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Балет большого театра. Триумфальные гастроли 1956 года.



TASK # 1

Прочитать и перевести приведенный оригинальный текст со словарем. (На экзамене по кандидатскому минимуму аспирантам (соискателям) будет предложен текст объемом не менее 2000-2500 печатных знаков). На выполнение подобного задания на экзамене отводится 50-60 минут.


Ballet and opera began in the 17th century, with the elaborate spectacles devised at European courts. These were flamboyant entertainments used to celebrate

Costume Design for a Drummer marriagesshow the wealth and

in a French Ballet power of the ruler. The performances were a mixture of spoken word, music, dance and pantomime. They contained ceremonial processions with spectacular technical effects and extravagant costumes. The stories were inspired by the myths of ancient Greece and Rome or were based on themes such as the four seasons, the natural world or foreign lands. Costumes were imaginative and fantastical, deco-rated with symbols that helped the audience to recognize the characters in the story. Movement was often limited by the size of these costumes. Originally, the court ballets were performed by the aristocracy and royalty in the rooms and gardens of their pa-laces. Dances were based on the social dances of the royal courts with graceful arm and upper body movements and elaborate floor pat-terns. These huge spectacles helped keep courtiers amused - court life could be monotonous and boring, and being able to dance was a necessary social accomplishment. King Louis XIV of France was by all accounts a passionate dancer. He was known as the Sun King. He had appeared as the Sun god, Apollo in Le Ballet de la Nuit (The Ballet of the Night), at the age of 15. Apollo was the Greek god of peace and arts. The Sun, a heavenly body which gave life to all things was seen as the per-fect symbol for the young king. Eventually it became impossible for amateur dancers to reach the standards demanded by the dancing masters and composers. The two separate traditions of ballet and opera began to develop independently and in 1661 the Académie Royale de Danse, was established in France. Here the first professional the-atre dancers were trained and dance moved from the court into the public theatres. The ballet La Princesse d'Elide was part of a seven-day fête held in May 1664 at the Palace of Versailles. The festivities celebrated the birth of a son to Louise de La Vallière, mistress of the French king, Louis XIV. Versailles had no theatre, so temporary stages were set up around the palace and in the gar-dens. Here the stage has been set up in the grounds with the pa-lace itself visible in the background. Such lavish celebrations helped impress foreign dignitaries and reinforced Louis' image as absolute ruler. Louis and his courtiers often took part in the festivities. In some ways, Louis' whole life was a performance, played out on the stage of Versailles: people even watched him get up in a morning and go to bed.

1) Find the expressions in the text and translate them    
1) flamboyant entertainments  
2) wealth and power of the ruler  
3) spectacular technical effects  
4) the first professional theatre dancers  
5) temporary stages  
6) imaginative and fantastical costumes 7) a passionate dancer  



2) Find the sentences with the following phrases in the text  


Expression Translation  
1) сочетание слова, музыки, танца и пантомимы a mixture of spoken word, music, dance and pantomime
2) быть построенным на та-ких темах, как четыре сезона, природа и дальние страны to be based on themes such as the four sea-sons, the natural world or foreign lands
3) мифы древней Греции и Рима the myths of ancient Greece and Rome
4) оживить монотонная и скучная жизнь при дворе to emuse monotonous and boring court life
5) требуемуе светское воспитание a necessary social accomplishment
6) Греческий бог мира и искусств Greek god of peace and arts
7) установить временную сцену to set up a temporary stage
8) пышный праздник   lavish celebrations



3) Answer the following questions  


1) Where were the elaborate ballet and opera spectacles played in the 17th century?

2) What did the entertainments celebrate?

3) What did the performances contain?

4) What were the stories of the ballet inspired by?

5) What were the stories based on?

6) What did the symbols on the costumes help the audience to recognize?

7) What were dances based on?

8) Why was King Louis known as the Sun King?

9) In what performance did King Louis play at the age of 15?

10) Why was the dance a special social accomplishment at the


11) When was The Royal Academy of Dance established in


12) When did the dance move from the court to the public theatres?

13) What did the festivities celebrate in May 1664 at the Palace of Versailles?

14) Why were the temporary stages set up in the grounds around the Palace of Versailles?

15) What was King Louis' whole life in some way?

4) Mark, which sentences are written in active voice and which are in passive voice  



Pyotr Ilyich Tchaykovsky wrote music for the ballet ‘The Sleeping Beauty’. (Active)

Music for ballet The Sleeping Beauty was written by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaykovsky.(Passive)


1) The stories were inspired by the myths.

