Rude, rough, coarse(2), smell, scent(2), grind, to reassure, to yield(2), to breed
Vocabulary 1. scent-smell-odour-aroma-stink; to smell-to scent-to sniff 2. to make (start, head, leave) for 3. acute (adj.): at an acute angle; sharp-acute-keen 4. nourishment; to nourish; nourishing food; undernourished; undernourishment 5. to deny sth, to deny smb. sth; denial, to be in denial 6. reluctant (adj): to be reluctant to do sth; reluctance (n.) 7. steady (voice, wind, growth); steady-firm 8. casual; casually 9. refuse disposer; refuse /n./; to dispose of; disposal: at smb's disposal; disposable 10. grind (v., n.), the daily grind, grinder 11. to glare (at sb.) 12. comparative/ly/; comparison: in comparison with; to compare 13. nonstop /show, flight, journey/ 14. compulsory /education/; to compel; compulsion 15. tile, tiled 15. to tame; tame (adj.) 16. to escape from sth (everyday life); to escape sth (a blow, observation, punishment); the details escape my mind; the name escapes me; escape (n): a narrow escape 17. to persist:to persist in doing sth, to persist with sth.; persistence; persistent 18. –wise (suffix); status-wise 19. to share /a room; hardships/; to share - to divide - to bisect 20. superior; inferior, superiority; inferiority; superiority /inferiority complex 21. advantage: to take advantage of; to be/to work to smb’s advantage; to show sth. to good/best advantage; to use/to turn sth. to one’s/good advantage; to have the advantage of; to be at an advantage; disadvantage; (dis)advantageous 22. conscious, subconscious, unconscious; consciousness 23. to breed: to be bred to forget; to breed (a generation, discontent); breed (n.) 24. to deprive sb. of sth.; deprived (children, areas, neighbourhoods) 25. yield (n.,v.); unyielding 26. coarse – rough – rude 27. to entitle sb. to sth.; to be entitled to (do) sth.; entitlement 28. petty (job, bourgeoisie); petty though it was 29. to reassure; reassurance; reassuring(ly) 30. to grip; grip (n.): tight/firm/strong/iron grip, have/keep a grip on sth., tighten/loosen/relax one’s grip on sth., to come/to get to grips with sth., to lose one’s grip; a country gripped by economic problems; gripping (adj.) 31. to pretend that/to do sth,; pretention(to smth); pretence: under/on false pretences 32. exile (n.,v.) 33. to cleanse, to cleanse sb./sth. of sth.; cleanser; ethnic cleansing
Revision 1. Clauses of purpose:... so that Simon could not see her tears; …she said quickly lest he/should/ divine her tension 2. to slip 3. challenge (v., n.) 4. cure (v., n.); (in)curable 5. grateful, gratitude
Exercises I. Transcribe the words and read them aloud: concrete, odour, aroma, angle, triangular, precipitous, acute, lower, nourish, casual, palm, Mediterranean, refuse (n),dissolve, grind, superior, superiority, petty, stratum, status, discontent, anarchy, mirage, yield, jealousy, exile (n), exile (v), hover, cleanse
II. Word-building 1. Form nouns from the following verbs and adjectives: nourish, deny, reluctant, dispose, compare, compel, superior, conscious, entitle, persist, pretend, reassure, grateful 2. Form an antonym with a negative prefix: nourishment, steady, advantageous, conscious, curable, grateful, persistent
III. Translate into Russian: 1. 1. Bolton, unbeaten before Saturday's match, fell behind in the opening minute when right-winger Ryan Hill drifted into the penalty area, met a cross from the left, and fired in from an acute angle. 2. The tension between the traditional, consensual centre-right and the doctrinaire, neo-Marxist left in the constituencies and many unions became more acute. 3. If you are divorced, you may be able to use your former spouse's contributions to improve your own pension entitlement, provided that you have not remarried before reaching pension age. 4. In increasingly acute competition with road transport, the railways' commitment to superior speed needed to be stressed constantly. 5. Because of their stability, they are hard to dispose of and are persistent environmental contaminants. 6. Getting your point of view across starts with using your voice to best advantage. 7. The Rocky Mountains aren't anyone's tame backyard. 8. Competition and selection may be expected to yield traits that maximize rapid and early reproduction and the production of the largest possible brood or litter. 9. Following a nuclear weapons test the residence time of the radionuclides released depends upon the height to which the radioactive cloud rises (which is related to explosion yield), its latitude of detonation, the size of the radioactive aerosols, and whether the radionuclides are in gaseous or particle form. 10. The Pru says that Britain is becoming a nation of spendthrifts with less than £5 in every £100 of disposable income being saved last year -the lowest level for 30 years. 11. The glacier ends in a cliff that calves small icebergs that head seaward, grind to a halt when they hit the sand base of the river and dissolve in tears at the indignity of it all. 12. These criticisms are commonly voiced by those who have some political or academic axe to grind. 