I am a student of the Murmansk State Technical University
Стр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Кафедра иностранных языков
Я – СТУДЕНТ МУРМАНСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА Методические указания по развитию навыков устной речи и чтения для студентов всех факультетов на начальном этапе обучения
Мурманск УДК 811. 111 (076.5) ББК 81. 2Англ. я 73 Я 11
Методические указания рассмотрены и одобрены кафедрой 27 февраля 2008 г., протокол № 7
Редактор Г.В. Зобнина
© Мурманский государственный технический университет, 2008
ВВЕДЕНИЕ................................................................................................ 4 PART ONE. GETTING ACQUAINTRD.................................................. 5 PART TWO................................................................................................. 9 Unit 1. I am a student of the Murmansk State Technical University......... 9 Unit 2. My friend's family........................................................................ 21 Unit 3. My study at the University.......................................................... 29 Unit 4. My friend's study at the University............................................. 40 Unit 5. My day off................................................................................... 49 Unit 6. My friend's day off...................................................................... 55 PART 3. GRAMMAR DRILL.................................................................. 62 Present Simple......................................................................................... 62 Past Simple.............................................................................................. 74 Revision................................................................................................... 82 ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА................................................. 86
ВВЕДЕНИЕ Целью методических указаний является развитие навыков говорения по теме "Я – студент Мурманского государственного технического университета". Методические указания включают в себя следующие разговорные темы: "О себе и своей семье", "Мой рабочий день", "Мой выходной день". По каждой теме предлагается два текста. Первый текст – среднего уровня сложности, второй – повышенной трудности, ориентированный на студентов, имеющих хороший уровень языковой подготовки. После каждого текста приводятся упражнения, направленные на усвоение лексико-грамматического материала по данной тематике. Обзорные упражнения имеют контрольные ответы, что облегчает самостоятельное овладение студентом лексикой и грамматикой, необходимой для составления собственных рассказов о себе, о своем друге и т. д. Методические указания могут быть использованы на аудиторных занятиях, как в полном объеме, так и выборочно по усмотрению преподавателя.
PART ONE GETTING AZQUAINTED 1. Do you know how people greet each other when they meet? Discuss it with your partner and tell your fellow students. Read the text to know about possible ways of greeting and why people do it. 2. Read the following words and word combinations below and try to memorize them.
3. Read and translate the text. *** When people have a company or when they're invited to formal or informal get-togethers, they usually make a point of trying to make others feel comfortable and relaxed. On the whole, they tend to be informal. Men shake hands, but usually only when they're introduced. Male friends and business associates who haven't seen each other in a while may shake hands when they say hello. Women usually don't shake hands when being introduced to each other. When a woman and a man are introduced, shaking hands is up to the woman. Men shake hands to say good-bye. Handshaking is rather rare in Britain as well, but it is a correct thing to do on the Continent. When an Englishman passes a friend in the street he only touches his hat. He doesn't shake hands when he stops to talk. At parties, interviews and other formal and informal situations you meet people you haven't met before and have to introduce yourself to them, or they introduce themselves to you. You also have to introduce people you already know to one another.
Here are a few rules of introduction which are useful to remember: 1. men are introduced to women; 2. young people to older ones; 3. old friends to newcomers; 4. a young girl to a married woman; 5. women are never presented to a man.
4. Answer the questions to the text. 1. Why do people greet each other? 2. How do people greet each other? 3. What are the rules of introduction? 5. How do you greet your friends/ acquaintance? Phrases to remember 1. Read the following phrases and try to memorize them.
2. Read the dialogues and dramatize them in class. 1. – Can you do me a favour, Jim? Would you mind introducing me to Miss Jones? – Oh, yes, with pleasure, though it is rather strange you don't know each other. – I just didn't have a chance to get acquainted with her. Is she a nice girl?
