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Группа4523-25; преподаватель Белова И.М. Контрольная работа должна быть выполнена ТОЛЬКО в отдельной тетради и сдана преподавателю или документоведу кафедры (каб.419, корпус А) до 01.12.15. Контрольные работы, сданные позже установленного срока, не проверяются. Правила оформления контрольной работы вывешены на стенде у каб. 419 (корпус А). Для того, чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу, необходимо повторить все ранее пройденные грамматические темы: - многофункциональные глаголы to be, to have, to do; модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты - порядок слов в разных типах предложений - система видовременных форм сказуемого - неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, герундий, причастие в простом предложении - обороты с неличными формами глагола Контрольная работа № 1 Вариант I I.Прочитайте текст. Придумайте и напишите по-английски заголовок к тексту. 1. Originally the Greek word “economics” means the skill of housekeeping. Nowadays the meaning of the word has rather changed and its modern interpretation means an economic basis of a society. Current economic models developed out of the broader field of political economy in the late XIXth century, owing to a desire to use an empirical approach. Many subjects, such as political science and sociology, which were once regarded as a part of the study of economics, have today become separate disciplines, although the study of any one generally implies a working knowledge of the others. 2. British philosopher Adam Smith is often cited as the father of modern economics for his work “The Wealth of Nations” published in 1776. His ideas were built upon a considerable body of his predecessors work in the eighteenth century. His book appeared on the eve of the Industrial Revolution with associated major changes in the economy. Smith's successors included such classical economists as David Ricardo and John Mill. They examined ways the landed, capitalist and labouring classes produced and distributed national output and modeled the effects of population and international trade. In London Karl Marx castigated the capitalist system, which he described as exploitative and alienating. From about 1870 neoclassical economics attempted to erect a positive, mathematical and scientifically grounded field above normative politics. John Maynard Keynes led a reaction against what has been described as governmental abstention from economic affairs, advocating interventionist fiscal policy to stimulate economic demand and growth. After the wars of the early twentieth century the world was divided between the capitalist, the communist and the poor “third world” countries. Governmental economic policies from the 1980s were challenged and development and information economists introduced new ideas to economic thought in the twenty-first century.
3. Economics is the social science that is concerned with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Economics as one of the social sciences is a study of the way in which wealth of the people is produced and consumed. Economics aims to explain how economies work and how economic agents interact. Economic analysis is applied throughout society, not only in business, finance and government, but also in crime, education, family life, health, law, politics, religion, war and science. One of the fundamental characteristics of economics is the large body of formal, abstract theory; much of it formulated mathematically. Unlike the situation in the natural sciences the subject matter of economics is constantly changing. Moreover, the structure of economics was never planned; it simply grew and developed as economists pursued new lines of enquiry, dropped or modified the old ones, developed new techniques and so on. But because of all these changes a historical perspective is more important in economics than in natural sciences. The achievements in the field of economics are very important for people because they concern material well-being. 4. The typical variables in terms of which an economic system is described are the amounts of various goods and services produced, consumed, added to and subtracted from existing stocks, also the prices at which these purchases and sales are made. These data, usually expressed in mathematical language, explain the outputs, unemployment, prices, investments and so on. Economists have to analyze a great variety of market terms and structures, revealing the advantages and disadvantages. 5. Many economists specialize in a particular branch of the subject, for example, there are labour economists, energy economists, monetary economists, international economists. What distinguishes these economists is the segment of economic life which they are interested in. Labour economics deals with problems of the labour market as viewed by firms, workers and society as a whole. Urban economics deals with city problems: land use, transport, congestion, and housing. Welfare economists examine the role of the state in economic life. 6. We can also classify branches of economics according to the approach of methodology that is used. The primary distinction is between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics examines the behavior of basic elements in the economy, including individual markets and agents such as consumers and firms, buyers and sellers; macroeconomics addresses issues affecting an entire economy, including the determination of the total output of the economy, the aggregate level of unemployment, and the rate of inflation or growth of prices of goods and services as a whole and monetary and fiscal policy. Microeconomics places the emphasis on a detailed understanding of a particular market. Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole; it is concerned not with the details but with the overall picture. Other distinctions included are between positive economics describing "what is" and normative economics advocating "what ought to be"; between economic theory and applied economics and so on.
