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Contemporary theatre in Britain


Obligatory word and phrase list


stage presentation — сценическое воплощение пьесы

cast — состав действующих лиц

setting designer — художник-декоратор

scenery — декорации

sets — декорации к определённой сцене

setting — место действия, декорации,

обстановка действия

property department — отдел реквизита (предметов быта,

используемых в театральном представ-


dress rehearsal — генеральная репетиция

full house — полный зал

first night — премьера

wings — кулисы

behind the wings = behind — за кулисами (в прямом и переносном

the scenes значении)

footlights — рампа

the stalls, orchestra stalls — партер, первые ряды партера

the pit — амфитеатр

the boxes — ложи

the dress circle — бельэтаж

the gallery — галёрка; галерея

standing room — стоячие места

variety show — эстрадный концерт

ticket agency — межтеатральные билетные кассы, бю-

ро по продаже билетов в разные театры


ticket sharks — театральные барышники: лица,

спекулирующие билетами

to mill about (in the crowd) — толкаться, вертеться у входа, у кассы

opera-glasses — театральный бинокль

usher — билетёр

to play the part of = to play — исполнять роль

the role of

company (of actors) — театральная труппа



character — действующее лицо

applause — аплодисменты

dressing room — артистическая уборная

stagehand — рабочий сцены

curtain call — вызов актёра на сцену аплодисмен- тами или криками (в знак восхищения

перед его игрой или исполняемым


play — пьеса, спектакль

scene — сцена (из спектакля)

act — акт, играть роль

playwright — драматург

People’s Artist of the... — народный артист...

Honoured Artist of the... — заслуженный артист...

producer — режиссёр, продюсер,

director — постановщик

to stage the play

comedian — комедиант (актёр комедийного театра)

tragic actor — актёр, который играет трагические роли

an aria from opera by... — ария из оперы

an overture to an opera — увертюра к опере

bass — бас

baritone — баритон

to sing — исполнять арию, петь

matinee — утренний спектакль

to rehearse — репетировать

excellent acting — отличная игра

poor acting — плохая игра

realistic (original) treatment — реалистическое отображение

life-like acting (of a role) — правдивая игра

theatre — театр

opera-house — опера

box-office — билетная касса

orchestra — оркестр

soprano — сопрано

soloist — солист

(orchestra) conductor — дирижёр оркестра

composer — композитор

leading (chief) actor — ведущий актёр, главное действующее


to buy a programme to see — купить программу, чтобы знать, кто

who is in the cast to-day сегодня занят в спектакле

to perform, to act, to play, — исполнять, играть, танцевать роль,

to dance the part of... партию...

to applaud — аплодировать

to be a success = to be — пользоваться успехом у зрителей

popular with the public

to have seats (to sit) in the — сидеть в первом ряду партера

front row of the stalls

a play in three acts and five — пьеса в трёх актах и пяти сценах


setting designer — художник-декоратор

script-writer — автор либретто

make-up man — гримёр

understudy — дублёр

extra — статист

to direct a play — осуществить режиссуру спектакля

title-role — заглавная роль

encore — вызов на бис

to be completely carried — быть полностью захваченным игрой

away (by the acting)

versatile actor — многосторонний, одаренный актёр

prompter — суфлёр

an all-star cast — первый состав, состоящий из знаме-


touring company — гастролирующая труппа

summer tour — летние гастроли

to take the house by storm — вызвать восторг у публики, произвести


artificial, stilted acting — искусственная игра

property = furnishing — реквизит

costumes = dresses — костюмы


How was it? — Ну как? Какое впечатление?

to be a (great) success — пользоваться (большим) успехом,

иметь (большой) успех

The house is full. — Зал полон. (Пустых мест нет.)

to be carried away (by smth.) — увлечься (чем-л.)

How did you like the acting? — Как вам понравилась игра (актеров)?

the leading lady — актриса, исполняющая главную роль

the leading man — актер, исполняющий главную роль

talented — талантливый

to act with great feeling — играть с большим чувством

to play the leading part (the — играть главную роль (роль кого-л.)

part of smb.)

amateur — не профессионал, любитель

amateur performance — любительский спектакль, самодея-


I enjoyed it immensely. — Я получил (от этого) огромное удо-


It was a waste of time. — Это была потеря времени. (Время

было потрачено впустую.)

to be a (complete) failure — не иметь (никакого) успеха, провалиться

The play (film, etc.) is — Пьеса (фильм и т.п.)никуда не годится.

no good.

