Exercise 7. Translate into English, using infinitive attributes,
The INFINITIVE (functions) Ex. Complete the following, using the infinitive a) as subject: 1.... would be unjust. 2.... was very pleasant. 3.... is the only thing to do. 4.... would be much more useful. 5.... is not an easy matter. b) as predicative: 1. My hobby is.... 2. The best way to master a foreign language is.... 3. The next thing to be done is.... 4. Our aim was.... 5. To say so means.... 6. His only wish is.... c) as object: 1. He asked.... 2. In the kindergarten children are taught.... 3. I am so glad.... 4. We are awfully sorry.... 5. The doctor advised.... 6. The child is afraid.... 7. I've almost forgotten.... 8. Everybody promised.... 9. Would you like...? 10. Who has allowed you...? 11. Aunt Polly instructed Jim.... d) as attribute; 1. He was always the first.... 2. We have nothing.... 3. This is a chance.... 4. Benny has no friends.... 5. He is not a man.... 6. She made an attempt.... 7. Is there anybody...? 8. He always finds something.... 9. This is the information.... 10. He spoke of his wish.... e) as adverbial modifier of purpose: 1. He came immediately.... 2. We'll stay after the lecture.... 3. They stopped.... 4. Write down this rule.... 5. I've opened the door.... 6. He stepped aside politely.... 7.... you must work hard. 8. The boy ran out.... f) as adverbial modifier of result: 1. She was too frightened.... 2. The article is too difficult.... 3. The fence is high enough.... 4. The baby is too restless.... 5. The weather is warm enough.... 6. We are too busy.... 7. She was grown-up enough.... 8. The night was too dark.... Ex. Paraphrase the following sentences, making the object of the infinitive the subject of the sentence: Examples: l. It is hard to please him. He is hard to please. 2. It is pleasant to look at her. She is pleasant to look at. 1. It is not difficult to remember the rule. It is simple. 2. It's very comfortable to sit in my Grandfather's armchair. 3. She's a kind person. It's easy to deal with her. 4. He's very stubborn. It's difficult to persuade him. 5. It's not very easy to translate this passage. It contains some idiomatic expressions. 6. It is pleasant to look at the girl, but not at all pleasant to talk to her. She's pretty, but not very clever. 7. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel. 8. It's always funny to listen to his stories. 9. It would be useful to follow Uncle Jack's advice. 10. It's not so very easy to answer this question. Ex. Point out the infinitive attributes. Translate into Russian. 1. It's a chance not to be missed. (Murdoch) 2. No one liked to be the first to move. (Lindsay) 3. I have a word to say to my daughter. (Shaw) 4. There was not a moment to lose. (Dreiser) 5. There is no time to be lost. (Wilde) 6. We are going to find a place to phone from, and maybe have some refreshment! (Salinger) 7. Davy was never one to promise and not keep his word. (Llewellyn) 8. So you've got nothing to reproach yourself with. (Wilson) 9. There was so much to do. (Lessing) 10. He was quickwitted, unpompous, the easiest man to do business with. (Snow) 11. He was the first to speak again. (Hardy) 12. I haven't any time to spare. (Dreiser) 13. I promise you there's nothing to fear. (Maugham) 14. I won, but it's no victory to be proud of. (Wilson) 15. We came into Spezia looking for a place to eat. (Hemingway). 16. Haviland was really someone to admire. (Wilson) 17. I told the driver the address to drive to. (Hemingway) 18. There was no taxi to be seen outside the hotel... (Priestley) 19. I have dreadful news to break to her. (Dickens) 20. She had a long way to go. (Hansford Johnson) 21. Strickland isn't the man to make a woman; happy. (Maugham) 22. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. (Wilde) 23. But I haven't much to be] proud of in that respect. (Snow)
Ex. Replace the subordinate clauses by attributive infinitives: 1. There weren't many children in the neighbourhood who we could play with. 2. He fell asleep with full determination that he would go and see for himself. 3. He is a man one can trust. 4. We didn't know the way to the station, and there wasn't anyone who we could ask. 5. He was the first person who came to the bar and the last who left it. 6. It isn't a thing you can joke about. It's a serious matter. 7. He will always find something that makes him laugh at. 8. They decided that it was a nice little town where they could live quietly for a while. 9. He's not a man who you can easily frighten. 10. There's nothing that we might discuss now. Everything is settled. 11. He was the first man who guessed what George was driving at. 12. A good housewife will always find something that must be done about the house. Exercise 7. Translate into English, using infinitive attributes, (A) 1. Он первый прервал молчание. 2. Он ушел из лаборатории последним. 3. У нее есть ребенок, о котором ей надо заботиться. 4. Мне надо вам кое-что сказать. 5. Вот книга, которую хорошо почитать в поезде. 6. Мне надо о многом поговорить с вами. 7. У меня есть друзья, которые могут мне помочь. 8. У меня не было времени прочитать эту статью. 9. Он не такси человек, чтобы забыть о своем обещании. 10. Я знал, что нельзя терять времени. 11. Вот статья, которую вы должны прочитать. 12. У меня есть хорошая новость, которую я должен вам рассказать. (B) 1. Василий Иванович первый поднялся. (Тургенев) 2. По верьте мне — я имею право это говорить: я дорого заплатил за это право, (Тургенев) 3....она тотчас почувствовала, что он имеет сообщить ей что-то. (Тургенев) 4.... дадим себе слово признаваться во всем друг другу. (Л. Толстой) 5. Меня Мавра Кузьминишна послала, тут раненых привезли... а им некуда деваться. (Л. Толстой) 6.... я сказал, что мне нужно готовить уроки, и ушел наверх. (Л. Толстой) 7. Первое лицо, встретившее Анну дома, был сын. (Л. Толстой)
