Computer-based information research
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Маклакова, Е.А. Английский язык [Текст]: лексико-грамматический практикум для студентов экономического факультета дневной и заочной формы обучения по дисциплинам «Деловой иностранный язык» и «Профессиональный иностранный язык» (в диалоговом режиме с ПК) / Е.А. Маклакова; Фед. агентство по образованию, ГОУ ВПО «ВГЛТА». – Воронеж, 2008. – 171с.
Данный лексико-грамматический практикум содержит три раздела: первые два раздела включают по восемь контрольных работ, каждая из которых составлена в двух вариантах; третий раздел состоит из текстов для аннотирования и реферирования, подобранных на основе аутентичных лингвострановедческих и учебных зарубежных изданий. Практикум предназначен для проведения промежуточного контроля усвоения грамматического минимума и лексики тематической направленности; умения работать с деловой документацией на английском языке, навыков делового общения, знания культурных традиций англоязычных стран, которые предусмотрены рабочей программой для студентов экономических специальностей по дисциплинам «Деловой иностранный язык» и «Профессиональный иностранный язык», в процессе их самостоятельной работы, а также при подготовке к зачетам и экзаменам в компьютерном классе. Лексико-грамматический практикум может быть использован аспирантами соответствующих специальностей при самоподготовке к экзамену.
Рецензент: зав. кафедрой общего языкознания и стилистики ВГУ профессор, доктор филологических наук И.А.Стернин
РАЗДЕЛ I Контрольная работа № 1 Вариант 1 Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа I think we first need to __________ the problem. а) sell c) buy
b) satisfy d)identify
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The key purpose for using a visual aid is to help the audience understand the topic _____. а) most c) less b) better d) more
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог Have you got many plants for the production of your goods? - _________________. а) Yes, we have got a great many people. c) Yes, that would be enough. b) Nothing special. d) No, just a few.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The Bank of England was founded in 1694 in _____________ by a royal charter granted by William III. а) the State of Delaware c) the United States b) the City of Londond) Windsor Castle
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите, является ли выражение The Americaneconomy based on free enterprise is characterized by private ownership with the absence of government involvement. а) истинным b ) ложным c) нет информации в тексте
THE AMERICAN ECONOMY The American economy is a dynamic and free-market system. The United States is generally described as a mixed economy in which the federal government plays an important part in the marketplace even though the great majority of productive resources are privately owned. By any standard, the American economy that has evolved over less than 250 years has been immensely successful. With less than 5% of the world's population, the United States in the early 1990s produced about 25% of the world's output. The US economy is more than twice as large as the next largest economy, that of Japan. US productivity and standard of living remain among the highest in the industrial world although other nations have experienced higher rates of growth in recent decades. Although the American economy has transformed itself over the years, there is still the continuing debate over the proper role for government in a market economy. An economy based on free enterprise is generally characterized by private ownership and initiative, with a relative absence of government involvement. However, government intervention has been found necessary from time to time to ensure that economic opportunities are fair and accessible to all people. Ever since colonial times, the government has been involved, to some extent, in economic decision-making. The federal government, for example, has made huge investments in infrastructure—from canals and post roads in the 19th century, to interstate highways and orbiting Earth satellites in the 20th century. The government has provided social welfare programs that the private sector was unable or unwilling to provide. In a myriad of ways and over many decades, it has supported and promoted the development of agriculture.
