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НАЗВАНИЕ ИГРЫ: Solitaire Journey (Рабочее название, позже будет изменено)



Настоящий заказ на производство работ заключен 30.09.2016 года во исполнение договора о производстве работ в соответствии с договором о найме № 4021 между компаниями «G5 Holdings Limited» (здесь и далее – «G5») и «Octopus Games ltd.» (здесь и далее – «Подрядчик») между на следующих условиях:


НАЗВАНИЕ ИГРЫ: Solitaire Journey (Рабочее название, позже будет изменено)

ВЕРСИИ ИГР: игра должна быть разработана для следующих платформ и устройств:

  • Устройств iPhone 4 и более современные модели с оперативной системой iOS 8.0 и ее обновлениями;
  • Всех устройств iPod Touch с оперативной системой iOS 8.0 и ее обновлениями;
  • Всех устройств iPad с оперативной системой iOS 8.0 и ее обновлениями;
  • ЭмуляторWindows должен встраиваться для всех разрешений экрана на операционной системе iOS;
  • Всех устройств Android с операционной системой OS 4.0.3 и выше с разрешением экрана выше 720x480;
  • Всех устройств Android с операционной системой OS 4.0.3 и установленным приложением Amazon Store;
  • Эмулятор Windows должен встраиваться при любом разрешении экрана на устройстве Android;
  • Устройств Mac с операционной системой OS 10.9 (Maverick) и выше;
  • Всех телефонных устройств с операционными системами Windows RT, Windows 8.1 и Windows 8.1 и выше, приобретенных исключительно в официальных магазинах Windows Store и Windows Phone Store.

Каждый игровой мастер (или конверсия) осуществляет работы и устанавливает приложения в соответствии с Проектной Спецификацией, Техническим Заданием и Руководством по Тестированию, разработанными компанией G5, а также любым технической инструкцией, в установленном порядке предоставленном Подрядчику, а также любой технической инструкцией производителя Устройства или Платформы и задействованной беспроводной сети. Все игровые мастера должны поставляться в универсальном полном формате.


ПРЕДМЕТ ДОГОВОРА: Бессрочная лицензия и права на полный пакет программного обеспечения и исходный код приложения.




РУКОВОДСТВО НАД РАЗРАБОТКОЙ: G5 обладает полным объемом полномочий по осуществлению руководства над разработкой, окончательной оценкой качества, использованием Игры в рекламных и коммерческих целях, в том числе в целях совместного и вирусного продвижения Игры с помощью продукции и услуг, не принадлежащих Подрядчику, а также с применением иных ныне существующих либо разработанных в дальнейшем методов продвижения Игры.


ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ НА РАЗРАБОТКУ ИГРЫ: под «Техническим Заданием” понимаются любые материалы, в цифровой, бумажной либо словесной форме, в которых содержится описание, обсуждение и ссылка (прямая либо косвенная) на конечный продукт. По мере реализации проекта компания «G5» и Подрядчик будут составлять и согласовывать Техническое Задание при том условии, что компания G5 будет осуществлять руководство и утверждение над реализацией проекта. Подробное письменное Техническое Задание будет составлено не позднее завершения Этапа 1 проекта и будет являться необходимыми конечными результатами разработки по факту их приемки компанией “G5”. Условия, изложенные в подробном письменном Техническом Задании, будут предоставлены Подрядчиком и утверждены компанией «G5» по завершении Этапа 1, а также включены в текст настоящего Соглашения. Составление Технического Задания, а также разработка Игры и все предоставляемые в соответствии с письменным Техническим Заданием результаты к удовлетворению компании «G5» являются существенными условиями настоящего Соглашения.


КОНТРОЛЬ КАЧЕСТВА: Подрядчик обязуется оказывать всю необходимую помощь при проведении тестирования продукта, а также предоставлять тестируемые версии программного продукта с минимальным количеством ошибок. Группа по контролю качества Подрядчика будет работать совместно со штатной группой Компании «G5» с применением системы отслеживания ошибок Компании «G5».