– Yes, of course, and she has a very nice dog. 2. – Harry, have you met Mr. Grey? – No, we haven't met. – Come along then, I will introduce you to him, if you like. – With pleasure. – Mr. Grey, I should like to introduce Mr. Smith, a friend of mine. – How do you do, Mr. Smith? Pleased to meet you. – How do you do, Mr. Grey? I am very glad to know you. 3. – James, may I introduce Henry Brown? Mr. Smith, this is Henry Brown. You are sure to have plenty to say each other. – How do you do, Mr. Richardson? – How do you do, Mr. Brown? (They shake hands.) 4. – Have you ever met Mr. Hall? – No, we haven't met. – Come along, I will introduce you to him if you like. – With pleasure. – Mr. Hall, I'd like to introduce Mr. Brown, a friend of mine. – How do you do, Mr. Hall? – How do you do, Mr. Brown? I am very glad to know you. 5. – I'm sorry. Are you acquainted? No? Harry, this is James Richardson! – How do you do? I am glad to meet you. – How do you do? I am pleased to have made your acquaintance, Mr. Smith.
3. Translate the dialogues into English. 1. – Господин Джонсон, разрешите представить вам г-на Смирнова. – Здравствуйте, г-н Смирнов. – Здравствуйте, г-н Джонсон. Бернард Грей недавно рассказывал мне о вашей последней работе. Это чрезвычайно интересно. 2. – Разрешите Вам представить г-на Маркова из Санкт-Петербурга. – Здравствуйте, г-н Марков. Рад с вами познакомиться. – Здравствуйте, г-н Холл. Я тоже очень рад. 3. – Генри, познакомитесь с моей женой. Элиза, это мой друг Генри. – Очень рада с Вами познакомиться, Генри. – Я также очень рад, Элиза. 4. – Вот идет Билл. Ты знаешь его? Он один из моих лучших друзей. – Нет, я никогда его не встречал раньше. – Хочешь с ним познакомиться? – Конечно. 5. – Привет, Билл. Как твои дела? – Неплохо, спасибо. А как твои? – Спасибо, прекрасно. Знаешь, Билл, я хочу познакомить тебя с Гарри. Он один из моих старых друзей. – Здравствуйте! – Здравствуйте!
PART TWO Unit 1 I am a student of the Murmansk State Technical University 1. Look up the words in a dictionary, find their pronunciation and read them aloud.
2. Read the following words and word combinations and learn them by heart.
3. Read the following words and word combinations and translate them into Russian.
4. Make up your own sentences using words and phrases from tasks 1, 2, 3. 5. Read and translate the text using a dictionary. *** First of all let me introduce myself: my name is Sergey. I am 17 years old. This year I left school and I entered the Murmansk State Technical University. I still feel excited at the thought that I managed to pass entry exams successfully and now I am a first year student of the faculty of Natural Sciences. My specialized field is Water supply and water diversion / Environmental Engineering/ Civil Engineering. I decided long ago where to study. I wanted to be an engineer and to continue my father's career. I am sure that this profession guarantees good living conditions and provides promotion. I think I will avoid unemployment or at least I will be able to apply my skills and knowledge in other fields of human activity. I believe that I have made the right choice and I will do my best to acquire proficiency. So, as I have just started studying, I do everything possible to get as much knowledge as I can. I should say that being a school boy I was not at the top of the class with my study, but I am a very hard worker, I am used to doing everything well. My favorite subjects are chemistry and mathematics. In fact I am rather good at them. Besides I am very interested in reading. I am a regular visitor of the library where I spend a lot of time. I also go to the reading hall to get ready for seminars and practical classes. I go in for sports as well. I play volleyball. I like yachting and windsurfing. Now I'd like to tell you some words about my family. We are the family of three. I live with my parents. But I have got the elder brother. He is married and has a family of his own. In my opinion, family is an emotional center of a person's life, transmitter of culture. In happy families parents are honest with their children without moralizing, and children, in their turn, learn how to get along with other people. It is true to my family, I think. My father's name is Vadim. He is 50. He works as an engineer at a water treatment plant. He is strong both in body and character. He is generous and full of joy. He has a lot of work to do in his office. He often works very late. He likes to do everything perfectly. He can make different things with his own hands. My mother's name is Olga. She is well-bred, tactful and fair. She is warm-hearted and at the same time practical, reserved and full of common sense. She is a housewife and she does all the housework. Besides she helps my brother to bring up his sons. She is very concern about them and the boys feel affection for their Granny. My father and I try to help her about the house, though we are always short of time. My brother Igor is 30. As I have already said, he is married and has two sons Alex and Boris. He is a lawyer by profession. We are all on friendly terms. We like to spend time together. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, listen to music or just talk about the events of the day. My parents don't always agree to what I say but they listen to my opinion. So, we are the family and we get along fine. Additional vocabulary
6. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and phrases: поступить в университет; закончить школу; сдать вступительные экзамены; естественно-технический факультет; водоснабжение и водоотведение; защита окружающей среды; промышленное и гражданское строительство; обеспечивать продвижение по службе; избегать; применять на практике умения и навыки в других сферах человеческой деятельности; чувствовать привязанность; сделать правильный выбор; делать все возможное; быть лучшим; заниматься спортом; гарантировать хороший уровень жизни; ладить; работать допоздна; избегать безработицы; полагать; привыкать; воспитанный; интересоваться чем-л.; увлекаться; проводить много времени; вести домашнее хозяйство; получать много знаний; обсуждать новости; как я уже сказал.
7. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases. 1. First of all (разрешите представиться): my name is Sergey. 2. This year I (закончил школу) and I (поступил в Мурманский государственный технический университет). 3. I am (студент первого курса естественно-технического факультета). 4. I am sure that this profession (гарантирует хороший жизненный уровень и обеспечивает продвижение по службе). 5. I think I (избегу) unemployment or at least I (смогу применить) my skills and knowledge in other fields of human activity. 6. (Мне следует сказать) that being a school boy I was not at the top of the class with my study, but I (очень трудолюбивый) and I (привык) to doing everything well. 7. Besides I (интересуюсь) in reading. 8. I also go to a reading hall (чтобы подготовиться к семинарам и практическим занятиям). 9. He (работает) as an engineer at a water treatment plant. 10. He often (задерживается на работе). 11. She (заботится о внуках) and the boys (чувствуют привязанность) for their Granny. 12. My father and I (пытаемся) to help her about the house, though (у нас мало времени). 13. My brother Igor is 30. As I have already said, he (женат) and has two sons Alex and Boris. 14. We like (проводить) time together. 15. In the evenings we (смотрим) TV, read books and newspapers, (слушаем) music or just talk about (событиях) of the day. 16. My parents don't always (соглашаются) to what I say but they listen to my opinion. 8. Complete the following sentences using the information from the text. 1. …myself: my name is Sergey. 2. This year I left school and I entered… 3. I still feel excited at the thought that I managed… and now I am a first year student… 4. My specialized field is… 5. I am sure that this profession… and… 6. I think I will avoid… or at least I will be able… 7. I will do my best to… 8. I do everything possible… 9. I should say that being a school boy I was not…, but I am a very hard worker…. My favorite subjects are… 10. Besides I am very… 11. I also go to… 12. My father works… 13. He has a lot of work… 14. My mother is a housewife and she… 15. Besides she helps my brother... 16. My father and I try to… 17. We are all… 18. So, we are the family and we…
9. Read the following statements and express your agreement or disagreement. When you disagree give the correct information. To express your agreement use such expressions as: I think, that exactly so; How right you are; Speaking frankly, you are quite right; Exactly, just so; I quite agree with you; I fully agree with you; I can't agree more; That is my opinion too; That is very true; etc. To express your disagreement use such expressions as: I am afraid you are wrong/ mistaken/ not quite right; Nothing of the kind; It is unlikely; It is doubtful; I don't think you are right; Well I think that's not so; Are you sure?; That's your opinion, not mine; I don't believe that; etc. To give the correct information and to express your opinion use such expressions as: I think/ suppose/ believe/ consider/ feel/ guess; In my opinion; From my point of view; Frankly speaking; As far as I understand; The matter/ the problem/ trouble is that; etc.
1. Last year Sergey left school and he didn't enter the Murmansk State Technical University. 2. He still feels excited at the thought that he didn't manage to pass entry exams successfully. 3. He wanted to be an engineer and to continue his father's career. 4. He is not sure that this profession guarantees good living conditions and provides promotion. 5. He doesn't think he will avoid unemployment. 6. He will not be able to apply his skills and knowledge in other fields of human activity. 7. He does everything possible to get as little knowledge as he can. 8. He is a very hard worker and he is used to doing everything well. 9. She doesn't go to a reading hall to get ready for seminars and practical classes. 10. He lives with my parents. 11. In my opinion, family is not an emotional center of a person's life. 12. His father has a lot of work to do in his office and he never works very late. 13. He and his father don't try to help their mother about the house, though they have time to do it. 14. They aren't the family but they get along fine.
