lot of time had been lost. They worried much about it.

e) They teach a lot of subjects at the University. All of them are very important.

f) They sold a lot of books that day. All the books were on English history.


11. Most of the sentences contain one mistake. Correct it or write “right.”

1. My neighbor is very proud of her new grandson who born last week.

2. I’m very fond of this old brooch because it was belonged to my grandmother.

3. My family live in Scotland but I was educated in France.

4. I’m afraid I can’t lend you my camera. It’s repairing this week.

5. The bridge was collapsed during the floods.

6. If you aren’t careful about what you are doing with that hammer, somebody will hurt in a minute.

7. When did you discover, that money had been disappeared?

8. Children under the age of seven do not allow in this pool.


12. Complete the sentences using one of the following verbs either in the “ing’ –form or in the form of

Participle II

Take, arrest, blow, invite, live, offer, read, work, injure, offend,

E.g. The taxi taking us to the airport broke down.


What was the name of the man arrested by the police?

A lot of people …………………… to the party cannot come.

Life must be very unpleasant for people ……………….. near a busy airport.

A few days ago I received a letter ……………. me a job.

There was a tree …………….. down in the storm last night.

When I entered the room there was nobody there except for a young man ……… a magazine.

Ian has got a brother …………… in a bank.

Ask me no more ………………. questions.

The boy ……………….. in an accident was taken to hospital.


13. Fill in the blanks with prepositions if required:

1) The verb “get” is typical ….. informal speech. 2) Who treated your daughter..… mumps? 3) There was no food in the city and people suffered……….hunger. 4) It is a good remedy ….. colds. 5) When I saw this ugly man, my hair stood………end. 6) Ann will be operated …. ….. appendicitis. 7) She died..… pneumonia and no one could save her. 8) He went to Los-Angeles……..business. 9) My groupmate is famous……..his sense of humor. 10) Tom has bronchitis. But I’m sure the doctor will soon cure him……..it. 11) I know you have many problems, but I am not going to get you…… …….trouble. 12) I don’t like this girl. She is so strange and weak…….the head, frankly speaking.


14. Fill in the verbs translated into Russian as "ждать" in the appropriate tense form:

to wait, to expect, to look forward

1) Why, if it isn't Bob! I never................................ to see you here. 2) We....................................... Ann for half an hour now. 3) I......................................... to hearing from you. 4) Are you................................ anybody to dinner? 5) I never............................. such words of Carol. 6)............................... me. I'll be back soon. 7) I think we should............................. and see what will come out of their plan. 8) I hope you don't.......................... me to do the job instead of you? 9) Don't keep him..................................... 10) I........................................... to meeting you.

Fill in the verbs translated into Russian as "одалживать" (to lend, to borrow):

1) Look, Nick, could you................................. me ten dollars for a couple of days? 2) Where can we........................ such a large sum of money? 3) We can't.................................. any more. We are in debt up to our necks. 4) He is a very nice person as long as you don't try to.................................. something from him. 5) I can't............................ you this book, I've............................... it from the library.

                                                      Past Perfect Continuous

15. Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets according to the model.

I was very tired when I arrived home. (I \ work \ hard \ all day)..... I had been working hard all day.

1. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were very tired.

(they \ play \ football)..............................................

2. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes.

(somebody \ smoke \ in the room).................................................

3. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she was.

(she \ dream)..............................................................

4. When I got home, Mike was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.

(he \ watch \ TV)...........................................


16. Explain to your students how the past perfect continuous tense form is used. Provide your own examples.

The Past Perfect Continuous is formed with help of the auxiliary had been + the present participle. It is the same for all persons: I had \ I'd been working for many hours.

It is not used with the verbs which are not used in the continuous forms, except with the verbs want and wish: The boy was delighted with his new life. He had been wanting one for a long time. Note that this tense has no passive form.

The Past Perfect Continuous is used to denote 1) an action which began before the time of speaking in the past, and continued up to that time, 2) or stopped just before it and there was some result:

It was now six and he was tired because he had been working since dawn.

There is a difference between a single action in the simple Past Perfect and an action in the Past Perfect Continuous:

By six o'clock he had repaired the engine. (The job had been completed)

He had been repairing the engine. (It tells us how he had spent the previous hour \ half an hour etc. It doesn't tell us whether the job was completed or not)

Another difference is that an action in the Past Perfect Continuous continues up to, or beyond, the time of speaking in the past. An action in the Past Perfect may occur shortly before the time of speaking, but there could be quite a long interval between them:

He had been painting the door. (the paint was probably still wet)

He had painted the door. (perhaps recently, perhaps some time ago)


17. Translate the attributive clauses into English using the Past Perfect Continuous form, explain why the form must be used:

a) He lit a cigarette and then returned to the table (за которым сидел). b) She put down the book (которую читала). c) He again picked up the photograph (которую рассматривала). d) The visitor (который сидел в углу) suddenly jumped to his feet. e) He handed me the newspaper (которую просматривал). f) It was not long before she again started humming the song (которую пела). g) Hearing the telephone ringing he threw away the cigarette (которую курил) and rushed into the hall. h) After the telephone talk he again sat down in front of the TV set got engrossed in the film (который смотрел).


