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Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases. Try to memorize them.


Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases. Try to memorize them.

Nouns and noun phrases

chimney radian heat electric current
draught steam radiator path
quartz heater hot-water radiator ray
resistance-type electric heater  

Verbs and verbal phrases

to vent    


red hot    


28. Answer the following question and read the text below to check your answer.


What was the earliest type of local heating system?

Local Heating Systems

Local heating is in common use in many countries. Such heating comes from fireplaces, or room heaters.

The earliest type of local heating system was the open fire within an enclosure, such as a cave or a tent. Such a fire is not satisfactory because the area heated can accumulate smoke.

If a fireplace is put at one side of a room and provided with a chimney, the smoke and combustion gases will pass up the chimney. The chimney provides a draught by which the air enters the front of the fireplace and passes up the chimney to aid the burning of the fuel. However, this draught reduces the energy efficiency of a fireplace.

Some room heaters burn gas to produce heat. These can be placed in a corner of the room and used with a fan to circulate the heated air. Such heaters should not be used without adequate ventilation to the outside because combustion gases can be harmful to the occupants of the room. Other room heaters burn paraffin and must also be vented.

Electric room heaters pass an electric current through a series of wires. These wires resist the electricity and become red hot. Such electric heaters give off heat by radiation and convection.

Most local sources of heat are relatively hot, compared with steam and hot-water radiators. For this reason they produce a larger proportion of radiant heat. When such large amounts of radiant heat are used, the temperature of the air in the room needs not become so hot. For example, a resistance-type electric heater called a quartz heater warms anyone in the path of its heat rays. But the heat rays do not significantly warm the air through which they travel.


Complete the following sentences according to the text.

1) Local heating is in … in many countries.

2) The smoke and combustion gases will pass up the chimney if …

3) A draught is …

4) … burn gas to produce heat.

5) Electric room heaters pass an electric current through...

6) Electric heaters give off heat by … and...

7) … produce a larger proportion of radiant heat.

8) A resistance-type electric heater is called …


Correct the following statements if necessary.

1) A draught is provided by the chimney.

2) A draught increases the energy efficiency of a fireplace.

3) Room heaters must be used with a fan to circulate the heated air.

4) Adequateventilation to the outside should be provided in the case of the room heater usage.

5) Steam and hot-water radiators are hotter than most local sources of heat.

6) A quartz heater warms anyone in the path of its heat rays as well as the air.


Answer the following questions and give examples.

1) What does local heating come from?

2) Why is an open fire unsatisfactory?

3) What does a draught do?

4) Where can room heaters be placed?

5) Why must room heaters be vented?

6) What do the wires in electric room heaters resist?

7) Do the heat rays increase the temperature of the air through which they travel?


Write a summary of Text 4.




Choose the contextual meanings of the words written in bold in Text 4.



a) камера c) оболочка
b) конструкция d) ограждение



a) тяга c) усилие
b) сквозняк d) энергия



a) соответствующий c) пригодный
b) достаточный  


Form the verbs from the following nouns.

accumulation →… combustion →…
provision →… reduction →…
circulation →… ventilation →…
resistance →… comparison →…


Fill in the correct prepositions, translate the phrases, then choose any five items and make up the sentences of your own.


1) heating comes ___ fireplaces; 2) the open fire ___ an enclosure; 3) to put ___ one side of a room; 4) to provide ___ a chimney; 5) gases pass ___ the chimney; 6) the front ___ the fireplace; 7) to use ___ adequate ventilation; 8) to pass an electric current ___ a series of wires; 9) to compare ___ radiators; 10) ___ this reason; 11) to warm anyone ___ the path ___ heat rays; 12) to travel ___ the air/


Translate the following text into English in written form.


Системы отопления по расположению основных элементов подразделяются на местные и центральные.

Основные конструктивные элементы системы отопления:

•теплоисточник (теплогенератор при местном или теплообменник при централизованном теплоснабжении) - элемент для получения теплоты;

•теплопроводы - элемент для переноса теплоты от теплоисточника к отопительным приборам;

•отопительные приборы - элемент для передачи теплоты в помещение.

В местных системах для отопления, как правило, одного помещения все три основных элемента конструктивно объединяются в одной установке. Примером местной системы отопления могут служить отопительные печи.

Центральными называются системы, предназначенные для отопления группы помещений из единого теплового центра. В тепловом центре (пункте) находятся теплогенераторы (котлы) или теплообменники. Они могут размещаться непосредственно в обогреваемом здании либо вне здания - в центральном тепловом пункте, на тепловой станции (отдельно стоящей котельной) или ТЭЦ.

Центральная система отопления называется районной, когда группа зданий отапливается из отдельно стоящей центральной тепловой станции.



Make all types of questions to Text 4.


Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases. Try to memorize them.

Nouns and noun phrases

direct system furnace humidifier
indirect system duct moisture
convector blower valve
condensate pump boiler network
converter surface ceiling
breathing level attempt loop
skirting board shield pipe
resistance heating thermostat knee height
central air-conditioning unit outlet
Radiant electric heating inlet

Verbs and verbal phrases

to distribute to give off to deliver
to circulate to expose to equalize
to condense to install to raise
to affect to resist to force
Adjectives Adverbs  
uniform evenly  



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