II.Переведите письменно на русский язык абзацы, указанные преподавателем (1 и 2). III. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту. 1. What does economics study? 2. What is the difference between economics as the social science and the natural studies? 3. What are the main problems the particular branch of economics deals with? 4. What classification according to the approach of methodology exists? IV. Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений являются ложными. 1. Macroeconomics places the emphasis on a detailed understanding of a particular market. 2. A historical perspective is more important in economics than in natural sciences. 3. Welfare economists examine the role of the state in economic life. 4. One of the fundamental characteristics of economics is a great variety of market terms and structures. 5. Many economists specialize in a particular branch of the subject. 6. Like the situation in the natural sciences the subject matter of economics is constantly changing. 7. Current economic models developed out of the broader field of political economy in the early 20th century. 8. David Ricardo and John Mill examined ways the landed, capitalist and labouring classes produced and distributed national output. 9. John Maynard Keynes attempted to erect a positive, mathematical and scientifically grounded field above normative politics. 10. We can also classify branches of economics according to production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. V. Переведите предложения письменно, определите видовременную форму и залог сказуемого. Задайтеккаждомупредложениюодинвопросуказанноготипа. 1. Yesterday I read an advertisement about the latest model of the machine tool I am interested in. (общий) 2. Robinson & Co, Ltd., a British firm, and our company have been doing business for a number of years. (специальный) 3. Our Vice President is attending the International Engineering Conference, which will be held in February. (альтернативный) 4. Most of the good points of the earlier types have been incorporated in this model. (разделительный) 5. We are not satisfied with the results of the test made at our factory. (к подлежащему) VI. Письменно переведите предложения на английский язык. 1. Вчера я прочитал объявление о продаже последней модели автомобиля, которой я интересовался в течение последних трех месяцев. 2. Наша компания всегда предлагает скидки и льготы постоянным клиентам; наиболее выгодные условия будут предоставлены тем, кто уже заключил не менее семи контрактов. 3. Мы начнем промышленное производство данного вида продукции к апрелю следующего года. 4. Совет директоров в данный момент обсуждает условия, предложенные в контракте, чтобы подписать его как можно быстрее. 5. Конструкторский отдел нашего завода работал над этой моделью с июля по октябрь, однако заказчик выявил ряд недостатков, которые мы устраним через три недели.
VII. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Financial capital to be used in a business may either belong to the business itself or it may be borrowed from a bank. 2. We know management to include such components as planning, organizing, directing, controlling and coordinating. 3. The clearing system proved to have become a convenient and economical means of setting debts between banks. 4. Other conditions being equal, an average worker in the United States is known to be paid more than the one in India. 5. Economists believe the US grain market to have been strongly affected by government agricultural policies and by competition inside and outside the country. 6. New materials increasing the supplied quantity of goods, manufacturers are interested producing technologically advanced goods in practice. 7. Being the oldest and the simplest form of business organization the sole proprietorship is unlikely to account for a considerable share of all businesses operating in the market. 8. Unreasonably high prices and poor selling methods are proved to reduce the success of any new product at the market. 9. Such low developed countries as Mexico and Brazil are satisfied with their having increased their export of manufactured goods to industrialized countries. 10. Loans making up the bigger share of clearing bank lending were clearly shown by economists a decade ago. VIII.Перепишите и переведите письменно следующие словосочетания. 1) different substances density measuring 2) the modern house ventilation facilities 3) National Oil and Gas Research Institute 4) nineteenth century physics achievements 5) new digital computer effectiveness 6) modern sport car average velocity 7) the thorough scientific discussion results Рекомендуемая литература: 1. Глушенкова Е.В. Английский язык для студентов экономических специальностей,. М.: ООО «Издательство ACT»: OOO «Издательство Астрель», 2003. 2. Английский язык: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения/Казан.гос.технол.ун-т; Сост. Загидуллина И.М. Казань: КГТУ, 2005. 3. Загидуллина И.М., Анисимова Т.И., Хазиева Р.Н., Мосина И.В. Easy English Examination. Essential Topics for Better English. Учебное пособие. Нижнекамский химико-технологический институт (филиал) КГТУ, Нижнекамск, 2010.
Для получения зачета за 1 семестр необходимо выучить наизусть следующий текст. About Myself My name is Oleg. I am 25. I was born and live in Nizhnekamsk. I am married (not married yet) and live together with my wife and a daughter (a son, with my parents, with my brother). Our flat isn’t large but comfortable (cozy, well-furnitured, small, inconvenient). It is a three-room flat on the second floor of the five-storeyed house. I work as a manager (worker, driver, laboratory or shop assistant, security guard, an office worker) at the petrochemical plant (tyre plant, oil processing plant, at the shop, at the office of a company). I like (don’t like) my job, because it is very interesting (dull, difficult). I am busy all day long, I have to get up very early and usually go to bed late in the evening. Every day I have a lot of work to do, but when the working hours are over, I usually go to the sport center. I do take care about my health and about my future that’s why I do not smoke and do my best to go in for sport at least twice a week. I am used to spend my weekends with my family (my friends, alone). Sometimes we go to the countryside, play different games, cook tasty things (meat, sausages, vegetables, toasts) or simply walk. When the weather is bad we stay at home, watch TV or listen to music and chatter. Reading the English books in the original is also my hobby. Besides I must devote enough time to my studies because I am a student. I think higher education will help me get a new profession (to make a career, to get a profitable job). That’s why I decided to enter this institute last year. Today I am a first-year student of Nizhnekamsk Institute of Chemical Technology. I study at the full-time (part-time, extra-mural) department. Twice a year I have to pass the examinations some of which are rather difficult, especially because I can’t (don’t want to) afford much time to study thoroughly all year round. But I am going to work hard to get a diploma. And in a few years I will become an economic manager.
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