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Translate the sentences. Mind the use of the possessive case.


1) N (sg) + -‘s: a girl’s book


2) N (pl, in ‘s’) + -‘: a girls’ school


3) N (irregular pl) + ‘s: men’s hats


4) N (proper, in ‘s, x’ in the sg): Dickens novels/Dickens ’s novels (сохранение полной формы притяжательного падежа характерно для британских имен)

BUT: предпочтительнее Socrates ideas (греческ.)

Tacitus style (латинск.)

Guy Fawkes Night (староангл.)

Cervantes Don Quixote (др. иностранные имена)


5) (the group possessive, in compounds and names consisting of several words): Jane and Mary’s room

The Duke of Edinburgh’s tailor

I’ll be back in an hour or two’s time.

Henry the Eight’s wives

the Prince of Wales’ plane

my sister-in-law’s house


NOTE: John and Sam’s parents

John’s and Sam’s parents


***Possessives usually replace articles before nouns: the car – Sue’s car

BUT: a possessive word can have its own article: the boss’ car

NOTE: the student’s new dictionary

Kate’s best friend


6) may be introduced by ‘of’ (двойной притяжательный падеж):

She is a relation of the Colonel’s.

He is an old friend of my father’s. – Он один из старых друзей моего отца.

that car of Sue’s

a friend of Joe’s


7) Tom’s report is much more interesting than Ann’s.

Mrs. Moss’s face bore a faded resemblance to her brother’s.

(сущ. опускается, чтобы избежать повтора, т.к. ясно, о каком предмете идет речь)


Living beings


8) inanimate things and abstract notions:

a) an organization (government, party, army, crew, family, society), ships and boats, names of people to mean sb’s house:

the government’s decision/ also the decision of the government (of-phrase after an organization)

the company’s success

the ship’s captain

We met at Bill’s.

I spent the evening at Ann’s.


b) the place: town, city, country, river, ocean, world, names of countries:

the city’s new centre

Britain’s government

Russia’s exports

the world’s population


c) time, distance and weight:

an hour’s rest

two hours’ drive/ also: a two-hour drive

five minutes’ walk/ also a five-minute walk

in two years’ time/ also in two-year time

a month’s holiday

night’s sleep


d) time words:

tomorrow’s meeting

today’s newspaper

yesterday’s talks

Sunday’s dinner


e) the sun, the moon, the earth, the ship:

the sun’s rays


f) after the initials and the names of the owners of some businesses:

the PM’s secretary

the MP’s briefcase





(NOTE: Harrods, Foyles)


g) set expressions:

for heaven’s (God’s) sake – ради Бога, ради всего святого

to one’s heart’s delight/content - вволю

at one’s wit’s end – стать в тупик, не знать, что делать

a stone’s throw – в двух шагах, на незначительном расстоянии

by/within a hair’s breadth – на волоске от чего-либо

a pin’s head – булавочная головка

out of harm’s way – от греха подальше


h) (независимый притяжательный падеж, школа, больница, церковь, собор, учреждение, магазин):

a/the chemist’s/ a/the chemist’s shop

a/the stationer’s

a/the baker’s

a/the tobacconist’s

St. John’s – колледж св. Джона

St. Paul’s – собор св. Павла


i) (движущие механизмы, детали машин, usu. в технической литературе):

our plane’s engines – двигатели нашего самолета

piston’s motion – движение поршня


j) (сущ., имеющие непосредственное отношение к человеческой деятельности):

the mind’s development

science’s influence


The of-structure

a) things, ideas, etc.:

the roof of the house

the owner of the cafй


NOTE: the daughter of the politician / also the politician’s daughter

the plays of Shakespeare / also Shakespeare’s plays


b) the beginning/end/top/bottom/front/back/etc. + of + N:

the back of the car

the beginning of the year


c) (N in the possessive + a clause or phrase):

I took the advice of the policeman I met at the station.


d) (the words denoting quantity, e.g. part, piece, slice, bit, etc .):

a piece of cake

a slice of bread

a pound of butter

a piece of news


NOTE: they often prefer to use a compound instead of an of-phrase:

the river bank

the car keys

the town park



1) N+N structure ( значение принадлежности может передаваться существительным в общем падеже в функции определения, которое употребляется в ед. ч., даже если передается значение мн. ч. ):

a shoe shop

a war film

a kitchen table

a horse race

a race horse

a Lancashire man

a ten-mile walk (wrong: a ten-miles walk)


***articles belonging to the first N are dropped: officers in the army – army officers (wrong: the army officers)

2) preposition structure:

the top of the hill

3) possessive ‘s structure:

my boss’s car

Ann’s idea


N+N or preposition structure?

