Распредели слова на картинке
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 arm chair - стул с подлокотником bedside table - прикроватная тумбочка bow - бульба bow wave - волнорез bollard - кнехт blanket - одеяло carpet - ковер casualty - пострадавший chain stopper - стопор цепи cloth - скатерть spoons - ложка crankcase door - дверь картера crate - ящик crow bar - лом cupboard - сервант curtain - штора fire axe - пожарный топор fork – вилка forklift truck – автопогрузчик jetty - пристань jug - кувшин hatch lid - крышка люка launch - баркас, катер mop - “Машка” на швабре pedestal roller - роликовый кнехт plant - растение safety ashtray - пепельница stretcher - носилки wardrobe - платяной шкаф watermelons - арбуз
РАСПРЕДЕЛИ СЛОВА Building (warehouse -склад, factory) / transport (motorbike, train) / communication (fax, telephone). Cargo handling gear (slings, tarpaulin -брезент) / cargo (flour -мука, sheet iron) / damage to cargo (soiling - загрязнение, fermentation -брожение). Cargo safety problems (spontaneous combustion -самовозгорание, cargo saturation - насыщенность) / dry bulk (sand, fertilizers -удобрение) / liquid bulk (petroleum, oil). Cause (lifting heavy objects, explosion) / injury (back strain -растяжение, burns) / prevention (use lifting equipment, handle -обращаться с chemical properly). Colors (black, blue) / types of communication (verbal, written) / crimes at sea (piracy, smuggling - контрабанда). Equipment failure (leakage, burst -разрушение) / equipment (boiler, generator) / repair (replace, weld). Equipment failure (overheating, blackout) / equipment (engine, pump) / repair (welding, soldering). Food (pasta, rice) / kitchen utensils-утварь (bowl -чаша, knife) / furniture (armchair, table). Food (beef stew -тушёная говядина, soup) / kitchen utensils (tin opener -открывалка, potato peeler -чистелка) / furniture (wardrobe -шкаф, sofa). Footwear (boots, slippers) / clothing (shirt, belt) / electrical items (DVD player, television). Fruit (water melon -дыня, pineapple) / vegetable (potato, carrot -морковь) / drink (tea, coffee). Fruit (grapes, peach -персик) / vegetable (cabbage -капуста, cucumber -огурец) / drink (milk, wine). Galley equipment (dishwasher, stove -печь) / cargo equipment (hook, boom -стрела крана) / navigational equipment (course recorder, gyrocompass). Mooring terms (breast line, bollard) / anchoring terms (chain locker, windlass) / cargo handling gear (grad crane, derrick -вышка). Part of the body (knee -колено, shoulder -плечо) / type of injure (sprain -растяжение, a break -ломать) / medication (antibiotics, ointment -мазь).
Part of the body (leg, head) / type of injure (burn, cut) / medication and treatment-обработка (injection, pills). Part of ship (deck, bulkhead) / ship space (workshop, storeroom) / ship characteristics (draft, breadth -ширина). Part of ship (forecastle, superstructure) / type of ship (tanker, reefer) / cargo (coal, fertilizer -удобрение). Personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles) / lifesaving equipment (immersion suit, life raft) / accidents (fire, collision). Relatives-родные (uncle, nephew -племянник) / job (doctor, lawyer) / place of work (bank, shop). Shape-форма (triangle, square) / color (blue, green) / size (large, wide). Safety equipment (face shield, ear defenders) / hazardous materials (toxic gas, flammable liquid) / types of emergency (sinking -погружение, grounding). Ships equipment (fresh water generator, purifier) / type of ship (ro-ro, supply vessel) / cargo (sugar, iron ore -железная руда). Tools (soldering iron, wrench) / means of signaling (smoke float, hand flare -вспышка) / mooring appliances-устройство (fairlead -шкив, reel -барабан). Weather conditions (gale -шторм, hurricane -ураган) / navigational equipment (echo sounder, radar) / anchoring terms (shackle -скоба, gypsy -швартовный барабан).
PRONUNCIATION a cc ess, dress, assess, messman adj u st, reduce, residues, view ache [eik], rea ch, school, stomach [stamek] age, general, gym, g ame agent, sewage, ecological, g rease alter, r u le, rubber, rust attention, preven ti ve, pollution, precaution ba g, ring, wing, long barge, m a tch ([metf]-спичка), large, card ball, p a llet, small, wall bathroom, wea th er, health, thruster begin, ve g etable, gas, grind begin, b e rth, shrink, twist b e ll, seal, meal, wheel bl ow, cloud [klaud], now, brown bright, f i tting, pipe, lighting b oi ler, loan [loun], own, home buy, ea r [ie], fly, eye c argo, celsius, cigar, celebrate catch, ya ch t, watch, hatch ch arge, bucket, crack, lack chamber, ch ronometer, discharge, chart c ir cuit, write, tight, night copper, p neumonia [njumeunie], potato, plotting cough [kof], throu gh [fru], rough [raf], enough(?) country, trouble, tough [taf], gr ou p could [kud], nai l, half [haf], talk c ou rse, south, mount, round c ow ([kau]- корова), below, overflow, throw doc t or, nature, future, puncture departure, feature, posi t ion, temperature delete, sweet, need, n e t essential, main t ain, function, tension figure, midship, s i ze, spirit f i nger, grind [graind], find, mild [maild] four, p oo l, pour, restore go, h ow, low, snow hor i zon, pin, rig, trim h onest [onist], hockey, history, hook j u mp, junior, june, juice k eep, knock, knob, knife p ound, phone, phenomenon, photo piracy, stabilizer, tr i mming, wire pressure, s upply, sure, sugar th is, thermometer, thinner, theft
READING (ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRY) without any ventilation / oxygen deficient / through reduce of regular use / with appropriate warnings / an enclosed space / stand-by.
(GARBAGE DISPOSAL) garbage / to be adapted / full instruction / to be reviewed regularly / discharged / to be readily available.
(OIL SPILL) spillages of bunker oil / all necessary precaution are taken / any escape of oil / oil spill removal equipment / portable pumps / in a convenient storeroom.
(SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION) loaded in damp conditions / very little ventilation / combustion / the restriction of oxygen supply / could burst into flames / spontaneous combustion.
(LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES) escape from vessel in distress / launched / maintain the life boat falls and davits / be properly adjusted regularly maintained / a malfunction of the release equipment / training.
(MOBILE PHONES AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT) shipboard electronics malfunctioning / sensitive equipment / interference / restriction on the use of portable phones / during maneuvering / cargo operation.
(WORK ON ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT) prior to / permit to work / injury or death / flammable vapours / to isolate / to follow.
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