International situation in the Far East in the early 20th century was determined by
| Austro-German Treaty
| Anglo-Japanese Alliance Treaty, and defeat of Russia in Russo-Japanese War
| Creation of Entente Cordiale and signing of the Triple Alliance
| The Hague conference’s decisions
| Treaty of Shimonoseky
| Treaty of Portsmouth
78. The major international events in 1907
| Settlement of the first Morocco crisis
| Settlement of the second Morocco crisis
| Settlement of Bosnian crisis
| TreatyofPortsmouth, andendof Anglo-Boer War
| The second Hague conference, and sighing of Anglo-Russian Treaty
| October Revolution in Russia
79. The major international crisis on the eve of the World War I
| Bosnian crisis and the Morocco crises
| Panama and Cuban crises
| Libya crisis
| Greek crisis
| Venezuela crisis
| Argentinian crisis
80. TheTripleEntente was formed on the basis of the treaties
| Austro-German Treaty
| Austro-Italian Treaty
| Franco-Russian Treaty and Anglo-French Treaty
| Franco-Italian Treaty
| Franco-Austrian Treaty
| Austro-Russian Treaty
81. WhichnationsformedtheBalkanLeague in the First Balkan War?
| Albania, Macedonia, Turkey
| Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece
| Italy, Turkey, Austro-Hungary
| Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia
| Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia
| Turkey, Serbia, Bulgaria
82. Which nations formed the Balkan League in the Second Balkan War:
| Turkey, Serbia, Macedonia
| Albania, Macedonia, Turkey
| Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia
| Greece, Serbia, Romania
| Macedonia, Turkey, Italy
| Turkey, Bulgaria. Greece
83. ThemainperiodsofJapan’s involvement in Korea
| Treaty of Kanagawa of 1854, Japanese annexation of Korea, 1915
| Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895, Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty of 1905, Japanese annexation of Korea, 1910
| TreatyofKanagawaof 1854, Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty of 1895
| Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty of 1915
| Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty of 1895, Final Protocol of 1901
| Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty of 1895, Japanese annexation of 1910
84. The crisis in 1911
| Agadir crisis
| Gibraltar crisis
| The first Moroccan crisis
| Caribbean crisis
| Fashoda incident
| Incident in Saraevo
85. Theoutcomesofthesecond Moroccan crisis
| Morocco was partitioned
| France established a full protectorate over Morocco
| Germany established a full protectorate over Morocco
| England established a full protectorate over Morocco
| Morocco gained independence
| Italy gained a full protectorate over Morocco
86. The outcomes of the second Balkan War
| Macedonia was partitioned between Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria
| Greece gained Thracia
| Bulgariawasobligedtowithdraw from Greece
| Bulgaria allied with Russia
| Romania gained the Southern Dobruja
| Albania gained independence
87. In the end of the Second Balkan war, the territory of Macedonia was divided between
| Austro-Hungary, Romania
| Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire
| Greece, Italy, Austro-Hungary
| Romania, Italy
| Serbia, Greece, and Bulgaria
| Serbia and Albania
88. Balkan Wars led to
| the dominance of the Entente powers in Serbia and Greece
| weakeningofpositions of the Ententepowers in Serbia and Greece
| alliance of Bulgaria with Russia
| alliance of Greece, Serbia with Austro-Hungary
| alliance of the Ottoman Empire with the Entente powers
| alliance of Bulgaria with Serbia and Russia
89. What happened in international relations in 1912
| Navy convention between Russia and Germany was signed
| Bulgaria allied with Russia
| The First Balkan war broke out
| Bulgaria joined the Triple Alliance
| The Ottoman Empire joined the Triple Alliance
| Serbia allied with Bulgaria
90. The neutral nations in the World War I
| Switzerland, Spain
| Spain, Greece
| Switzerland, Japan
| China, Japan
| Russia, France
| Sweden, France
91. Accordingtothe TreatyofBrest-Litovsk Russia lost
| Lithuania and Livonia
| Sakhalin
| Kuril Islands
| Moonsond Islands
| Crimea
| New Land island
92. AccordingtotheTreatyofBrest-Litovskof 1918
| Germany gained Poland and Ukraine
| Germanygained part of Belarus
| Germany gained Lithuania
| Germany kept control of Livonia
| GermanykeptcontrolofMoonsondIslands
| Germany gained Estonia
93. Accordingtothe TreatyofBrest-Litovsk of 1918 Turkey returned
| Part of Bulgaria
| Greece
| Kars, Batumi, Ardagan
| Part of Crimea, part of Bulgaria
| Bessarabia, Greece
| Parts of Macedonia
94. The important political events of the World War One
| Italy left the Triple Alliance (May, 1915), and October Revolution in Russia
| Defeat of Bulgaria and Turkey (September-November, 1918)
| The German gas attacks
| Defeat of Bulgaria and Turkey (September-November, 1918), and the German gas attacks
| Russian army’s offence in the Eastern Prussia and Galicia
| British exploitation of new technologies
95. According to the Treaty of London of 1915 Italy was promised to get:
| Alsace, Lorraine
| Tyrol, Dalmatia, Trentino
| Montenegro, Antwerp
| Montenegro, Tyrol
| Antwerp
| Papal territory and Venice
96. According to the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1815, the Arab provinces were divided into five areas
| «yellow area», «greenarea»
| «bluearea», «А»area, «red area», «B» area, «brown area»
| «orange area», «black area»
| «green area», «D» area
| «black area»
| "indigo", "orange" and "light blue" areas
97. In 1915 duringtheWorldWarI
| Italyenteredthewaron the side of the Triple Entente
| Declaration of Woodrow Wilson’s «14 points»
| Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed
| The United States entered the war
| October revolution in Russia
| Japan entered the war
98. In 1918 duringtheWorldWarI
| Italy entered the war on the side of the Triple Entente
| W.Wilson declared his «14 points» program
| The United States entered the war
| February revolution in Russia
| October revolution in Russia
| Russia withdraw the war
99. Which country entered the war on the side of the Entente powers during the World War I?
| Sweden
| Italy
| Denmark
| The Netherlands
| Norway
| Switzerland
100. DuringtheWorldWarIthe Entente powers planned to divide Albania’s territory between
| Romania, Bulgaria
| Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania
| Montenegro, Serbia, and Greece
| Italy, Greece, and Serbia
| Greece, Italy
| England, France and Germany
101. Whichterritoriesweregained byPrussiain the end of the second partition of Poland:
| VolhynianVoivodeship
| Danzig
| Parts of Vilnius Voivodeship
| Galizia
| Thorn
102. Whichterritoriesweregained by Russiain the end of the second partition of Poland:
| Kiev Voivodeship
| Parts of Vilnius Voivodeship
| Galizia
| Poznan
| Duchy of Warsaw
103. ThefactorsofFrance’smilitarydominance in the late 18th century
| Developmentofthelargestnaval fleet
| Creationof the new model’s army
| Employment of mercenaries
| Introducing of new military strategy
| Introducing of «heavy-handed discipline» in armed forces
104. The changes in the pattern of French wars in the late 18th century:
| Concluding alliance with Austria
| Concluding alliance with England
| Seizure of new territories
| Colonial rivalry with Portugal
| Trade and colonial rivalry with England
105. “Sisterrepublics” established in the period of the Napoleonic wars:
| Alpine
| Cisalpine
| Moravian
| Switzerland
| Helvetic
106. The major international events in the Napoleonic Wars in 1805
| Battle of Austerlitz
| Battle of Trafalgar
| Beginning of the continental blockade against England
| Battle of Leipzig
| Disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire
107. The major events in international relations in 1806:
| Battle of Austerlitz
| Treaty of Tilsit was signed
| Beginning of the continental blockade against England
| Battle of Valmy
| Beginning of Russo-Turkish war
108. The major events in international relations in 1812
| The confederation of the Rhine was formed
| Battle of Borodino
| Beginning of Anglo-American war
| Treaty of Chaumont was signed
| The Vienna Congress
109. The major events during the Napoleonic wars in 1814
| Signing of Treaty of Tilsit
| Signing of Treaty of Chaumont
| Signing of the Peace Treaty of Paris
| Victory of the fourth coalition against France
| Battle of Waterloo
110. The main goals of the Congress of Vienna
| Restoringtheformerfeudalsystem in Europe
| Settlementofthe “Polish succession” issue
| Settlement of the “Austrian succession” issue
| Preventrestorationof the Bonaparte regime
| Settlement of the “Eastern Question”
111. What was agreed ontheGermanstates at theCongress of Vienna:
| Germany was united
| The German Confederation was formed by 38 states
| The German Confederation was formed by the 24 states
| Confederation of the Rhine was created
| Austria gained the right to chair in the German Seim
112. The major outcomes of the Congress of Vienna
| Introducing the principleoflegitimacy
| Enactment of the Declaration on freedom of navigation
| Enactment of the Declaration on abolishing the slave trade
| Enactment of the «Provisions on the ranks of the diplomatic representatives»
| Formation of the Holy Alliance
113. According to the Congress ofVienna,Switzerland:
| was divided into 10 cantons
| received the status of federation
| receivedthestatusofneutral state
| wasincludedinto the German Confederation
| received the status of confederation
114. The major events in international relations in 1815:
| The League of the Three Emperors was formed
| Final Act of the Congress of Vienna was signed
| French-Russia Alliance Treaty was signed
| Anglo-American War ended
| The Battle of Waterloo
115. The mainperiods in the political activity of the Holy Alliance:
| 1815 – 1818
| 1815 - 1822
| 1823 – 1830
| 1830 – 1840
| 1815 – 1848
116. The Holy Alliance’s Congresses
| Aachen
| Troppau
| Vienna
| Madrid
| Vienna
117. In 1825, England recognized the independence of:
| Argentina
| Brazil
| Mexico
| Canada
| Peru
118. Whichstatessupported the plan to suppress revolution in Spain at the Congress of Verona:
| France and Russia
| England
| Austria and Prussia
| Greece
| Sweden