Задание 6. Перед Вами бланк. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером с тем, что она обозначает
а) 30 May, 1985 c) George Fox b) Manchester d) British
Контрольная работа № 1
Вариант 2 Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа We will have to __________ with the problem of increasing prices. а) identify c) buy b) satisfy d)deal
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The market research indicates that _________ customers are using soft drinks. а) highly c) best b) better d) more
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог How long is the study expected to last? - ______________________________. а) We began a pilot study on June, 5. c) It is going to cost much more. b) We should finish it in three weeks. d) It sounds great.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Last century Great Britain adopted a decimal currency system in which one _______ is worth one hundred pence. а) poundc) dollar b) banknote d) penny
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите, является ли выражение US productivity and standard of living remain among the highest in the industrial world although other nations have experienced higher rates of growth in recent decades. а) истинным b) ложным c) нет информации в тексте
INTERNATIONAL AID Most aid (= money, food and equipment) is given to the world’s poorest countries to help reduce poverty. Projects paid for by aid money are often aimed at improving local housing and water supply, agriculture, health and education. Training local people is also a central part of many programs. A lot of aid money comes from governments, but many development projects are run with the help of non-governmental organizations. The British government gives over 2 000 million pounds in aid each year to developing countries. Britain, together with other countries, is helping to reduce the debts of poorer countries and may under certain circumstances cancel these debts. The US began giving foreign aid during World War II, when the Lend-Lease Act made it possible to give military equipment to foreign countries. The US has continued to spend large amount of money on foreign aid, but has often been criticized for the way it decides who to help. In general, money goes to poor countries that are important to the US for commercial or military reasons. Formerly, the US gave money to countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America so that they would not accept money from the Soviet Union. In 1998 US foreign aid budget was over $7 billion. Much of this was spent on US equipment, food and services to be sent abroad. Two organizations are practically concerned with training local people. In Britain Voluntary Service Overseas arranges for skilled people to work abroad for a few years so that they can pass on their skills. They are paid at local rates by the government of the country they are working in. The Peace Corps, a US government agency, does similar work but pays volunteers living expenses and gives them a small allowance. Задание 6. Перед Вами бланк. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером с тем, что она обозначает
а) three weeks c) Marketing Manager b) 30 May, 2007 d) China
Контрольная работа № 2 Вариант 1
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Sometimes government regulations discourage foreign companies from entering __________. а) mixed economy c) home markets b) sole proprietorship d) cash payments
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа
Before __________ the graph or chart, prepare the audience for it. а) shown c) showing b) show d) to show
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог What is your current job title? - _______________________________. а) I am twenty years old. c) My salary is rather high. b) I am a travel agent. d) My interests include swimming and reading.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа In the United States, __________, located in New York City, is the center of the financial world. а) Fleet Street c) the City of London b) Wall Street d) Windsor Castle
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из абзацев содержит следующую информацию а) Advantages and disadvantages of this form of business. b) The motives to form a partnership. c) The roles of partners.
PARTNERSHIP 1. There is a type of business organization called partnership. Partnerships are voluntary combinations from 2 to 20 persons formed for the purpose of carrying on business with a view of profit. This type of organization represents a logical development from one-person business since the obvious method by which such a firm may acquire further capital is to form a partnership. The motive, however, may not be financial and partnerships are often formed in order to bring new ability and enterprise into the business. 2. Partners usually specialize in one or more aspects of business, one may be responsible for buying, one for selling, one for production, and so on. A person who joins a partnership, supplying capital and sharing in the profits, but taking no part in the management is known as a sleeping partner. The survival of a partnership depends upon the continued harmonious relationship between a certain number of people in situations which often give much cause for disagreement. In economies where trading risks are very great, the partnership is not a very stable type of organization. 3. The advantages of this type of firm are similar to those of one-person business. It is a flexible organization which allows a greater degree of specialization than the one-person business. Since it has greater access to capital, it can achieve greater size than the sole proprietor. The great disadvantage is the fact that the liability of the partners is unlimited and they are fully liable for the acts of the other partners. There are, however, some limited partnerships. In such firms some partners may have their liability limited to some specified sum, but at least one of the partners must have unlimited liability.
Задание 6. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке 1) 2) 3) 4)
Контрольная работа № 2 Вариант 2
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The exporter who requires ___________ from foreign buyers is likely to lose orders to competitors. а) home markets c) sole proprietorship b) mixed economy d) cash payment
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа An owner can make decisions quickly without _______ to consult others. а) have had c) having b) had d) to have
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог What is your practical work experience? - ___________________________. а) About $500, I think. c) In a month’s time. b) Five years. d) It depends on the job. Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The law of demand was discovered by A. Cournot (1801—1877), a professor of mathematics at the University of Lyon, ____________________. а) France c) UK b) London d) USA
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из абзацев содержит следующую информацию а) Advantages and disadvantages of this form of business. b) The trends of the development of small business. c) Profits and losses of the business.