2) The performances were a mixture of spoken word, music,

dance and pantomime.


3) Movement was often limited.

4) Costumes were imaginative and fantastical.

5) Dances were based on the social dances.

6) These huge spectacles helped keep courtiers amused.

7) The sun was seen as the perfect symbol.

8) The Académie Royale de Danse was established.

9) The first professional theatre dancers were trained.

10) The temporary stages were set up.

11) Eventually, it became impossible for amateur dancers.

12) He was known as the Sun King.

13) His nickname ‘The Sun King’ came from his performance as Apollo, the Greek god of the sun, in the Ballet de la Nuit in


14) The King Louis' whole life was played out as a performance on the stage of Versailles.



Страдательный (пассивный) залог широко употребляется в современном английском языке в устной и письменной речи. Его используют, когда нет необходимости называть исполни-теля действия, который подразумевается из контекста, или же, если не имеет значения, кто выполняет действие, и важен только результат этого действия. Он образуется при помощи глагола to be (в соответствующем времени) и причастия прошедшего времени. Времена Present Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous в страдательном залоге не используются.

Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Simple They show the ballet at 5.00. The ballet is shown at 5.00.
Present Continuous They are showing the ballet now. The ballet is being shown now.
Past Simple They showed the ballet at 5.00. The ballet was shown at 5.00
Past Continuous They were showing the ballet. The ballet was being shown.
Future Simple They will show the ballet. The ballet will be shown.
Present Perfect They have shown the ballet. The ballet has been shown.
Past Perfect They had shown the ballet. The ballet had been shown.
Future Perfect They will have shown the ballet. The ballet will have been shown.


В английском языке насчитывается множество глаголов(фра-зовые глаголы),которые употребляются с дополнением, выра-женным частицей. В этом случае в страдательном залоге важ-но не пропустить частицу,она ставится сразу после глагола. 1) The doctor was sent for. - За доктором послали. 2)The lecturer was listened to Лектора слушали с with great attention. большим вниманием. 3)The weather is often spoken about. О погоде часто говорят. Why is he always laughed at? Почему над ним всегда смеются? Сравните два следующих предложения: The letter was sent. — Письмо послали. The letter was sent for. — За письмом послали.  



Глаголы, обозначающие не действие или процесс, а состоя

ние лица или предмета, не употребляются в страдатель-ном залоге. К ним относятся следующие глаголы:

have (иметь),

resemble (быть похожим)


fit (соответствовать),

suit (подходить)

lack(недоставать) и другие.

Предложения, приведенные далее, даны в действитель-ном залоге, употребить страдательный залог в их случае невозможно.

I resemble my mum. — Я похожа на свою маму.
He has become a doctor. — Он стал доктором.



Перевод английских страдательных оборотов на русский

язык часто представляет трудность. В то время, как в анг-

лийском языке имеется только один способ выражения страдательного залога, в русском языке существует три способа его передачи:

1) При помощи глагола ‘быть’ и краткой формы причас-

тия страдательного залога:

(Этот способ похож на способ выражения страдательного залога в английском языке.) Глагол ‘быть’ в настоящем времени не употребляется.

дом построен, дом был построен, дом будет построен;

2) Глаголами, оканчивающимися на - ся:

дом строится, дом строился, дом будет строиться;


3) неопределенно-личным оборотом с глаголом в дейcтви-тельном залоге в 3-м лице мн. числа:

дом строят, дом строили, дом будут строить.

Иногда английский страдательный оборот можно пере-

вести двумя или даже всеми тремя способами в зависи-

мости от соответствующего русского глагола и контекста:

  1) I was invited to the concert.   a) Я был приглашен на концерт. b)Меня пригласили на концерт.
2)The exam was passed yesterday. a)Экзамен был сдан вчера. b)Экзамен сдавали вчера. c) Экзамен сдавался вчера.
5) Write the sentences in passive voice (in different tenses)  


Present Simple Passive


(Usually) 1) The books (to read)______________ every day.

2) The e-mails (to read) ____________in the morning.

3) The vocal class (to finish) ______________at 12.30.

4) The performance (to show) _____________at 7 p.m.

5) The lecturer (to listen to) ______________ with great interest.

6) The morning exercise (to do) ___________ every day.


Past Simple Passive

(Yesterday) 1) The history exam (to pass) _________yesterday.

2) The film (to see) ____________on TV.

3) The students (to invite) ______ _______to the theatre.

4) The professor (to ask) _______________an interesting question.

5) The mobile phone (to present) _______for birthday.