Подрядчик осуществляет тестирование продукта, руководствуясь методическими указаниями Компании «G5»:

  • Контрольный перечень для G5 iPhone G5
  • Контрольный перечень для iPad Check List
  • Контрольный перечень для G5 Android
  • Контрольный перечень для G5 Amazon
  • Контрольный перечень для G5 Mac OS
  • Контрольный перечень для G5 WinRT/Win8

С целью исключения двусмысленного толкования Подрядчик обязуется исправлять следующие ошибки в приоритетном порядке:


• Блокирующая ошибка/ошибка, приводящая к неработоспособности программы

Ошибка, устранение которой необходимо для обеспечения функционирования основных компонентов приложения, и для которой не существует обходного решения, которая блокирует любой действующий процесс (при игре, разработке, тестировании и т.д.). Наличие подобных ошибок не позволяет команде Подрядчика (т.е. разработчикам) и/или тестировщикам выполнять свои профильные обязанности. Требуют немедленного исправления в порядке приоритетности.

• Критическая ошибка

Отказ функционирования основных компонентов приложения, для которого не существует обходного решения: выход из строя, потеря данных, повреждение данных, значительная утечка данных и т.д., а также любые несоответствия с требованиями технических заданий либо руководств Компании, «G5»'s.


ОБЩИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К ПОСТАВКЕ / СООТВЕТСТВИЕ ТРЕБОВАНИЯМ: Все исходные коды (в том числе) source code (including the source code of any game engines or any third party software, if used in the development of the game, and server code), artwork and sound assets, any and all other materials necessary for G5 to maintain the Game(s) and/or to create Updates as provided in the Agreement or as G5 may otherwise reasonably request, as well as all necessary localization and marketing materials provided in a format acceptable to G5. All delivered builds, including all Gold Masters and/or Updates, shall include all source code (including all game code, tools, all server code) delivered in a manner consistent with the list of requirements below. A delivery should be uploaded to G5’s SVN repository and should include, without limitation:


  • Source code (including the server side, if applicable) shall be provided in text format;
  • Source code should not contain any libraries in binary format except FMOD, Magic Particles, Pyro Particles, Pushwoosh or SDK-s provided by Google, Amazon, Facebook or Twitter;
  • Provided source code should compile without errors;
  • Tools (including without limitation editing/compiling tools necessary for correct build(s) compilation and development of new versions, updates and improvements of the Game(s)), including the source code, object code and all appropriate licenses for corresponding Tools,
  • Contractor shall provide credentials control over the server side of the Game, if applicable;
  • Art assets shall be provided in layered PSD format or such other format as the Parties may otherwise agree in good faith or in which such assets are available to Contractor and are commercially and reasonably suitable G5’s to exercise its rights hereunder (in accordance with Graphics Sources Requirements provided by G5). Contractor shall provide all necessary and appropriate licenses, at Contractor’s sole expense, for all uses by G5 permitted and/or contemplated by the Agreement, including without limitation unlimited commercial usage of such art assets on all the Platforms specified above in this Work Order as it may be amended from time to time;
  • All fonts for the Game(s) shall be acquired by Contractor for commercial unlimited usage for all the Platforms specified in this Work Order. Contractor shall provide all necessary and appropriate licenses for the use of such fonts by G5;
  • Sound assets shall be provided in uncompressed WAV format. Contractor shall provide all necessary and appropriate licenses, at Contractor’s sole expense, for all uses by G5 permitted and/or contemplated by the Agreement, including without limitation unlimited commercial usage of such sound assets on all the Platforms specified above in this Work Order as it may be amended from time to time;
  • Source code, as well as all required assets and/or materials specified above, shall also be accompanied by sufficient comments and documentation.


For the sake of Clarity, Contractor agrees that Contractor owns or has obtained, and shall maintain, all the requisite rights or licenses in any art, sound, graphics, video, text and music assets provided to G5 as specified above, including as part of any Deliverables, as may be necessary for G5 to use, reproduce, perform, display, execute, promote and exploit such assets and/or Deliverables and/or the Games in all media, including the Games and other interactive video game software, and in all venues and formats, including without limitation in video and sound recordings for resale or license, MP3 or other digital distribution formats, as well as live performances, marketing, and/or promotion.