SOLE PROPRIETOR 1. Many businesses are sole proprietorships, firms owned and operated by a single person. When a person decides to open an independent business, that person is then entirely responsible for its success or failure. Any profits go to the owner, any losses are his or her responsibility as well. If the losses prove to be greater than the investment, the individual is responsible for paying them, even if this depletes all personal assets. In spite of its limitations, the sole proprietorship is well adapted to many kinds of small businesses. 2. One of the advantages of a sole proprietorship is that an owner can make decisions quickly and decisively without having to consult others. And an individual proprietor, by law, pays fewer taxes and at a lower rates than does a corporation. There are disadvantages to this form of business organization, however. A sole proprietorship ends with the incapacity or death of the owner. The assets can be inherited by a person who may then become the operator, but legally the business dies with its owner. Also, it is dependent upon the amount of money the owner has saved or can borrow from his or her family, friends or banks. 3. A small business is often the starting point for developing a new product or service. One person tries out an idea. If it is successful, the business grows, or the product may be bought by a larger firm. Small businesses often grow into large ones, adding to the economic vitality of the nation. The small business can give an individual a chance to gain experience, which the person may use later on a larger scale. It and suits the temperament of many persons who like to exercise initiative and be their own bosses. Small businesses are particularly well suited for meeting specialized local needs. Small businesses provide a service where knowing one's customers is important.
Задание 6. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке 1) 2) 3) 4)
Контрольная работа № 3 Вариант 1
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант перевода словосочетания free competition а) денежные поступления c) свободная конкуренция b) практическое применение d) разделение труда
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа
You __________ use pauses to slow your pace down and make your sentences easier to understand. а) shall be able c) might be b) has to d) can
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог Did Mr. Bridges receive you on the day of your arrival? - ____________________. а) You don’t say so! c) Yes, I was. b) Yes, he did. d) Yes, he received you.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The ______________ government became closely involved in industry after World War II when the Labor Party nationalized major industries. а) British c) socialist b) American d) German
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите основную идею текста а) Role and responsibilities of the manager. b) Economic activities in business organizations. c) Types of business organizations. Managers are coordinators of economic activities in business organizations. Coordination of group efforts is an essential function in a company, and whoever acts as a coordinator is a manager. Managers do not perform physical tasks which are necessary to produce and sell the goods and services that are the output of the company. All this is done by workers and employees. On the other hand, the latter would be unable to achieve the goal of the organization without the guiding hand of management. There are literally thousands of decisions in a company about what is to be done, who is to do it and how it is to be done. It is managers who make these decisions and see that they are implemented. The duties of a manager include: · the determination of the best form of organization, · development of a control system, · budgeting and forecasting, · marketing and sales policies, · effective performance of the sales staff, · development of improved methods for the planning and control of ordering, · handling and sorting out of the materials and supplies, · determination of wages and salaries, · the establishment of incentives for good performance. The work of managers is, by no means, confined to manufacturing industries. It is indispensable in offices, banks, mercantile establishments, insurance agencies and other similar activities. Management is the team of managers who are in charge of the organization at different levels. Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform five basic functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling. Planning involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how these goals can best be achieved. Organizing is putting the plan into action. In directing, managers guide, teach, and motivate people so that they reach their potential abilities. At last managers control and evaluate how well overall company objectives are being met. Задание 6. Определите цель делового письма а) Enquiry b) Reply to enquiry c) Offer Electrical Supplies Ltd. Coventry England, E.C.7. 20th May, 2005 Rossimport, Moscow, Russia Dear Sirs, With reference to your enquiry of May 11th we confirm that we manufacture the equipment you are interested in. Our equipment is not very expensive and it is in great demand on the world market. We are doing business with many firms in Eastern Europe and we have never received any complaints. We can supply you with the number of engines you require. We are enclosing with this letter our latest catalogue and leaflets where you will find all the technical and commercial information. We also enclose our price-list and General Conditions of Sale including the terms of payment. Many thanks for your enquiry and we look forward to receiving your order in the near future. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours faithfully, Tom Jones Контрольная работа № 3 Вариант 2
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант перевода словосочетания rate of interest а) ценные бумаги c) процентная ставка b) контрольный пакет акций d) индекс фондового рынка
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа You __________ change the meaning of a sentence by putting the stress on a different word. а) shall be able c) might be b) has to d) can
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог How was your flight, Mr. White? - ______________________. а) Yes. Here we are. c) I would prefer a morning flight. b) I'm afraid not. d) A little bumpy, but I am glad to be here.
Задание № 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Barclay's Bank, Lloyd's Bank, Midland Bank and National Westminster Bank are the basis of the banking system of the ____________. а) USA c) Great Britain b) UK d) America
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите основную идею текста а) Role and responsibilities of the manager. b) Economic activities in business organizations. c) Types of business organizations.