Past Continuous

18. The Past Continuous is mainly used in the following cases:

1) Used with a point in time, it expresses an action which began before the time and probably continued after it (a person was in the middle of doing smth at a particular point in time). E.g: "At eight he was having breakfast". Cf: "He had breakfast at eight" would imply that he started it at eight.

2) If we replace the time expression with a verb in the simple past tense we convey the idea that the action in the past continuous started before the action in the simple past and probably continued after it: "When I arrived Tom was talking on the telephone". Compare this combination with a combination of two simple past tenses, which normally indicates successive actions: "When he saw me he put the receiver down".

3) We also use the Past Continuous to express an action which serves as a background for another one (usually marked by the Past Indefinite): "As I was sitting there I heard someone call my name".

4) The Past Continuous is preferable when we want to express two or more actions which were taking place simultaneously: "While Mother was cooking dinner I was cleaning the flat."

5) We use the continuous tense in descriptions. Note the combination of description (past continuous) with narrative (simple past): "A wood fire was burning on the hearth, and a cat was sleeping in front of it. a girl was playing the piano and (was) singing softly to herself. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The girl stopped playing. The cat woke up."

19. Insert the correct form of the verb:

1) He (sit) on the bank fishing when he (see) a man's hat (float) down the river. It (seem) strangely familiar. 2) It (snow) heavily when he (wake) up. He (remember) that Jack (come) for lunch and (decide) to go down to the station to meet him in case he (lose) his way in the snowy lanes. 3) As the goalkeeper (run) forward to seize the ball a bottle (strike) him on the shoulder. 4) I (look) through the classroom window. A geometry lesson (go) on. The teacher (draw) diagrams on the blackboard. 5) Most of the boys (listen) to the teacher but a few (whisper) to each other, and Tom (read) a history book. Tom (hate) mathematics; he always (read) history during his mathematics lesson.


20. Use the right form of the infinitive:

1) I (stand)…………………………… in this queue for ages. It (not/ move)………………… at all in the last five minutes. I think the man in the ticket office just (shut) …………. ……. window and (go)………………… off for lunch. 2) He (give)…………… me back the book, (thank) …………….. me for lending it him and (.say)………….. that he (enjoy)…………. ……………it very much; but I (know)………. ………. that he (not/ read)………………….. it because most of the pages (be)………… still uncut. 3) A woman (come) ………… in with a baby, who she (say)……… just (swallow)………. ………..a safety pin. 4) Mrs. Brown (live)………..……….. next door for quite a long time by now but she never (say)…….. ………. more than “Good morning” to me. 5) Then it (seem)……… that fate (take) ………..………. the matter out of her hands; and certainly the insurance money would come in handy. 6) When I (open)……… the door I (see) …….. a man on his knees. He clearly (listen) …………………………. to our conversation and I (wonder) ……………….how much he (hear)………………... When I (ask) ………………. him what he (do)…………….. he (say) ………………. that he (drop) …………………. a 50p piece outside the door and (look) ……………….. for it. I (see) …………………… any sight of the money, but I (find)……………… a small book and a pencil which he probably (drop) …………………. when the door (open) ……………………. suddenly. So he (take) ……………………………. notice of our conversation! The notes (write) ……………………….in a foreign language, so I (turn) ………………..to the stranger and (ask) ……………………him to translate. But he (pull) ……………… my hat over my eyes and (run) ………………off down the corridor. By the time I (recover)…………………….from the shock he (disappear) ……………………………………… round the corner. Curiously enough, when I (move) ………………….. my foot I (find) …………………that I (stand)……………………………….on a 50p piece. Perhaps he (tell) ………………… the truth after all! 7) I just (pick).up……….……….. ten pounds of strawberries! I (grow) ……………….……….. strawberries for years but I never (have)…. …………. such a good crop before. 8) Since he became Mayor, my brother reckons that he (eat)………………. 30 official lunches and 22 official dinners, and he (lose) …………………….count of the number of receptions and parties that he (attend)…………....- …………. he (put) …………..on a lot of weight?



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