All such deliveries shall be made by Contractor upon G5’s request, but no less than once each week during the course of development whether G5 makes a request or not.

Contractor shall respond to any request for information or other inquiries from G5, whether G5’s request is in writing, by telephone, or by email, within twenty four (24) hours of G5’s request.

LANGUAGES AND LOCALIZATIONS: The Game should contain REFIGS (Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish) + Asian (Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese) + Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) text and materials. G5 shall be responsible for providing any necessary translated texts and voice over materials at G5’s own recoupable expense.


NON-COMPETITION: Contractor will not publish, develop or contribute to, either directly or indirectly, the development (including testing work) of any entertainment software product that is competitive with or similar to the Game, and/or that contains similar gameplay, mechanics, characters, themes, settings, or content to that contained in the Game, for any platform now existing or hereafter conceived, either for publication by Contractor or on behalf of any third party other than G5, including without limitation any casual or social game with automatically generated content and/or automatically generated levels, for a period of no less than twenty four (24) months commencing from the acceptance of the last deliverable item set forth in this Work Order and/or the any subsequent updates created by Contractor, whichever is later.

COMPENSATION: G5 agrees to pay to Contractor the sums set forth herein relating to such Services and/or Deliverables at the time of G5’s acceptance (according to the provisions in Section 1.02 of the Agreement) of such Services and/or Deliverables, provided that Contractor is not otherwise in breach of the Agreement, G5 shall pay to Contractor all sums invoiced no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the applicable invoice. Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation in connection with G5’s use and/or exploitation of the rights granted to G5 under this Agreement, unless such compensation is specifically designated in this Agreement or this Work Order. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in the Agreement, all amounts to be paid to Contractor under this Work Order shall be in U.S. dollars, EUR (Euros) and/or Contractor’s national currency, as G5 may elect in G5’s sole discretion. Contractor’s agreed-to compensation as provided for herein shall be full payment for any Services and/or Deliverable(s) Contractor generates, and Contractor will not be entitled to any additional royalties or proceeds received by G5 from the commercialization in any manner of such Deliverables and/or a Game.


Time is of the essence with regard to all Milestones and all Deliverables. Without prejudice to G5's other available rights and legal remedies, in the event that Contractor is late in delivering any of the Milestone Deliverables in a form acceptable to G5 by a period of less than one (1) week under the Milestone Schedule, then G5 shall have the right to accept such Milestone Deliverable and pay Contractor without penalty. In the event that Contractor delays in delivering any of the Milestone Deliverables in a form acceptable to G5 by great than one (1) calendar month, however, in addition to and without prejudice to G5's other available rights and legal remedies, G5 shall be entitled to reduce any payments due for such Milestone Deliverable by twenty per cent (20%). Likewise, in the event that Contractor's delivery of any Milestone Deliverable in a form acceptable to G5 is greater than one (1) week but less than one (1) month, in addition to and without prejudice to G5's other available rights and legal remedies, G5 shall be entitled to reduce any payments due for such Milestone Deliverable by a pro-rata portion of twenty percent (20%). Any delay by Contractor in delivering any Milestone Deliverable in a timely manner shall not affect any subsequent Milestone due date as provided in the Agreement and/or any Work Order.