10. Answer the questions using the information from the text and compare them with the given answers. Work in pairs.
11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English and compare them with the given ones. Work in pairs.
12. Translate interrogative sentences from Russian into English. Mind the proper usage of auxiliary verbs and word order. Compare them with the given sentences. Work in pairs.
13. Look through the text again and make a list of key words to speak about: – your father; – your mother; – your sister/ brother; – yourself. 14. Ask your friend about his/ her – father; – mother; – sister or brother, using key words. 15. Make up a story about yourself, using the list of key words. Try to use as many words and word combinations from the text as possible. Unit 2 My friend's family 1. Look up the words in a dictionary, find their pronunciation and read them aloud.
2. Read the following words and word combinations and learn them by heart.
3. Read the following words and word combinations and translate them into Russian.
4. Make up your own sentences using words and phrases from tasks 1, 2, 3. 5. Read and translate the text using a dictionary. *** Let me introduce my friend Vladimir, a first year student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Murmansk State Technical University. His specialized field is mining. He is 17. We have much in common: the same interests and attitude to life. Very often our opinions coincide, sometimes they differ. But we never quarrel; there is mutual understanding between us. He is very pleasant in manner and appearance. He is even-tempered, calm and frank. He is persistent, but sometimes he looses his temper and becomes either angry or sad. He likes to laugh and to joke. He has a good sense of humor. He is clever and hard-working. Vladimir does his study well though he says that sometimes study makes him tired. He goes out to disco or he plays computer games quite often, and as a result he doesn't go to bed until late at night or rather early in the morning. So, he doesn't always listen to lectures in class (he goes to sleep there). In spite of this fact he always comes on time because he doesn't like to be a minute late for his lessons. He is not a great sportsman but he is always in good shape and if he doesn't have time to go to a gym, he keeps fit by physical exercises. His family is not very large. He has a father, a mother and a teenage sister called Ann. They live in a three room flat in the center of the city. His father is a professional painter; he works for a design company. He is always early for work. He has a lot of work to do in his office. He is busy almost every day. He often works late. Sometimes when he comes home he looks exhausted and the only thing he wants is to watch TV without doing anything. By the way he is fond of watching football matches. If there is something of this kind on, the whole family has nothing to do but watch it. He hasn't got a particular hobby as he doesn't have enough time. It is untrue to say that he doesn't help his wife about the house, from time to time he goes shopping or washes up, not more. As a matter of fact he makes a reasonable amount of money. His mother is a teacher of music and plays the piano well. She is very energetic and talkative. She always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school. Despite it she always looks terrific. I don't know when she finds time. Every day she is at work. After work she hunts around shops for high quality goods, then she cooks because she doesn't allow anybody to do it, but frankly speaking nobody wants to spend evenings in the kitchen; besides, everybody likes her meals. Of course she is a marvelous cook. Her only disadvantage is that she spends money like water, but who doesn't like to do it? As for his sister, she is always busy at school. She does her study well. She manages to find time to have a get-together with her friends, to help mother with washing up, cleaning the flat and doing her home work. She is as good as gold. His grandparents don't live with them. As they are old-age pensioners they prefer to live in a village. Vladimir is always very glad to see them. As you can understand they are very different but they are a family.
6. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and phrases: иметь много общего; внимание; совпадать; отличаться; иметь приятную внешность и хорошие манеры; уравновешенный человек; спокойный; выходить из себя; шутить; трудолюбивый; опаздывать; быть в хорошей форме; быть занятым; выглядеть измученным; слушать лекции; позволять; недостаток; ссориться; взаимопонимание; хорошо учиться; ходить на дискотеки; ложиться спать; поддерживать форму физическими упражнениями; сестра-подросток; уходить на работу рано; увлекаться; ходить по магазинам; по правде говоря; великолепный повар; предпочитать.
7. Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English words and phrases. 1. His specialized field is (горное дело). 2. We have (много общего): the same interests and (отношение) to life. 3. Very often (наши мнения совпадают), sometimes they (отличаются). 4. Sometimes he looses his temper and becomes (или) angry (или) sad. 5. He likes (смеяться и шутить). 6. Vladimir (хорошо учится) though he says that sometimes study makes him tired. 7. (Hесмотря на это) he always comes on time and he doesn't like (опаздывать на занятия). 8. He is not a great sportsman but he is always (в хорошей форме) and if he doesn't have time to go to a gym, he keeps fit by physical exercises. 9. They live (в трехкомнатной квартире) in the center of the city. 10. Sometimes when his father comes home he (выглядит измученным) and (единственное, что он хочет) is to watch TV without doing anything. 11. By the way, he (увлекается) watching football matches. 12. (Фактически) he makes a reasonable amount of money. 13. His mother always has a lot of work (по дому) and at school. Despite it she always looks terrific. 14. After work she (бегает по магазинам) for high quality goods, then she cooks because she (не позволяет) anybody to do it, but (откровенно говоря) nobody wants to spend evenings in the kitchen besides everybody likes her meals. 15. (Ее единственный недостаток) is that she spends money like water, but who doesn't like to do it?
8. Complete the following sentences using the information from the text. 1. Let me introduce my friend Vladimir… 2. We have much in common: the same… 3. Very often our opinions…, sometimes they… 4. He is very pleasant… 5. He is persistent, but sometimes he looses his temper and becomes… 6. Vladimir does his study well though… 7. …to disco or he plays computer games quite often, and as a result he doesn't get to bed… 8. In spite of this fact he is generally… and he doesn't like to be… 9. He is not a great sportsman but he is always in good shape and if he doesn't have time to go to a gym, he… 10. His father is a professional painter; he works for... 11. He is always early… 12. He often… 13. He hasn't got a particular hobby as he doesn't… 14. It is untrue to say that he doesn't help his wife about the house, from time to time he… 15. His mother is… 16. She always has a lot of work to do… 17. Her only disadvantage is… 18. As for his sister, she is always… 19. She manages to…,... 20. As you can understand they are very different but...
9. Read the following statements and express your agreement or disagreement. When you disagree give the correct information. To express your agreement use such expressions as: I think, that exactly so; How right you are; Speaking frankly, you are quite right; Exactly, just so; I quite agree with you; I fully agree with you; I can't agree more; That is my opinion too; That is very true; etc. To express your disagreement use such expressions as: I am afraid you are wrong/ mistaken/ not quite right; Nothing of the kind; It is unlikely; It is doubtful; I don't think you are right; Well I think that's not so; Are you sure?; That's your opinion, not mine; I don't believe that; etc. To give the correct information and to express your opinion use such expressions as: I think/ suppose/ believe/ consider/ feel/ guess; In my opinion; From my point of view; Frankly speaking; As far as I understand; The matter/ the problem/ trouble is that; etc. 1. Vladimir is a second year student of Polytechnic Faculty of the Murmansk State Technical University. 2. His specialized field is Water Supply and Water Diversion. 3. They have much in common: the same interests and attitude to life. Their opinions never coincide. 4. He is very pleasant in manner and appearance. 5. He doesn't like to laugh and to joke. 6. Vladimir does his study well and he says that his study never makes him tired. 7. He doesn't go out to disco, and as a result he goes to bed early in the evening. 8. He is a great sportsman and he is always in good shape. 9. His father is an engineer; he works at a water treatment plant. 10. He has got a particular hobby as he has enough time. 11. It is true to say that he doesn't help his wife about the house. 12. His mother is a teacher of English. 13. She is not energetic and talkative. 14. After work she watches TV without doing anything. 15. Everybody likes her meals. 16. As for his sister, she doesn't go to school. 17. She manages to find time to have a get-together with her friends, but she doesn't have time to help mother with washing up and cleaning the flat. 18. His grandparents live with them.
10. Answer the questions using the information from the text and compare them with the given answers. Work in pairs.
11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English and then compare them with the given ones. Work in pairs.
12. Translate interrogative sentences from Russian into English. Mind the proper usage of auxiliary verbs and word order. Compare them with the given answers. Work in pairs.
13. Look through the text again and make a list of key words to speak about: – Vladimir; – his father; – his mother; – his sister.
14. Make up a story about your friend, using the list of key words. Try to use as many words and word combinations from the text as possible.
Unit 3
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