Before starting your business there are a number of decisions you will have to make. For example, who should you buy your supplies from? What premises will you work from? How much control do you want to keep in the business? This last question depends on whether you decide to work as a sole trader, a partnership or a limited company. Suppose you decided to work as a sole trader. It means that you alone have responsibility for the business; you also take all profits after paying income tax on them. What advantages do you have if you work as a sole trader? They are as follows: you do not have to disclose details of your financial affairs except to the tax authorities; you have the final say in any decisions that affect the company. The only disadvantage is that you alone are personally responsible for any business debts. Partnership. It is a group of between two and twenty people trading as one firm. They share responsibility for debts, decision making and the profits. Partnership can be useful, and effective when partners have skills in different areas. What are the disadvantages of a partnership? All partners are personally liable for any business debts, even if they are caused by mismanagement by another partner. So it is essential to know your partners well and trust them. A limited company (Ltd.). A company formed by two or more shareholders who put money into the business in return for a share of the profits. They appoint directors who control the company. A limited company must be registered. The advantages of a limited company are: the financial liability of the shareholders is limited. If the business goes bust the personal belongings of the shareholders cannot be taken to pay the debts. You each lose only the value of the shares you own. The disadvantages are as follows: you may find it difficult to get credit from suppliers or loans from banks unless you give personal guarantees that you will pay your debts to them. Monopoly. Monopoly is a market structure with only a single seller of a commodity or service dealing with a large number of buyers. When a single seller faces a single buyer, that situation is known as bilateral monopoly. There is monopoly when there is only one seller in an industry, and there is competition when there are many sellers in an industry.
Задание 6. Определите цель делового письма а) Enquiry b) Reply to enquiry c) Offer
W. Jones & Sons, Ltd. Queen Street, 285 London, E.C.4 10th January 2001 Rossexport Lomonosova Street, 15 Moscow Russia
Dear Sirs, We learn from the Russian Trade Mission that you are producing for export woolen handmade carpets. There is a steady demand here for high-class goods of this type. Will you please send us your catalogues and full details of your export prices and terms of payment. We look forward to hearing form you. Yours faithfully, W. Jones. Контрольная работа №4 Вариант 1
Задание 1. Выберите один из четырёх терминов, который соответствует приведённому определению _________________ is the study of how we can best increase a country's wealth with the resources that we have available to us. a) Economic b) Economy c) Economist d) Economics
Задание 2. Восстановите правильный порядок слов по приведённым синтаксическим элементам предложения of international bank payments / and documentary collection bills / letters of credit / traditional instruments / are /.
Задание № 3. Вопрос страноведческого характера What was the home of the nation's newspapers till the recent past? a) Roman fortification b) Fleet Street c) Greenwich d) Wall Street
Задание 4. Выберите реплику, соответствующую телефонному разговору A- This is Otto Kunstler from Swiss Trading Associates calling for Tom Jones. B- _______________________________________. A- Yes: it is K-U-N-S-T-L-E-R. a) Sorry, the line is busy. b) One moment, please, I’m ringing. c) Would you spell your name, please? d) Yes, please
Задание 5. Определите главную идею текста a) British Banking System b) Fleet Street Companies c) Marketing Research: Key Players d) Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
The major actors in a company's microenvironment are the company itself, suppliers, market intermediaries, customers and competitors. Let us consider the roles of each of them. The company itself and all the departments within a company (e.g. production, finance, and personnel) have an impact on the marketing department's plans and actions. The suppliers are also important. Changes in the supplier environment, such as price and availability of raw materials, have a considerable impact on a company's marketing operations. The market intermediaries such as middlemen such as agents, wholesalers and retailers, are powerful actors. In some cases they can dictate term and even bar the manufacturer from certain markets. Customers. The marketer needs to know what people are involved in the buying decision and what role each person plays. For many products, it is not difficult to identify the decision-maker. Men normally choose their own shoes and women choose their own make-up. However, some products and especially new ones may involve more than one person in decision-making. Competitors. A company's marketing system is greatly influenced by a host of competitors. The best way for a company is grasp the full range of its competition is to take the viewpoint of a buyer. There are four steps in the market research process: defining the problem, developing the research plan, implementing the plan, and interpreting and presenting the findings.
