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Чтобы правильно выполнить контрольную работу, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка:

1. Сложные формы инфинитива (Passive Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive).

2. Complex Object, Complex Subject.

3. Причастия (Participle I, II). Независимый (самостоятельный) причастный оборот.

4. Past Perfect. Sequence of Tenses.

Новые слова:

legal form – юр. юридическая [правовая] форма (какой-л. операции, какого-л. действиящ)

sole proprietorship – единоличное владение

partnership – компания, товарищество

limited company – товарищество, общество, компания с ограниченной ответственностью

revenue – доход, выручка

expense – расход, трата

assets – активы, средства, имущество, капитал

liabilities – долг, задолженность; платежное обязательство

retail store – магазин, торгующий в розницу

partnership agreement – договор/соглашение о сотрудничестве

obligation – обязательство, обязанность, долг

general partnership – юр. полное товарищество, товарищество с неограниченной ответственностью

limited partnership – юр. товарищество на вере, коммандитное товарищество

joint venture – юр. совместное предприятие, совместная деятельность

share – акция

stock – акционерный капитал

board of directors – упр. совет директоров

company officer – должностное лицо компании, член руководства компании (напр., один из директоров компании)

objective – цель

I. Выберите слово, близкое по значению данному.


1. nice a) deep, b) good, c) bad.

1b. nice – good.

1. operate a) create, b) involve, c) manage

2. sole a) legal, b) separate, c) single

3. proprietor a) lawyer, b) owner, c) accountant

4. possess a) have, b) express, c) appoint

5. obligation a) implication, b) consequences, c) responsibility

6. corporation a) limited company, b) agreement, c) requirement

7. objective a) resource, b)ownership, c) goal

8. to elect a) to choose, b) to refer, c) to operate

9. skill a) practice, b) ability, c) service

10. oral a) legal, b) written, c) unwritten


II. Выберите слово, противоположное по значению данному.


1. easy a) difficult, b) long, c) beautiful.

1a. easy – difficult.

1. to buy a) to determine, b) to raise, c) to sell

2. assets a) liabilities, b) ventures, c) proprietorships

3. revenues a) expenses, b) stores, c) shares

4. general a) annual, b) specific, c) sole

5. joint a) limited, b) individual, c) separate


III. Выберите английское словосочетание, соответствующее русскому варианту.


1. educational institution а) учебное заведение;

b) обучающая программа.

1а. educational institution – учебное заведение.

1. соглашение о сотрудничестве а) general partnership,

b) partnership agreement;

2. совет директоров а) board of directors,

b) director’s advice;

3. совместное предприятие а) limited partnership,

b) joint venture;

4. должностное лицо компании а) company face,

b) company officer.


IV. Из данных слов выберите то, которое закончит предложение.


1. June, July and August are summer ….

1. June, July and August are summer months.


enterprise, available, appointed, expansion, responsibilities, requirements


1. There were no tickets … for Friday’s performance.

2. The novel was an … of his short story.

3. As Miss Martin met all the …, she was hired as the new secretary.

4. He’s the head of a large … that sells automobiles.

5. He was … chairman of the committee.


I. По выделенному суффиксу определите часть речи.


1. constitution a) прилагательное, б) существительное.

1б. constitution – существительное


1. accountant a) существительное, б) прилагательное;

2. annual a) существительное, б) прилагательное;

3. liability a) прилагательное, б) глагол;

4. available a) наречие, б) прилагательное;

5. limited a) причастие I, б) причастие II.


II. По выделенным словообразовательным суффиксам определите, какое из английских слов соответствует предъявленному русскому слову.


1. director a) руководитель, б) руководить.

1а. director – руководитель.

1. agreement a) соглашаться, б) соглашение;

2. expansion a) расширение, б) расширенный;

3. appointing a) назначить, б) назначение;

4. operated a) управляющий, б) управляемый;

5. following a) следующий, б) следовать.


III. Выберите правильный вариант.


1. John and Ted … managers.

a) am, b) is, c) are, d) be.

1c. John and Ted are managers.

A) Sequence of Tenses.