13. London, with its notoriously large casual labour market, for example on the docks, suffered more ‘irregularity of work’, and other towns at certain times experienced severe unemployment. 14. Brownies from Surrey and Essex took part in a ‘Get a Grip on Litter’ campaign earlier this year. 15. Obtaining by false pretences is ordinarily thought of as different from theft, because in the former the owner in fact consents to part with his ownership; a bogus beggar is regarded as a rogue but not as a thief. IV. Fill in the blanks with the given words in the correct form: 1. petty, persistent,tame, undernourished, casual (2), steady, gripping, disposable, reluctant 1. Roman comedy and satire may seem … to us; one wonders what it looked like in the eyes of Greek aristocrats. 2. I see them as women wanting to augment a feminist argument that men are useful but …. 3. I have a task for you. A task that should make better use of your talents than chasing around after … smugglers. 4. The report notes the firm’s … attitude towards safety procedures. 5. Not everyone proved to be a … reader of one paper (or even of a group of similar papers) but the majority did. 6. Coins may also be found and reported on a … basis by interested members of the public or systematically searched out by treasure hunters with metal detectors. 7. The … expansion of the Carno factory should not mask the continuing difficulties. 8. In ten years’ time, more than 600 million people are expected to be severely …. 9. Government has traditionally been far too … to provide information. 10. It is a … suspense story set against the background of the McCarthy inquisition.
rude, rough, coarse(2), smell, scent(2), grind, to reassure, to yield(2), to breed 1. You have to remember that wood is really quite a … material (compared to fine metals, for instance). 2. If you are intransigent, or are determined to stick to the letter of your contract come what may, you could be in for a … awakening. 3. The northerners thought the others posh and ‘mardy’(affected), while in return they were found to be … and vulgar. 4. The first two graves were one behind the other in a ditch, with a … cross stuck into the ground at the head of each grave. 5. But while there's no shortage of advice about what our children should eat, when it comes to the day-to-day … of feeding a family, many a frazzled mother's good intentions fly out of the window. 6. It was here that the dogs came into their own, casting about for any tell-tale … that would betray the presence of a hidden bomb. 7. Now the heady … of Californian Poppy filled the air and pushed the stale damp … of the boy's unwashed clothes back against his body. 8. The spate of recent company failures has … a glut of unemployed jet-qualified pilots. 9. Quite a number of species cannot … in captivity. 10. The local community health specialist and the water suppliers had … people that there was no risk to health. 11. All subservient reaction was forgotten at once as Nessie … to more primitive instincts and rushed to the car to see her youngest son.
V. Insert the required prepositions: 1. All Logen could do was make … the mountains, and try to save his own sorry life. 2. I am fasting to cleanse myself … fear and hopelessness, hate and violence, impatience and the lust … novelty. 3. The floor of the barn was cold stone and slimy and smelled … engine oil and damp cereals. 4. Almost 400 ministers refused to conform … this imposition of Episcopacy and … a result they were debarred … their kirks, deprived … their livelihoods, and disqualified … acting as ministers. 5. As a matter of principle one should never yield … terrorism. 6. I'm usually not too bad … keeping a grip … myself. 7. One of the cornerstones of the law relating … inheritance is the principle testamentary freedom — the right of each individual to dispose … their assets as they wish. 8. Don't you think I owe you something after employing you … false pretences? 9. I believe that every problem can be resolved, and that if it can be approached sensibly and thoughtfully, it can even be turned … advantage. 10. People who have two different forms of heating are … an advantage during a power failure or power cut. 11. I was an addict … denial. 12. But once his novelty value had worn …, jealousy and court intrigue combined to deny… him the court appointments and lucrative commissions he so desperately needed. 13. Many Christians persist … blaming only ‘new ideas’ rather than new political freedoms … increasing secularisation. 14. Permanent disablement from any profession or occupation entitles a claimant … £100,000, while loss of hearing in both ears is compensated … £30,000. 15. The images from the Space Telescope had revealed that the gas ring was inclined … an angle of 43 degrees … our line of sight. 16. For many cities jealousy … Milan was as powerful as hatred … the emperor's control.