Задание 6. Определите вид представленного документа a) Cover Letter b) Enquiry c) Order d) Claim Dear Ms. Robinson: With reference to your Ad in today's Financial World, I would like to be considered for the above-mentioned opening. My recent position is a bookkeeper of finance department. I was hired by this company eight years ago and have profound experience in this field. I appreciate the opportunity to work on my own initiative and to take a certain amount of responsibility. Since my present position offers little prospect for advancement, I would prefer to be employed in an expanding organization such as yours. I tailor to a position of bookkeeper in your company. Please find enclosed my resume where I present myself. I hope to attend an interview at any time convenient to your. I can be contacted at: 211-5762 after 6 p.m. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, John Pogodin
Контрольная работа № 4 Вариант 2
Задание 1. Выберите один из четырёх терминов, который соответствует приведённому определению ___________________ are the ones for buying and selling goods, currency or securities available for immediate delivery. a) Money markets b) Bank loans c) Retail banks d) Spot markets
Задание 2. Восстановите правильный порядок слов по приведённым синтаксическим элементам предложения in money / is / a dealer / and in substitutes for money / a commercial banker.
Задание 3. Вопрос страноведческого характера What ended the plague, but also destroyed much of the city in 1666? a) Roman fortification b) World War c) Great Fire of London d) Industrial Revolution
Задание 4. Выберите реплику, соответствующую телефонному разговору A- Just a minute. I'll ring him. B- Thank you. A-_______________________________________. B- Okay. I'll hold for a couple of minutes. a) Sorry, the line is busy. Would you mind holding? b) Yes, please. c) One moment, please. d) Could you put me through, please?
Задание 5. Определите главную идею текста a) New Banking Systems b) The Concept of Business c) Marketing Research: Types of Companies d) Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. Nowadays, the concept and activities of business have increased. One definition of business is production, distribution, and sale of goods or services for a profit. Production is the creation of services or processing of raw materials into products. Example is the conversion of iron ore into metal car parts. These products need to be moved from the plant to the marketplace. This is known as distribution. A car might be moved from a plant in Germany to a car dealership in Poland. Sale is the exchange of a product or service for money. A car is sold to someone in exchange for money. Goods are products that people either need or want; for example, cars can be classified as goods. Services, on the other hand, are activities that a person or group perform for another person or organization. For example, an auto mechanic performs a service when he repairs a car. A barber renders a service when he cuts your hair. Business is a combination of all three activities such as production, distribution, and sale. However, there is another important factor which is connected with the creation of profit or economic surplus. A major goal in the functioning of any business company is making a profit. Profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid. It is considered to be the primary goal of every business activity.
Задание 6. Определите вид представленного документа a) Cover Letter b) Invitation c) Order d) Reply to enquiry
P. Watson Sales Manager Pan Engineering Unit 3
Dear Mr. Watson: We have pleasure in inviting you to our annual conference. It will take place at the Sheraton Hotel, Glasgow from 15 to 18 April. We enclose details of the conference, accommodation arrangements and a provisional program. We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, J. Cooper Conference Organizer Контрольная работа № 5 Вариант 1
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The efficient _________ can absorb large dollar amounts of securities without destabilizing the price. а) industry c) competitiveness b) market d) product
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа I ______________ my presentation into three parts. а) dividing c) has divided b) have divided d) divides
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог Could you supply us with the latest information about it? - _____________________. а) Most willingly. c) Keep well. All the best! b) Let me introduce myself. d) Yes, I am, the day after tomorrow.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа _______________, the longest ruling monarch in Britain, who lived in 1837—1901, is a symbol of the unity of the whole nation and the British Empire. а) the Greenwich Meridian c) George Washington b)Queen Victoria d) the Independent Broadcasting Authority
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите, является ли выражение Scottish banknotes can be used anywhere in Britain though shops can legally refuse to accept them. а) истинным b) ложным c) нет информации в тексте
