Условия выполнения задания
Комплект оценочных средств Для проведения промежуточной аттестации в рамках основной профессиональной образовательной программы по специальности СПО 040101 Социальная работа
Валуйки, 2013 Разработчики: ГБОУ СПО «Валуйский колледж» преподаватель Ю.Н. Колтыкова Формы контроля и оценивания учебной дисциплины
Критерии оценки письменных ответов
Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств Область применения комплекта оценочных средств Комплект оценочных средств предназначен для оценки результатов освоения иностранного языка (английского). Комплект оценочных средств. Задания для проведения экзамена.
Задание №1 (практическое) Практическое задание, направленное на проверку умения понимать основное содержание и основную идею текста, отделять главное от второстепенного, понимать структурно-смысловые связи текста. Текст задания: Прочитайте текст. The Universe
1) We can see many galaxies from the Earth but many more are beyond our vision. In all there are about 100 billion galaxies in the Universe. We can see them in every direction. Some are so close, or so large, we can make out their shapes and their individual stars. We see them through telescopes, either on land or in orbit around Earth. 2) The Sun, like all other stars, is a glowing sphere of hot gas. It is a fairly average, medium hot, yellow star which, along with billions more, makes up a galaxy. This vast spiral-shaped grouping of stars is our home galaxy, The Milky Way. With about 30 others it forms a cluster of galaxies in space. Together they are called the Local Group. All over the Universe are many more clusters of galaxies which in turn are arranged in super clusters. 3). The Universe consists of everything in space, and space itself. It is unimaginably large, constantly changing and getting larger all the time. The Universe is everything that exists – from the smallest creatures on Earth to the largest, distant structures in space. The Universe is also an active place. Everything in it follows a life cycle, whether it is a human who lives 70-80 years, or a star for 10 billion years. The process is continual as each object in the Universe is born, lives and then dies. 4). The Sun dominates the Solar System. It is the largest and the most massive object made of over 95% of all the Solar System material. The rest objects orbit the Sun. These are 9 planets, billions of asteroids and comets. Because of the Sun’s great size, it has a powerful gravity and controls the movements of the planets. 5) Our planet seems important and large compared to a human being that lives upon it. Yet the Earth is a tiny speck when compared to the rest of the Universe. The Earth is one of nine planets orbiting the star called Sun. There are more stars than anything else in the Universe. It is impossible to count them but we can estimate there are at least 100 billion.
1) Расположите абзацы в логической последовательности, согласно заголовкам.
2) Найдите определения в тексте.
1. The Universe a) is the Sun and its group of objects that orbit it. 2. The Earth b) is the thousands of galaxies, stars and planets that are visible from the Earth 3. The Sun c) is an enormous group of stars held together by gravity. 4. Galaxy d) is a planet goes round the Sun. 5. The Solar System e) is the nearest star to the Earth.
3) Найдите синонимы.
Задание №2 (практическое) Практическое задание, направленное на проверку умения использовать лексику в коммуникативном контексте с учетом специфики: форм одного слова и слов, близких по написанию и звучанию; значений одного слова и его синонимов, антонимов, омонимов; норм лексической сочетаемости, принятых в английском языке. Текст задания: Прочитайте текст и вставьте подходящие слова, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов. A burglar wanted to steal a valuable picture. One night he ___ (1) into the house and went into the hall. Suddenly a ghost entered the hall. The robber was so much shocked he could hardly ____ (2). ''Hi! - said the ghost. What a pretty costume. Very life-like!'' At that moment a smiling vampirecame in. In his hand he was holding a glass with some red liquid. The vampire shouted, ''How nice you ___ (3), we are running ___(4) of the drink. The burglar rushed ___ (5) the house. On the gate he saw the following words: ''Like ___ (6) up? Our party is just for you!'' It was only a Halloween party. If he only had known about it! The burglar thought that after ___ (7) time he ___ (8) no more.
1. A broke В broken C had broken 2. A Stay В stand C stop 3. A came В have come C are coming 4. A away В off C out 5. A out of В away from C through 6. A clothing В dressing C putting 7. A it В then C this 8. A steal В will steal C would steal
Задание №3 (практическое) Практическое задание, направленное на понимание структурно-смысловых связей между отдельными фрагментами предложения, в том числе и с учетом существующих грамматических и лексических норм сочетаемости, принятых в английском языке. Текст задания: Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A5– A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
Have you ever been to the Wetland Centre? It is situated in London, on the banks of the River Thames. The Centre is home to some rare and beautiful wildlife including over 180 species of birds, bats, grass snakes, slow worms and butterflies. The Wetland Centre is opened 7 days a week except 25 December. Whatever the time of the year or weather, there is always something to see and do. You can walk among the lakes, ponds and meadows or join free guided tours and learn more about this fantastic 42 hectare wildlife reserve. You can feed ducks, geese and swans from around the world. If you are tired, you can have a cup of coffee and delicious home-made cakes in the café. In the Adventure Area young visitors can go through great water vole tunnels, climb the vertical wall, play water games in the Discovery Centre or watch our Planet Water film in the cinema. At weekends and during the school holidays there are additional activities for them, for example, a nightmare safari. It’s a favourite with children and teenagers. But, according to the rules, children under 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
In our gift shop you can find lots of wildlife books, eco products, outdoor clothing, cards, children's gifts and souvenirs of your visit to the centre. Visitors are asked to respect the wildlife of the centre by walking on the paths at all times and not making loud noise. Using scooters, bicycles, roller skates or skateboards is not allowed in the Centre. However, this doesn’t mean that sport is prohibited in the Centre. You might see people jogging and exercising here. The Wetland Centre is really worth visiting.
a) The Wetland Centre is open all year round. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
b) Watching wildlife is the only entertainment in the Centre. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
c) There are special entertainment programmes for children. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Задание №1. 1)
2) 1- b 2 - d 3- e 4- c 5- a 3) Comprise - consist Remote - distant Significant - important Approximate - estimate Ball - sphere Huge - massive Dot - speck Unbelievably - unimaginably
Задание №2. 1 A; 2 B; 3 B; 4 C; 5 B; 6 B; 7 C; 8 C
Задание №3. a) True b) False c) True Условия выполнения задания 1. Место (время выполнения задания): кабинет №25 2. Максимальное время выполнения задания: 130 минут 3. Литература:
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