1. At 9:00, Rick Thompson’s bank manager phoned and said that his credit card payment … late.

a) is, b) was, c) had;

2. Mark said he … me soon.

a) saw, b) will see, c) would see;

3. Robert Walsh told him that the show … him laugh.

a) has made, b) had made, c) made;

4. Jessica sail Andrew … still … at that time.

a) was … working, b) had … worked, c) - … worked;

5. Tessa told me she … spaghetti.

a) like, b) doesn’t like, c) didn’t like.


B) Participle I / Participle II.

1. Have a look at the picture … by W. Hogarth.

a) painting, b) painted;

2. The street was full of people … home.

a) laughing and going, b) laughed and gone;

3. Manuel went in … his suitcase.

a) carrying, b) carried.


C) Infinitive.

1. Would you like … to good music?

a) listen, b) to listen, c) to be listened;

2. I was glad … to him.

a) to have spoken, b) to be spoken, c) to have been spoken;

3. Peter wanted … to the party by Ann.

a) to invite, b) to be invited, c) to have invited;

4. It was pleasant … the car again.

a) to be driving, b) to be driven, c) to have been driven;

5. How can the problem …?

a) solve, b) be solved, c) to be solved.

D) Complex Object.

1. I want you … a speech.

a) to make, b) make, c) made;

2. They heard someone … the door.

a) to close, b) closed, c) close;

3. She wouldn’t let me … the letter.

a) read, b) reads, c) to read;

4. Alison knew them … right.

a) were, b) be, c) to be.


IV. Подчеркните структуру Complex Subject и переведите предложения.

1. John is unlikely to know her address.

2. I happened to see Sarah in town.

3. The car was seen to disappear in the distance.

4. The delegation is reported to have left Moscow.


Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.

1. If you want to start a new firm, you think about what legal form to choose. This means to determine the status of the business in the eyes of the law. The choice has very important consequences.

2. There are three major legal forms of ownership: sole proprietorship, the partnership and the limited company. It is important which form of ownership is involved because the different characteristics of each will influence the operation of the firm. Some of the factors that should affect the decision include plans for expansion, product or service to be sold, needs for raising capital now and in the following years, liability characteristics of the planned firm, the proprietor’s available investment funds, need for continued life of the firm, alternatives for bringing desired people into the firm, and legal requirements of the particular locality.

3. A sole proprietorship is a business owned and usually operated by a single individual. Its major characteristic is that the owner and the business are one and the same. In other words, the revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities of the sole proprietorship are also the revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities of the owner. A sole proprietorship is also referred to as the proprietorship, single proprietorship, individual proprietorship, and individual enterprise.

4. A sole proprietorship is the oldest and most common form of ownership. Some examples include small retail stores, doctors' and lawyers' practices and restaurants.

5. A partnership is an unincorporated enterprise owned by two or more individuals. A partnership agreement, oral or written, expresses the rights and obligations of each partner. For example, one partner may have the financial resources to start the business while the other partner may possess the management skills to operate the firm. There are three types of partnerships: general partnerships, limited partnerships, and joint ventures. The most common form is the general partnership, often used by lawyers, doctors, dentists, and chartered accountants.

6. Limited companies, unlike proprietorships or partnerships, are created by law and are separate from the people who own and manage them. Limited companies are also referred to as corporations. In limited companies, ownership is represented by shares of stock. The owners, at an annual meeting, elect a board of directors, which has the responsibility of appointing company officers and setting the enterprise’s objectives.


Задания к тексту

I. Закончите предложение. Выберите все возможные варианты.

The factors that affect new firm planners when they choose a legal form of business are

1. need for continued life of the firm;

2. ownership represented by shares of stock;

3. legal requirements of the particular locality;

4. revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities of the sole proprietorship;

5. liability characteristics of the planned firm;

6. product or service to be sold;

7. plans for expansion;

8. the rights and obligations of each partner;

9. the proprietor’s available investment funds;

10. small retail stores, doctors' and lawyers' practices and restaurants;

11. alternatives for bringing desired people into the firm;

12. needs for raising capital now and in the following years.



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