6) The poem (to recite) _______________ by the actress.


Future Simple Passive


(Tomorrow) 1) The play (to perform) ______ at the Studio Theatre.

2) The semester (to start) _________________ in a due time.

3) The baby (to be born) __________________soon.

4) The book (to publish) __________n this publishing house.

5) The concert program ________________ (to revise).

6) The dean (to elect) __________________by the board.


6) Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice

1) I think the actress from the Mali theatre played the leading role in this movie.

The leading role in this movie_________________________

2) They were using a vacuum cleaner to tidy up the stage after the show.

The vacuum-cleaner _________________________________

3) They are showing this thriller at the cinema house in the centre.

This thriller__________________________________________

4) My friends invited me to a ballet performance yesterday.

I __________________________________________________

5) I have not visited the Metropolitan Museum in New York yet.

The Metropolitan Museum _____________________________

6) They say that they watch the program on politics every day.

They say that the program on politics ____________________


7) Write these sentences in negative and interrogative forms


1) These poems are written by William Blake.

2) The rehearsal was finished at 10 p.m.

3) Your proposal will be supported by the fellow students.

4) The plan has been fulfilled.

5) The conference is being held now.

6) The concert must be finished soon.


8) Translate the sentences into English using verbs in Present Simple Active, Present Simple Passive



1) Я уважаю своих друзей.


2) Меня уважают мои родители.


3) Он каждый день рассказывает нам что-нибудь интересное.


4) Ему не каждый день рассказывают что-нибудь интересно___________________________________________

5) Он часто дарит своей девушке цветы.


6) Девушке часто дарят цветы.


7) Собаки любят играть.


8) Собак любят во многих семьях.


9) Меня не часто приглашают в театр.


10) Актрису часто приглашают играть в кино.


11) Где хранят костюмы в нашем театре?


12) Где учат актеров театра и кино?


13) Я люблю читать сонеты Шекспира.


14) Сонеты Шекспира любят все.


15) Я всегда читаю пьесы Теннесси Уильямса с большим интересом.


16) Студенты 2-го курса читают пьесы Теннесси Уильямса с интересом.


TASK # 2

Прочитать и пересказать тексты ‘Ballet in Britain’, 'Alexey Ratmansky’. (На экзамене кандидатского минимума аспирантам (соискателям) будет предложен текст объемом не менее 1000 печатных знаков) На выполнение подобного задания на экзамене отводится 10-12 минут.




Marie Rambert LambertLambert
Ballet in Britain was established by two former Diaghilev dancers, Marie Rambert (a Polish-Jewish dancer and dance teacher who exerted a great influence on British ballet, both as a dancer and teacher) and Ninette de Valois (an Irish-born British dancer, teacher, choreo-

grapher and a director of classical ballet).

They ensured that ballet was a viable career for British dancers and challenged the myth that the British could not dance. Marie Rambert

Dame Ninette de Valois
formed the Ballet Club later to be known as Ballet Rambert. Ninette de Valois started the Vic-Wells Ballet which later become The

Royal Ballet Company. These two companies made a major contribution to the development of British Ballet.

Opportunities for ballet dancers in the early 1930s were limited. Neither Ballet Rambert nor the Vic-Wells Ballet performed every night. To make ends meet many dancers appeared with both companies and also performed in revue and pantomime. By 1935, de Valois could offer a year-long contract at the Vic–Wells Ballet. Marie Rambert couldn’t compete and there are stories about Ram-bert waiting outside Sadler’s Wells to try to woo her dancers back. By the end of the decade Rambert too offered full-time contracts and ballet became a realistic career for British dancers.


‘The New York Times’

June 29, 2016


9) Answer the following questions  


1) Who established ballet in Britain?

2) What did Marie Rambert and Ninette de Valois have to do with Sergey Dyagilev?

3) What myth about British people did Marie Rambert and Ninette deValois challenge?

4) What was the name of the ballet company Marie Rambert


5) Who started the Royal Ballet Company?

6) Did the ballet companies perform every night in the 1930s?

7) What did the ballet dancers do to make ends meet?

8) When did ballet become a realistic career for British dancers?


10) Translate the sentences from Russian into English


1) Британский балет был основан балеринами ‘Русского балета’ Сергея Дягилева.


2) Большое влияние на британский балет было оказано балериной Мэри Ламберт.


3) Труппа ‘Вик Уэлс Балле’ была создана Нинетт де Валуа.


4) Годовой контракт был предложен артистам балета в 1935 году.