Ex. Translate these sentences into English, using attributive infinitives: 1. Это как раз хороший случай помириться с ними. 2. Мне не у кого попросить совета. 3. Вот свежая роза, которую ты можешь приколоть к волосам. 4. Это было неподходящее время для перерыва. 5. Сомневаюсь, есть ли здесь кто-либо, с кем можно было бы поговорить об этом деле. 6. Мне дали текст, который я должен был перевести без словаря. 7. Не о чем спорить. Мы практически говорим об одном и том же. 8. Он как раз подходящий человек, чтобы заполнить вакансию. 9. Вот ключ, которым открывается ящик конторки. 10. Вопрос, который будет обсуждаться на нашем собрании, очень важен, на мой взгляд. 11. Я не вижу тряпки, которой стирают с доски. 12. Это как раз подходящая книга для чтения перед сном. 13. Мы уезжаем завтра утром, а у нас еще куча дел. 14. Он отвечал первым. 15. Нельзя было терять время, и Телегин выпрыгнул через окно на крышу соседнего дома. 16. Тут и понимать нечего, все очень просто. 17. Несмотря на желание сказать что-нибудь веселое (cheering), он смог только робко улыбнуться. 18. Он с сожалением понял, что ничего нельзя было сделать. Ex. Point out Infinitives of result and translate the sentences into Russian: 1. I intended to use the opportunity, it was too good to be missed. 2. When I left the Post Office I found that I was too late to catch the London train. 3. It was getting too hot to work and we decided to have a break. 4. Dixon was clever enough to avoid talking on this subject with Welch. 5. Michael considered Jonny to be too young to be drawn into their religious community. 6. She was woman enough not to forget to powder her hose even at that critical moment. 7. His case is such as not to be helped. 8. He turned to Margaret to find her in conversation with Carol Goldsmith. 9. He heard a loud knock at the front door and opened it to see a stranger in a shabby raincoat. 10. She liked to be kind to people and used to give promises to forget them at once. 11. He went quickly to the bathroom, and returned to find Murphy sitting beside his bed. 12. I wish I were strong enough to help you, my boy. Ex. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use infinitives of result: Examples: 1. The storm was so strong that I couldn't go out. The storm was too strong (for me) to go out. 2. The text is so short that it can be translated in an hour. The text is short enough to be translated in an hour. 1. It was so dark that he could see nothing before him. 2. You are so experienced, you ought to know better. 3. She was so excited that she couldn't utter a word. 4. He was so angry, he wouldn't speak to me. 5. His English vocabulary is very poor; he can't make himself understood. 6. She knows English so well that she can read Somerset Maugham in the original. 7. Mr. Burton was so cruel that he could send a man to death.
8. The story "A Friend in Need" is so tragic, it can't be merely ironical. 9. The man was so down and out that he could not get a decent job. 10. The man was not very strong and so was unable to swim the distance. It was very late, nobody could save him.
Ex. Translate the sentences into English, using infinitives of result and attendant circumstances: 1. Он достаточно умен, чтобы понять это. 2. Течение было таким сильным, что он не мог проплыть вокруг маяка. 3. Рассказ был слишком захватывающим, чтобы не дочитать его до конца. 4. Ее произношение было слишком правильным, чтобы быть естественным. 5. Он был так взбешен, что одного слова было бы достаточно, чтобы свести его с ума. 6. Я просмотрел две главы и (в результате) нашел только пять подходящих примеров. 7. На следующее утро она проснулась и обнаружила, что она одна во всем доме. 8. После длительного путешествия он вернулся домой и понял, что в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 9. Он прошел через все комнаты и (в результате) увидел только кошку на кухне. Квартира была пуста. 10. Она открыла дверь кабинета и увидела, что отец ходит взад и вперед в сильном гневе. 11. Время от времени он просыпался и тут же снова засыпал. 12. После долгого отсутствия она вернулась домой и поняла, что ничего не изменилось: они не простили ее. 13. В который раз обдумав ситуацию, он понял, что выхода нет. 14. Она открыла дверь и увидела, что все уже собрались и ждут ее. Ex. State the functions of infinitives in the following sentences: 1. He came into the room to shut the windows. 2. He seemed to know all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry about. 3. Do you want me to read to you? 4. I made a note of the time to give the various capsules. 5. They said the boy had refused to let anyone come into the room. 6. You can't come in. You mustn't get what I have. 7. Don't make me laugh. 8. It took me about five minutes to work out how much a suit at nine and a half guineas would cost. 9. The British Museum is much too big to be seen in an hour or so. 10. Father decided to take a holiday from his office so as to help in celebrating the day. 11. It was necessary to make it in a day, just on Monday. 12. She was sitting near enough to see his face. 13. That's how I used to be myself. 14. A railway station is the most difficult of all places to act in. 15. I think the best way to get a general idea of a country-is to study the map. 16. If he couldn't get something to do he'd have to commit suicide. 17. You may fail in your English if you go on like that. 18. It's true there was no scenery to stare at, but the costumes and make-up, the light and sound effects helped the audience to concentrate on the dialogue and the acting. 19. It seemed a privilege to lend anything to him. 20. Thank you for your very kind invitation to visit you and stay with you. 21. It made our mouths water to hear him talk about such tasty things.
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