The action is slow. — Действие развиваетсямедленно.

dull — 1. тупой (прям. и переносн.);

2. скучный

to be bored — crexfnm? bcgsnsdfnm crere

Virtue triumphs. — Добродетель торжествует.

star — звезда (прям. и переносн.)

happy ending — счастливый конец, счастливое завер-

шение (пьесы, фильма и т. п.)

to reflect smth. — 1. отражать (свет, лучи и т. п.);

2. отображать, воспроизводить что-л.,

служить отражением чего-л.

to judge — судить, составлять мнение


Judging by it (By what you — Судя по этому (Исходяиз того, что

said)... вы сказали)...

to keep a seat for smb. — занимать для кого-л. место

The seat is taken. — Место занято.

vacant seat — свободное место

Am I in your way? — Я вам не мешаю (не загораживаю

экран, сцену)?

entrance to the theatre (club, — вход в театр (клуб и т. п.)

We have seats in the tenth — Мы сидим (Наши места) в десятом

row. ряду.

What’s on in the local cinema — Что идет в соседнем кинотеатре (в

(the Odeon, etc.)? “Одеоне” и т. п.)?



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London is one of the leading world centres for drama and theatre. Contemporary playwrights like Tom Stoppard and Harold Pinter enjoy considerable success both in Britain and overseas. Peter Brook, Sir Peter Hall and Trevor Nunn also enjoy international reputations, while many British performers such as Lord Olivier, Vanessa Redgrave, Glenda Jackson or Sir John Gielgud are household names all over the world.

Britain has about 300 theatres which can seat between 200 and 2.300 people. Most theatres are owned either municipally or by non-profit-distributing organisations; some of the theatres, however, are privately owned.

In London there are a hundred or so West End and suburban theatres. 12 of these are permanently occupied by subsidized companies. The National Theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company and the English Stage Company are the three most important of these 12 subsidized companies. The National Theatre stages a wide range of modern and classical plays in its three auditoriums in the South Bank arts complex. The Royal Shakespeare Company produces plays by Shakespeare and his contemporaries as well as modern drama in its two auditoriums in the City’s Barbican Centre, while also performing in Stratford-upon-Avon. The English Stage Company produces the works of the most talented new playwrights at the Royal Court Theatre.

Outside London most cities and many large towns have at least one theatre. Some, like the Palace Theatre in Manchester, date from the nineteenth century, others like the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield have been built to the latest design. Some universities, like the one in Exeter, have theatres housing professional companies playing to the general public.

50 or so of the 300 theatres house resident theatre companies which receive subsidies from the Arts Council. The independent Arts Council of Great Britain was established in 1946. It gives financial help and advice to organisations ranging from the major drama companies to the smallest touring theatres and experimental groups. It encourages interest in contemporary arts and helps professional creative writers through a variety of subsidy schemes.

Most regional repertory companies mount about eight to ten productions a year. Some also have studio theatres in addition to their main auditorium. Successful productions from regional companies often transfer to London’s West End, while the largest regional theatres receive visits from the National Theatre or the Royal Shakespeare Company. Regional repertory theatres also frequently function as social centres by accommodating poetry recitals, concerts or exhibitions. There are several thousand amateur drama societies throughout Britain. They sometimes receive financial support from local government, regional art associations and other bodies. Their work is also encouraged by the British Theatre Association and the Central Council for Amateur Theatre. A number of companies, such as the Union Theatre for the Young and the Folk Children’s Theatre in London, produce plays for children under 11 years old; the young Vic Company in London and the Contact Theatre Company in Manchester produce plays for teenage audiences. Besides there are numerous Theatre-in-Education companies which perform in schools for all age ranges and abilities. Some of these operate independently, while others are attached to regional repertory theatres.


Dramatic training for actors and stage managers is provided mainly in drama schools. Among the most important are the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, the Central School of Speech and Drama, the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art and the Bristol Old Vic School.

Regular seasons of opera and ballet are given at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London, which receives financial assistance from the Arts Council. The Royal Opera House has its own company. The Royal Opera and a ballet company The Royal Ballet. The opera company numbers about 200 and has a permanent orchestra. The Royal Ballet has a regular London season, tours abroad and performs in the provinces for 12 weeks each year.

Seasons of opera and operetta are given by the Sadler’s Wells Company, which performs in London and tours both abroad and in the provinces. Professional training in music is given at colleges of music, of which the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music in London, and the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow are grant-sided.



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