5) В начале 1930 годов возможности балетных артистов Великобритании были ограничены.



Steadily since his 2008 move to the West and especially in the last two years, the choreographer Alexei Ratmansky has been reaching higher peaks of achievement. The 20th century ended in gloom for the future of ballet choreography. Most devotees can now name at least three ballet choreographers under 50 whom they admire. Most of them will agree that Mr. Ratmansky is one. Two of his recent ballets, ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’ (New York City Ballet, 2014) and ‘Serenade After Plato’s Symposium’ (American Ballet Theatre, 2016), feel not just like new works; they open up new genres.

‘Pictures’ looks like a children’s wild game and ‘Serenade,’ as its men discuss love, becomes a picture of pluralism, civilized and philosophical.

Mr. Ratmansky is also a serious scholar who has started taking custody of the 19th-century dance classics and changing our ideas of them, with his productions of the 1890-1910 St. Petersburg versions of ‘The Sleeping Beauty’ (American Ballet Theatre, 2015; revived this season) and ‘Swan Lake’ (Zurich Ballet; at La Scalain Milan, June 30 to July 15).

Most remarkably, he schools his dancers to believe in his research of rediscovery of ballet tradition. Mr. Ratmansky has been artist in residence at American Ballet Theatre in New York since 2009. Since early 2015, a new fusion has occurred: Ballet Theatre’s dan-cers now work in deeper harmony with his ideas. He has made five works from 2006 to 2014 for New York City Ballet. May 2017 brings a sixth, along with three Ratmansky revivals.

New York Times

Alastair Macaulay June 29,


11) Answer the following questions  


1) When did Alexei Ratmansky reach higher peaks of achievement in choreography?


2) How did the 20th century end for the ballet choreography?


3) What ballet performances has Alexei Ratmansky recently staged in New York?


4) What the 19th-century dance classics did Ratmansky stage in the West in 2015-2016?


5) What does Alexei Ratmansky school his dancers to?


6) How many ballet performances did he create from 2006 until 2016 for New York City Ballet?



12) Read the above text and find main ideas using the following expressions


1) The text is about _________________________________.

2) The first part of the text is focused on ____________.

3) Then the author describes smth (suggests, states that) ___.

4) After that the author passes on to (description of, statement of, analysis of __________________________________.

5) At the end of the text, the author pays attention to the fact that__.

6) I have read the text with great interest because ____.



13) Translate the Russian text into English and retell it


Use the following words:

Official visit – официальный визит, to develop cultural relationship- развивать культурные отношения, at a high level- на высоком уровне, financial matters – финансовые вопросы, the largest playhouse – крупнейший театр





В 1956 году состоялись первые зарубежные гастроли Большого театра. В этом году Великобританию с официальным визитом посетил Никита Хрущев. Хрущеву Лондон понравилась, и культурные отношения двух стран было решено развивать. ‘Первые гастроли Большого Театра в 1956 году были организованы на самом высоком уровне, одним государством для другого государства. Королевский балет отправился в Москву, а Большой театр приехал в Лондон, - вспоминает Лилиан Хочхаузер, одна из организаторов гастролей. Все финансовые вопросы решались министерствами культуры Великобритании и СССР. В Лондон отправилось около 250 артистов. Было ре-шено, что гастроли продлятся две недели, всего будет 15 пред-ставлений. Большой театр повез балеты ‘Ромео и Джульетту’ Сергея Прокофьева в постановке Леонида Лавровского, ‘Жизель’ и ‘Бахчисарайский фонтан’. Большой показывал спектакли в Ковент Гарден - крупнейшем оперном театре в Англии, одним из самых уважаемых и интересных музыкальных театров мира.


TASK # 3

Побеседовать с преподавателем на тему, любите ли вы ходить на балет, есть ли у Вас любимые артисты балета. Допишите данные предложения. На основании данного материала составьте свое сообщение по теме для экзамена.


1) Ballet is a formalized type of performance dance, which _______ (come from/was born/originated) in the Renaissance courts of the 15th century, and which was further developed in France, En-gland, and Russia.

2) This type of ________ (dancing/performing/acting) is very hard to achieve and takes much practice to master.

3) Ballet is a French word which had its _______ (origin/ beginning/start) in Italian ‘balletto’, which comes from Latin ‘ballo’, ‘ballare’, meaning ‘to dance’.

4) My_______ (favourite /beloved/popular) ballerina is Galina Ulanova.

5) Galina Sergéyevna Ulanova is frequently cited as being one of the __________ (greatest/the most popular/the most professional) ballerinas of the 20th century.