Этап Результат Число Аванс, в долларах США
M0 Оформление договора   30.09.2016 $5 000
M1 Prototype iPad (upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets) Greenlight Decision iPad 2 and higher, iOS 8.0 and higher build, Emulator build for Windows OS, English 1 card deck in final quality UI in final quality Animation and effects in final quality Prototype demonstrates 2 mechanics in final quality 30.11.2016 $19 208
M2 iOS Alpha (upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets) iPhone 4s and higher, iPad 2 and higher, iOS 8.0 and higher, English, Emulator build for Windows OS Resolution 960x640 and 1136х640 for iPhones, Resolution 1024x768 and 2048х1536 for iPads, Asian fonts support, Facebook integration, Review request implementation, Game Center integration, Playground platform integration Marketing functionality integration, Pushwoosh system integration, Affiliated links implementation, Separate retina/non-retina packs for iPads Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. All features required by G5 for this Milestone should be implemented. TBD TBD
M3 iPad Beta (upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets) iPhone 4s and higher, iPod Touch 4 and higher, All iPad, iOS 8.0 and higher, Resolution 960x640 and 1136х640 for iPhones, Resolution 1024x768 and 2048х1536 for iPads, Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) Emulator build for Windows OS All features required by G5 for this Milestone should be implemented TBD TBD
M4 iOS Gold Master (accepted by G5 and by Apple for release), upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets iPhone 4s and higher, iPod Touch 4 and higher, All iPads, iOS 8.0 and higher, Resolution 960x640 and 1136х640 for iPhones, Resolution 1024x768 and 2048х1536 for iPads, Full builds, Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) All features required by G5 for this Milestone should be implemented TBD TBD
M5 Android Alpha (upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets) All Android devices, Android OS 4.0.3 and higher, Resolution 720x480 and higher, Full builds, Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) Android version contains all the functionality and content of the accepted iOS GM version. Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. TBD TBD
M6 Android Gold Master (accepted by G5 and by Google for release), upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets All Android devices, Android OS 4.0.3 and higher, Resolution 720x480 and higher, All Android devices with Amazon Store, as well as devices with all other Android stores supported by G5 (commercially reasonable updated list of devices to be provided by G5 from time to time) Full, Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) Android Alpha feedback fully implemented. All features required by G5 for this Milestone should be implemented. TBD TBD
M7 Mac Alpha (upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets) All Mac, Mac OS 10.9 (Maverick) and higher, Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) Mac Alpha feedback fully implemented. Mac version contains all the functionality and content of the accepted iOS GM version. Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. TBD TBD
M8 Mac Gold Master (accepted by G5 and by Apple for release), upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets All Mac, Mac OS 10.9 (Maverick) and higher. Build fully functional on all target devices. Full builds, Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) Mac version contains all the functionality and content of the accepted iOS GM version. Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. TBD TBD
M9 Windows RT Alpha, upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets   All Windows devices, Windows RT, Windows 8.1 and higher. Build fully functional on all target devices. Full builds. Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) Windows version contains all the functionality and content of the accepted iOS GM version. Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. TBD TBD
M10 Windows RT Gold Master (upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets) All Windows devices, Windows RT, Windows 8.1 and higher. Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. Build fully functional on all target devices. Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. All features required by G5 for this Milestone should be implemented. TBD TBD
M11 Windows Phone Alpha, upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets All Windows Phone devices, Windows Phone 8.1 and higher. Build fully functional on all target devices. Full builds. Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) Windows Phone version contains all the functionality and content of the accepted iOS GM version. Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. TBD TBD
M12 Windows Phone Gold Master (upon G5’s acceptance of all source code, artwork and sound assets) All Windows devices, Windows Phone 8.1 and higher. Russian, English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal) Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. Build fully functional on all target devices. Build meets all the guidelines and requirements. All features required by G5 for this Milestone should be implemented. TBD TBD

Итого: $ 24 208



· Game Design Document (GDD): A complete document describing all aspects of the Game design, including user navigation (both in Game and menu), game mechanics (including all modes of play), overall story, levels and mini-games plan.

· Technical Design Document (TDD): Describes the technical implementation of the Game, including Game build instructions, localization creation instructions, list of used third-party libraries and technologies.


Game Version (Game Demo), all features, basic mechanics and functionality listed in Specification implemented and working, free from any material software defects that prevent verification of the above mentioned. Game Version may contain placeholder graphics and animations.

First Playable

For at least one level of the (Game Demo), all features and functionality implemented and working, as they will in the final commercial release on a representation of final delivery media and free from any material software defects that prevent verification of the above mentioned. The Game Demo is complete in terms of all assets, functionality, Game flow, code, and in accordance with the Specifications (as may be amended in accordance with the terms hereof) and can be verified as such. The Game Demo is supporting iPhone Player and multitasking.


