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Listen to an interview with Miss Sweetie, the advice columnist of 4Teen magazine and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

Listen to an interview with Miss Sweetie, the advice columnist of 4Teen magazine and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.

7. Why does Miss Sweetie like her work?

A. Because she’s young                             B. Because she can help her readers

C. Because she earns a lot of money        D. Because she loves her readers

8. What does she think of?

A. The best possible advice                       B. Nice words

C. Nice sentences                                       D. Sympathetic expressions

9. We need to be very ________ about how to put the advice into words.

A. careful                                                   B. humorous               

C. thoughtful                                             D. senseless

10. What does she help the person get over?

A. the positive feelings                              B. the negative feelings

C. the bad thoughts                               D. the negative thoughts.

_____ The end _____


Listen and choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. He needs to find a _______ pair.

A. longer                B. shorter               C. cheaper              D. larger

2. She needs to find a _______ one.

A. prettier               B. bigger                C. smaller               D. better

3. She needs to find a _______ pair.

A. tighter                B. bigger                C. smaller               D. looser

4. He needs to find a _______ pair.

A. bigger                B. cheaper              C. smaller               D. better

5. He needs to find a _______ one.

A. tighter                B. looser                 C. smaller               D. bigger

6. She needs to find a _______ size.

A. smaller               B. bigger                C. more comfortable D. cheaper

Listen to Nicolas and Maya talking about their eating habits and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blank.

- Nicolas:

7. At lunchtime, I’m always hungry, so I have a _______, a packet of crisps, and a cola. I can easily get them at the school canteen.

A. biscuit                B. hamburger         C. beer  D. bread

8. I’m thinking about changing them. If I continue eating like this, I may become ________.

A. overweight        B. fat                      C. thin                    D. obese

- Maya:

9. It’s important to start a new day with a good _________, so I tend to have nutritious things.

A. meal                   B. breakfast            C. lunch                  D. dinner

10. My favourite is steamed­ fish. Lean grilled ________ is also a dish I like for dinner.

A. meat                  B. beef             C. chicken              D. eggs

_____ The end _____



Listen and choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. He needs to find a _______ pair.

A. longer                B. shorter               C. cheaper              D. larger

2. She needs to find a _______ one.

A. prettier               B. bigger                C. smaller               D. better

3. She needs to find a _______ pair.

A. tighter                B. bigger                C. smaller               D. looser

4. He needs to find a _______ pair.

A. bigger                B. cheaper              C. smaller               D. better

5. He needs to find a _______ one.

A. tighter                B. looser                 C. smaller               D. bigger

6. She needs to find a _______ size.

A. smaller               B. bigger                C. more comfortable D. cheaper

Listen to Nicolas and Maya talking about their eating habits and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill in the blank.

- Nicolas:

7. At lunchtime, I’m always hungry, so I have a _______, a packet of crisps, and a cola. I can easily get them at the school canteen.

A. biscuit                B. hamburger        C. beer  D. bread

8. I’m thinking about changing them. If I continue eating like this, I may become ________.

A. overweight        B. fat                      C. thin                    D. obese

- Maya:

9. It’s important to start a new day with a good _________, so I tend to have nutritious things.

A. meal                   B. breakfast            C. lunch                  D. dinner

10. My favourite is steamed­ fish. Lean grilled ________ is also a dish I like for dinner.

A. meat                  B. beef             C. chicken              D. eggs

_____ The end _____


Listen and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1. Stephanie would like to have ________.    

A. brothers             B. sisters                 C. cousins               D. nephews

2. Donna’s brother is a __________.

A. teacher               B. student              C. professor            D. doctor

3. Bob’s sister _________ bosses him round.

A. never                 B. sometimes          C. always               D. usually

4. Rosie’s friend would like to come from a _________ family.

A. small                  B. big                     C. medium – size   D. nuclear

5. Tina is ________ child.

A. an only              B. a lonely              C. one                     D. a    

(Track 4 – Disc 2)

Listen to an old man talking about his school days and choose the correct answer to fill in the blank.

6. I went to a village school. In fact, there was only one classroom for _______ students of different ages, both boys and girls, and one teacher who taught everything.

A. 15                      B. 25                      C. 35                      D. 50

7. The school didn’t have a ________, so we just called it ‘our school’.

 A. classroom         B. sign  C. name                  D. gate

8. We also learnt a little maths and ________.

A. Vietnamese       B. literature      C. history               D. physics

9. There were no _______ lessons, and we didn’t have exams, either.

A. science          B. chemistry           C. geograhy            D. arts

10. We could talk only when we were ________ to.

A. forced                B. made                  C. allowed              D. told

_____ The end ____



Listen and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

1. Stephanie would like to have ________.    

A. brothers             B. sisters                 C. cousins               D. nephews

2. Donna’s brother is a __________.

A. teacher               B. student              C. professor            D. doctor

3. Bob’s sister _________ bosses him round.

A. never                 B. sometimes          C. always               D. usually

4. Rosie’s friend would like to come from a _________ family.

A. small                  B. big                     C. medium – size   D. nuclear

5. Tina is ________ child.

A. an only              B. a lonely              C. one                     D. a    

(Track 4 – Disc 2)

Listen to an old man talking about his school days and choose the correct answer to fill in the blank.

6. I went to a village school. In fact, there was only one classroom for _______ students of different ages, both boys and girls, and one teacher who taught everything.

A. 15                      B. 25                      C. 35                      D. 50

7. The school didn’t have a ________, so we just called it ‘our school’.

 A. classroom         B. sign  C. name                  D. gate

8. We also learnt a little maths and ________.

A. Vietnamese       B. literature      C. history               D. physics

9. There were no _______ lessons, and we didn’t have exams, either.

A. science               B. chemistry           C. geograhy            D. arts

10. We could talk only when we were ________ to.

A. forced                B. made                  C. allowed              D. told


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