119. Thecauses of contradictions among the nations of the Holy Alliance:
| Colonial interests
| Trade interests
| Economic and political interests of the nations
| Religious contradictions
| Mutual fearing
120. In the mid of 19th century, theBritishdiplomatstriedtoprevent strengthening of France’s positions in:
| The Netherlands
| Switzerland and Italian states
| Russia
| Greece
| Spain
121. Whichnations opposed the Prussian actions to unite Germany under its control during the 1848-1849 revolution:
| Austria and Russia
| Denmark
| Sweden
| France
| The USA
122. Which countries were the first to recognize the Second Republic in France in 1848:
| England
| Denmark
| Sweden
| Spain and Belgium
| The USA
123. Which nations signed the Treaty of London of 1850 that provided Denmark’s rule over Holstein
| Austria and Russia
| England and France
| England and Prussia
| Sweden
| Spain
124. «The Eastern Question» encompasses
| Problems of division of territories of Ottoman Empire among European powers
| Problems of maintenance of territorial unity of the Ottoman Empire
| Problems of division of India’s territory
| ClaimsofEuropeanpowersfor “Ottoman succession”
| Claims of European powers for Iran’s territories
125. According to theTreatyof1774KucukKaynarca
| Russia gained Serbia
| Russia gained Cuban
| Russia gained Azov, Kerch
| Greece gained independence from Turkey
| The Crimea was declared independent from Turkey
126. According to the 1791 Treaty of Jassy
| Russia gained northern part of the Black Sea coast
| Russia gained Southern-Western Bessarabia
| RussiagainedterritoriesfromDniester till Cuban
| Russia gained Azov, Kerch
| Crimea was ceded to the Ottoman Empire
127. Russia’saimin «the Eastern Question» in the early 19th century
| To seize Constantinople
| To seize Bulgaria
| To provide territorial unity of the Ottoman Empire
| To possess Bosporus and Dardanelles
| To provide access to Atlantic Ocean
128. Accordingto the 1812 Bucharest Peace Treaty:
| Russia gained Southern-Western Bessarabia
| RussiagainedtheterritoriesfromDniester till Cuban
| RussiaobtainedtradingrightsontheDanube
| Turkey withdrew from Georgia
| TheBlackSeastraits were given under the control of the international commission
129. The rebellioninGreecein 1821 led to:
| Overthrow of absolutist monarchy
| Emerging of «the Eastern Question»
| The beginning of the bourgeois revolution
| The disintegration of the Ottoman Empire
| The disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
130. Rebellion of the Greek people in 1821 led to the escalation of the international tensions in:
| the trade relations among European nations
| the colonial relations among European nations
| In the region of the Balkan Peninsula
| among Balkan nations
| In the Middle East
131. During the Russo-Turkish War of 1828-1829:
| Great Britain strengthened its navy in the Mediterranean Sea
| Austria maintainedneutrality
| France maintainedneutrality
| France sent its expeditionary force to Morea
| Greek army was defeated
132. Accordingtothe 1829 TreatyofAdrianople:
| Территория Грузии, Имеретии, Мингрелии возвращалась к Турции
| The Ottoman Empire recognized Russia’s possession of the Khanates of Erivan and Nachichevan
| Serbia gained independence
| TheOttomanEmpireguarantied autonomy to Serbia and Greece
| The Straits were closed to all foreign commercial vessels
| | |
| |
133. The reason of the Egypt crisis of 1831-1833
| Consequences of the Russo-Turkish War
| Signing of the Russo-English Agreement
| Egypt Pasha’s demand to the Ottoman Empire for control of Arab Greater Syria
| Interference of European powers into the war
| France’s seizure of Egypt
134. The following agreements were reached in the end of the Egypt crisis of 1831-1833:
| Muhammad Ali Pasha recognized himself as Sultan’s vassal
| Muhammad Ali Pasha didnotrecognize himselfasSultan’svassalПаша
| Muhammad Ali Pasha kept its forces in Anatolia
| Muhammad Ali Pasha took control over Tripoli
| TheEgyptwasleftin control of Syria and much of Arabia
| Egypt was included into the French protectorate
135. The major events of 1833 related to «the Eastern Question»
| Signingofthe TreatyofAdrianople
| Signing of the London Straits Convention
| Signing of the Treaty of Hunkar Iskelesi
| Signing of the Treaty of Balta Liman
| Signing of the Munchengratz Agreement
| End of the Russo-Turkish War
136. Which countries took obligation to maintain status quo in the Ottoman Empire according to the Munchengratz Agreement of 1833
| England
| Austria and Prussia
| France
| Russia
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