BANKS AND BANKING In Britain, the central bank, which acts as banker for the state and for commercial banks, is the Bank of England. The Governor of the Bank of England advises the government on financial matters. It is also responsible for issuing banknotes. The main commercial banks are often called the “big four” and have branches in most towns. In the US there are fourteen thousand different commercial banks. This is because banks are prevented by law from operating in more than one state. Unlike British banks, American banks are banks of deposit and credit and do not build up capital. The US central bank is the Federal Reserve Bank, often called the Fed. In addition to the national Fed, there are twelve regional ones. The Fed tells commercial banks how much money they must keep in reserve. The Fed does not issue money. Dollar bills and coins are issued by the Department of the Treasury. Most adults in Britain have bank account. People use a current account for their general expenses. Current account holders are given a cheque book. It is possible to withdraw money from an account by cheque. Many people receive their salaries by automated transfer direct from their employer’s account into their own. Some people also have a deposit account in which they put money they want to save and on which they receive interest. Banks issue a variety of plastic cards. The commercial banks offer bank loans for individuals and small business. Credit cards are widely used and debit cards are becoming more common, but checks are used to pay for many goods. Banks used to open late (9.30 a.m.) and close early (3.30 p.m.), but due to customer pressure they now open and close at the same time as shops. On 1 January 1999 the euro was introduced in the 11 countries of the European Union which supported monetary union. Britain chose not to be part of this group. However, many English businesses which trade with countries in Euroland have opened euro accounts so as to be able to pay for goods and be paid in euros. Задание 6. Перед Вами резюме. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером с тем, что она обозначает а) Career objective c) Present address b) References d) Work experience
Контрольная работа № 5 Вариант 2
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Process technology improvement will increase market _________ by producing higher quality products. а) industry c) competitiveness b) developer d) product
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Turnover ____________ slightly since May. а) has increased c) are increasing b) increased d) will increase
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог May I ask you to prepare this report by tomorrow? - __________________________. а) Yes, that’s right. c) Naturally. b) Sure. Here you are. d) I am sorry to hear it.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Nowadays there are about 12,000 students in Oxford, and ___________ and the town live quietly side by side. а) Queen Victoria c)the University b) the Royal Observatory d) the National Maritime Museum
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите, является ли выражение Scottish banknotes can be used anywhere in Britain, though shops can legally refuse to accept them. а) истинным b) ложным c) нет информации в тексте MONEY The US dollar is made up of 100 cents. The Department of the Treasury prints bills (=paper money) in various denominations: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. US bills are all the same size, all are green and so are sometimes called greenbacks. On the front each has a picture of a famous American. An informal name for dollars is bucks, because in the early period of US history people traded the skins of bucks (=deer) and prices would sometimes be given as a number of buckskins. Britain’s currency is the pound sterling. A pound consists of one hundred pence. Pound coins are round and gold-coloured. They have the Queen’s head on one side and one of four designs, English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish, on the other. Coins of lower value are silver-coloured. A pound is informally called a quid. Scottish banknotes have their own designs. They can be used anywhere in Britain, though shops can legally refuse to accept them. To prevent people forging (=making their own) paper money, designs are complicated and difficult to copy. To check that a note is genuine, a shop assistant may hold it up to the light to see if it has a narrow silver thread running through it. On 1 January 1999 the euro was introduced in the eleven countries of the European Union which supported monetary union. Britain chose not to be part of this group. However, many English businesses which trade with countries in Euroland have opened euro accounts so as to be able to pay for goods and be paid in euros. Most adults in Britain have bank account. People use a current account for their general expenses. Current account holders are given a cheque book. It is possible to withdraw money from an account by cheque. Many people receive their salaries by automated transfer direct from their employer’s account into their own. Some people also have a deposit account in which they put money they want to save and on which they receive interest. People now pay less often in cash or even by cheque for goods. Most use credit cards or debit cards, informally called plastic, for anything that costs more than a few dollars or pounds. People can also give their card details over the telephone or the Internet. Задание 6. Перед Вами резюме. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером с тем, что она обозначает а) Education c) Marital status b) Name d) Summary of skills and qualifications
Контрольная работа № 6 Вариант 1
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The strength of this firm ____________ in the direct personal interest of the proprietor. а) provides c) represents b) carries d)lies Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Tree size ___________, unit cost of wood produced decreased. а) is increasing c) will increase b) increasing d) to increase
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог Does advertising always tell the truth? - _____________________________. а) I hope, it does. c) No, it is not. b) It is usually a fruit of joint efforts. d) By all means, it is.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The United States government has determined that ____________ types of monopolies are beneficial to the entire economy, and thus, are legal enterprises. а) one hundred c) four b) the only one d) twenty five
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из абзацев содержит следующую информацию а) Sources of capital b) What is known as capital c) Finance for fixed capital