VI. Translate into English:
Translation 1 1. От конверта слабо пахло духами, и Шерлок Холмс, эксперт в области парфюмерии, сразу определил, что это за духи. 2. Жёны декабристов были готовы разделить со своими мужьями изгнание в Сибирь. 3. Мясо испортилось (to go off) и плохо пахнет. Тебе надо было положить его в морозильник. 4. Преподаватели имеют право на 48-дневный ежегодный отпуск. 5. Я всё пытаюсь вспомнить, как его зовут, но его имя просто вылетело у меня из головы. 6. Он направился к машине, но сначала решил убедиться, что за ним нет слежки. 7. В последнее время он часто жалуется на головные боли. – По-моему, он просто устал. Ему бы надо уйти от повседневных забот и как следует отдохнуть. 8. В нашем институте посещение занятий обязательно. 9. Когда он был лишён возможности общаться с друзьями, жизнь становилась для него мукой. 10. По данным Всемирного банка в 2002 году около 730 миллионов человек в мире недоедало. Изменения климата, засуха на значительной территории Африки влекут за собой неурожай и голод. 11. Овцеводство традиционно являлось основной отраслью животноводства в Англии. 12. Порой небрежно брошенное замечание может глубоко ранить. 13. Я не могу понять причину его явного нежелания сотрудничать с нами. 14. Арбениным руководила ревность, а она, как известно, не лучший советчик. 15. Должно быть, он избавился от орудия преступления до прихода полиции. 16. Возможно, это лекарство снимет острую боль, но маловероятно, что оно вылечит болезнь. 17. Он полностью лишён чувства юмора, однако не страдает комплексом неполноценности. 18. Избыточный контроль может породить недовольство. 19. Правительство опровергло слухи о введении в стране продовольственных карточек. 20. Он пьёт только свежемолотый кофе. 21. Этот билет даёт право путешествовать первым классом. Его также можно сдать и получить возврат денег. 22. Воздух был наполнен ароматом диких цветов.
Translation 2 1. Для неискушённого зрителя регби похож на футбол. 2. Дом был полон гостей и случайных посетителей.
3. Он с трудом выдавил из себя улыбку. 4. Если симптомы не пройдут (останутся), обратитесь к врачу. 5. Несмотря на все наши просьбы, он оставался непреклонным. 6. Он всегда говорит с чувством превосходства. Сначала это раздражает, но потом перестаёшь это замечать. 7. Она получила прекрасное воспитание. 8. Тебе не стоит лишать себя скромных радостей. 9. Латынь и Греческий являются обязательными предметами в этой школе. Многие изучают их с интересом, но для некоторых это очень скучное занятие. 10. Кандидаты со знанием двух языков имеют преимущество. 11. У него невысокая должность и мало шансов на повышение, что очень его огорчает. 12. Быть изгнанным из родной страны – тяжёлое наказание. 13. Я не говорю, что знаю весь город. 14. Если ты купишь акции этой компании, это принесёт тебе неплохой доход. 15. Полевой госпиталь испытывал острую нехватку медикаментов. 16. Ему отказали в праве поговорить со своим адвокатом. 17. Внезапно мной овладел страх. 18. Испания выиграла у Голландии со счётом 1-0. 19. В конце концов её настойчивость была вознаграждена ответом от самого министра. 20. При нём находилась громадная чёрная собака неизвестной породы по кличке Арапка. 21. Мы вплотную подошли к решению проблемы безработицы.
22. Подсознательные страхи, невоспитанные дети, твёрдые убеждения, грубая шутка, пища для ума, равномерное освещение, осознать ошибки, зубрить.
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