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What's he/she like? Is she/he nice?


Part 1

“What's in a Name?”

Click on the link “What's in a Name?” to get into the lesson. Follow all tasks given.

Additional material to the topic

Assignment 1:

Read the information about “Name Astrology”.

A child's birth is an occasion for joy and celebration for the parents, but along with it's birth parents also worry about their child's future as to how his/her personality will develop over the years, how he/she will fare in studies, what would be his/her weak or strong points. There are so many questions which come in the mind of the parents.

Each child is born with their own individual characteristics, aptitude, and personality along with creative and mental abilities. A Child Astrology is a way to gain insight into children's personality, and how to support their development by understanding their strengths and weaknesses. According to the Name astrology it will be possible to identify the key potential areas of the child in turn to help parents to recognize the talents and abilities of the child and in turn to help the child to realize and fulfill their optimum potential.

Assignment 2:

Using the baby name list, you may SEARCH THE BABY NAME MEANINGS http://kamalkapoor.com/name-meanings/baby-name-list-m.asp


Assignment 3: Find out the meanings of these words connected with names

real name __________________________________

original name __________________________________

given name __________________________________

first name __________________________________

pen name __________________________________

nickname ____________________________

maiden name ____________________________

full name ____________________________

surname ____________________________

family name ____________________________

middle name ____________________________

last name ____________________________

second name ____________________________

Just for fun

1. Using search engines find the full name of the popular hero of the Ealf & Petroff famous book “ The golden Lamb” Ostap Bender

Q: Hello.
Q: Could you say a few words about yourself?
My name is Caitlin Murphy.
I'm from Toronto, Canada.
I'm twenty five years old.
I live in Toronto.
Q: And what about your family members?
My parents and my sister live together in Toronto,
we live in a house in the center of the city.
My sister is a student at the university there,
and they all live together.
My mother's name is Jane.
My father's name is Edward.
And my sister's name is Julia.

Part 2

Assignment 1: Describe yourself and your close relatives using all sources available to you (questionnaire, horoscope and a list of appearance features and character qualities below).

Describing appearance

Assignment 1:

  1. Use the lists below to describe your relatives appearance (another student, your teacher) or how they look.
  2. Pairs work: one student can write down a description from a picture and the other student must guess who it is.
  3. Describe yourself.
Height Build Age
tall, tallish, short, shortish, medium height frail, stocky, slim, thin, plump, fat, skinny, well-built young, elderly, middle-aged, teenager, in 20s, 30s, 40s


Face Eyes Hair Clothes
round, oval, square, with scares, wrinkles, freckles, sun-tanned, pale big round blue eyes, large, small, bright, narrow bald, straight, curly, spiky, wavy casual, scruffy, shabby, smart, tidy, messy

Here is a more detailed features’ list for your describing

Heightвысота, вышина; рост:

tall, short, medium, stumpy (коренастый), leggy (

stout, plump, fat/thin, slender стройный, lean (men) тощий, худощавый, slim (women), graceful (грациозный)

tall, short, average (средний), low невысокий

Looks=appearance (внешность, наружность, облик, вид):

attractive, handsome (men), beautiful, pretty (women, children), charming, good-looking/ugly, unattractive
Face shape:

round, square, oval
Complexion (цвет лица):

dark, fair, pale, sun-tanned, freckled, pimpled (прыщавый), wrinkled, fleshy, swarthy смуглый; темный, tired (нездоровый), healthy
General features:

delicate, regular, stern, forceful, sharp, prominent, wearing much/little/no make-up; having a mole/birthmark/scar on the cheek/chin
Hair color:

blonde-haired, brown-haired, dark, black, red-headed, fair, grey-haired, hair was just going grey, dyed, highlighted
Hair type:

silky, curly, straight, frizzy, wavy, thick, thin.
Hair style:

a hair-cut, a hairdo, rumpled, to wear a fringe, her hair was caught with a ribbon, plaits, braids, ponytail, bald
Facial hair:

clean-shaven, bearded, stubby face, moustache

protruding/hollow forehead, bulging, high/low, broad/narrow

big, little, short, long, fleshy, snub, hooked, aquiline, straight, wide, narrow-nostrilled, pointed
Eye color:

grey, blue, dark, green, hazel, steel-grey
Eye description:

glassy, big, little, round, close-set, deep-set, cross-eyed, piggy eyes, dark bags under the eyes, enormous, a piercing look/glance
Ears: big, little, lobes, cauliflower ears
Chin: double, smooth, pointed, massive, round, firm
Jaw: square, strong, long
Neck: short, long, thick, thin, twisted
Shoulders: broad, square, stooped
Walk: easy, limping, steady/unsteady, heavy/light
Age: to look younger/older than..., middle-aged, elderly, youthful



Part 3

Describing Character

What's he/she like? Is she/he nice?

Assignment 1:

  1. Use the words below to describe what your friends, family and teachers are like.
  2. In pairs: one student writes down a description and the other student must guess who it is.
Intelligent - умный reliable - надежный energetic - энергичный modest - скромный tolerant - терпимый friendly - дружелюбный trusting - доверчивый loyal - лояльный self-controlled - владеющий собой generous - добрый gentle - воспитанный imaginative - фантазер practical- практичный Careful - заботливый hard-working - трудолюбивый worried - озабоченный independent - независимый strong-minded - волевой sensible - здравомыслящий cheerful - веселый, неунывающий broadminded - терпимый, либеральный active - активный curious - любопытный   Confident - самоуверенный Clumsy - застенчивый shy - робкий stubborn - упрямый Selfish - эгоистичный moody - угрюмый naïve - наивный sensitive - обидчивый ambitious - амбициозный crafty - хитрый dull - скучный boring - скучный secretive - замкнутый aggressive - агрессивный tough - упрямый careless - небрежный; неаккуратный, невнимательный stupid - глупый




Assignment 1:


To see describing of one’s character according to Sun signs or Chinese Zodiac (animals or elements) click the links

http://www.chinatoday.com/culture/zodiac/zodiac.htm Chinese Zodiac




Key words for Web searching: Horoscope, Chinese horoscope, Chinese astrology, zodiac signs, Chinese zodiac, Sun Signs describing


Additional Links

www.talkeasy.co.uk/link/materials/esl11.html the lists below to describe appearance

www.eslflow.com/describingpeoplelessonplans.html guide to ESL lessons for appearance, descriptions and describing people

www.learnenglish.be/STUDY_voc1_pic_describing.htm Vocabulary - Pictures - Describing people


www.eslgold.com/speaking/describing_people.html Speaking Situations, Clothing and Accessories, Colors...


www.eslprintables.com/buscador/buscar.asp?nivel=any&age=0&tipo=any&contents=describing+people Here you can find worksheets, lesson-plans, flash-cards, articles and activities for describing people



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