All features and functionality implemented and working, as they will in the final commercial release on a representation of final delivery media and free from any material software defects that prevent verification of the above mentioned. The Game is complete in terms of all assets, functionality, Game flow, code, and in accordance with the Specifications (as may be amended in accordance with the terms hereof) and can be verified as such. The build should include: meta-game and core game play and mini-game game play fully functional, content complete and ready for review, all quests are ready and implemented, proofread English texts, all collections and meta-collections ready and implemented, all monetization functionality ready and fully functional, online balance update functionality ready and fully functional, build should meet all G5’s and platform guidelines and requirements. The Game is ready for delivery to G5’s QA department for verification and the complete testing cycle. The following implementations are complete: Facebook integration, review request, Game center, G5 Cross Promo, G5 Landing page, Pushwoosh system, Facebook Single Sign On supporting, G5 overlay button system and affiliated links, Playground platform integration. The Game contains separate retina/non-retina packs for iPads. Remaining tasks include debugging, performance and memory optimizations, continued enhancement of assets, and game balancing and tuning.


No meaningful bugs remain in the product, content is complete, performance and memory optimizations is complete, and all assets set forth in the Specifications are complete. Build has final balance and G5’s feedback on previous milestone implemented. Remaining tasks include Game balancing and tuning.

IOS Gold Master

Game Master in final form ready for commercial exploitation. Gold Master version shall be deemed accepted by G5 only after it has successfully passed iTunes review process by Apple.

Android Gold Master

Game Master in final form ready for commercial exploitation. The Game should be delivered in final format for Google Store, Amazon store. Gold Master version shall be deemed accepted by G5 only after it has successfully passed review process by Google.

Mac Gold Master.

Game Master in final form ready for commercial exploitation. Gold Master version shall be deemed accepted by G5 only after it has successfully passed iTunes review process by Apple.

Windows OS Gold Master.

Game Master in final form ready for commercial exploitation that meets all G5 and platform guidelines and requirements. Gold Master version shall be deemed accepted by G5 only after it has successfully passed review process by Windows Store.


Full version of the Game which has no in-game restrictions on content.

UPDATES, IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES: In addition to the requirements in the Agreement or above, during the Term while any Game Version(s) of any Game are distributed by G5, Contractor agrees to provide updates, improvements, and/or bug fixes as and when reasonably requested by G5. Contractor agrees to provide minimum twelve (12) updates per year following the date of commercial release of the Game on its first platform/Game Version. Such updates shall be provided in accordance with a schedule, developed and agreed upon by both G5 and Contractor, as provided in this Work Order and/or no later than the first “Gold Master” Milestone, but shall be no less than twelve (12) updates per year. Contractor shall provide all necessary resources and devote such time as is necessary to complete any such Updates on a first priority basis and acknowledges that timely delivery of such Updates is a material term of this Agreement. The twelve (12) annual Updates shall be considered Deliverables, and their completion a binding material term of this Agreement, regardless of whether such Updates are included in a written Work Order.

Agreed by the following parties:


G5, компания «G5 Holdings Limited» ПОДРЯДЧИК, Компания «Octopus Games Ltd».

Подпись: _____________________ Подпись: ______________________

ФИО: Татьяна Тимошенко ФИО: _________________


Должность: Директор по лицензированию Должность: ___________________


DATE September 30, 2016

Game Proposal Document


Agreed by the following parties:

G5, G5 Holdings Limited CONTRACTOR, Octopus Games Ltd.

By: _____________________ By: ______________________

Name: Tatiana Timoshenko Name: _________________


Title: Licensing Director Title: ___________________





Key Employees


Pursuant to Section 1.05 of the Agreement, the following persons shall be deemed Key Employees:


Lead Programmer: ______________

Lead Artist: ____________________

Lead Designer: _________________

[etc, etc]


Agreed by the following parties:

G5, G5 Holdings Limited CONTRACTOR, Octopus Games Ltd.

By: _____________________ By: ______________________

Name: Tatiana Timoshenko Name: _________________


Title: Licensing Director Title: ___________________



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