6) Galina Ulanova was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, where she _________ (studied/worked/danced) under Agrippina Vaganova and her own mother, a ballerina of the Imperial Russian Ballet.


7) In 1928, she joined the Mariinski Theatre in St. Petersburg.

8) They say that Konstantin Stanislavsky was fascinated with her acting style, _____________ (implored/asked/wanted) her to take part in his stage productions.

9) In 1944 she______(was transferred/was sent/ moved) to the Bolshoi Theatre where she would be the prima ballerina assoluta for 16 years.

10) She _______ (performed/acted/danced) the title role in the world premiere of Sergei Prokofiev's ‘Cinderella’.

11) Ulanova was a great actress as well as a dancer; British papers _______ (wrote/informed/stated) that ‘Galina Ulanova in London knew the greatest triumph of any individual dancer since Anna Pavlova’.


12) Galina Ulanova died in 1998 in Moscow, aged 88, and is buried in the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent.


13) Ulanova's apartment on the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Building_______ is (preserved/used/opened) now as a memorial museum. Monuments to Ulanova were erected in Saint Petersburg and Stockholm.

14) I think that Galina Ulanova is the genius of the Russian ballet.





Expression   Translation
1) to have a reputation of быть известным как
2) require extreme discipline and concentration. требует исключительную дисциплину и собранность
3) to have a leading part on a world stage играть главенствующую роль в мировом балете
4) prima ballerina assoluta прима баллерина ассолюта
5) choreographer хореограф
6) ballet production балетный спектакль
7) to make lasting impression on smb произвести незабываемое впечатление на кого-то
8) to be amazingly talented быть поразительно талантливым
9) music score музыка для балета
10) to dance on points танцевать на пуантах
11) to recommend highly to watch the ballet настоятельно советовать посмотреть балет
12) classic ballet contemporary ballet классический балет современный балет
13) ordinary member of the audience простой зритель
14) impression in words is impossible не передать словами впечатление
15) Great art never fades. Настоящее искусство не умирает.



LEXICOLOGY: ‘Ложные друзья переводчика’


Ложный эквивалент – это слово полностью или частично совпадающее по звуковой или графической форме с ино-странным словом, но имеющее другое значение при смы-словой близости. Примерами могут служить следующие пары английских и русских слов:    

English Artist – человек искус-ства, деятель искусства, художник вообще Russian Артист – обобщенно озна-чающее ‘актер любого вида театра’
Pathos –трагизм, щемящая грусть, печаль, чувство Пафос – страстное воду-шевление, эмоциональ-ный подъем



Ложные друзья переводчика могут приводить к неправильному пониманию и переводу текста. Часть из них образовалась из-за того, что после заимствования значение слова в одном языке изменилось, в других случаях заимствования вообще не было, а слова происхо-дят из одного корня в каком- то древнем языке, но имеют разные значения, иногда созвучие чисто случайно. Термин «ложные друзья» был введен М.Кесслером и Ж. Дерокиньи в своей работе ‘Les faux amis ou les trahisons du vocabulaire anglais’ в 1928 году.





Word   Correct translation Wrong translation
1) accurate точный, правильный аккуратный
2) actual фактический, действующий актуальный
3) aspirant претендент, кандидат аспирант
4) biscuit печенье бисквит
5) camera фото-видео- камера тюремная камера
6) data данные, факты дата
4) extra дополнительный экстра класса
5) fabric ткань фабрика
6) intelligent умный, понятливый интеллигентный
7) list список лист
8) mark метка, знак, оценка марка
9) obligation обязательство, гарантия, долг облигация
10) principal главный, основной принципиальный
11) scenery пейзаж, декорация сценарий
12) trace след трасса
13) valet камердинер, лакей, валет
14) virtuous добродетельный виртуозный


14)Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the words given before


1) Точный письменный перевод важен для выполнения первого задания экзамена.


2) Аспирантам потребуется дополнительная литература, чтобы написать статью о современном театре.


3) Список книг, необходимых для подготовки к экзамену, вы можете получить у преподавателя.


4 ) Декорации к спектаклю были по-настоящему прекрасны.


5) Слуга пригласил гостей пройти в зрительный зал.


6) Это главная дорога между двумя городами.


7) Мой фактический адрес указан в анкете.


8) Основное обязательство правительства страны – закончить войну.


9) Если вы хотите сфотографировать достопримечательности Лондона, не забудьте фотокамеру.


10) Умные и талантливые студенты учатся в нашем Университете.



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