1. Finance is central to the operation of any business. Finance is needed to rent or buy premises, to purchase capital equipment, to hire labor and obtain raw materials. Therefore, without finance a new business could not be set up and an existing business could not continue to function. The money needed to start and continue operating a business is known as capital. This is usually divided into working capital and fixed capital. 2. Working capital is for purchasing single-use factors or «variable factors». They are labor, raw materials, petrol, stationery, fertilizers, etc. Finance for working capital can be obtained from a variety of sources: banks, trade, credit, finance companies, factor houses, advance deposits from customers and the government. 3. Fixed capital covers factors which are used many times, such as factories, machines, land, lorries, etc. Some finance for fixed capital is therefore required initially for advance payments on factory buildings, machinery and so on before the firm is earning revenue. It is possible to convert fixed capital into working capital by renting buildings, hiring plant and vehicles or by leasing through a finance company. 4. Many companies, especially new ones, raise capital, both working and fixed, by borrowing or by selling their shares. When a company obtains capital from external sources, the financing can be either on a short-term or a long-term arrangement. In financing business operations and expansion, a business uses both short-term and long-term capital. 5. A company utilizes short-term capital to pay for salaries and office expenses that last a relatively short period of time. On the other hand, a company seeks long-term financing to pay for new assets that are expected to last many years. Generally, short-term financing must be repaid in less than one year, while long-term financing can be repaid over a longer period of time. 6. The sale of business’s goods or services generates finance which is used to purchase more materials, pay wages and so on in order to generate more production, more sales and hence more income. If the business is successful then the amount received from sales will be greater than the costs of production and therefore a profit will be made.
Задание 6. Определите вид деловой документации а) Bill of Lading c) E-mail b) Contract d) Enquiry
Joan Turner 5/20/01 1:36 p.m. TO: All staff SUB: Vacation schedules MESSAGE: I need to know your vacation schedules for summer months. Please send your vacation dates to me by June I, 2004. Send the information to my electronic mailbox: Joan T. Thank you for cooperation.
Контрольная работа № 6 Вариант 2
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Partnership has greater _____________ to capital than the sole proprietor. а) disadvantage c) method b) production d)access
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа All data _____________ and evaluated, the final decision was made. а) been collected c)having been collected b) to have collected d) being collected
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог Why is advertising attached so much importance to? - ________________________. а) She never tells the truth. c) It is usually a fruit of joint efforts. b) Advertising is a vehicle of trade. d) Much is spent on it in the USA.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа The public corporations in the ________ are British Coal, British Steel, the Post Office, British Telecom, the British Airports Authorities, British Rail and some others. а) USA c) UN b) UK d) England
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите, какой из абзацев содержит следующую информацию а) The basis of the banking system of the UK b) The banks providing special services for customers in the industrial and commercial sectors c) The Bank of England in the XIX century
BANKING SYSTEM OF THE UK 1. In the beginning of the twentieth century banking system of the UK had two levels and comprises: • the first level: Bank of England, the central bank; • the second level: deposit banks, credit and merchant banks, credit intermediaries, clearing houses. 2. The Bank of England had a number of special privileges, particularly with regard to issue of notes, which helped to establish and strengthen its position in its association with the Government. The Bank assumed responsibility for the integrity of the banking system in the later years of the nineteenth century. In other words the Bank undertook to ensure good practice and public confidence in the banks. There was a real need for this undertaking, because there had been losses of confidence in several large banks. 3. A major collapse in the banking system was averted by the Bank of England lending money to banks which were having difficulty meeting their commitments to lenders and depositors. It is this function which helped to establish the Bank of England's role as the central bank. In our century the British banking system has changed a little. 4. Nowadays nearly every country with market-oriented economy has two-level banking system, where the central bank functions at the first level, and commercial banks - at the second level. Today there are following types of commercial banks in UK. 5. Deposit banks. The group includes the largest present day banks, so called clearing banks, prevailing in acceptance of deposits and provision of credit - Barclay's Bank, Lloyd's Bank, Midland Bank and National Westminster Bank. They are the basis of the banking system of the UK. They are often called retail banks. 6. Merchant banks. They are wide-spread over the country and have old traditions. They are essentially smaller in size than clearing banks. The merchant banks provide a range of special services for customers, mainly in the industrial and commercial sectors; perform in the sphere of foreign trade and international financial-credit operations. 7. Foreign Banks. Foreign Banks refer to large bank groups according to figures in their balance sheets. There are about four hundred and fifty foreign banks.