N+N preposition structure
for well-known everyday combinations to talk about things that do not go together so often
a war film a film about a dog (wrong: a dog film)
a history book a book about violins (wrong: a violin book)
a postman a man from the bank (wrong: a bank man)
road signs signs of anger (wrong: anger signs)
a corner table the girl in the corner (wrong: the corner girl)


N+N and possessive ‘s

N+N possessive ‘s
to name common kinds of thing; the 1st N is often like an O(object) of a verb or preposition most often to talk about smth that belongs to a particular person, group, organization, country, or animal; the 1st N is often like a S (subject), usually of ‘have’
a shoe shop = a shop that sells shoes my boss’s car = my boss has a car
a war film = a film about war Ann’s idea = Ann had an idea



· N+N – если речь идет о животном, когда описывается продукт переработки убитого животного: chicken soup, calf skin

· ‘s – если речь идет о продуктах животноводства, получаемых от живых животных: cow’s milk, sheep’s wool, a hen’s egg

· ‘s – когда говорим о частях тела животного, независимо от того, живое это животное или нет: a sheep’s heart, a cow’s horn

Possessive ‘s or the of-structure? (see the rules above)

Change each sentence into a new one using ‘s with the words given in the bold type.

EXAMPLE: The newspapers today are full of interesting news. – Today’s newspapers are full of interesting news.

1. The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.

2. Tourism is the main industry in the region.

3. Exports from Britain to the United States have fallen recently.

4. The storm last week caused a lot of damage.

5. There will be a big crowd at the football match this evening.

6. The only cinema in the town has been closed down.

7. Crime is the product of social order in a country.

8. He was still thinking of the papers to come next morning.

9. The oil riches in certain Arab states are known to all.

10. The relations between the banks and industry in Germany have not always been conducive to success in export markets.



Using the information given make sentences with nouns denoting time and distance:

EXAMPLE: My house is very near here. It takes us only five minutes to get it. (walk) – So it’s only five minutes’ walk far from here.

1. I went to sleep at 3 o’clock this morning and woke up an hour later at four o’clock. (sleep)

2. If I leave my house at nine o’clock and drive to London, I arrive at about 12 o’clock. (drive)

3. Carol is leaving on holiday on the 13th. She has to come back at work on the 27th. (holiday)

4. If I leave my house at 8.50 and walk to work, I get to work at 9 o’clock. (walk)

5. I flew from Heathrow to Paris. The plane took off at 9 a.m. and launched at 10 a.m. (flight)

6. The delegation arrived in Stockholm on the 5th and left it on the 8th. (visit)

7. We started traveling round the region six days ago. Today we are coming back home. (trip)

8. They delayed in the house for an instant and then they went at once to the river’s edge to go aboard a steamer. (delay)

9. Rex decided to walk to the railway station which was two miles far from the village. (walk)

10. That morning he had already done a lot of work. It had taken him three hours. (work)


Translate the sentences. Mind the use of the possessive case.

1. Летние каникулы я провел у дедушки в деревне.

2. Джон хотел подстричься, но парикмахерская была закрыта.

3. Свадьба Кэт и Макса праздновалась только родственниками молодых.

4. Родительский дом милее (=лучше) всего на свете.

5. Моя квартира находится недалеко от университета, где я учусь,- в десяти минутах ходьбы.

6. Мама попросила купить буханку хлеба.

7. Ты не помнишь, как зовут ту женщину, с которой мы вчера разговаривали?

8. На кресле я увидел шелковый шарфик моей старшей сестры.

9. Мой босс был в недельной командировке.

10. Большинство населения страны недовольно экономической политикой.

11. Экспорт Британии в США значительно снизился.


Put the information before the noun: number +noun+ noun:

EXAMPLE: a sixteen-year-old girl, a ten-hour flight


1) a note that is worth ten pounds

2) a language course that lasts four weeks

3) a drive that takes three hours

4) a meal that consists of three courses

5) a holiday that lasts two weeks

6) a house that was built two hundred years ago

7) a delay in the airport that went on for two hours

8) a letter that goes on for ten pages

9) a university course that takes three years

10) a prison sentence of ten years

11) a hotel with five stars

12) a speed limit of 40 miles an hour


Write a new sentence according to the example:

EXAMPLE: Our holiday lasted three weeks. – It was a three-week holiday.

The girls were 15 years old. – They were 15 year-old girls.


1. The woman was 27. She was a …

2. The flight lasted three hours. It was a …

3. The strike lasted four days. It was a …

4. The book has 200 pages. It is a…

5. The boys were ten years old. They were…

6. The television series has 10 parts. It is…

7. The bottle holds 2 litres. It is…

8. Each of the tickets cost 10 pounds. They were….

9. The building has 10 floors. It is…

10. This bag of potatoes weighs 5 kilos. It is…

11. We walked for 5 miles. It was …


Put these words into pairs to make noun + noun expressions. Change plural to singular if necessary.

Antique bicycle bus cowboy door film grapes juice kitchen map newspapers publisher race roads shop station



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