Задание 6. Определите вид деловой документации а) Bill of Lading c) Telex Message b) Contract d) Enquiry
THE BARTER TRADE "The Purchaser" agrees to supply "The Seller" with either of the following commodities or a mixture thereof to the value of US dollars 89,200 valued at the price agreed in this Appendix A. COPPER 20 tons of new copper of no less then 99.95% (Ninty nine point nine five percent) purity and free of phosphorus. ALUMINIUM 14 tons of new aluminium of not less then 99.75% (Ninty nine point seven five percent) purity. Both the above metals shall only be in the form of cathodes, ingots, anodes, plate, sheet or selected tubing.
Контрольная работа № 7 Вариант 1
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант перевода словосочетания ___________________ tend to cost less because of the large volume and small overhead costs per unit sold. а) Credit cards c) Financial reporting b) Corporate products d) International trade
Задание № 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа In the past three months, we _________ more new customers in China than in any other country. А) have been added c) have added b) has added d) has been added
Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог May I invite you to visit our firm? - ______________________________. а) I accept your invitation. c) No trouble at all. b) Sorry, no idea. d) Never mind.
Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа Many of the creative innovators in the American computer industry built successful companies in what is now known as ___________________. а) Silicon Valley, California c) Washington, DС, b) Midland and National Westminster d) Transmaster Innovations, Inc.
Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и определите основную идею текста а) Status of the Bank of England b) Retail banks in Britain c) Commercial banks in the UK
The largest present day banks, i.e. Barclays, Lloyds, Midland and National Westminster, can trace their origins to the developments following the 1833 Banking Act which permitted the establishment of joint stock banks. The first of these banks was the National County and Westminster in 1835 and it was quickly followed by the other three plus the National Provincial Bank which merged with Westminster Bank much later to form NatWest. These joint stock banks quickly grew during the second half of the nineteenth century, mostly by absorbing the hundreds of small private banks. The amalgamation process continued but at a much slower pace into the twentieth century, so that there are now relatively few banks and they all have network of branches. The term retail banks (high street banks, commercial bank) is used to include all of the banks which have branch networks through which they are able to offer a wide range of services over the counter to a large amount of customers. The most important services which the retail banks provide are: the acceptance of deposits, the provision of ways in which deposits can be transferred and the They have a great number of branches - 15000 branches. That's why British banking system is prototype of branch banking. This system evolved because of the small size of the country, the early development of efficient transportation and communications, and legislation encouraging joint-stock bank companies, which spread risk among a number of owners and limited the liability of stockholders in case of a failure. National Girobank takes special place in the system of clearing banks. It was established by the government to meet the banking needs of the personal sector and the particular for people who are not particularly sophisticated in their needs for financial services. Some people see the large clearing banks as a little impersonal and prefer the familiar post office type organization through which Girobank operates. In recent years Girobank itself has become more sophisticated in meeting the needs of its customers which now include businesses as well as personal customers. In 1978 it was granted a bank status by the Bank of England. It has a sophisticated central computer and 'now provides a full banking service by post and phone. The great advantage of such a service is that costs are much reduced, thus benefiting both customer and bank. Girobank customers pay cash in at Post Offices and withdraw cash either by cheque encashment at Post Offices or by LINK ATM. Other transactions are arranged by post or over the phone. Prepaid envelopes and other standard stationery are supplied.
Задание 6. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки
а) K.L.T. c) All members of staff, Northern Branch b) PERSONAL COMPUTERS d) 5 December 2008
1. To: __________________________ 2. From: ________________________ 3. Date: _________________________ 4. Subject: _______________________ The board urgently requires feedback on your experience with PCs in Northern Branch. I need to know for my report: 1. What do you personally use your PC for and your reasons for doing this. 2. What software do you use. Please, name the programs. 3. How many hours per day do you spend actually using it. 4. How has not your PC come up to your expectations. 5. What unanticipated uses have you found for your PC, that others may want to share. Please FAX this information directly to me by Sp.m. on Wednesday 7 December. Thank you for your help.
Контрольная работа № 7 Вариант 2
Задание 1. Выберите правильный вариант перевода словосочетания The macroeconomist's concerns are connected with such global questions as total production, total employment, ___________________, and so on. а) double taxation c) microeconomic theory b) financial reporting d) the rate of change of economic growth
Задание 2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа New equipment _____________ since then, which helps us gather real-time information. А) have been installed c) have installed b) has installed d) has been installed Задание 3. Дополните микродиалог How
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